So this is the power of video game storytelling...
So this is the power of video game storytelling
>Told entirely through cutscenes
>Take popular genre
>Make it seem like an average game
>"Deconstruct" it by pretty much making the player out to be an asshole and break the 4th wall
"Books and movies WISH they could be as interactive as this!"
deez nuts
I've hear of this game so much but I haven't played it yet
Is the deconstruction subtle and intelligent or everyone just randomly starts shouting you're a monster and you're going to hell for this?
Boy, what a fucking ride. My favourite book by far, and I have read alot
>No cutscenes
>Story told through item descriptions and World
>Enemy locations, enemy designs creates a narrative
>having to look up lore videos on YouTube is good in game story telling
Interactivity is really only an advantage for games on paper. Actually writing a plot for a video game that adapts based on player choice is very time extensive even for simple game branches.
>Soulsbornebabbies think story and lore are the same thing
>Think your character magically knowing the history of everything they pick up is any better than cutscenes or shit like conveniently placed audio tapes
>You figure out both the gameplay and the story and reasons of people and events
>That's bad! I want people to tell me exactly what happened
Why do people think this again?
I didn't like how negatively it portrayed the American military.
if this were an actual film it would be shat on for be so heavy handed and condescending (not to mention generic, because this sort of approach to war stories has been done in movies since WW1), but because the the average quality of video game storytelling is so low, its praised as some sort of masterpiece.
Realism in vidya is boring.
What's even better is that most of the "lore" might as well be fanfiction.
The most potent and impactful part of the game is at the end and you are fully in control. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you haven’t played the game. and no, I’m not just talking about the choice to shoot Conrad or shoot yourself
how do you think the people who made those lore videos actual found out about any of it?
Lol what do you think your military is actually doing though?
>defending United States of Israel army
It actually is. It seems cliche’d at first but the game does a great job by the end to really make it click for you. Also it may require multiple playthroughs to see the “real” ending(s) as there are points in the game where you make choices and it can change how the game progresses (including access to an Epilogue level).
>read item desc
>link it to something ingame
>fill in the gaps with your own speculation to make it seem like Miyazaki planned any of this shit and wasn't just making a game world with cool things with most of the world's context/lore being an after thought
>game consists of generic rooty tooty cover shooty
All the while I'm thinking, am I evil for playing the game, or are the devs for not allowing me not to shoot the enemies? Who is the bigger "hero"?
Pile of psued drivel, threw it away after I was done reading it
Friendly reminder that Walker did LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG. Have you seen what these savages done to Lugo? Fucking scum. He should've killed more.
>DUDE shooting pixels and following the game's story is bad!!!
fuck off