>say words
>Activision-Blizzard steals your game
How is this legal?
Say words
Other urls found in this thread:
You deserve it.
Piracy isn't stealing but this is?
hey retard, maybe dont be a fucking sperg and you wont get banned
based blizz
What game? But yeah online gaming is a waste of time for many reasons now but this is part of it. I haven't played anything online since TF2.
Baiting people into saying reportable things is the most fun part of OW.
Maybe in a couple years if I honk at an old lady Toyota will take away my car too
>buying from blizzard
>sign ToS agreement
>break said agreement
How is it so hard for you assholes to understand? If you can't help throwing around slurs then don't sign a thing saying you won't. Its really fucking simple.
Woah, this is gonna be a big thread.
>playing a game where playing the wrong champ and saying ggwp can get you banned
lmao you asked for it
Maybe you shouldn't act like a 12 year old gayboi who just discovered the "redpill" next time
Cringe OP, you probably need 24/7 adult supervision or you go full sperg
Imagine being this pathetic, what's it like lad?
Piracy is me playing a copy of a game. This is Blizzard telling you to check your wrong thinking and punishing a paying customer.
that's what you get when games are all digital, if it were warcraft 3 or starcraft you could still singleplayer at least
>it's another "OP got banned for being an absolute twat and has come to Yea Forums to complain about it" episode
This. I call everyone faggot/nigger and have never been booted from a game much less banned. Got to choose your games.
I bet you expected Yea Forums to take your side. Get fucked nerd.
>developers steal your game
>pirate from now on
Stealing from thieves is alright and you shouldn't feel bad about it.
>buy a game
>read ToS, but don't press on "I Agree"
>now do whatever I want with the game and even copy and sell it for my own profit
Videogames as a service, my man. You're not using a good, you're involved in constant service that can be pulled back any time for any reason. That's what they want videogames to be.
they did you a service by preventing you from playing their shitty games
>>say words
>company allows you to keep the software you paid for
>bans your access to the servers the software uses, because you broke server rules
gg no re
>be an absolute shitbag
>get justice
>cry about it
Im on his side.
>muh invisible moral measuring stick that only I can read
Talk shit get banged. Literally fucking based.
>being suprised that blizzard banned you for trivial shit
What's your next revelation going to be? That ME3 sucked?
>Acting like you're on Yea Forums outside of the Yea Forums
How much of a newfag can you be?
>implying the AI in your self-driving car would allow you to honk
you agreed to the TOS when you started playing, retard.
don't agree to it if you don't want to be subject to it.
>Company gives you access to game on the condition that you pay and agree to not do certain things
>you explicitly agree not to do these things
>do them
>whine when access is taken away
and before some retard says "access" is bullshit and you should own the game, tough shit, you don't own most AAA games
>tell ISIS to shut up
>get banned
how is that fair?
Bro you lost a access to a copy. It's just data.
I don't have to act like an edgy kid online to get my kicks so I'm feeling pretty good.
>playing a trash game
>engaging with trash people in a trashy way
>posting a trash thread
> he doesn't have a go at muslims irl
I'd say the disgust at them is weaker here than in general discussion
Ur a idort
Also, it says "your account" so that's all your blizzard games. Unless you only have one of course.
Not an argument
Next time don't agree to their ToS
>go into private place
>spout bullshit like OP does
>get kicked out
No you moderate yourself to keep being allowed to play videogames. Literally imagine that as an adult.
difference is i actually paid for this data
>pirate game
>say word
>money stolen
Yeah imagine being an adult and having to moderate your own speech around other people instead of just screaming "FAGGOT NIGGER KIKE TRANNY" at everyone you meet, who does that
>But absolutely needed
You absolutely need to be cooked in a brazen bull.
>say racist things
>get banned
Fucking sjdubs, amirite?
>Break EULA
>Get game taken away
What about it?
I just started pirating because of this shit. Literally had never not paid for a game up until january. Can't believe i spent that much money.
what if i'm rping you dirty orc fucker?
Your own fault. It's not like people didn't tell you that you shouldn't buy their games.
>OP says goat fucker
>"btw nobody calls them goat fuckers anymore"
I don't know, if i feel like calling someone a faggot I'll do just that and it's never given me any problem.
>leave Yea Forums
>continue posting like you're on Yea Forums
Faggots like you deserve to be banned from the rest of the internet.
You can pay to access a museum too, they're still gonna throw you out if you start harassing the other patrons.
It's another episode of
>By buying this game I accepted a EULA that states if I say shit blizzard doesn't like then they will take away my copy of the game, and now I'm confused why they took away my copy of the game after saying shit blizzard doesn't like
Stop giving those faggots your money retard jfc
>roleplaying on public servers
>buy game from faggots
>agree to their terms
>be surprised when they act like faggots
I hate their no-fun-allowed rules too but you're an idiot for buying from them in the first place
>playing blizzard games in current year
Y I K E S ! ! !
What law says you can't have a license taking away if you break the license holder's rules?
Holy fuck the amount of blizzshills in this thread is laughable
>defending shitty SJW company
>defending the fact that they can ban you for expressing yourself the way you want
I can just smell the soi
>absolutely needed
i didnt realize blizzard gms were the arbiters of total morality
Defending corporations is omega edgy
>here's why games as a service is a good thing!
people like you are why everything is so fucking shit btw
>so many people thinking this is somehow an okay thing
holy fucking christ, what happend to this place? not the OP but you're all a bunch of fucking cucks, holy shit. get that fucking corporate cock out of your mouths.
Take them to court then
>shut up isis
How is that offensive in any way?
I don't like the trend toward paying for licenses, I just don't sympathize with people who do it and complain that they suffered the consequences.
KYS /pol/tard.
Discord groups just keep an eye out for threads to jump in on to try and establish a prevailing attitude.
It's not "ok" as in that I agree it's a good thing, needed, or even fair, but rather in that it's enforcement of agreed upon rules and the contract breakers fault.
It's already Canon that OP is retarded. I guess that should have been a warning though.
Stfu retard.
Blizzard are redpilled and know that isis are just accurate to quranic instructions, given that they don't allow you to be critical of islam it follows you cant tell isis to shutup.
>some idiot comes into your store and starts talking shit to the customers
>hey buddy get the fuck out
>yeah fuck off or we'll call the police
This ultimately. I'd support OP getting a refund or pirating, i pirate now for this reason. However if you buy a blizzard/ubisoft/dice tier game you've got to know this might happen.
Grow up.
Not wrongthink, just wrongtype.
99.99% of ToS that games use are purposefully vague so they can ban you for whatever they want. Fuck off.
Just do want you are told, obey and conform and nothing will happen.
Well depends. If they were conversing and as part of it he called them a dune coon he would have a case to make if he were removed. If he just went up to people raging then it's different.
>food analogy
It is an okay thing though, retard. A company is within its rights do this. As you are within yours to ignore them and not buy it if you don't like it.
Just because I think the service itself and their policies are retarded, doesn't mean I have to sperg out about it like a 12 year old autist.
You signed some agreement where you forfeited all of your rights, great job.
ToS's and EULA's almost never actually legally binding.
>See this box you clicked. It means you gave up your 1st amendment rights and we can steal your money.
>Yea Forums - Video Games & Corporate
Only you ladditor man baby incels care about mean words
>act like an edgy polmutt
>get banned
fucking kek based blizz, maybe one day people will learn to stay in their containment board. even mlp and vp are more we’ll behaved than you
Someone has actually lost money in this case
any game that bans you for saying you want to kill all the niggies isn't a real game and is rather a cuck simulator
Is the state of blizzard prosecuting OP for wrong speech?
half this thread is on his side and 2/3rds of the other half are just contrarians baiting for (You)s. Go back to resetera faggot.
That's a shitty ass analogy, retard.
>Pay money to go to concert
>Run around screaming "nigger nigger nigger fuck turban heads"
>Get kicked out
>"Wow they stole my money I didn't even get to see the concert"
Play Jew games win Jew prizes.
Shouldn't be surprised due to all the shilling that goes on here, and the amount of electionfags from reddit, and capeshit media consuming crossboarders
This. Either shit or get off the pot. If you want to bitch at other people in public chat about muh Mudslims, you're going to have to accept either buying DRM-free games which gives you a limited library, buying physical copies so you can claim actual ownership of your copy and they can't take it away, or accepting that companies own free speech now solely by virtue of owning all the public spaces that people use to converse.
Its a sad thing, but its true. There's absolutely nothing illegal about it, its the death of free speech that every presidential cabinet and government official has been hoping for since the birth of the internet, and they don't have to step on any laws or strike down any amendments to do it. They just have to make a deal with the companies that own the space on whats "Acceptable" and whats "Dangerous", and those companies can enforce it in the spaces they legally own.
But they don't, they can you for the obvious reason. I ran a server where the we ruled we could ban anyone we wanted. We never did though, we just banned people for breaking the main rules. It's just a cover your ass statement.
>How is it so hard for you assholes to understand? If you can't help throwing around slurs then don't sign a thing saying you won't. Its really fucking simple.
This is an exact picture of the guy who said this
Unironically this.
Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be a racist shit-head.
You agreed to a ToS upon receipt
Muslims aren't a race you fucking faggot
First amendment rights only mean you won't suffer legal consequences for it. Not that you can yell slurs in someones house and they can't kick you out
>agree to rules
>break rules, get punished and self righteous
How is this rational?
Which law buddy? Just try to say first amendment please.
I wish I saved my screenshot. Guy was being obnoxious on voice chat and doing bong rips, so I turned voice chat off. Informed him I turned it off because his voice is obnoxious and hes acting retarded. Got a 2 week long ban for it.
He's clearly directing it to a person. If you have an argument at a concert you wouldn't be expected to keep it to "hey you meanie" "don't be a nasty head!".
What law says you can shout "Nigger" in a privately maintained space and they can't tell you to leave lol
you don't pay to walk in a 7-11
>say things that will obviously get you banned in current age online games
You just wanted a screenshot to make a shitty thread, didn't you?
> "just be stupid then you'll get on swell!"
based retard
for fucks sake you fags fall for this same fucking bait every time
i don't know whether to be mad at people humoring this with serious responses, or if I should be congratulating OP for netting himself a fine harvest of (you)s
This guy gets it. It doesn’t matter what OP said, the only thing that is taken into account is whether you get reported or not. OP wasn’t banned because he violated the ToS he was banned because the faggot he was reeing at reported him.
You also would be kicked out for using racial slurs towards a person if it got reported to someone with authority at the venue, its just vastly easier to report behavior online.
based retard
But it's not a house, it's a service. You legally can't deny service based upon political beliefs.
You (((forgot))) the first part:
>7/11 comes to "idiots" area
>"idiot" and his buddys are what made 7/11 big and kept it with their money afloat
>"Idiot", his buddy and the owner were a close group, banter included
>Ownership of the 7/11 suddenly changed
NOW you can talk.
Based Chadzzard dabbing on edgy kid
Yea Forums is a pro-Blizzard board they are /ourguys/ even more than Nintendo
>pay for cucked games like a cuck
>complains about getting cucked
christ, I wish /pol/ would leave.
>do something that is clearly against the ToS
>get banned
Could you be ANY more retarded? Jesus dude
>early 00's
>call someone a gay nigger online
>get banned
>laugh it off and play some other shit
>call someone a gay nigger online
>get banned
just checking
Profitability will die over time then.
it's a private company, they have the right to enforce certain things beyond what your little 13-year old brain can understand.
You'd be kicked out of a spa for the same reason
In what fucking world. People used to spray child porn in CS and were fine despite it being actually illegal.
You deserve it for playing this piece of shit game
>playing classic
>in barrens
>somebody says retard
>banned for not replying "...yikes!" within 15 seconds
>t. not a lawyer
>thinking that edgily shouting slurs is a political belief
I'm on his side, he just shouldn't play fag games for fags, women and niggers
Not actual faggotry though. My gym has "tenporarily" had the sauna and steam room shut for over a year now because homos kept fucking in it despite complaints.
True but t.girlfriend IS a lawyer.
Ladditors homos just pretend their morality is the past. Just a bunch of virgin niggers
I mean, they probably banned the guys they caught. But there's always more just waiting in the wings, you can't keep up
>say word
>blizzard censors you
ummm wtf?
Insulting people isn’t being a twat now? Why not just admit you’re a twat instead of being a faggot on top of that too.
2 people were talking to each other as friends making fun of each other, a third party moderator steps in and regulates the way the friends are talking because it will make the company look bad if media spins it, nobody was "talking shit" to anybody you absolute corporate dick eater
no you won't retard
>talk about niggers and sex infront of crashiers
>nothing happens
now go about screaming shit and doing retarded shit and you will be kicked out
>paying for the authorization to play a game
hahaha, paypigs are truly retards.
Wow I've never been so turned on and disgusted at the same time. They're obviously retarded and think they'll get backlash and be called homophobic. Maybe they would, but still it's their establishment.
a pretty shit one i assume
>insulting anyone is a political belief
Based retard. Go to any service and try and do that and watch them kick you out.
Then she should know that you can deny service based on anything that's not someone's status as a protected class. Speech is included as long as the service provider can claim that the actions made other customers feel threatened and unsafe.
its fucking zoomers man. Whats worse is that its spring vacation in Burgerland so you can expect more shit threads.
Yes you will dumb ass, just because some people are afraid to act on their right to deny you service didn't mean they can't do it.
Be nicer.
Not every game was on Steam user, believe it or not.
because you're an incel who never steps outside
try doing that face to face
Capitalism. Want to stop the asshole owning class from stealing? Work incrementally to weaken capitalism so it can be abolished
>act like a shit
>get time out by the mod team
>this is what coddled little zoomers and demi-zoomer 20-somethingfags consider an egregious violation of their interminable rights
>they UNIRONICALLY become libertarian annoyers who have to point out that everything is apparently fucked up like a right-wing IRL Darcia
>based blizz
Why do you leftypol subhumans worship niggers?
you deserved it and I am laughing at you
This one has to be fake unless they literally just autoban if somebody reports you.
>agree to terms of service
>break terms of service
>lose access to game
Seems fine to me
>Enter into a contract which specifies that you will exchange money for video game data, and the vendor will provide this to you on the condition that you do not repudiate the contract by harming the experience of other players through racial and other offensive terms
>You repudiate the contract and the vendor withdraws from the contract
Wow OP you are intelligent, how smart are you
>insulting one of the protected groups
Oof, be happy you are not in jail, you nazi
>walk in burger king
>order a burger
>start harassing the people eating there
>get thrown out
>WTF fucking kikes stole my food
This is how you look like
>Baiting people into saying reportable things is the most fun part of OW.
How old are you?
>You legally can't deny service based upon political beliefs.
>the_donald magapedes believe insulting random people in a children's game is a political belief
I don't get it, they could just permanently shut you up so you can't talk to others at all but still play the game. Why ban from the game entirely?
I never signed anything incel, I clicked a button
>sign a legal contract
>break the contract
>there are repercussions
Because fuck nazis and fuck Trump
I don't why gaming has turned this way. You should have just been banned but rude behavior in general.
Instead the actual subject mattered but only because it was fucking Muslims. Blizzard is more inclined to ingore someone say they're going beat the shit out of you but will pay full attention to:
Hope they fucking burn.
Blizzard ban's you even if you don't violate the TOS. If you play off meta heroes and get reported you are fucked.
Fuck Blizzard and fuck all those sjw who work for Blizzard.
This is how to kill Blizzard and all of their basedboy whiteknights
>muh ToS
everytime, just imagine being a homosexual
You aren’t competing with other museum-goers. How is that comparable at all?
You don't have to
Neoliberal right wingers are insane.
>Government shouldn't have any input in how business are run.
>Wahhh wahhh help me government.
Okay there, Mr. John Locke,,,,
>say goat fucker
>nobody calls them goat fuckers anymore
Shut the fuck up, you nobody.
old enough to fuck your whore mother LMAO
>Agreed to rules
>Break rules
>Act like a bitch about it
WHAT A SHOCKER! This is always the dumbest bait and is great for outing dumb cocksuckers like OP.
Back to redshit you faggot
ITT Yea Forums BTFO /po/lack retard
>Be OP
>Be racist in an ONLINE video game
>Get banned
Gee, I wonder why you subhuman faggot. .
Nobody is talking about government except you. Your diatribe is embarrassing.
this, video games are a services, and companies can terminate your service for any bullshit reason. Reap what you sow.
t. underage Zoomer
Yea Forums is a Sony and Blizzard board we've always hated racist anime incels
if you buy games with game-wide bans you're a corporate ballgargler normalfaggot and should hang yourself promptly
good games support user hosted servers and don't require matchmaking
>Autists can't act like adults think people care about their opinion.
Must be fake, when I was playing Overwatch on and off a couple of months ago I got silenced and suspended multiple times without every saying anything racist (pretty hard that one) and only responding to assholes. Wrote a ticked asking for explanation and an example of what I supposedly said to warrant that. Never got one, not once. They always tell you they can't give examples or proofs because of "privacy reasons".
Of course they are lying because their system is automated.
>Tranny says it's justified to kick someone out for being a twat
>spends all day on Yea Forums trying to wage his "holey war", shitting up the board as much as possible
Ok, so when do you leave?
Great counter argument!
>play HotS
>losing streak
>for the first time ever I tell our kael to stop using his trait on his Q because it doesnt do any extra damage on minion waves and he needs the mana for teamfights coming up
>say so as lightly and politely as possible
>just tells me to focus on my own game
>get 1 week suspension
uninstalled on the spot, same with this shit moba disguised as a shooter
>Go into grocery store
>strip down to underwear
>security comes to take you out
literally you
>Agree to ToS saying you'll behave
>Don't behave
>Get punished for it
>Cry on a mongolian throat singing forum
"us saying nigger is what kept companies afloat"
shouldnt just getting your account muted forever be a more fair punishment?
It's okay because overwatch is a shit game and you shouldn't be playing it
It's like complaining shit tastes like shit, why are you eating it in the first place
>Agree to ToS saying you won't act like a retard
>act like a retard
>get banned
Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence. How hard is this for you little faggots to understand?
That's something an incel would say, I'm going to ban your account as a precautionary measure.
Oh no, discord tranny is calling it' s discord server friends to spam Yea Forums threads again.
itt: socially retarded autists speak like they're in Yea Forums when they're not in Yea Forums and then complain about it
Bad moves like paying for a blizzard game should be punished like this.
>Food analogies
>He doesn't know about 1st & 2nd amendment auditors (aka walking armed into police stations and when treated like possible threats cry muh freedoms)
The USA has become a magical land in this post modern world...
>Obsessed with niggers and can't not mention them at every opportunity.
>Thinking its other people that worship them.
>rules say "don't say words"
>say words
Are you DSP by chance?
Because its likely they'll just grief constantly and ruin the game for everyone else.
sorry wrong vid
>thinks shit is food
Yeah im not even annoyed at them, whilst i don't get the appeal on sex in a sauna of all places i still enjoy that they disregarded the cucked management and kept going back for more until they literally just closed it all down. They could bang in the staff room and they'd probably all just close their eyed.
Who do you think makes these fucking laws? I presume you want them overturned right?
Or where you just complaining about something and not wanting anything done about it?
Did this retard walked in police station carriying a rifle
>buy AAA always online matchmaking only game
>call people niggers
>get banned from playing the game
>woooow why is this allowed?
>complain on Yea Forums
>buy the game again to keep playing it and/or buy future games from the same developers and publishers with the same features
>call people niggers
>get banned from playing the game
>woooow why is this allowed?
>complain on Yea Forums
>buy the game again to keep playing it and/or buy future games from the same developers and publishers with the same features
>call people niggers
>get banned from playing the game
>woooow why is this allowed?
>complain on Yea Forums
>buy the game again to keep playing it and/or buy future games from the same developers and publishers with the same features
i wonder what you could do to prevent this. HINT: i don't mean not calling people niggers
Safe spaces are so boring. Thats why there bleeding players so much.
Some white faggot probably reported him. Disturbing to think any male alive and old enough to play games nerds blizzard to protect them from banter
/pol/tards are literally Saul in this case
Except in any game made before current year you could say whatever you want.
Okay mate.
In there NHL they punish but not or less tolerate fights. That’s the game if hockey. It’s what they do. Ask a fan why it’s allowed and they don’t know but they don’t want it to go away .
Getting on vidya and stopping the fights is gay and kills the sport.
Yes it does.
Any contract supersedes law along as it wasnt signed under duress or strips you of human rights.
>play tf2
>everyone calling each other nigger faggots
>no one triggered
Imagine if you got banned for your opinion on race? Would you be pissed?
>go to movie theatre
>when the movie starts repeatedly shout nigger while running up and down the front aisle
>get kicked out
>buy game
>can't play it until you 'sign' illegal ToS
Is that duress?
Not true
Hate isn't an opinion bigot, enjoy bleeding money for your old white man worship
truly a based game, in the end TF2 will have more years of activity than Overwatch has players
Yes and a few weeks after pic related happened.
Why do all your examples involve someone screaming at everyone. It's not true to the circumstance and isn't particularly funny either. Sorry.
imagine being so racist that you lump an entire world religion, spanning multiple continents, into being a single race
>I paid for my shit burger that means I can go to the McDonald's playground and scream "nigger faggot" at little kids. Me getting kicked out for that would LITERALLY be a human rights violation
It primarily attracts the low IQ and disposed to incel violence so you may as well lump them into one race: collective subhumanity.
retards like you are the vidya equivalent of sovereign citizens
Keep you /pol/ shit on Yea Forums and don't reveal your powerlevel. How hard can it be?
The attention the thread gets is the equivalent of Reddit Karma. Move on.
OP's a dingus for buying an always online game by a company that get's super "touchy feely" for PR points. OP, you're an idiot for not expecting this. That's the fault.
my playing overwatch routing is
>3 days of playing
>3 weeks of suspension for calling teammates idiots
It's the exact same joke again! If i laugh will you stop posting slight variations?
>Pay for shit
>Accept contract
>Breach contract
>Get mad when service owners make you accountable for your actions
Fucking grow up you manchild.
If redditors had kept their shit on reddit OP never would have been banned. It goes both ways.
t. normalfag that uses facebook and discord
>sign up to online service
>agree to TOS
>violate TOS
>get removed
no shit m8
Go to disneyland and act like a sperg, they'll kick you out and won't refund you either.
You paid for a license for that "data." You agreed to terms of service, you have nothing but your own impotent rage; deal with it and move on.
And could still get banned be it some dude's server or official ones.
Lol ok
>I have to telegraph to everyone that I post frog images on a Singaporean motion picture forum
Disney land don't make you pay prior to giving you their terms.
>crybaby commies want the government to bail you out for breaking ToS
Why do /pol/fags whine more about corporations conducting private business more than literal marxists?
You can look up the terms of any online game before buying it. I'm pretty sure that's even a right in the EU.
Why do liberals suck corporate cock so much? I can’t get my car taken away for calling someone a nigger.
>all these butthurt replies
Based logicposter
>difference is i actually paid for this data
No you didn't, you paid for the right to use the data, while agreeing to the terms stating the conditions in which this right can be revoked from you. You're a literal cuck.
Literally no-one got banned. I never heard of any bannings prior to about 2008. It was a given that online was full of griefing, shouting and cheating and it was a lot of fun.
>contact your credit card company
>perform a chargeback
What is it with americans and bringing up 'muh rights' whenever something doesn't go their way?
Is this their WE WUZ type of shit? Fucking pussies tbqhfam
If i bought just a license then it's false advertising cause i'm pretty sure i bought a game.
Except they would still legally be required to give you your food retard
Jokes on you i just play single player From games now and call my own character niggerfaggot.
Stop acting like a 13 year old and breaking their ToS, grow up /pol/baby.
nigga, have you never played club penguin? the state of gamers today
If you purchased "the game", you'd have a lot more rights than you do. For example, reproduction.
Good. That way you won't annoy the rest of us. Mission accomplished?
What? the company who treats everyone working for it like trash. It's costumers like trash. And laws like something only others need to follow, are being dicks towards you?
Who could have ever guessed they would do something like that?
>Go to restaurant.
>Drop my spaghetti.
>Asked to leave the premises.
This kike world i tell you.
Yes people are corporate chode lickers in Yea Forumsesetera but nonetheless you probably could get your drivers loicence revoked if you kept calling people niggers in drive bys.
Yep, like clockwork.
> call operator a faggot
> get banned from account access
You OWN your car. You don't own Blizzard's game. Read the fucking contract before you sign it.
Blizzard is a faggot company and you should expect them to ban you for saying words that only pussies would take offence to. Don’t play games made by Americucks. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘faggot’, ‘kike’ or ‘nigger’ in a chat, only women and low-test men can’t handle the bants
It scares me that now the generation length grew up that thinks this is "normal" and "ok".
You used to be able to play your games as you liked. Moderation was done by server owner or players themselves. Now you can't even make own servers and play any games on conditions you like. Everything is a "service". Every aspect of your freedom is limited and your behavior controlled. You obidiently accept being a drone, regularly paying for DLC and lootboxes and not knowing and not missing the freedoms you never had.
Soon, selecting your class among wide selection of niggers in new Battlefield, you`ll join a matchmaking forced on you by the service you pay battle pass for, will play the silent game where everyone is afraid to speak as any word could be used against you, and still get banned because you headshotted the person three ties in a row and tranny game moderator believed it to be harrassment because the person was of color.
The new generation of kids would never knew any other kind of life and believe they are happy and free.
>i made friends with leftist normalfags that will only talk to me if i kiss minority ass and hide my problematic opinions about everything
>i enjoy children's games like fortnite, overwatch and rocket league and defend their built-in surrogate parenting
>i waste people's time by using Yea Forums despite these things when i'd clearly fit in better on reddit
>griefing, shouting and cheating
That's only fun for edgy teenagers which you probably were at the time and still is since you brain stopped in time, i'm sorry
I can guarantee the mess that was Red Alert 2 online with cheats all over the place and constant screaming was more fun than any overwatch game played in respectful silence.
>I can't yell slurs at players anymore
>this means we're about to enter a dystopian gaming hell
I'm a muslim and moderator at Blizzard, feels good to put shitstains like OP where they belong
Well yeah, not being able to freely speak online is quite dramatic.
You won't get banned for that.
Ironic cause alt right worships gooks
>break rules
>act pikachu faced when you get banned
How does it feel to be too stupid to live?
what are some games with player-hosted servers AND those servers aren't hosted by absolute faggots? garry's mod is further gone than i thought it would be.
>being this much of an election tourist
So you didnt read the terms of service. It's your fault you were too stupid to realize that you're liable for breaking those terms.
Free speech doesn't include harassment you fucking moron.
sorry to disappoint, but i've been here since well before the election and i don't use /pol/ or reddit. please cycle to your next insult.
>Every aspect of your freedom is limited and your behavior controlled
>The new generation of kids would never knew any other kind of life and believe they are happy and free.
the fact that this sort of language is being used in regards to online game TOS's completely unironically makes me want to laugh and cry all at once. There are a significant amount of people out there who genuinely truly believes this is a major moral issue plaguing our society and base all their other beliefs on how it relates to this topic.
Have you considered just muting all communications?
it's not about free speech in a legal context, it's about how the internet used to be less moderated and you could actually say whatever you want.
I can’t imagine being such a spineless faggot like yourself grow a pair you absolute fucking pussy
you seriously think leftists don't fit in on Yea Forums? you're thinking of liberals
Harassment isn't what you think it is. Saying a mean thing isn't nearly harassment.
Listen to your messiah Chomsky, leftists
Anyone who isn't retarded sees that this is more social conditioning from megacorps to shift public perception that they make the rules, strengthening their influence over the people.
Do you understand that you are much more cucked than them because you are willingly play their game
This. Extroverts need to stop existing. Chat shouldn't even be a thing, why speak with other people?
i admit i have a poor understanding of political terminology but basically i mean people that get upset at bad words and say 'bigot' and 'toxic' unironically.
Hence why DOTA2 is the best game, you can have an endless argument throughout the entire game and get a slap on the wrist at most
Or you can just mute ingame chat and focus on winning
maybe you shouldn't play shit games
>say words
>get 7 day ban
Was my ban fair, senpai?
Yeah I believe you
Got banned on a forum pussy
>shut up isis
Very rude.
>goat fuckers
This one is true.
nu Yea Forums will defend blizz to death dont even bother
they are the kind of beta faggs that used to burst into tears when you grief or insult them. And now being worthless jaded adults they seek to punish other people by sucking the fun out of videogames
I don't really give a shit but if you're gonna go maximum edgelord in a game known for banning that sort of shit don't be surprised when you get b&
Well the argument is literally always "god why do you care about what you can say in x". Fine, but as it turns out x is everywhere and all the time.
What law you fucking retard?
So what? Law doesn't forbid you to remove people from the premises when they're disturbing your business, even if they already paid.
And this thinking is why I only visit free state museums or cheap museums and why I pirate vidya
Get cucked jew
You are literally autistic. By definition
even if you don't mind >SAY WORD >MONEY STOLEN i don't know how people endure overwatch's moderation. it's not just against trash talk or bad words, it's against dissent.
anyone who isn't from reddit will take OP's side, you're a faggot.
It's really simple. Anyone who doesn't like that plays something else. I've never felt the need to play overwatch.
Your incel rage won't make them unban you
Those are literally the terms you accepted. Maybe try reading over those ToS on your games before accepting. I don't know if it's a law or not, but I've yet to encounter a game where "I refuse to accept the terms of service" didn't prompt an immediate refund from publishers.
First amendment, retards
As an american citizen, my God-given freedom of speech supersedes made-up tree house rules whipped out in 10 seconds by a söygoy
warcraft 3 literally had a custom game called how to be black where you stole shit and did typical nigger things.
No one got banned, you could say whatever to whoever same with shit on xbox live and literally anything.
Based law you fucking faggot.
>say words
>get banned
[User has been banned from 4channel for: Hate speech]
The first amendment says the state can't lock you up for it. Doesn't say anything about interactions between people and corporations.
You can't deny someone service based on their political beliefs. Like, if someone knows that you're a democrat, they can't deny you service.
But they can deny you service the moment you start spouting your left wing opinions in the middle of their establishment.
>Sign legaly binding agreement
>Break agreement
>Face consequences of breaking agreement
>Cry on esquimo knitting site
>play game with rules you don't agree with
>break rules
>get banned
Nice reddit comic
You don't even know what the first amendment means you absolute faggot
Imagine thinking you're doing a good thing trying to limit and undermine principles of free speech. Also no that is not what the first amendment is. Go read.
Was about to post that, wish the kids would start banning these rule breakers.
The servers aren't yours, you just bought a license to use the services and accepted their contract.
Now fuck off to /pol/
I love reporting people in Overwatch
>being mean to towelhead terrorists is bad
fucking shit
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
How is it not? Retard. Play by their rules or play a different game.
Instead of lootboxes you should get ban boxes that let you land a guaranteed critical report that results in a ban.
Please like my post,
where's the lie
Not him, but I like being nice to other people.
My parents taught me to take out my stress and anger by exercising or doing something creative(writing, drawing or playing instrument for example).
I kinda never understood unnecessary rudeness and bad manners. Trash talk is a-ok in competitive enviroment where people expect it, but I don't go cursing and name-calling to random people I meet online and offline.
Is not healthy
I'd genuinely pay for that. Also for get out of ban free items.
user....you are treading dangerous waters here...
>pay money
>send data through their chat system in the form of a string of characters
>lose money
Sounds like a scam to me.
>15 year old /pol/tards get mad they can't say nigger and make fun of brown people.
This thread again.
Right of people to assemble. Think that one over.
You can assemble. Just not on their server, because you have no right to their property.
Grow up you dumb cunt
>there are people this stupid posting on Yea Forums
>retards defending a company for stealing your money
This world is fucked
hi resetera
But that's not how it works. It's selectively upheld
>He thinks he owns the games he buys digitally
That's cute
He paid for the right to assemble on their property. If they want to revoke that right, they need to pay him back.
If it's such triviality why get so mad over us wanting it? Why is every company going out of their way to stop it?
That's absolutely how it works, or we're gonna start peacefully assembling in your living room next.
> He paid for the right to assemble on their property.
And part of the contract was a stipulation to behave. He violated that part.
Reddit has nothing to do with that. Your obsession with website wars is pathetic.
I might act silly sometimes, but I rather not go around calling people niggers
If you can't handle the consequences like a man then keep your mouth shut, it's that simple.
>Rent apartment
>Piss and shit all over the walls.
>Assault your neighbors.
>Get evicted.
I had more meant that the right is ganted very selectively. They can choose to make every area they create exclusive to their own ideology but not vice versa. You can have all black/all muslim communities but all white are banned.
So the first amendment is thoroughly ignored.
Where'd Bert go?
>muh /pol/ boogeymen
Fuck off back to your discord your mutilated brain fucking nigger
I'm becoming increasingly convinced it's /r9k/. They are the usual raging incels.
Yeah they do. Their silence what upsets us attitude is what infects these companies.
>proceeds to then post about another boogeyman
did the sheer retardation of what you just posted not even cross your mind
You clearly haven't met many then. As obama said "no-one is born shouting nigger".
Most of reddit doesn't give a damn. You want a bogeyman, look at twitter.
Because a large portion of their player base doesn't like being called names when trying to enjoy a team based game. They matter more than you.
I bought the game though
>go to school
>shoot some people
>get chance at education taken away
How is this legal?
3 day vacation away from Yea Forums is coming
Tee hee its the same silly joke again but slightly different. It hasn't gotten laughs before but who knows!
I got a huge warning just because I told a tm8: "Go fuck yourself cock sucker nigger", after a Rocket League match
are you pretending to be retarded or where you borned that way? It contradicts that moronic comic you oposted you drooling imbecile
Haven't met many what then?
You are confusing me
No you didn't.
>doesn't read the ToS to see what he's actually purchasing
>shifts the blame for his own mistakes
Clearly not seeing as major developers are coming into financial trouble. Not that there aren't higher principles at stake as well thsn just financial.
Make your own games where this kind of thing is acceptable :). Liberals did and now you have to deal with it.
>Enter cinema
>Start shouting during the movie and insulting other people watching it
>Get kicked out
I'm on his side. There's a mute function, people should learn to use it.
Niggers, 85 sub saharan mandingos, the old 13/52s.
Will Halo be like this?
>Clearly not seeing as major developers are coming into financial trouble.
Developers are already no longer involved at the point of people getting banned. It's all the publishers money at that point.
>all these seething replies
But laughing at fucktards that shoot themselves in the foot has been a thing since 04.
> makes game
Banned from steam
"le just make your own distribution platform"
> sells own game
Banned from paypal
"just make your own payment processor teehee"
> Makes peer to peer transaction system
Banned from banks
"Teehee shouldn't have been such a bigot i guess!"
Ofcourse he is a faggot twat, but that doesn't mean you can take away access to the game he paid. More like implement mute functions or karma functions so people can vote on your behavior, you can then automatically say to the game if someone with such and such karma enters instantly mute him. It's really easy.
Even though overwatch is overwatch a lot of people can actually tell when you are just fucking around, going from 0 to racist makes you look like a retard that nobody wants to be around. Even if someone makes racist jokes about characters most people don't care there have been so many times where the enemy team would have a doomfist and winston someone would say "they have a monkey" and it would get followed up by "they also have a winston" and people laugh at it
There's also a report function that people do know how to use
If you get evicted before your paid term is up, you can definitely sue to get your money back for the remainder of the term.
>Buying Acti-Zzard games
Not true, you are clearly very young. Used to be that the only way to ever get banned from a game was cheating, nothing else.
you people are fucking stupid. This is already settled law. Congress aka the government can't stop all that shit. Private organizations can do whatever the fuck they want unless it breaks another law aka civil rights or something. Pick up a fucking book
Never become lawyers
Irrelevant. The tactics are turning off players.
You mean 3 seconds
I grew up in a place where lotsa Somalian immigrants were located
They were fucking horrible and annoying to be around
Kenyans are cool tho. Dunno about African-American culture desu, I think you are talking about that kind of blacks. I just don't live in Murica so I wouldn't know.
One Kenyan family lives next-door. Cool guys and sweet children. Somalians are fucking worst tho.
>playing anything blizzard related in the year 1500+519
Yeah that doesn't just silence you, it outright removes access from the product. What if the function is abused?? What if you aren't even saying bad shit and a group of people just decide to spam report and get your access removed?? Why not just mute?
a lot of the time people use both at the same time because the person decided the best first impression is saying "lmao niggers am I right"
I don't recall ActiBlizzard, EA, or Ubisoft being in financial trouble or lacking players. They're turning off you, but you're an edge case.
Wow what risque humour. At my local smash capitalism action group we often joke about Trump being stupid, despite that being hilariously ableist. People like to say WE'RE the ones against free discourse but my stupid friend (jk), i beg to differ.
It is
Yea Forums, /pol/, and /r9k/ are the ones spreading the most cancer just by being retarded everywhere they go
They probably don't even notice when they do and get mad when people point it out
>What if you aren't even saying bad shit and a group of people just decide to spam report and get your access removed?
Then you have to appeal, and if you don't get it granted, eventually make a legal claim. As is always the case with one-sided contract terminations. If you think they're in breach of contract, sue.
You didn't think it over but no worries. In another post I detailed the thought you should have reached. We can't all be the brightest filament.
You and I should both know that resetting this way take at least 3 minutes.
Yeah i know "decent" kenyans too. Go ask them about their daughters' throat circumcision. Even the best black is a poor white sadly.
european law doesnt care if your transaction says its a subscription, digital products are your property.
Hi Autistic Frog
I live in Michigan and know one of the faggots who did this. kid was an edgy piece of trash
>stores shouldn't have to serve black people if they don't want to
>stores should have to serve me while I'm yelling "nigger nigger nigger" even if they don't want to
Yeah, this isn't hypocritical at all.
I don't know about them to say but dice, bioware, crystal dynamics, telltale, gearbox, bosskey and more are all examples.
Autistic Frog did nothing wrong
>abloobloo he was mean to a multibillion dollar corporation
show an upheld court case supporting your bullshit claim, faggot. Meanwhile in the real world it works just like I said hence retards like op playing shitty games still get banned
I'm not surprised that guy was a redditor desu
Fortunatly my fritzbox lets me reconnect via software, takes like 15 seconds
How many of those actually have independent finances? Dice and Bioware aren't even companies anymore.
No no
They are actually fucking cool.
Helps at yard work and such. They want to intergrate here properly and all.
Not everyone is a walking stereotype my friend.
No it wouldn't be hypocritical but nonetheless most people don't advocate for both, it's usually a given x circumstance then y. I would happily take full freedom of association and accept some shops not taking me for being able to live in a white residential area with white businesses.
I'm pretty sure there was this user who posted screenshots of being banned for reporting other players on LoL and calling them goyims
You'll have to be more specific as i made a couple of points.
Bake the cake
Lube the cock
Spread the ass
Wait for ...
Some of us actually work with decent blacks that aren't stereotypes. I've worked with a lot of them at this point. About 80% seem to be stupid - as, in, they're genuinely unintelligent - but almost all were good people.
zip it faggot, people like that are nothing more than attention whores
Except stereotypes are demonstrably accurate. No-one ever said "everyone", perhaps you next to the golden unicorn giga-nigger brain surgeon who raises his kids. They do exist. Just as 85IQ whites do exist. However most of the time that is not the case and as for integration? Well there's good evidence that in the smart ones it just won't happen. Specific political beliefs, family formats and entertainment dispositions are highly heritable. A 130IQ black will still likely vote for african style politics and so with increasing numbers you won't get some ship of theseus integration. You'll get Kenya.
My fucking sides have gone to Black Hole-chan.
Wow amazing anecdotal evidence. Ill be sure to disregard centuries of international evidence otherwise. My reddit gold button seems to be missing but I'll catch ya next time!
>Ill be sure to disregard centuries of international evidence otherwise.
If you're looking at centuries of international evidence on the behaviour of races, then I doubt whites will be let off easy after all those genocides.
It's almost like companies make end users follow the ToS they clicked agree to. Try reading that thing next time before clicking accept and then sperging out in chat.
Zip this, faggot
*unzips dick*
And how exactly are you going to punish the race whose expertise is genocide?
Man I remember the days when online was like the wild west. If MW2 or Halo 3/Reach was this crazy, can any Quakefags/CS classic fags tell me how crazy those games were?
Care to list any? Also genocides are not of concern when we're talking of suitability in white nations. I don't blame muslims for the mass rape and take over of my euro nation, it's sensible for them to do so. However i do point how it's not good for us.
Why would you punish an entire race?
I have no intention to. You're the one who started to judge people based on their race and historical actions. That's not going to make us look good. We've acted like fucking savages in the past.
>being this retarded
> muh red indians
Literal meme
> muh abos
Literal meme
> muh congo
Literal meme
> muh jews
Partial meme
Almost every supposed genocide performed by whites relies on hilariously inflated native numbers only given by political idealogues long after the fact and fly in the face of every bit of actual statistical data on infant mortality, life expectancy and geographical evidence of population sizes actually present.
I'm glad that all of Blizzards franchises are dying. Not even Classic will save them.
because /pol/tards only pretend to support freedoms and individual rights until colored people
> literally delivered civilization to the world and saw average life expectancy rise everytime we did so
Utfag here can honestly say it was kinda tame compared to nowadays, seems like a lot of people are incredibly angry while playing vidya.
>literally delivered civilization to the world
>we burned your civilization down
>but it's okay because we're replacing it with ours
it's just banter. still though OP, if you earnestly believe that shit, you're an actual political dissident and you should act like one. the world's going to slap the shit out of you if you don't realise it's out to get you. this is a pretty cheap lesson because all blizzard games are shit and you can go play something better instead.
Maybe because only whites actually came up with, understand and care for those rights. Im not sure slavers in Mauritania are fretting too much about human rights.
No one went around REEEEEing about muslims or saying nigger to be edgy or praising le based trump. We'd call people faggots or noobs and move on and play the game, not write paragraph upon paragraph talking about the dangers of socialism in a fucking de_dust match of all places
The new generation have no idea how to have playful shittalking banter and just REEEEEE politics shit and minorities for 30 minutes to themselves in chat until they get bored and fuck off to the next server.
>can't scream FUCKING NIGGERS! in chat
I have no idea what you are arguing about anymore
I just dont like going around name-calling and being rude online or offline
Not everyone is a walking stereotype. Are you a one? Is all people from your country exactly like you?
>having civilizations
only the East Asians had a comparable civilization to Europe and the Aztec/Inca/Mayan empires were pretty much Greece behind a couple hundreds of years with no wheel.
Whites brought civilization to the world and you shitheads still reee about it
Again no. In almost all cases colonialism worked through local intermediaries and translated to local culture. It's just medicine, science, philosophy and proper politics were unfortunately european so as part of giving them we had to "give our culture". In other cases there simply wasn't any civilization to preserve. Tents and blabbering about DMT in north america, amazing. Rape and botulism in africa, amazing. Being indeterminately human in australia, amazing. You literally cannot name a single nation whose inhabitants are not better of directly in relation to their degree of contact with whites.
you never owned it in the first place
Actually yes. You could make several good inferences about me, my personality, my politics, criminality and more from my ethnic information.
Pretty funny and I'm irish. The ones who got on the boats were literally trash.
>sends smallpox blankets to natives
>hacks off childrens feet because their parents didn't bring enough rubber
>rapes and enslaves natives
>mass kills wild animals that natives relied on for food
no you can’t.
i honestly wonder sometimes how many racists you could fix with one good statistics course
sorry for being superior to your monkey ass
I don't know but i know how many you'd make. I can literally accurately predict an American's voting inclination based on the country his ancestors came from assuming he is relatively unmutted. As much as you may want to believe our qualia is spirit energy coming from fractal dimensions we are our bodies, which are our genome.
This thread is going all day isnt it?
>how many racists you could fix with one good statistics course
You mean create more? lol the truth would be considered racist
>How is this legal?
Maybe you should have read the fucking users agreements that you agreed to you fucking mongoloid
riddle me this, what is 13, but also 50?
Maybe open a history book and don't just watch amistad for education.
yeah that’s because there are two parties and it’s an obvious choice. not making a great case there bud
>user takes them to court
>ends up in prison and fined for racism
l m a o
you mean
>buy game
>have to sign ToS to play it
>refund the game if you don't agree with ToS
Wow, that was hard. The problem with this whole issue is that it's completely fucking irrelevant to anything even remotely important. On one side, you have soiboi redditor special snowflake faggots who get offended by everything, and on the other side, you have a bunch of literal autist incel keyboard warriors who think mindlessly repeating 'nigger' and 'mudslime' make them somehow superior. To top it all off it all happens on the fucking internet, in fucking videogames, anonymously. Who the hell gives a single shit?
tl;dr it's just retards being retards.
Literally the only people defending this are baiting. What a miserable existence you all have
the lmao is implied when you greentext like that in this context newfriend.
well, its not exactly a defense, but you should understand that you dont own videogames when you “buy” them
Well there are more than two parties but it also applies to agreement with particular political statements. However if you accept the biological determination out the gate then yeah, good stuff.
shithole immigrants vote disproprtionately for lefties in every country retard, with the exception of unusual cases like Cubans who obviously aren't big fans.
Yes you do, make the game F2P if you don’t actually want your players to own your product
No. You own a licence to play the game.
If you owned the game, you'd have more rights than you do. You'd be allowed to reproduce and resell it.
>OP is mad as f*ck
l m a o
i mean you can not like it, but no - you’re purchasing a license that can be revoked
Nobody seems to understand Terms of Service anymore.
Literally get rekt.
not at all. just think your evidentiary standard is funny
It's not even that loose. Germans have different political inclinations than the french or the british. The british different to the irish. That then carries over such that someone from an irish family who has been in the US for generations will still survey as the same political inclinations as an irish located irishman. Same for the germans. Your neuroanatomy is genetic. Your neuroanatomy determines your thought processes, emotion, IQ. As such your genome has a major role in determining your politics.
An african will always be inclined to africa tier politics. That is to say heavy in-group bias, out group prejudice and blame and corruption and violence. As, surprise, surprise you see in heavily black areas of the US as you do in africa itself.
I dont think so
You like to think so just because you want to be right.
I still think people don't have to be rood to anyone
Its much nicer to be nice. Easier to get know new people
Immigrants aren’t an ethnic group?
lol that’s insanely dumb
>actually this giant corporation has every legal right to fuck you in the arse
this is correct, but way too many posts in this thread are happy about that fact. it's literally just words, they could just as easily ban the account from using chat functions but they take the game away entirely.
>wash I can't have fun if I can't say nigger
Man, now I know why people stop playing video games. You kids just make it seem so stupid.
Half of these guys just sit in spawn and talk shit the moment they realise on of their teammates isn't a white male.
You must literally be a nigger to first dismiss an argument without seeing the evidence but also to dismiss the evidence without seeing it.
Have a read:
fpbp, based & redpilled, he cute, this, etc
who said they were. i can tell you're a homosexual just from how you structured that sentence by the way. Faggiest question mark I've ever seen.
if you say "incel" you don't belong here and it shows. try harder to hide your reddit un-powerlevel because um uh i was being ironic will only hold up as an excuse for so long.
i don't mean using it as an insult, i mean using it at all. if this were your home it wouldn't be in your vernacular.
Within all the groups you mentioned is an insane spectrum of options, and a huge change over time. Try to compare german politics from the 30s to the 70s to now. They're radically different in each case. The inclinations of the people as a whole changed. On top of that, at any point, there's a spectrum from far-right to far-left within the population. Looking at any german, you'd be a moron to think you already know what he supports.
>buy a product
>lmao it’s just a license
That’s now how things work commie
You're talking to an absolute fucking moron, friend.
>you moderate yourself
believe it or not, but some of us actually managed to grow out of our insufferable cunt phase of life and can converse calmly with others without resorting to petty slurs, faggot
The day the Mods filter incel will be the best day of my time on Yea Forums
germany has been more authoritarian than britain from 1900 until now, at every point of its history.
assuming everyone you disagree with politically is a moron is noughties tier atheist shit.
There's nothing worse than someone who hates his own race
It literally is just a licence. That's how video games have always worked. Ownership comes with a large amount of rights that you do not have.
tar baby
antiquated farm equipment
porch monkey
not for your whole worldview, just for your post you mongoloid
Let’s discuss politics on Yea Forums - “video games” because we’re le epic politicians
Fuck off
Not at all. For example my philosophy aligns with the school of philosophy my nation is well known for. I like the music my nation has produced for most of history. My criminality or lack thereof is nothing out of the ordinary. The things i like to do are things my grandparents like to do. It's not pure happenstance. I like these things because in many ways i made these things. I have a brain very similar to most my countrymen and we all have brains that are minute iterations of our fathers' brains and so on. If i put an english badger in a garden he will build such a den that his great grand children will find themselves very happy in it. It's not that they grew up to get used to it. A honey badger would rip it all apart and move out. It's that they made it, not necessarily themselves but their brain and type as a whole.
lol oh no my feelings
It may well be but it's true.