Is this the best final boss that From has ever done? The only one who comes close is Gehrman.
Is this the best final boss that From has ever done? The only one who comes close is Gehrman
sorry sweaty ;)
Shura ending bosses were better
>final boss
I thought Gehrman was shit. Just parry the old cunt. Soul of Cinder is the best final boss they have done. Even though most of DaS3 sucks.
>yfw DSP beat this boss in 4 tries
The bosses in DaS3 are some of the best in the series. Shame about the rest of the game.
but i don't sweat
Soul of cinder is better
I really like Soul of Cinder and Dark Souls 3, but it's true. Some of the areas, like Undead Settlement, Farron Keep, and the cathedral, are just shit areas
Orphan was easy and boring compared to Isshin.
Owl (father) in Hirata estate was the most fun boss fight in Sekiro for me. My only complaint is that he has only 2 health bars, he should have had 3 with the third stage bringing back the poison and heal block from the first fight for extra challenge.
The issue with soul of cinder is that by the time you reach him, your character is way too fucking strong. Even on a balanced build, your char has too much health and healing resources.
It should not take even a mediocre player more than 3 tries to beat soul of cinder on a blind playthrough. I should know because I'm shit at these games and even I beat him on my 2nd try.
The issue with SoC is that he's a literally who
Gwyn is mentioned throughout the game
Nashandra is mentioned throughout the game and you meet her
Gehrman is always chilling in the Hunter's Dream
Isshin is mentioned throughout the game and appears quite often
Here's your random dude in armor, enjoy.
Hahaha oh god imagine thinking this and not baiting
Allant > Geni/Isshin > Gehrman > Gwyn > SoC > Throne Watchers/Nashandra/Aldia
>latest boss is Guts
Sorry, DS3 wins
Slave Knight Gael is the final boss of the franchise.
>muh anime jumps
He's shit and easy. Artorias wannabe
Gael is an even bigger literally who than Soul of Cinder.
>some random guy who's looking for Dark Soulâ„¢ is the final boss of the franchise
What were they thinking?
Imagine your final boss being a literally who with a loli complex.
>some guy who found the dark souls and embraced it is the final boss of the dark souls series
yeah that sounds very ill fitting wheres my artorias waaah :((((((((((((((((
Yes it is, and Allant was better than Gehrman btw
Soul of cinder is lame as shit, what's wrong with you
>slow defenseless blob
>being better than anything
False Allant isn't the final boss.
>some guy
That's the problem. Who the fuck is he? It feels like From just randomly pulled him out of their asses at the last moment.
Isshin > Soul of Cinder > Gehrman > Allant > Gwyn
Gehrman is extremely good stylistically and in terms of atmosphere but as a boss he's downright pitiful compared to later games.
False King Allant was who I was referring to and yes he is the final boss. Real Allant is just a lore dump before the end credits.
>The issue with SoC is that he's a literally who
SoC is literally everyone who linked the Flame and lords of cinder is the main theme of the main game.
Real Allant is the last boss you beat before credits roll therefore he's a final boss.
Soul of cinder is one of the worst how could you defend it in any way. It's a literal fucking nobody.
Acquire some brain cells before replying to my post.
And that's lame as fuck, it's just the players, not an actual person of importance.
babie's first souls
Wrong. Real Allant is not a boss at all.
But I am right and you wrong, SoC is awful.
>But I am right and you wrong
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>he is the final boss.
Are Dragon God, Old Monk, Storm King and Astraea also the final boss? You can fight them last before Real Allant.
Beg to differ, the Gael fight is the perfect ending for the Souls series.
>Two of the strongest beings in the universe fighting at the end of the world
>Gael has the same motivations as the Ashen One, reclaiming the Dark Soul is the same to him as kindling the first flame is to the PC.
>The battle arena is colorless and devoid of life, its vast size illustrates how insignificant this final battle is.
>The fight itself calls back to the classic Artorias battle and is also one of the hardest fights in the franchise. Gael is literally guts.
Also isn't every character just a literal who in some sense? Gael had actually appeared beforehand in the previous DLC.
I dunno, I'm at the end of my NG+ and the Shura ending again Emma / Old Isshin boss is fucking 100% dope. Along with Genichiro/Sword Saint Isshin and Dad 2.0, those are the best 3 bosses in Sekiro and 3 of the best bosses From has made.
Isshin dabs on the other base game last bosses. sekiro dlc isnt even out yet and the game is btfoing all fanboys into visible confusion.
You can fight Demon of Hatred after Isshin too but that doesn't make it the final boss.
I'm pretty sure False King can be fought as long as you killed 3 of the 4 other arcdemons, he is only the 'final boss' if you decide to fight him last.
No, Demon of Hatred isn't the final boss because you don't need to beat him to beat the game. You need to fight Isshin to beat the game.
>DS3 is popular
>not ex
>DS3 bosses are bad!
After some years Sekiro will be casual trash with worst bossfights.
So what, False King is obviously the final boss of you pay attention to the story. It's literally the prime demon that took Allants place, real Allant being the one who caused the demon invasion by making a deal with the false king demon.
False King is also at the end of the longest zone in the game and is the hardest boss by far.
Also, you can choose to kill some bosses in DS3 and Sekiro after SoC or Isshin. Yet they are still the final bosses.
You also need to beat False King to beat the game, he is the final boss
Wrong of course, since Sekiro objectively has the best bosses
>a literal who
Yea, no.
It's more like
Gehrman = Isshin > Gwyn > Allant > SoC
Stop samefagging already you braindead faggot.
>Sekiro objectively has the best bosses
For now. Because game just released. Literally same shit with every game outside console ex. Being ex = great bossfights by default
False King isn't the final boss because he's not the boss that is immediately linked to the end of the game. It doesn't matter if he's more thematic or more powerful, you can beat him before you beat the Storm King, Astrea, etc.
Seriously, why are you even arguing for this mistake so vehemently?
no, that will still be demons souls
>it's just the players, not an actual person of importance.
So why the fuck do we even play then?
Sekiro Help Thread?
I just beat Divine Dragon and I see Kuro lying on the floor with Emma tending to him. I haven't talked to him yet, but I'm wondering is it wise to talk to Kuro without beating Father Owl first? I'm taking Rice Loli's advice, but yeah, I'm not sure talking to Kuro is the point of no return.
This is more like it. However I'd modify to:
Gehrman = Sword Saint Isshin > Old Isshin > Gwyn > Allant > SoC >>>>>> Nashandra
I know it's real easy to forget that last one.
Beating the divine dragon is the point of no return. Any endings you were aiming to get are locked in now.
Honestly...yeah? The fight's difficulty isn't the only reason why though. Sword Saint is REALLY hard, but absolutely fair. More importantly, however, it functions as a final exam for all of the skills the game has been teaching you up to that point.
Every boss teaches you new lessons on how to approach the combat and Sword Saint requires that you know them all. What's more, he's been telling you throughout the game how to fight him. "Sekiro, hesitation is defeat." The fight begins with the first major test in the game, Genichiro, just to show the player how far they've come. Then, Sword Saints first phase forces the player to be aggressive, parry his strikes, dodge his special attacks, and keep the pressure on him. In all stages falling back and keeping distance works against the player. It's like playing against Genichiro for the first time again. The second stage tests the players skill against spears and its threatening appearance tempts the player again to become defensive when the best strategy is to press Isshin. The final stage ramps up the action, presence, and threat again by adding flashy and punishing lightning attacks. The player can easily defeat this stage by remembering the Dragon boss fight.
Don't get me wrong, the fight is hard as balls and for a long time I fucking hated it, but once your break through and beat that motherfucker, it's amazing. Definitely my second favorite boss fight. Guardian Ape is my #1 because it does some fucking cool things and is still pretty tough.