Okay. This is probably gonna cost me a ban, getting shit on you guys or both...

Okay. This is probably gonna cost me a ban, getting shit on you guys or both, but it seems that reddit kids now use the Chinapasta to kick Chinese players from GTAOnline.

I was playing GTAO and saw a modder(they are always chinese) bothering everyone on the session when this guy pasted in on the chat, the modder suddenly left, thought he was from /pol/ or something but no, reddit are organizing to do that to every Chinese player they find in GTAO.

Is this your work?

Attached: GTAOnline_14321_Stromberg.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yea Forums only plays indie pixelshit and fotm sony movies, so no

but i thought this was just a meme and didnt actually work

Is the underwater car worth the 2 mil?

You know how this works right? memes from Yea Forums end up leaking everywhere else.
It's probably ebaumsworld kids

Oh yeah, it is a soft counter to the Oppressor MKII.

I also thought it was just a meme but it works.

Yes but I would expect this from you, not from them, never imagined they would use something so inflamatory.

there's a reason why posting it gives you an auto-ban now

Attached: 1550970735165.png (1528x1184, 55K)

Yes, because fuck the chinks. Subhuman dog-eating roach men. Tianmen Square.

Guess I have an infallible weapon against modders know, mememagic is great. Thanks racists.

yeah because it got fucking spammed everywhere

Fuck the subhuman chinks. If they wanted to be human, they'd understand the value of freedom.

It's the 2019 version of +++ath0

for a good reason, chinks need to fuck off and lowering their social credit score is a great way to get them too

It's fun but I'd only get it if you have money to spare.

>spam a copypaste everywhere
>it gets banned
>"woooow see this proves my point!"
a self-fulfilling prophecy if ive ever seen one.

Attached: 1554321355021.jpg (930x916, 71K)

any good vehicles to buy in this weeks sale?

The uninstall wizard

Menacer, $1,065,000
Thruster, $1,650,000 Trade Price
TM-02 Khanjali, $1,737,000 Trade Price
Chernobog, $1,494,000 Trade Price
Oppressor, $1,590,000 Trade Price
Avenger, 40% Discount
Facilities, 40% Discount
Facility Renovations, 40% Discount
Great Chaparral Clubhouse, 75% Discount
Grand Senora Desert Counterfeit Cash Factory, $100,000

Guess not.

based chink retard

So let me get this straight. Chinese players are griefing with cheats.Other players then post a pasta in the chat so the modder leaves? Why do they leave? Because if they don't then their social credit goes down? How does that work?

Attached: 1491417996724.png (389x507, 358K)

based retard retard

Yes, and I don't know, thought it was a meme that got you banned.

There is no way this is actively monitored. Either this was a joke or the modder is just a huge pussy that fell for his countries propaganda.

The meme is that if someone within the Great Firewall's computer loads certain words the CCP has deemed to be no-no words (Tienanmen Square Massacre, Winnie the Pooh, Peppa Pig, Harmonization, Sea Clams, Democracy) then their internet instantly shuts off. There is some proof that this works, although it varies medium to medium. Most videogames that allow non-Chinese players to play with Chinese players have this kind of censorship, as do many social media platforms. There was a stink a year or two ago about Facebook and Twitter introducing censorship following the CCP's guidelines onto their Western, non-Chinese only platforms, just in case some Chink left their corral.

tl;dr if a Chink posts "Winnie the Pooh" on Twitter, their internet will get shutoff; If a Chink sees "Peppa Pig" on a videogame, their internet will get shutoff; post a huge mass of no-no words in the hope of drastically lowering the Chink's Social Credit Score so they fuck off and stop being garbage.

that sounds pretty based

>There is no way this is actively monitored
It's not actively monitored, the entire system is automatic.

>Why do they leave?
They can get their internet shut down by the police or even get arrested.


wtf is up with winnie the pooh and peppa pig that makes them bannable???

Wasn't the letter "n" banned at one point too?

>playing gta online

Winnie the Pooh because there was a meme where the leader dude looks like Pooh and he got buttblasted
Idk about Peppa, that's news to me

fucking kek, stupid bugpeople

It's pretty cool actually, you can grief all you want and the game rewards you for that.

China's internet is heavily censored. You're not allowed to see nor search for certain terms. If someone posts those terms, the Chinese ISP immediately pulls service from that person.

Like even their ATM machines aren't allowed to show the numbers 4 6 19 89 at the same time because that's the date of the tiananmen massacre.

Memesters on the Chinese Internet started posting shit about how Peppa Pig was a hardcore gangsta thug nigga; some CCP censor got bootyblasted and banned it. The way the CCP works is that it follows a principle, common to Communist regimes, of Democratic Centralism. tl;dr, once a decision is made everyone has to follow it because any dissent at all leads to the entire organization crumbling. There are certain periods every so often where everything is open for discussion, but until then you shut the fuck up and do what you're told.

This is similar to the situation with Winnie the Pooh: Some random censor gets upset, censors it, now EVERY censor has to censor it at EVERY level.

>Like even their ATM machines aren't allowed to show the numbers 4 6 19 89 at the same time because that's the date of the tiananmen massacre.
that shit for real?

Attached: 1530203463010.jpg (1080x1086, 100K)

The virgin Chinese aimbotting cheater vs the Chad western pooh bear.

Does it actually force a disconnect? I thought they just quit to be on the safe side

Again, it varies. Sometimes the game just boots you, sometimes your internet shuts down, sometimes nothing happens.

It's real, man.

Attached: 150604131827-tiananmen-twitter-640x360.png (640x360, 133K)