Companies don't want you to own anything


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so they have all the control

Because Services > Products, welcome to the internet era millenial

If you own it they cant change the rules later and block your access later if you dont agree

money. money is the answer to all questions like this

So they can yoink all your games away and there's nothing you can do about it.

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I buy a game and play it over the course of 2 weeks max, usually less than 1, so I totally don't care. I don't see the point in re-playing old games.

The jews don't either. They are hoping for a future where they the elite own everything and you pay to rent it. Home ownership will be a thing of the past for our generation.

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kys commie

Why are zoomers such corporate bootlickers? They make millenials look free thinking by comparison.

good goy

kys commie

services are more lucrative than products since you can monetize them multiple times rather than once at the point of sale.
It also ensures they maintain all of the control over every facet of such a product/service.

AAA games instance on moving to a service based model should really concern people more than it does, there's not real need for them to do this other than control and money, it doesn't benefit the customer at all other than maybe continued support for a game rather than playing your fill and moving on to the next like you used to.

Because we are running those corporations, go rant some more on twitter about it millenial

they've grown up in it and are desensitized to it or at worst find it comforting

Came ro post somethi g similar. Wouldn't be surprised if they stopped selling houses all together and only rent in the near future.

To be honest I dont really need to own most of the games I have. Like 99% of my steam library sits there after i finish the game. If you deleted my steam account today I wouldn't even care (other than the stuff I'm currently playing). Only real downer with this streaming trend is th lack of modding and custom content.

If the tech works and it saves money on game prices and hardware costs then how is it a bad thing to take the streaming pill?

Technology hampered their development. The next generation will be even stupider

It’s like watching a good movie you know what’s coming next but it’s cool because you like watching but I understand user I only watch movies once so that was kind of a bad example.

because companies are greedy fucks and the games wont get cheaper and you'll still be expected to monetize multiple times since you "need to keep the service running"

Decent take. I suppose the choice is something like volume+convenience vs control+customization.

I still think you're sick to choose the former over the latter.

And while I agree that's the real fear it's sort of a moot point until we know the actual pricing of stadia. And paying recurring fees may not be that bad if the tech works as good as they say it will (60fps 4k) as you dont need to buy a $1500 gaming rig. That being said I dont think the tech will work as good as they promise and I don't love the idea of having to be online to play the games I own.

Ultimately steam and other digital platforms are going away yet so if stadia looks like some anti consumer scheme then dont buy into it. I dont think the non streaming market is going away so just keep doing what you're doing.

I think streaming tv shows/movies/anime makes sense. I just feel the exclusivity issue is a clusterfuck that needs to be dealt with before it can reach its full potential.

Streaming vidya is a no go. The input lag issue simply can't be overcome, not to mention losing the option to mod.

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good goy

unironically communism

>zoomers and millenials aren't one in the same

Users might communicate hate speech, conspiracy theories, ignorant bigotry, fake news, and debunked rumors.
They should be punished if they try to do that, and their toys should be taken away until they learn to play nice or not play at all.
Don't you agree?
Or are you one of those nutjobs that thinks rights should apply to racists?
It's a good thing you don't have guns.

Because this will probably mean you'd have to have an account to play games, and that means you can be blackmailed or coerced when a company blocks access to that account. Don't gamble more than you're willing to lose.

Well, they are in the sense that the people most call "millennials" are actually Generation Z.

And most of the ones calling Generation Z "millennials" are actual millennials.