How hard is too hard?
How hard is too hard?
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As hard or as easy as the devs want to make it
They arent required to make anything easier or harder
Sekiro is too hard for anglos
Anyone who had that much trouble with Isshin fundamentally did not understand the game.
Case in point:
It was the same with MGR, people either found it too hard or easy with no middle ground, and the difference was whether or not they knew how the fucking dodge and counter worked.
No such thing.
If you're too unskilled to overcome the challenges set forth by the game developer, you dont deserve to progress. It really isnt that complicated.
Well, just ask all the anons who beat Sekiro if they ever got to at least level 10 of Pacman. The percentage of people is surprisingly rarely ever in 2 digits.
I just beat O’Rin of the Water and Corrupted Monk with Bell Demon+Kuro’s Charm deactivated yesterday, and the day before that I beat the Rape Apes in one day as well. It’s gruelling as fuck with the Demon Bell and Charm, but oh man is it satisfying to complete it.
Take a moment to pause and reflect over the state of a game journalist who felt the need to justify his use of cheats in a game.
Think and wonder at how much he hates himself as he struggles to convince you otherwise.
Why is it always a person who sucks at the game who is always shitting on it? I hate watching videos like this. Always makes me cringe when they’re complaining about some game’s aspects while clearly being terrible at it.
>weeb doesn't know that traditionally Japanese games have to be made MORE difficult for the west because Japs are all retarded casuals who need easy games
Why do you think the hardest difficulty in MGS is called EUROPEAN extreme?
>i feel fine about it
>that's why i wrote an article on it
SNES level "make it nearly impossible to extend playtime" difficulty
Because Japs know how to market their games to dumb ytey
Anglos aren’t European
Muh dik is pretty hard. Too hard for most, but with practice you may be able to beat it.
The old bullshit NES games that were made ridiculously hard just to inflate their length
>I-I feel fine I swear, n-no shame
he them goes on to make an entire article dedicated to him coping because he obviously regrets it
what a joke
I don't mind the difficulty of Bloodborne (haven't played Sekiro) but what pisses me off is when you die you have to go back really far and fight your way back through the exact same enemies. It's annoying when facing bosses, inconvenient for no real reason.
Ogre was harder than Isshin.
Sekiro: Straight Shota
Just run past them nigga
you're actually autistic if you think this is true. ogre is just positioning, you don't even have to dodge
You should spawn right outside the boss battle. What does running through them every time add to the game, other than inconvenience?
>but what pisses me off is when you die you have to go back really far and fight your way back through the exact same enemies
The worst offense in this regard is the fucking dragon followed by a long slow elevator ride in Demon's Souls to fight the false king again. It's literally just wasting your time. It was just obnoxious.
>ctrl f
>zero results
I am disappoint
I'm not agnostic. Why bring Religion into this?
how about no, retard?
I unironically think Sekiro is too easy to the point it's pretty boring. Beat the game on NG+5 with bell demon and without Kuro's charm and it was somewhat challenging but not really "hard". I might try NG+6 without prayer beads/bell demon but with charm.
sekiro is only hard for fat people and others who don't play games that often. if you play games on hard and play 4-5 hours a day it should be easy to you
Reminder that a quad- paralyzed player beat the game on his own, without cheats.
Yank "gaming journos "= BTFO
I actually like this. It heightens tension. I hate frequent checkpoints and autosaving every 2 minutes put there so some kid who forgot his ritalin that morning doesn't fly off the handle and rape the family dog because he had to fight 2 more trash mobs before he got his dopamine hit.
based hack
>tfw cheesed most of MGR's bosses by sprinting around them and smashing basic attacks
hesitation is defeat
Sekiro's final boss is frustrating because it's basically 2 minibosses and then a normal boss in a row and if you die at the end of the normal boss you need to fight the minibosses again. FOUR deathblows required.
It's doable but I can't imagine doing it on NG+ or higher let alone charmless.
>shitting on it
Is that why he gave it a favorable review?
Until Phase 4 when hesitation is victory.
This method is the ultimate peasant way of playing, it doesn't seem fun or rewarding at all. Just learn to parry, it'll probably even be quicker.
>it's basically 2 minibosses and then a normal boss
What in the everloving fuck are you talking about? What 2 minibosses?
>beats Isshin 3nd try, faster than any other streamer
>isshin last boss in game
>retard still cant get gut at deflecting
fucking brainlets
When you're such a weak soi boi
What? It's nothing like that at all, I did it on NG+3 Charmless and it was tough but really not that difficult. He's arguably too easy in a regular game.
Genichiro is like 30 seconds
Post the one about the guy going on a rant about grinding 70 levels to beat Dunkstein and Slamough.
If it interferes with the bell curve.
Let's say ten percent of the people who attempt your game can finish it, that's a pretty good amount. If you start dipping lower than that, you've got a difficulty problem.
The prototypical Trump voter.
I did it NG+3. It's perfectly doable because once you get Genichiro down he takes 30 seconds
It's incredible how hard he made you guys seethe with such little effort. Stay worked, marks.
It's too hard when normies don't buy.
I just beat Isshin Yea Forums
Am I good at vidya?
No. Beat him with no Kuro's charm and demon bell then we can talk.
no, you are just not retarded like most of Yea Forums
>I see how much controversy is being generated over this game so I'll post this incredible bait to get clicks and attention because in this era even negative attention = ad revenue
Did you do it with base health and attack power? If not, then no.
Sekiro confirmed baby game
>gets to phase 3
>starts ignoring everything the game teaches you up to that point and just prodding him
>because in this era even negative attention = ad revenue
it doesnt work though
all these liberal journalist sites are going bankrupt
what's the console percentage?
Who fucking cares if he "understands it," why is having a phD in a fuckin video game something worth keeping so sacred to you losers
>Posts smug article
>People criticize it
>"l-l-lol s-s-seething"
People can criticize things that are bad, user. Speech has consequences, remember?
absolutely based
is there an easy mod in this game like black knight halberd run in dark souls? i want to play it but dont have to spend too much time.
Steam Achievement Manager
No, watch it on YouTube if you can't git gud, retard.
>understanding basic mechanics is having a PhD
Why are you even playing a game if you don't know how to? Do we really need to include manuals with games again?
But how?
The fat cuck couldn't help himself.
>*cheat_engine.exe activated*
I guess
the game is for babbies
| |i
| | | _
I don't know why that "nothing was gained" post was memed when it's the truth, specially when it's a game journalist's job to play videogames the way they are intended, it's like a food critic dipping his steak in ketchup because he dislikes the flavor of it alone.
Inb4 >food analogy.
This. Japanese gaymers like RPGs where you can grind to a high level or obtain powerful items so they can curbstomp every enemy in their path. Isekais are proof of their power fantasy since the MC always gets these gay ass cheat powers and gets strong within 3 chapters or from the very get go.
He's basically admitting he's gay.
He feels fine with another man's dick in his ass.
Ring the bell at Senpou Temple
Kill yourself.
Why does the game "need an easy mode" if there are cheats?
Just use cheats.
fight with young lady butterfly DLC when?
Imagine playing a game with
>ichimonji double
>divine confetti
>ako sugar
And still losing to Isshin.
>Emma sfm never
waiting on the dlc senpai
based nips
Pc users have access to cheats, the percentage of people who actually beat her fair and square is lower than that.
But... nipgames are even easier.
What am I missing?
We don't talk about that.
>criticize it
All I see is whining and crying, ya simp.
Yeah, and every time you die, you should be forced to wait a month before playing again. That really heightens the tension.
If you give up at a boss that DSP beat in 3 tries then you should honestly quit video games alltogether.
I can understand those asians. Western audience is garbage
It's pretty funny that the final boss is easily beatable through sheer luck.
>unnecessary hyperbole
It's like you're not even trying... but then you are arguing for casuals so trying is probably beyond you.
There isn't a single easy mode thing, but you almost every main boss is weak to some special prostethic.
Relying on those too much, however, will rape you against the mid-game boss and the final boss. For those you have to git gud.
I think a lot of people just stumble through the game until that point mashing L1, never figuring out the difference between deflecting and guarding.
It's to filter out the casuals. I'd accuse you of arguing for the casuals, but you don't seem to be making an argument at all.
It's ok. I'll use fewer syllables next time so you can keep up.
>I don't know why that "nothing was gained" post was memed when it's the truth
The more someone deflects, the more the truth hurts. Case in point:
Final boss in lords of the fallen ng+ is too hard.
Basically anytime the devs fuck up and unwittingly make an enemy unbeatable is too hard.
>When you've only levelled a stat high enough to use a particular fire weapon and he de levels that stat making you fucking useless.
Worst piece of game design in anything from fromsoft.
>Final Fantasy
They were so mad about not getting the (slightly more difficult) international version of FF7 they bitched so much until they got it. The JP version of FF7 was even a bigger joke.
Dude, having to trudge through the same easy hallway, with the same easy enemies that you can mostly ignore just so you can practive the boss is beyond retarded and actually a really autistic thing to like.
Hence why From mostly removed that shit from Sekiro whereas DaS 1 is infested with this stupid as shit design decision.
What you are arguing is
>I'm so fucking hardcore because I remove the garbage in my flat every single day instead of once a week!
It's not hard, it's not hard, just useless, mundane shit which can somewhat improve the experience for some boss fights. But then you get thrown against an absolutely retarded "boss" like Bed of Chaos and the whole concept simply gets frustrating to hell and back again.
>How hard is too hard?
RNG based games
What a raging faggot. I hope he doesn't eat his cat out of anger.
this game is impossible admit it
>Raging at a ministry ninja
Worst get in fucking ages.
The run to the three black cloaked dudes in Bloodborne fucking slayed me when learning that fight.
t. sloth-like reactions, so punished more than 'intended'
what a waste of a get
why are they so butthurt about a single game being a bit more difficult? It's one game, it doesn't affect the market at all. There hasn't been a push to make games harder. This fat faggot makes a 30 minutes video trying to put down """hardcore gamers""" who are just happy to have a challenging game.
Back in my days shit like this got you banned.
>understanding basic mechanics is having a phd
This is literal brainlet talk. Fascinating
Borderline wasteful
The American education system, ladies and gentlemen.
I dont get why people would do this....why?
And when I was a kid I had a temperament problem as a child.
>not wanting manuals back
Someone get this zoomer tf out of here
Agreed. It just breaks the flow. When you lose, you just want a somewhat instant retry before you lose the momentum and "heat" you had in the battle. I'm so glad there was a bonfire close to every boss in ds3. It didn't make the bosses easier, it made the process less annoying.
>people like you are able to vote
I'm starting to think it's because Sekiro doesn't appeal to women at all, so journalists are hiding behind the disabled as to not appear sexist.
>I see stuff glowing... Ako's Sugar, gotta be
funny thing is that when I checked the sekiro directory on twitch there were a bunch of chicks playing it. I know it's meaningless in the grand scheme of things but still.. seems like they were enjoying the challenge.
I saw quite a few girls on youtube making good progress at the game
Literally git gud
>but i don't want to git gud
Than play something different. You don't have to play every fucking game. There are lots of games out there which weren't made for me and yet I don't whine like a little girl who gets told she really isn't a unique little princess.
People who critizise this said the same thing with incredible smugness and condescending attidute about their shitty walking simulators. Now there's a game not for them and they lose their fucking mind. Hipocrites, the lot of them.
You are an absolute faggot.
If only the media caught wind of that maybe they would've have thrown their collective hissy fit. They do seem to have dropped it now after those 2 millions sales figures came in.
Of course they were.
The people involved in things like OP don't actually play games.
Scared off his dinner.
truth is, sekiro is only hard if you dont understand the mechanics. since you cannot cheese the game as easily as you can in souls it punishes retards for refuse to learn more. but if you actually take the time to get a grasp for how things work its not hard at all.
Are you seriously trying to gatekeep folks from playing a videogame? You're pathetic dude.
Is Sekiro good? Should I buy it at sale or is it worth the $60?
Should I pirate it?
Did you even read the fucking post or did you start getting foam at your mouth while reading "git gud"?
>3.3% have platinum
>Can't be all cheaters because I am one of them and didn't cheat
What a waste of a get
the sites are going bankrupt but the journos themselves are still getting paid in the meantime
also they don't really go bankrupt until they get sued and then they just close shop, rebrand, and open again just like your shitty neighborhood pizza shop
How does your brain even think there's a gate to playing the game?
Literally buy (or download) it and play it.
You think is stopping you from playing somehow?
Fuckin retard.
Japs meme like everyone else
Hard with no payoff is too much hard. So, Sekiro.
Always remember the Asian ranking list:
[Honorary Tier]
Singaporean Han
[OK tier]
[Shit tier]
Okinawan Nips
[Subhuman tier]
Mainland Chinks
Papua New Guinean
Any Asian Immigrant living in the West
All of Central Asia
>is this really a boss? tier
Horse guy
Fire bull
>really hard tier
Chained ogre
The drunkard
>what the fuck / gave up and went somewhere else tier
Lady Butterfly
How am I fairing so far
Beat Genchiro and Ishin first phase in 20+ tries
The second and last phase I did in one try
Idk how
Being the annoying neighbor kid with an action replay is now enough qualification to be a game journo
you're doing fine.
take the game at your own pace, don't worry about what the people here think.
sekiro is a game about steam rolling your enemies and feeling powerful I don't understand how anyone could need help
>fire bull
Literally not a boss.
I was stuck on Blazing Bull because I still hadn't the firecracker prothese. Having that makes the fight trivial.
Incredible easy. Sneak in through the mansion and stealth his minions until he's alone, than stealth him for one health bar and talk to the samurai near the lake. He will distract him long enough so you can smash his back.
>Lady Butterfly
Easy as fuck. The only real threat is her sweeping attack and it's slow as fuck. Throw shuriken when she's in the air and just dab on her when she's on the ground.
If a subhuman journalist can beat a game it isn’t hard enough
For every Asian raging streamer, there’s a thousand anglos on twitch doing the same thing.
>than stealth him for one health bar
I thought you couldn't because of the fire
I find it hard to tell between bosses and non-bosses, so I'm just assuming any named NPC with more than 1 health bar that isn't a normal-sized human is a boss.
Hard is not the same as punishing. Which, themselves, are not the same as inaccessible
>cheats to win
Yeah definitely not
Did you not find the entrance of the mansion on the left side of the lake? There's no fire on that side.
>How am I fairing so far
Like the average person playing the game I'd say. The game became a lot easier when It clicked that I couldn't dodge like in souls game and I had to focus on offense and building up the enemies' posture bar. Mashing attack in enemies' faces and deflecting their attacks is the way to go. When you attack you'll hear CLING CLING CLONG, clong is when they'll counter you so you have to deflect.
Kinda felt like I was playing a rhythm game
Here's the thing:
Cheats are fine because you're not demanding that the developers bend to your will. You're making the game bend to yours, which is entirely your decision
Pissing and moaning over an "EZ MODE" because you're too shit to play the game, cheese it out or cheat at it is what makes you an asshole.
Do people who find this game so incredible art not picking up cues? Like the golden flash whenever an enemy is about to counter attack. Just hit deflect shortly after that. The game is full of such hints. You just have to keep your eyes open.
I did, maybe I missed the path with no fire.
Surprised that people who don't even like video games would bother to cheat.
Yea Forums btfo
That fight was tense, but fair. What took me awhile on it was not that I didn't know how to parry, but that I got a little greedy with when I could get hits in. His phase 2 was a little shakey for me as well.
I played BB before going back to play all Souls games before this one, so I think that habit of being overly aggressive stuck with. That will fuck you over in this game of course
That poor cat.
It's hard because enemies have more shallow move pools and gargantuan health bars. Meaning fights are lasting far longer and the enemies are far dumber and unpredictable.
pick one, retard. and the fights are only long if you suck and resort to vitality damage for every kill.
fuck off
Do you even know how Fromsoft makes games? Having a shallow move pool with every other move being some sort of command grab or CC is not reliant on your "skill" to beat. I'm sure facerolling ANOTHER souls game with half the content of bloodborne for 1000 hours to master it is totally "skill".
I think we can all concede this.
health bars don't matter if you attack and counter properly to break their posture, dipshit
i think theres a big problem here that nobodys talking about: this guy clearly didnt enjoy the game enough to want to play it properly. and thats fine. not everything is for everyone.
But I think the issue here is that he was forced to, because its his job. as such, he was forced to play through a game simply because it was high profile, not because he enjoyed the game.
As such, anything he says about the game comes off poorly because its obvious he didnt enjoy it.
for a regular consumer, if they dont enjoy a game, they can stop playing it, and go play something they like, but journalists have to play things simply because of the games profile, not because they care or want to play it. as such, we have reviews being written by people forced to play games wether they interest them or not.
>health bars don't matter if you use the cinematic autopilot mode
Truly the next step in game design
DSP beat the final boss on his third attempt, it was so easy for him he didn't believe he had beat the game for around 5 minutes, the thought his chat was trolling. Single player games are only hard for journalists.
the solution is clear
death to video game journalists
we must set them free
Too true. Should have just said he didn't like the game instead of complaining it needs to be changed. I think overcoming difficulty is part of the fun, but that's just my experience.
I'd be a shit game reviewer because I can't stand some genres, like dungeon crawlers
Fuck you
>beating everything in every game must be dependent on the health bar and nothing else
Enjoy poking bosses and taking 20 minutes for a fight that really takes 3
exactly, but if it was your job, youd be forced to play them.
im not in the camp of "game journalists are garbage" I just think they need to be allocated to the right things. and yeah, its valid input to say "I didnt enjoy sekiro because i didnt enjoy its gameplay style" but that review, while somewhat useful, isnt actually that helpful for telling you if you should play it if thats the kind of game you like.
You shouldn't have a rhythm game fan review gears of war, and you shouldn't have a shooter nut review ddr
You just made my point, the cinematic mode is a crutch, not a feature.
>Play this souls game by only using this new feature or else
I want to marry the snake but it's gone, do I go to sunken valley?
If the gameplay programmer can't beat a boss without taking damage, it's too hard.
>as such, we have reviews being written by people forced to play games wether they interest them or not.
This is purely a problem of online gamining journalism. Printed zines have an actual thought out staff with people who have different tastes. You wouldn't see the RPG guy testing a pure FPS there.
>not everything is for everyone.
This is only true for games with true artistic value™ who have brave stories about oppression. Otherwise it's bigoted.
How is it a crutch if it's literally how the game tells you to play? When they first announced the game they said it was about breaking posture.
You just don't want to admit you fucking suck at the game. What boss did you get stuck on?
>people actually say this game has bad/disappointing music
Anyone else think it's literally the best of any FromSoft title?
i really like the music that plays when you fight apparitions. its so spooky.
Really liked the Hirata Estate music. Made me somehow remember Diablo 1.
>You shouldn't have a rhythm game fan review gears of war, and you shouldn't have a shooter nut review ddr
Only point I disagree with. I think it's good to get more perspectives of game, but not if it's blatantly calling a game bad because you're bad. For instance, I'm really shit at fighting games. I'd like to give my opinion, but it shouldn't be "this game sucks because it doesn't cater to me," but, "as someone who's not good at this kind of game, here's my experience."
However that's real wishful thinking and that doesn't get clicks or controversy.
>How is it a crutch if it's how the game was designed
The games not hard, it's just overly simplistic, it takes no risks and ultimately is just overtuned garbage for marketing.
Not him but founding an entire game around swordplay but forcing you to use a specific playstyle is both bullshit and fucking boring too, it's more about a rock-paper-scissor snoozefest than individual skill, reminds me of Furi, yeah that game was shit too.
Filtered by Ogre
And yet you just said:
>It's hard because enemies have more shallow move pools and gargantuan health bars
Found the journalist from OP's pic.
Isn't that overly simplistic? Isn't that what I just fucking said? You fucking sweaty nigger.
So why play it if you knew that mechanic ahead of time and didn't like it? Jesus
I'm not arguing simplicity. It is. But I'm not the one going
>bro it's hard, too much health!
then going
>nah man it's not hard just simple and boring
>How hard is too hard?
1CC MetalSlug3
The only music I didn't like was the obviously daslike choir music when you fight the chained ogre/bull. Really didn't fit at all in this setting. Otherwise the music did a good job at setting the mood.
DSP is just slow picking up mechanics. Once he realizes them he's not that bad, at least by today's standards.
So now you're quoting me out of context? The game is overly simplistic and artificially inflating the time that you have to fight these retardedly programmed mobs is not the way to go about fluffing play time.
>actually quoting me out of context
Fuck off faggot, and take your shitty bait with you
shit get
yeah i mean he took less time with ds3's ringed city than a lot of 'real souls veterans' did. for example, he took less time and bitched less than epic name faggot.
>artificially inflating the time that you have to fight these retardedly programmed mobs
Lmao. Git fucking gud, you game journalist.
Ogre was on the same level as Isshin for how much bullshit his hitboxes were, i was legit terrified by his tracking, still finished the game.
Because i thought it would be a good game overall? Literally everything is worse than DeS which came out more than 10 years ago, except the lock-on system since it works like shit and has not been optimized for a game like this.
Kill yourself shitskin
Sorry you need an easy mode to beat a straightforward game, faggot
Maybe next time you'll think twice before makimg a retarded post
ng with no charm as your second playthrough.
I doubt that poster is of voting age
Is it even possible for you faggots to have a conversation? Do you immediately scurry when people aren't shitposting?
go find your own irl kuro. dont let your dreams be dreams.
>when Demon of Hatred music suddenly jumps out of atonality
>"Wolf...thank you..."
>the horse knocking you off gyoubu's dying body so he can be with his master
>butterfly saying you've improved as you kill her
>owl saying thats my boy after you shank him
>owl 2 saying being beaten by his own son isnt unpleasant
>sword saint isshin saying you did well after you kill him
sekiro has a lot of emotional scenes
he practiced off stream and used guides
nu/v/ ladies and mentlegen
>bullshit hitboxes
Imagine being this bad at video games.
Typical game journalist.
Dodging is so 2016.
Try parrying like you should've been in all the DaS games to make them piss easy.
I've died almost 30 times to Isshin and can't even put a dent into his second phase. I just cant react to what hes doing unless it's his gun spam. Send help please.
I'm so tired of journos whining and trying to bully artistic integrity out of video games
>uses a video of a guy beating it by literally chipping away at health and running around for 30 minutes
I am pretty sure that is not the intended way but I guess it works
I think Sekiro has the perfect difficulty in a game. The only downside is that bosses and mini bosses are to close to each other making you feel exhausted at times when you just won a hard fight just to get greeted by another one 3m in.
Maybe not hard enough. When are you going to get a game that REALLY pushes people past their limit?
>traditionally Japanese games have to be made MORE difficult for the west
other way around sweetie
How hard is too hard for me?
Sekiro is fine. Ikaruga and Hearts of Iron 3 are bullshit.
If you do it the right way you can beat him in about 5-10 minutes and he wouldn't have wasted nearly a half hour of his life every time he failed in his dumb strategy.
I never actually noticed snake was in the pic, it looked like leaves
Gaming journos are so fucking bad at video games lol.
Never trust anyone who calls themselves a "gaming journalist."
the interesting part is that he fights legitimately for 90% of the boss and then just runs around at the end, why? why couldn't he simply do the same for the last part lol, it's like running with your legs in a marathon and for the last 10m you decide to tie your shoes and walk on your balls
What cheats are there in the game?
Isn't that basically the "easy mode" that nerds are crying for?
According to a Fromcuck this is hardcore:
Outlier. Games on 8bit/16bit games were notorius for increasing difficulty because game renting was a thing in the US and banned in Japan.
>burns literally every one of his seals to kill 4 basic enemies
I mean sure, you can... but that's like playing StarCraft2 and having your ghost EMP a single drone. Like yeah it works, but why burn the resource?
Fume Knight and Slippery Climb as a time trial are fucking ruining my life at the minute
There are mods to speed up and slow down yourself and enemies. That's what the faggola in the OP did, he slowed Isshin down to 50% and kept himself at normal speed.
Because it's h4rdc0r3 bro.
casuals won
Sekiro isn't even that hard. Once you get the rythym game nature of the combat you'll never be in danger again. It's hard to get into (for some) yet easy to master. Stop crying fuck.
umm, guys?