Sekiro > BB >>> DeS > DaS1 >>>> DaS3 >>>>>>> DaS2

Sekiro > BB >>> DeS > DaS1 >>>> DaS3 >>>>>>> DaS2

Do we agree?

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Yeah but I would put BB much lower for performance and aliasing issues. Below Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3 in my opinion. Also I think Dark Souls 2 should be second last and Demons Souls should be last.

>best single player experience / gameplay
>best pvp
rest aren't worth mentioning anymore


Make your own opinion, whiny fag

If theres a sequel Sekiro needs to go full on Yojimbo look.

BB + dlc > Sekiro > BB
Otherwise yeah, sounds about right. Hope Sekiro's dlc will be great.

>best pvp

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Pretty much the same except I'd use fewer symbols because I'm not a fag and I'd put Sekiro below DS2.

>best pvp
>Soul memory
>Retarded fall-on-your-ass parries
>No uncracked red eye
>Meme builds out the ass
DaS2's online is trash, this is why DaS3's playerbase is almost 10 times bigger.

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Sekiro is quite possibly the most overrated game to come out in the last five years. It'd be lucky to keep at the heels of DS3 and DS2.

>inb4 filtered
Yeah, Nope. Japan is shit and the combat is shallow and repetitive.

The Ogre did you THAT bad huh?

DS3 multiplayer is fucking trash, the worst in the series by far.
get some taste you fucking pleb.
nice cherry picking, faggot.

>The only way anyone could possibly not like my game is if they didn't beat it
Imagine having this level of delusion

>no arguments only sperging
Typical DaS2fag for you. DaS3 has objectively the best multiplayer, so many quality of life improvments, the most smooth, fluid and responsive movement and animation.
Deal with it you absolute spastic.

I remember the day Sekiro came out everyone here hated it. Interesting to see how fast the reversal of opinion took place.

>couldn't beat it

I remember that day as well

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DaS1 >>> DeS >>> Sekiro >>> BB >>> DaS2 >>> DaS3

anything else is plebian tier. this last is flawless.

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Bloodborne's combat is dismal after playing Sekiro

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>roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll
>still has 50% stamina left

just no

BB > DaS1 ≥ DeS > Sekiro > DaS2 > DaS3
I want some more from Sekiro. It's very short as it is.

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Sekiro > nioh > BB > i dont care about your R1+circle faggot

>I remember the day Sekiro came out everyone here hated it
>hated it
no no no
almost everyone suck dick at game

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It's literally the same length as BB and that's without slow ass loading times and the need to teleport to Hunter's Nightmare every 10 minutesm

Some days I just want to kill people who make these godawful memes.

Sekiro > DeS = BB > DaS3 > DaS1 > DaS2

You can still see those butthurt people in these threads. They're the kind of retards who put Sekiro last behind fucking DaS2.

BB is the definition of reddit

De2 > BB = Sekiro = DS1 = DS3 > DS2

I'm somewhat easy to please. Demon's Souls is highest because you can break that game so easily, and DS2 is last because it was disappointing. DS2 isn't awful, just "good but less good"

Were you around when DS3 came out? It was literally the same shit.
Now it's usually lumped together with DS2 as the worst entries in the series.
Just wait a couple months.


i get strong Dark Souls 2 vibes from sekiro

no you fucking moron Dark Souls 3 is far and away the worst piece of crap I have ever played. For my money

>le food analogy
>le reddit
So this is the brain capacity of Bloodbornefags....

Sekiro is the next Ocarina of Time sucker

bloodborne sucks ass compared to every souls game and sekiro

you're close but dark souls latter half really loses me. DeS consistency puts it above for me anyway.

>From adds rollbuffering to DaS3
>DaS3 has objectively the best multiplayer
user, you couldn't have outed yourself as a casual any faster.

Switch Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls (which is still an excellent game) and you've got it right.

Dark Souls II had good PVP balance and systems but the gameplay was total ass. I really don't know where this sentiment comes from when even broken ass Dark Souls 1 PVP was far more popular after the honeymoon phase for Dark Souls II.

>Brags about DaS3 playerbase
>Forgets that DaS2 had its playerbase obliterated due to the DirectX 11 update
Now, they're both shit, but you gotta be fair - even with From splitting the playerbase, what you pointed out had easy ways around.
>Rush Agape Ring
>Parrying got nerfed after patches (though falling-on-your-ass was kinda comical)
>Implying Farming Giant Lord is hard for farming Ascetics at Shulva for Red Eye farm is hard when you're doing it anyway
>Meme builds that usually had severe weaknesses that you brings weapons for, just in case

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Dark Souls>Bloodborne>Demon's Souls>Sekiro>Dark Souls 3>Dark Souls 2