Ally is actually a hidden enemy

>ally is actually a hidden enemy
any games for this feel?

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what is he smiling about?

If pitbulls were races from The Elder Scrolls which race would they be? Dwember?

he finna tear a toddlers throat out


it just ate the child


Orcs or nords

This is my favorite pitbull meme image, please laugh at it and reply to my post to tell me how not only funny, but accurate funny it is.

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Vegas 2

His owner is a 5'0" petite girl who can't control him around other dogs or people

They'd be Mer, because the average cunt doesn't give shit about the breeds, they just want an umbrella term to pin everything on

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Where you think he got the suite from?

thinkgen of babies


Isn't this picture the plot of Little Red Riding Hood


if i tell you, the enemy won't be hidden no more, won't he?

pitbull bash threads best threads

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Real life

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>final enemy was actually on your side all along
Legit question, has anyone done this? I sense making a twist like this would probably backfire in most situations, but still interested. And no, I'm not talking about big bad having a reasonable and "for the greater good" agenda behind their actions, that's different.

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God damn my first time playing I did not see that twist coming. Playing it years later it's a bit more obvious but damn.
still pretty shocking.

>Drinking water replenishes health

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Snarf or Dr. Dwamm GOOOOOO!

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Shit thread

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Well fuck....maybe next time.
Thanks schlorp


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real life

What a good boy

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>enemy's attacks can cause transform status effect

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Look mum I posted it again. Stick to pol retard

Rolling for RepoMan


Why are incels so scared of pitbulls?

And this is my final final form