DMC 5 is better

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Worst souls game

>DMC 5 is better
Literally wood gameplay, shit like Sekiro.

sekiro because it takes too much time/effort to get good. Went back to Rain World.

too hard i got to the end of the game where you fight general kawasaki or whatever but i couldn't beat him so i quit.

Hollow Knight
It's boring.

I liked both.

Boomer game

The gameplay is shit, only nihilists enjoy the experience of being assraped by a bunch of hobos and having your ore stolen
I'm going to play it again later

Dark Souls 3

Overrated, overpriced and Sekiro is better.

combat is literally hold A to win


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The division 2 is really repetitive. Its just go here shoot a bunch of dudes get loot repeat, over and over and over.

Everything is so overdone and slow

>wood gameplay
what kind of fucking rating system do you have?

fuck this braindead enemies easy bosses and slow ass gameplay

>rating system
Return to Metacritic, faggot

because Sekiro is better

God of War PS4
The intro is SO slow and I prefer old GoW mechanics better

doesn't have the charm/mystery that grabbed me w/ souls games, if the story and world fail to catch my interest 4 hours in something's fucky

>me hate game with wood control
What the fuck are you trying to say?
You like aquatic controls? You sound like a god damn retard

Shit's awful in virtually every way. Gameplay. Story. Acting. Hell, even the graphics are gimped by shit shadows/hair on ps4.

Its an old excuse but the game picks up after the intro.

For about an hour. Post-Alfheim the game is a fucking dumpster fire.

fuck off barry

>pokemon black
After catching up on all the other entries to help soften my backlog, this was the breaking point for me. I can only play the same fucking game so many times.
>metroid prime
I have never been a Metroid fan. I tried every entry, I tried lets plays with people who love them, just never got into them. Was surprisingly hooked on Prime for the first 1/3 of the game, then the backtracking became such a dominant feature of the game that it became dull. Breaking point was getting the wavebuster, which requires getting a fuck ton of missile upgrades. Dropped.
>world war z
Yep, another generic janky zombie game. No thanks
>sly cooper, jak and daxter, ratcht and clank series
Gave several entries in each several hours. None of them clicked. Just far too rudimentary and gameplay actually intended for toddlers. Nothing from these clicked at all

I'll try to give it a shot again then. I borrowed it from a friend so I have nothing to lose.

I drop most games, typically near the ending.

I haven't beaten a single Soulsborne (or Sekiro) game because the narrative is shit and the bosses are pretty bad (not the reason to play those games). No reason to finish them.

I have a backlog to go through, so I play games enough so I get the core experience out of them. Then I move on.

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Absolutely brutal difficulty with no payoff at the end.

what games have good bosses?

>ghost recon wildlands
it's boring, wasted potential

100%ed it, no need to ever play it again.
>Hollow Knight
Boring as fuck. Sorry but that was my exerpience. Dropped it shortly after Hornet because I just lost all will to go on.

>Dangerous Driving
its trash

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it's too hard
i prefer easier games like DMC5

Sekiro was too hard, so I went back to DMC5 because it makes me feel like a badass.

>BloodBorne + The Surge
I love the souls games but I haven't played then in so long so i'm rusty as fuck and don't feel like grinding time in to git gud again, at least not at the moment.

sekiro because I'm an easily distracted fucking idiot and got an itch to play through terraria again, I didn't even get stuck I got to mibu village and just never picked it up again, haven't gotten to the areas boss yet

I keep intending to pick it back up but I have too many games and other activities on the go right now which seem to keep taking priority and I have a hard enough time forcing myself to play anything unless I'm chatting on mic when I do it.

tales of berseria. I was hoping to get back into jrps but that one was shit. shit story, ps2 graphics, and combat that was just spamming whatever the fuck you wanted, zero strategy and repetitive.

also, might drop rdr2 as well. it's beautiful but for some reason the gta formula has become extremely boring to me. i dropped gtav for the same reason. not connecting to the characters and the gameplay just seems very bland. especially after playing something like watchdogs 2 where there is more gameplay interactivity with the surrounding environment through hacking and shit.

oh well, might just do another playthrough of hollowknight.

anything rockstar they've been a joke since 2013


Division 2. Got it free with my CPU and enjoyed it for a week or two, but then the devs decided to nerf everything rather than fixing their game.

This was way back in 2017, but Dead Rising 1. I just didn’t click with the escorting sections and the timer. Maybe I’ll try it again sometime, though.

this but the opposite, tried DMC5 after finishing sekiro but it felt so fucking clunky
and the first boss fight was ugh... dropped after that

>Wood gameplay

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Our world, those doing dogs attacking right through your hits and killing you.

Outworld, sry autocorrect.

fundamentally awful matchmaker. no other game compares

The timer to do the missions is really shit, i hate it

Finished it and realized it has zero replay value

Intresting Idea but the game is boring garbage, don't waist your cash, or do, I don't rly care.

>God of war

Boring cinematic trash.

>Dropped it shortly after Hornet because I just lost all will to go on.
More like you lost because you didn't get good

Conan Exiles.

Playing video games is always kinda pointless, but you can seriously feel it when you play this "game."

There wasn't anything I lost to though. It's just a boring game

>Hollow Knight
I don't really have the time right now but I was having a good time. I'll probably pick it back up but maybe start over.

read the op morons

>Shadow of Mordor
Extremely repetitive gameplay.
Did not care for the story at all.

It's not

>forces the fandom wars
>he doesn't know
yea like i said, fuck off

It's like 15 dollars in every sale.

Division 2. Got to WT5, been through all the content a half dozen times and there's nothing to do except grind for gear so you can do the same content slightly faster and I'm not autistic enough for that.

It's boring and the weird bloom on everything makes my eyes hurt

Mega Man X3 on the X collection on PS2
that fucking shit is unplayable with a Dualshock, thank god for SNES 9X and it's save states otherwise I would not pick it up ever again

FFVIII just before the Ultimecia fight, dropped it at the same spot twice before, I don't know I just get so exhausted of the piss easy battle system I know I'll just mash X for half an hour until she's dead, what's the point

Yep it is.
Check this 5 to prove I'm right, kiddo

>Dead Cells
Unlocking items actually ruins the drop pool.

>Kingdom Hearts 3
Arendelle killed all of my motivation to play anymore of it. Also too easy.

I jack off with a condom on and forgot to wash off the live so my hands were super slippery. Luckily the disc was fine and I was able to keep playing.

Same but it was like 2009. Tried to play it on a 14 inch tv and couldn't read the text.
Years later I completed the sequel because I had a friend who wanted to do co-op. Still didn't enjoy it, not a fan of timers.

GoW 2017 hard mode. It's really difficult

Witcher 3
Im tired of life

Divinity Original Sin 1, only played for 5 minutes, when I saw this game was built for 2 players coop I just didn't want to play anymore


Wooden controls are a valid complaint, bootybreth

>Baba is you
It's time for me to accept that I got a small brain.
Back to dumb as shit action games where I at least know what I'm supposed to do.

You can easily play it alone wtf

I'll control my wood right into your asshole, fuck face

It was the fact you had 2 characters built from scratch and only in the intro there were a bunch of moments where you interacted with each other, gave that feeling of I'm playing it wrong, talking to myself like a mad man

>new God Eater
Cringe modern anime art style and discount Monster Hunter gameplay
Finished it, but the game has ZERO replay value compared to Souls and BB.
Finished DH mode, got bored of SoS half way through. Shits boring.

But yeah the game felt like it was more or less supposed to be breezed through with a friend because the stories were absolutely meh and not supposed to be focussed on too much apparently. 2 did it a lot better but at the same time it makes me want to play it alone even more and makes the co-op seem even less interesting because it's a game I want to play purely at my own pace

Blood Bowl 2.
Shit's gay.

Not a bad game at all, but I was only playing it because it's new and it's by fromsoft. I've moved to Tropical Freeze/Crash 1-3 and will probably go back to Sekiro in a few months when I actually want to play it and get invested. I got to around the halfway mark before stopping.