He doesnt go for a legit immortal build

>he doesnt go for a legit immortal build
vertebrates, not even once

Attached: file.png (520x432, 181K)

It’s not immortal if you just step on it

>Not maining Tardigrade masterrace
Are you guys even trying?

>gets eaten by a whale

flatworms shit through their mouths


is this thing solid? if yes, can i insert it inside my asshole?

always talking shit, huh

>blocks your path

Attached: op.png (729x725, 868K)


You're wide open buddy

Attached: FUCK BACTERIA.jpg (1100x734, 40K)

>tfw you're such a weeb you thought this thread was about the tsuchinoko and not real-life flatworms
japan has consumed my life get me out of this nightmare.

>meat eater
>have killed trillions of germs, bugs, and sperm

I don't wanna die!!

Attached: AHHHH.jpg (600x450, 57K)

>needing to be immortal to get everything you want to do in life done
lmao have fun watching your waifus die immortalgays

I'll never understand why the bacteriophage found that design to be the most beneficial to it.

because biology never strives to be optimal, only suitable.

Attached: expert.jpg (600x675, 61K)


useless dogshit creature i spit on you, all tough because "immortal and deadpoolXD regen". fuck you meme animal, barely alive piece of filth

a billion of these vs any human and human win, flatworms can lick my dirty cock and balls

It should strive to be exploitable otherwise we're fucked

It amazes me how many people dont understand this distinction

Because viruses are an artificial creation. No fucking way that thing with spider legs and the alien pylon is natural.

*blocks your path*

Attached: bbb - moises dominguez.jpg (765x810, 141K)

Tardigrades are a meme lol

>Tardigrade masterrace
>invests evolution points into superheat, supercold, radiation, gamma ray burst immunity
>doesn't invest in any sort of hard shell, can be crushed with no effort
>cannibalizes other players of the same guild
Sorry for not being retarded

It's an artistic recreation you idiot. a real virus just looks like a bunch of spindly and loose proteins floating around.

wew lad

Attached: Electron-micrograph-of-a-bacteriophage.png (572x649, 281K)

I know it's about being suitable, but I don't see how having your head be triangles is suitable.

there's no way this thing is natural, it looks too mechanical and similar to other stuff we made
it has to have been engineered by someone before our time, to keep earth life in check

Attached: gatednanorobot1c.jpg (537x538, 149K)

It only needs to make those triangles to build the whole head, so it keeps the amount of genetic information needed to make more bateriophages down to a minimum

compared to a sphere, it would have higher volume to surface area and greater structural integrity at smaller sizes, helping it retain its structure with changes in osmotic pressure.

Attached: 1536441966886.jpg (396x396, 20K)

>I'm to dumb to understand biological pattern formation

Thanks, it shows

actual brainlets ITT

well you are on Yea Forums

Exactly. The saying goes "survival of the fittest" when it should be "survival of the least inadequate."

Kind of
Sure, but they are very small. Like, millimeter-sized small.

>fittest means fit as in health and fitness
Fucking brainlet, look up what a ecological niche is before spouting pseudo-intellectual bullshit like this

Attached: 1531579316105.png (398x293, 8K)

its cum expose to space