What's the hardest you've ever won an argument on Yea Forums?

What's the hardest you've ever won an argument on Yea Forums?

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I usually don't come back after I've replied once.



>See two Anons arguing
>Pretend to be one of them and say something retarded

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i called someone an incel and they had an anime meltdown

Wow, I never knew that Nasu browsed Yea Forums.


based and falseflag pilled

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t. pseudo social media normies

Best breaking bad episode desu

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My brother once told me master chief was more iconic than batman so I put on my batman costume throat punched the little cunt and disappeared into the night.

Your fucking retarted

>Losing argument
>Reply with "Have sex"
Never heard from that user again.

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>thread hits bump limit
>wait until page 10 to post a counter argument
>win because you got the last word

No (You) for you nigger.

I call Nintendo shit and the soiboys deflect to sony everytime

God I love doing this

>see one user getting ganged up on hard
>jump to his defense blow the other faggots out
>"thanks bro"

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And then everybody stood up and clapped.

It's so fucking fun to do it.

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>What's the hardest you've ever won an argument on Yea Forums?
I call people that have bad opinions liberals or accuse them of browsing resetera/reddit
You literally cannot come back from that

I knew Yea Forums had shit taste in games but damn bro

Not an argument, simply a fact.

I usually just tire the other person out by posting long but well-reasoned replies explaining while they're wrong and then repeatedly calling them a retard. As time passes I become more and more condescending and patronizing. Usually other anons are trying to have discussion around our argument that slowly dies out until we're the only two posting. Sometimes when I'm bored and the other user has made a particularly retarded post I'll say he's too stupid to argue with and stop replying.

>reply to everyone for no reason

>"Not him, but..."
>am actually him

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Thanks for the (You) friend.

I told someone to Have Sex™.

Literally me. What's our condition called?

also based, a tactical samefag can sometimes swing the entire game

not me but I would buy this guy a good meal for this post.

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Being correct.

If someone else joins in supporting the person I'm arguing with I accuse them of samefagging. Even if they post a screencap of the yous I will persist and say something like "everyone knows how easy those are to fake samefag"

i take the opposite position of what i actually believe (for example defend dmc5 over sekiro even though i prefer sekiro) and fucking run with it. come up with the most autistic shit. its fun

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>implying Yea Forums is for arguing and not just shitposting this days
>implying that threads seeking to have discussion dont die fast while some off topic thread with sexual pics get max replies

>arguing with someone
>reply to the same post multiple times with varying posting styles to make it seem he said something completely retarded

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>losing argument
>pretend to be someone arguing against myself but in the most obnoxious retarded way so people who actually hold that view are too embarrassed to reply

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>everyone is "pretending" to be retarded
It's all so tiring

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The incel retreat of shame

You two have ruined more decent threads than I can count and I hope you die in a fire.

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High IQ

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based, me too

I created multiple Discords with people from /pol/ r/The_Donald and resetera in order to win every argument on here and shitpost every game I dislike to death.
I am the one who killed off Golden Sun threads (you're welcome) and frequently shitpost in smash threads (I'm a ridley fan so I'm immune to all criticism in those threads) and also have my followers create multiple smash threads in order to piss the entire board off.

You'll never get me. I love to argue and I'm always right. I'm your worst nightmare. I go into threads whose subjects I don't even care about just to pick fights.

based, I do the same

Lol I remember this thread.

>Shit on any video game
>Throw in a casual jab at Nintendo
>10+ replies easy

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>somebody disagrees with me
>reply with "cringe" or "based retard"

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Then go spend the rest of your life doing it with ACfag, you were made for each other.

Based, I do this too. Most times other anons will start to join in and dogpile lmao

I go into threads whose subjects I don't even know anything about and just start parroting what I assume are the popular talking points. I've made hundreds of posts about mario and zelda despite never playing any of them.

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>ask a question about something you know the answer to
>answer the question yourself to try to get others to notice the answer/discuss the topic

>struggle to come up with an argument
>another user chimes in and leaves a post that blows the other side the fuck out

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>arguing with someone
>report his posts for low quality
>they get deleted

>not him, but
>am not actually him
>still get accused of samefagging
No, you nigger, I just think you're also retarded.

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Not him, but this is based

This can be countered by replying with some shit like "whoa man you're taking this too seriously, alright, you win if that's what you really want".

>start to lose an arguement
>samefag en masse to reply "based" to my own post so it looks like i'm cool

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>About to lose argument
>Whip out an MS paint comic

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>Make a thread using a generic blanket statement "What did he mean by this" or "Now that the dust has settled" with an image I'd actually like to discuss
>works every time
Thank you based retards for being so easily manipulated

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Absolutely devilish and based

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I don't do it myself but the amount of falseflagging in console war threads is insane
>as a nintendo fan....
>as a sony fan...
I mean jesus christ

r/The_Donald users are the most useful of idiots. Steer the argument in any way to make it seem like your opponent is ever so slightly anti-Trump, post on the discord, and watch as 20 allies come in to completely ruin the thread.

This is great when they say something completely innocuous or objectively true, it confuses a good portion of the thread and really pisses off the fact focused autists.
>tfw someone replies a three paragraph long all caps screed about how wrong you are

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can the mods see when I samefag?

>went into a thread and shat on some guy for not being able to beat a boss
>that guy goes into full seething mode
>4 other anons joined me and shat on that guy for being shit

the funny thing is that I haven't even played the game in question, I just bullshited my post and other anons did their legwork for me.

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>blogposting about gf
>some virgin starts having a fit about it

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Fuck I do this a lot. Its draining having to reply to dumb fucks so I start getting more rude.

>arguing with someone about off topic shit
>report their posts for off topic
>they get deleted
>mine don't

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I'm the Smash at Evo Kermitposter so pretty fucking hard.

based and clonepilled

>in a politics thread
>randomly throw out accusations of /pol/ or resetrannies to gaslight

No one has ever done this and I've been posting here for like 8 years now. Usually the standard shaming tactics like that don't work on here because its all anonymous, also most people on here are way too autistic to use that instead of continuing the debate. If you did do that though I would just agree and amplify.

>notice a bunch of similar styled shitposts in a thread all shitting on one game
>they’re all trying to act like different anons
>notice that he typed anonymous into the name field and didn’t capitalize the A
>call him out on it, he stops posting all together

I’ve also had people reply with “fuck you :)” after lengthy back and forth a were they couldn’t argue a damn thing.

It’s really easy to argue in CS threads since Yea Forums doesn’t understand that game in the slightest.

>call someone retarded
>also call them retarded from my phone so it shows up as a new IP

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you fucking devilish niggers


I talk about my gf to rile up the unironic incels who hate women

>faggot tries this on me
>call him out on it
>me and user who were arguing team up against the faggot until he crawls away in shame

>see a thread I don't like
>enter it and mention le /pole/ boogeyman
>thread implodes
Works every time

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Three, I popped in because I do it too. Although I used my powers to chase the vegans off