>Bosses that no one has ever been able to beat
How can you sell a game, when it's impossible to finish?
Bosses that no one has ever been able to beat
no one? lol i beat him several times already...
What were those guy's names again?
They got nothing on orphan of kos,Lawerence the first vicar,Nameless king and Defiled chalice bosses in bloodborne.
Mike and Jay
Very funny user.
I remember STALKER SoC being unfinishable on release though.
Literally beat them first try. As long as you keep your eyes on both its not even remotely hard. The stupid Capra Demon is way harder because of the bullshit room.
Nigger and Bigger
Drake and Josh
I've managed to solo all of them, but Lawrence was definitely the most annoying. Seriously fuck that guy.
feed and seed
>Can effortlessly beat Death without subweapons.
>This fight is still a shitshow to me if I don't Holy Water lockdown
Here’s your (you) ...
Wasn't VTM Bloodlines unbeatable on launch? Some game breaking bug or boss or wathever
I straight up just gave up on Lawrence and never bother with the Chalice Dungeons.
Jak and Daxter
biggie smalls
Ogre and Spearguy
Big Smoke and Ryder
It just whip until you can't whip anymore, there is no strategy for this shit, just wail and hope for the best.