Hey guys, remember that tragedy that just happened yesterday? Cheer up, here's a free game! That'll heal the wound...

>Hey guys, remember that tragedy that just happened yesterday? Cheer up, here's a free game! That'll heal the wound. Haha!

What is Ubisoft playing at here?

Attached: unity1.jpg (631x611, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what wound?

The... wait a minute, where's my dick? WHAT DID THEY DO TO ME?

like a quebecois would ever skip a chance to twist the knife in a parisian

WHy are there so many nogs in Paris. Its even worse than London or New York even


It's marketing you dumbasz

former colonies

No one died so who cares

It's good PR.
Pretty astounding you're this stupid and dense.

So...how is Unity? In general that is, as I think they fixed it now


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Does your birthplace have a famous landmark?

Ubisoft's main studio is in paris, it's good pr. This is also on top of the half million they donated to the rebuild fund.

Why don't they donate that money to feeding the homeless instead of wasting it on rebuilding a church?

>Uplay only

Attached: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING.jpg (750x499, 16K)

yeah, a big one that everyone walks all over, piss on and cover with gallons of semen Your Mom

Notre Dame is more important than people who can't take care of themselves

But it was already free.

Attached: 1490934232581.jpg (380x380, 33K)

it's a Ubisoft game... where else would it be?

Yeah man, get rid of retirement homes too. Fuck everyone who isn't you!

>We are saddened by Notre Dame, but not enough to release it on anywhere else but our firstparty store.

because 24 million tourists come to Paris each year and you need attractions for people to buy stuff and keep the economy strong.

There's programs to help the homeless. Yes it could always be better, but so can a lot of things.

Free publicity and hoping you'll buy the next asscreed.

if you don't want to end up in a retirement home, you should have started a family, and if you did and they still dumped you there, maybe you should have been a better parent

even if they released it on steam or epic or whatever, you'd still had to install uplay

why don't they donate to 3 black churches in louisiana that burnt down by white supremacists?
Why didn't they donate to give flint michigan clean water? Are they racist?!??!

What is the next one going to be? There hasn't been an AC game in a minute.

Based and piratepilled.

this but unironically

Next one is subbed Ragnarok it's gonna be vikings

>look at how good and noble we are by giving you a game notorious for running like shit on everything and being absolutely overloaded with bugs
>now you'll want to buy more games on our client!

Is Ragnarok the only Viking related word people know?

They’re also making ingame render of Notre Dame available to any architect that wants to reference it

Attached: tourist go home.jpg (837x626, 51K)

Yeah. Also Valhalla.

They actually donated a demi million as well. But the publicity stunt of giving away Unity for free buzzed so much nobody noticed. I'm french, so i know about it.

>lets just feed all the invading mudslimes who are sucking the country dry, instead of preserving a historic landmark

It could also be Dynasty which would be ancient China. There's rumors for both and they haven't been confirmed yet. Vikings is more likely though

>ignoring the fact they also donated 500,000€.

What did they mean by that?

half a million*, don't know why i suddenly used a french word in the middle of my sentence

>giving away "Assassin's Creed: DRM & Ubisoft Spyware" for free
Oh what a deal!! I can't wait to put my shit on that computer!

doesn't get more suicidal than this

>Tfw ubisoft burned down a historical building just to market an old assassin's creed game
How do you feel about our corporate overlords, anons?

Attached: 1504220920031.png (600x900, 141K)

95% of people who would have bought it have already bought it
it's free publicity since digital distribution only makes a return on people who would buy it anyways, and publicity is something money can rarely buy so naturally they'll jump on any opportunity to make people like them

Impressed. Anyone who's willing to go that far to sell vidya kinda deserves to sell it.

Not. Even. Fucking. Once. Take your charity and shove it, Ubisoft.

Because people donated that money specifically for the rebuilding of notre dame. If you took that money and then used it for a completely different project you would be commiting fraud.
As for why people donate to this and not homeless? I guess more people care about a historic cultural landmark that is one of a kind than some hobos you can find on any street corner on the globe.

>SO sorry your beloved catholic church burned down, here's a free game about playing a muslim murderer that takes place in it!

Donating money for a good cause is never wasted. One good cause doesn't take precedence over another.

I downloaded the Ubisoft launcher and found it to be surprisingly lightweight and easy to use. Great launcher and I would recommend it any time. Now where is my fucking money for this post.

>found it to be surprisingly lightweight and easy to use.
Of course, it can easily rape your registry without ever having to know.

Taste my blade, Templar scum.

That their liberal monuments are worthless

is it any good?
last one I played was AC3


Yes, the twin towers.

but it would be in my steam library where it belongs.


Ubisoft is doing good, I guess.

All AC games are practically the exact same game so whether it's good depends on whether you like AC.

>Ubisoft giving out free games and donating to righteous causes
>EA and Activision doing games with no lootboxes or DLC

What the fuck is going on lately? Is a time traveler fucking around?

based graffiti is based
( E ) ( A )

also Anno 1800 is fucking good, wtf

Also cuckhold and rape

Thanks for reminding me why I haven't played Ubisoft games in close to a decade.


All frenchies did is one giant commercial for their cathedral. Now every normie knows about the church. Of course everyone else is trying to cash in on it too.

lol faggot

did the performance got fixed? that thing fucks my 1070 raw

Seems like a mighty inefficient way to pay for renovations.

>I'm French
I'm sorry to hear that user, I hope you get better

>literally all from non-colonies

Corporations have finally hit a wall realizing they pushed too hard too fast. They'll "roll back" and "reevaluate" their business decisions only to put the shit right back in later on once things have cooled off.


it's probably a cpu bottleneck issue if your 1070 is having issues

You didn't mention how they're also providing 3D models of the entire structure to help with repairs.

Well if we get some good games in the meantime I guess that's fine.

I7 6700K doesn't bottleneck the 1070

>we've actually reached the point in history where video games are assisting in the rebuilding of historical structures
And they said video games were bad for you.

>beibg this much of an incel
Stop trying to push this narrative that whiteis simply owned europe, if they whitewashed Britain history let alone France then

Attached: 1554650230496.webm (854x480, 1.71M)

There's like 700 millions donated already.

>Now every normie knows about the church
everyone knew about it already. unless you are barbarian mericanmutt.

>wanting to feed the refugees

>rewriting history to ignore the plights of minorities and paint wypipo as good

>studio does something nice
>complain about it
Mental gymnastics at work. Complain about how the games are broken, unfinished, badly optimised, all feel the same and all require a shitty launcher nobody wants, even if you buy from another store with another shitty launcher. You have plenty to complain about, but it's not enough, is it?

actually black people were everywhere in europe hahaha fucking racists
no there weren't any white people in africa or asia or the middle east you fucking racist

almost literally all of you only know of this because of the Hunchback movie
you're all hypocrites, lairs and postures

>righteous causes
>a game where you play an islamic murderer killing christians


Taste my blade, Templar scum.

still too expensive for a ubisoft game

that's some serious projection
have you ever considered that people have different lived experiences than you?

Let alone France than is far more culturally and racially diverse*
fixed myself there

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>if they whitewashed Britain history let alone France then
Imagine being so thoroughly brainfucked that you not only believe the blackwashing of european history, but you actually believed the "no u" tactic of saying it's whitewashing.

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Good to know where The Avengers stand.

This didn't really happen did it? And isn't the BBC publicly funded?

How do they always manage to look so IMPOSSIBLY contemptuous when they do this, too? I've seen many kind, pretty, positive-looking black women. But every single time they pull this shit it's always someone who looks like they have nothing but utter hatred and malice in their heart.

It's happening all the time on the BBC. They have strict explicit rules in place that every single program must satisfy diversity goals now.

>This didn't really happen did it?
user, I...

Attached: 1542913951415.jpg (600x900, 101K)

How did you write that post if you evidently can't read? Spooky.

Good. I'm tired of white men.


Nice reading comprehension moron

Are you also tired of heat, clothes, housing, food, light, clean water, and your computer?

>some building burns a bit but survives and there is no injured or dead

>the wound

Attached: 17A06F12-22A9-469C-A591-A4741C71A947.jpg (988x1059, 128K)

ackshully, polar bears skin is bleck

Attached: polar bear.jpg (634x428, 89K)

>Donate a massive amount of money to help restore a historic building
>Let players play your game for free
>Get accused of malicious ulterior motives anyway

You really are just a piece of shit walking like a man. Worthless. Insignificant. Smearing crap over everything you see because you cannot create or contribute in any way to the world. End yourself, you waste of food. No, really, do it. You are nothing.

>Are you also tired of heat


Can faggots ever really be tired of men?

This tbf

Go back. To reddit. With your self-important. Bullshit.

Not a frenchie or a catholicuck but I think its pretty respectable that they're supporting a real thing within their own country as opposed to donating to some charity that always spins their cause into importing as many niggers as possible into Europe. Might actually buy Anno 1800 at a full $60 now.

Lost one of the rose windows. Literally worth more than any number of arbitrary lives.

Less crying, more actual suicide. Chop chop, bitch.

I made you my gf. Now bend over.

what is wrong with BBC
what the fuck

so mad lol

Basedboys are fucked in the head. It’s just olored glass you basedboy.

Attached: E86679F1-4EAD-444B-B235-A75BF90CE404.jpg (310x310, 18K)

What the fuck...

And to think some idiot actually suggested dumping water on top of it from a plane.

non-whites detected

Why can't you do me from the front? Are you not man enough?

>not allowed to be any bit upset over the loss of a historical landmark because we don't live near it
*tips* yes you've certainly got the right of it my fellow free thinker

A lot.
It's no longer anything to be taken seriously, even though they impose you should. BBC is purely a propaganda printer now.

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and you think you are better because you posted that message ? you are just as worthless than us, welcome to the club

Yes it did, the majority of the BBC's funding comes from TV licenses. It's partially owned by the government. This is the same country that deported an immigrant because he converted from Islam to Christianity and called Cristianity the religion of peace. My country is honestly fucked.

No, this is literal historians AND tv networks finally coming up to terms that europe isn't this exclusively white place they lauded to be, and are now slowly educating people on all the whitewashing that took place

Attached: 20180726_103846.png (800x3267, 1.71M)

Uhhh, s-sure, sweetie.

>underaged "ironic weeb" doesn't understand

Attached: what_the_fuck_am_I_ordering.png (924x672, 571K)

because the entertainment/broadcast industries are filled with people who have nothing but contempt for whypipo and the west in general so they'll keep hiring other people who hate them just as much
its a perpetual cycle of hate

Learn some fucking English.

Uhh gamers, we should bomb Moscow so Epic Store gives away Metro Exodus for free!

I don't even know who the fuck Margaret of Anjou is.

Understand what? Mih history isn’t an argument, basedboy.

>Please enjoy our BROKEN French game in honor our BROKEN French landmark icon

What the hell are they doing

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is zdf safe from this revisionism?

Are you really such an idiot? Honest question, are you so stupid you have no understanding as to why they are giving this particular game away for free? You're not making Ubisoft look bad with this thread, but certainly you're making yourself look like a fucking nimrod.

That wont be enough to heal my wounds all the way over here in Ohio Ubisoft!

>incel thinks there were no normal citizen blacks in Britain back then, just because there were black slaves

Pennsylvania fag here. Get fucked ohio

Attached: antifa-600x373.jpg (600x373, 40K)

let the bing bing wahoo wash over you

Please translate

Is there a more based videogame developer/publisher at the moment? They gave detailed renders from Assasssin's Creed: Unity to Notre-Dame. Then gave away a ton of European monopoly money to save Quasimodo's home.

I've always loved Assassin's Creed

Attached: Quasimodo.jpg (604x420, 39K)

That has to be a troll

This is truly a clown world when people celebrate the destruction of an international icon.

Its already been confirmed that its fake they did not gave any scans, the building itself in the game differs from the real one, pls check your facts before spreading this cringe

Notre Dame is burning and were like: *retard face*
Tear it down and make room for a mosque!
That would be a strong signal for tolerance and diversity

I dont speak muslim but must be something along the lines of
"why care over some hetero white cispatriarchy opressive building? fuck white people and dab on them"

Attached: 1506369114082.jpg (3264x2448, 840K)

they didn't give shit, dude, they just said they're "willing to help" if asked to


>Church burns

The only ones calling for the construction of a mosque in Place of Notre Dames are brain damaged Le Pen supporters and Islamic LARPers. Stop attaching yourself to ridicolous notions.

Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

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*Think there will be
Fuck concurrent thoughts

its just some building

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That's actually hilarious, based Germans.

That's a parody account you gullible retards.

honestly i could care less about the whole church fire

Reminder that brown people have been setting multiple churches on fire lately

It's a tragedy since it's a massive blow to tourism income

>i could care less
So you actually care a lot?

...and thats a good thing

How so? People will come to see the burned church now.

maybe a medium bit but it really doesnt affect me

>Jesus was black

Jesus was Arab and the bible describes his feet as being cast in bronze.

Attached: 1555135726297.jpg (885x941, 113K)

>An artifact of white male patriarchy and dogmatic religion left over from when society was in a much darker place burning down

Attached: 1536440322011.png (226x223, 7K)

Trying to trick people into downloading uplay.
I hope most people aren't stupid enough to fall for this.

Ubisoft has no fucking clue what they're doing. Remember when they released Watchdogs 2, a game that promotes domestic terrorism, literally a day after a democrat shot up a gay bar in Florida?

>a democrat
Way to reveal which side you're on with this lie. He was actually a Republican.

>all of you only know of this because of the Hunchback movie

So? Do you not know the purpose Victor Hugo intended for the story?

>International Socialist Antifa

All I know about Victor Hugo's book is that he spends an entire chapter describing architecture.

AC always got more hate than it deserves. The games are comfy, especially when you get to stab some Templars.

Rather ironic that both sides paint a false picture.

he was actually some faggot muslim who didn't participate in politics

Okay, but Nikolas Cruz, Stephen Paddock, and probably a couple other I'm forgetting.

it's sad that a significant historical building broke but it's not like anyone died

It's just a French company trying to cover up the fact that an American is the one that saved Notre-Dame thanks to his autism in laser measurements perfectly recreating every detail of Notre-Dame four years ago.

That's always been the case with Christianity. We're used to it by now.

>fuck poor people! Let’s just rebuild this church that was built on the religious fundamentals of feeding poor people over a bunch of stacked stones instead because muh judeo-Christian culture!

Unfortunately I’ve yet to meet somebody in person brave enough to say something like this IRL.

It’s literally a free pass to punch them in their shit and get hailed as a hero on the internet for it.

Thanks, OP.

This is the third AC game I've gotten for free on Uplay, after AC3 and Black Flag. The last one I bought was Revelations. I guess I made the right decision when I stopped paying for these games.

>muh tragedy
It sucks that a historical landmark was damaged, but stop acting like this is France's 9/11 or something. No one even died, last time I checked.

Attached: Untitled.png (312x160, 24K)

Wait, why was Black Flag free? That's considered one of the actual good AC games.

So this is the power of American culture...

Aren't they literally using Ubisoft's virtual version of the chapel to help rebuild the real thing? Why do you guys complain about dumb shit.

It's a tragedy cause is a partial lost of human heritage. I'm sorry Americans don't have any important landmarks to understand it.

You know there are better renditions out there than the one from your video game right?

It was just a random promotion in 2017: free.ubisoft.com/promotions/assassins-creed-black-flag/16/unavailable

As for AC3, it was free along with a bunch of other games in 2016, some of which are probably better. Pic related.

Attached: ubi30.png (1275x672, 1018K)

Ubisoft is a French company. Let them be.

>It's a tragedy cause is a partial lost of human heritage.
>human heritage

Most people aren’t even vaguely related to the original masons that built it.

How in the fuck is this place collectively human heritage

>Americans don't have any important landmarks to understand it
surely your joking

Attached: Premer-Sovetskogo-Soyuza-Aleksandr-Romanov-285x300.jpg (285x300, 19K)

Wouldn't this be more insulting, Whitey trying to pretend they weren't dabbing on minorities?

to any frenchfags on this thread. It's the french dub good?

>a partial lost
Learn English.

Also, I did acknowledge that it sucks. Now it's your turn to acknowledge that it's not as bad as people dying.

What's your point? They said the video game model is accurate enough that they're using it to contribute towards the rebuilding process. If you don't support Ubisoft giving away a game that came out years ago for completely free in light of this event, why even post about it? Stupid ass shit.


He was a Jew, not an Arab.

It's literally a push to get as many people signed up for Uplay you retarded cunt

I'm actually a Kentuckyfag, I'm just temporarily in Ohio right now.

So they don't want any money from tourists coming in but refugees to shit up the place?

Subhuman with primitive education spotted

grow up


Attached: 38C85087-7A91-4D03-B18D-613F43ED7DE5.jpg (750x213, 79K)

no u

It's funny because all the people saying they're glad would be shrieking for blood and tearing their hair out if a mosque got torched

Attached: 1555435931397.png (500x595, 319K)

Oh ok. Take care user and enjoy your day

>give away a dumpster fire to honor a place burning down
A bit insensitive if you ask me

because people are cheap and don't matter
a cathedral is the apex of western and christian civilization, a show of wealth, power & faith
go fuck yourself retard

The only good thing in Unity was the detective side missions.

And vice versa if it happened to a gun shop or wherever you kids hang out.

Which monument should burn down next so that I can download a game about it for free?

>Let us honor [horrible thing that happened]
>Sure but what about who did it--
>Nothing changes

why didn't the catholic church donate money to fix the church?

Oooh swing and a miss Abu

McDonald's doesn't count

I am actually neutral about this. I am somewhat sad about any destroyed old building, be it a church, mosque or Babylonian statue, but on the other side I am never sad enough to not make funny memes about it and I always cringe about the religious people whining about it and praying as if it was some fucking God or anything.

Nice try.

>I don't care
>Therefore no one cares
Why are you so mean? Who hurt you?

It's pretty common to visit places like Notre Dame, the Vatican, Prague or Florence once in your life when you are from Europe.

Except slaveowners and colonials. those were exclusively white, of course. Scientists and famous heroes were like 89% black.
>literally believing this

You don't need to have a direct relationship with anything to appreciate it.
The day the Brazil national museum burned I felt sad.
The day isis destroyed the gates of Nineveh I felt sad. It's about losing a piece of history.

Free advertising. Trying to market themselves to normalfags who never buy games. That's the big reason for all the donations

I'm not remotely french or french canadian so this question is gonna be dumb, but do the French and the Quebecois not get along?

But this was a christian site, though, so it's ok. They don't count. Tear it down and build a multi-cultural museum that primarily deals with islam.

>nobody died so who cares
Everybody who says this doesn't actually care about the million of people dying in poor as shit conditions every month.
Virtue signaling retards, take a step back and consider suicide.
Cathedral are about the best fucking buildings ever built. We never topped that level of architecture. They are so much more important that a few million black people in Africa for fuck sake. They are the only thing worth protecting in the husk of western civilization.

>Literally anybody on the planet
>Getting along with Quebecois


MI5 used to screen applicants who applied for jobs at bbc up until the early 90's to prevent it becoming a left wing liberal nut asylum

They stopped and you now see what the bbc has become

this, like I give a shit

Funny to think that, growing up, the BBC was the pinnacle of good programming.
Now you tune in only to see what they think is controversial and want to force.

His Dark Materials is finally getting an adaptation so you can stuff it.

so the question is can you put uplay on a sandbox and sign up with a throwaway for unity

The Notre Dame in the game is based on a full laser scan of the original. Ubisoft also donated 500k to the rebuilding project.

Like a god would even care. That shit is just sad to me. Any god that cares about a material thing such as a buildinh isn't worth my time and likely doesn't exist

You don't even have to download Uplay to claim the free game.

It's called goodwill, you ass

i can pirate it but was wondering how you could get it for free without uplay or pirating

Don't worry. There is no entity, real or fake, that is vying for your time.

Wouldn't it be better to reduce the price but give part of the earnings to whatever charity France has set up to rebuild it?


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Bro if you get it for free without Uplay you are pirating it, simple as that.

Ta gueule l'obèse.

Yeah that's why this feels so stupid. I also generally hate masses that spontaneously react in the same way, no idea why, but it always drives me mad. I have no problem with crowdy places in general. I just don't like this cringy "we are all together in this and spread love" shit. Maybe because I dislike how easy most people are to manipulate as long as they are part of a mass.

Didn't they also offer that laser scan back for rebuilding?

i wish companies would push good people to commit crimes

good people are willing to pay money just not be fucked around with

Attached: 1522223550732.gif (316x213, 1.9M)

Hah ha! Bazinga !!

Because that's what Jesus would do and 95% of modern Christians are hypocrites.


>its a tragedy when the buildings of an establishment that perpetuates systematic pedophilia catches on fire
Damn you are subhuman levels of retarded and worthless. Fuck the cathedral and fuck the catholic church

Yes. Whether or not it will be used is another thing, but I imagine it would be a fairly reliable reference for minor details.

Hunchback was a great movie tho

Heh heh set it in FIRE burn white burn!! Ha !

Based retard not understanding the importance of culture and art in the world.

Why do you have such a grudge against the church? It was a nice piece of architecture.

Woah, so this.....is your brain on glue

Pretty much every single building in the world can be twisted to be linked to an establishment that perpetuates pedophilia. The dirty parts of an establishment do not outweigh the awe of the architecture or the history something like the Notre Dame had. It was important to people who don't give two shits about religion.

Also, if you hate the Catholic Church so much, why can't you stop thinking about it? Sounds like they already control you anyway.

Keep eating shit brainwashed little pig.

You don't do any research, do you?

Virtue Signaling and begging for relevance
If it had completely burned down there'd probably be more sadness, but considering how much of the building and the artifacts could be saved, and how nobody died (I think a fireman was severely injrued but aside from that) people will just move on.
This was just an unfortunate accident so people will carry on with their lives. Not much of a wound here.

Oh jesus you're right, I'm going to go make a Uplay account Right Now! Of course a business is unconcerned with making money or gaining publicity, they just want to help in any way they can!

God forbid you make a throwaway email, or just not take the free game. The idea that they're trying to get you to do something you don't want to do is absurd. I don't know what your mom told you, but you're not that important.

They donated 500k EUR as well you dumbass. It’s their country after all.

user they're uneducated, they don't know any better. Look they tried to spell refugees with two E's after the R

>just not take the free game
hey look, my original plan

nobody die and aside from the historical loss people exaggerate too much about this

Good. Go do that. I don't see why you feel the need to tell people what you're not doing unless you're some kind of woman.


You too

I'd call a major historical religious symbol and a beautiful building that's been surviving since 1345, that suddenly got on fire, a TRAGDEDY you faggot.


What did he mean by this?

that's you. that's how you sound

You both sound like complete dillweeds.

>can barely collect money for remodel effort
>instant half billion
it was an insurance scam

>that tragedy that just happened yesterday

What happened?

When you think about it, remodeling is basically destroying the old stuff anyway.

Obviously it's a typo for tragedy

Lol, whois that dumb tard in the tweet thinking movies are rewriting history books.

What a moron, i bet he was laughed off of the internet for this.

Attached: 1310560518561.jpg (341x487, 20K)

Notre dame burning.
People crying.
Muslims smiling.

Sadly people who make tweets are just jerked off by their own fans in the comments so they never see any criticism of their idiocy.

Why are they making such a big fucking fuss for a cathedral?
They take it like someone died or something

Are you retarded or are just pretending to be a hat tipper?

Ten bucks says a "refugee" sprayed that


so wtf was Jenga doing during 9/11?

>a hat tipper?
What's that?

truly you are all teh gay, unlike me

Sweet, free vidya!

You can add non steam games to your library, brainlet.

But then I wouldn't get cheevos and cards and that's all I really care about because I'm a fucking idiot.

I can relate

Attached: 1554976068663.jpg (782x960, 47K)

>PC only
>Assassin's Creed

What a fucking lazy virtue signal.

>I dislike how easy most people are to manipulate as long as they are part of a mass.

This is exactly what makes societies so successful though. They need a mass of people who will collectively do shit just because everyone else is in order so that society doens't consist of a bunch of independent intellectuals who never agree on anything quickly enough to act on it.