Capcom Home Arcade illegally using a non-commercial Emulator
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Explain how this is illegal.
theres literally nothing wrong with pirating
hahahahaha.... didn't nintendo do this with the SNES games you could play on Wii U? it just shows the fans care more about preserving games then the actual developers
>make game
>pirates write emulator, cheating you out of revenue
>cuck pirates by including their shoddy software in your product
Based Capcom shitting on piratecucks.
Anyone who watches this leftist libtard is a fucking faggot
>write open source software
>get your shit stolen
Their own fault. Be a proprietary chad next time.
Just the roms, they develop their emulation in house
roms on the internet are a free resource and they exist to serve as an archive of those works even if unintentionally, so who the fuck cares if they pinched the rom off a site (though when they do they really, REALLY should be using NoIntro copies as they wrote the book on archival standards for game roms to the point where the Library of Congress grants them a DMCA exemption for their preservation efforts)
>*Downloads ur roms, DMCAs u, and sells them back to u*
nothing personnel
With the way the video is worded, presumably the emulator is developed under a non-commercial open source license, meaning the general license is not for commercial use.
To be fair, it's not personal. Anyone get outraged IS taking this personally and is retarded.
I feel like that's not illegal. If it is, the creator should file suit.
Meh. I know a local arcade using Pandora's Box.
It suffices.
That's illegal. You should threaten to report them if you don't get to play all the vidya for free whenever you want
I don't think it's illegal if the company that owns the IP's uses it
>i-it's not a crime if he deserves it
Nice logic
You can feel whatever you want, bourgeois dog. It's rare that a law and be used to hurt the capital class so I say bring on the pain. Fuck Capcom.
Capcom wouldn't own a piece of software developed by somebody else
Imagine trying to blackmail an adult male arcade owner for using roms. On top of this, imagine the person attempting this being someone from Yea Forums (manlet NEET that is either a skeleton or a fat fuck).
I can see it now.
>"Y-you better l-let me play free games or I'll report y-you to—"
>Go ahead. Report me to... the emulator police? The FBI? Who?
Capcom doesn't own final burn alpha.
Good luck with that.
And they're going to sell it anyways, just like chink bootlegs all over world being sold on Amazon.
the original code is still there capcom just PIRATED it
Capciosa m wasmt going to buy it anyway
If anything it free publicity for the emulator
I ve never seen the guy say anything even remotely political. da fuck you talking about fag
Except Capcom isn't based in china so it might actually have to answer to this.
Didn't the PS1 Classic also use one? Np lawsuit there.
If anyone that makes the emulator starts thinking they can do anything, Capcom will just fuck them over with lawsuit they can't afford and just take everything they already have
No single mook in the west is going to sue a Japanese game developer.
That story was a hoax.
>Okay we accept the suit on claims of using your emulator unlawfully.
>We now counter-sue for every download of a Capcom title played on your emulator for 1000 times the figure.
that's not how it works, idiot
>Steal everything in sight.
>Company still profits on the back of your thefts.by producing a product people will buy and enjoy.
>"Fucking bourgeoisie DOGS!"
That's actually exactly how counter-suits work in civil law.
the people writing emulators aren't stealing shit
also, piracy isn't theft, for the billionth time
except there's established legal precedent that emulators are legal, no court would hold the developers responsible for the actions of the users
Open-source=/="illegal to monetize in any way"
Read the fucking GPL sometime you retards. Selling a router that operates on open source software; 100% legal and encouraged. Modifying that router software without publicising the changes you've made: illegal and frowned upon.
Selling an arcade cabinet that operates using a GPL open source emulator: legal and encouraged. Modifying or enhancing that emulator's code without publicising your changes: illegal and a dick move.
The emulator is designed to be free for anyone to use, under GPL this extends to any corporation wishing to implement it. The product being sold is the cabinet, not the emulator. It's why under GPL you have 100% legal right to create bootable ubuntu flash drives and sell them for profit.
Piracy is theft, it's just not the theft of physical property. You can steal ideas, what do you think plagiarism is? Capcom isn't stealing the emulator by your own logic.
this guy is a fucking liar
Legally binding contracts only work if there's money behind it for a lawsuit. Because they don't have money there's no issue with Capcom using it. Good luck suing Capcom when you're barely able to make rent every day
>people thought crapcom was back because they did what they always do, make sequels and ports
ROMs are not protected however.
Who cares when only absolute retards would buy that overpriced hunk of plastic
Piracy is not theft. It's piracy
Piracy in a traditional sense however is theft
Doesn't matter. They're going to do it anyways and they will not be sued and nobody will care. It's fucking hilarious. I don't see what you fags are up in arms about.
no it isn't, it's piracy. it's like if I stole your car, but instead just made another copy of it that I take, so your car is still in the driveway in the morning
Rooms are in fact protected. It might surprise you but even Atari 2600 rooms are still protected but nobody is going to give a fuck these days
Not under GPL retard.
It is theft. You are taking a service or product you didn't pay for.
No one cares what you feel, dumb fuck.
They bought the FB Alpha license you falseflagging retard.
And listening to some music via YouTube is too but I'm not bitching about it
Does not matter. Nobody is suing Capcom Becuase it isn't illegal.
There's more than one type of open-source license, and some prohibit commercial use.
>illegally using an emulator used to illegally play their own games
Imagine projecting being a short fatass onto other people.
It's the same sort of theft as plagiarism or wholesale stealing code. If someone copies your code and makes a new program comprised entirely of duplicated code, the old code from the old program is still intact. They can even sell it: stock is not reduced therefore it is not theft.
They literally can't because the license says you can't profit off FBA in any way.
I agree. Nobody cares about ROMs emulators, piracy, etc. Emulators are free to be written and free to be distributed.
exactly, calling it theft is a gross misrepresentation of what it really is, it's what (((they))) want you to think it is
>It's not illegal because I say it isn't. Are you one of those sovereign citizen faggots?
They caved and let Capcom get a license you dipshit.
Because pcsx-r is licensed under GPL, which explicitly allows for open source software to be installed on commercial products. The applicable restriction is that any changes to source code must be shared back with the community, and FOR THE RECORD, Sony fulfilled this requirement not only in contributing their changes back to the PCSX-R project, but also with contributions to the BSD project OS used in PS3 and 4, which they didn't really have to considering how much more lenient the license is (Apple for example notoriously utilizes and alters BSD but never contributes there code unless it's to get someone else to maintain it for free)
What's illegal about it? Some asshole who made an emulator does the legal equivalent of saying OC from DA saying "DONUT STEAL" in their fanfic? Kek. Let me know when the lawsuit gets rolling.
I'm forced to care because piracy is required for preservation
Fuck drm for this reason specifically. I don't give a fuck if the game gets pirated as a result. I'd rather have a pristine backup somewhere safe in the event something goes horribly fucking wrong and all physical/digital official versions are gone.
Also betas alphas prototypes or whatever these hot piles of shit are called now
>Private beta
>Gotta preorder the game for free shit now
This doesn't effect piracy and Rom use.
What's wrong with this logic? It's called poetic justice.
The only people butthurt about this would be the ones who stole from the company in the first place.
Except you're wrong, double nigger, because the MAME project it's forked from is 100% GPL. Any attempt by the FBAlpha team to bring that code under a non-GPL licence would be in and of itself illegitimate and illegal.
> - You may not sell, lease, rent or otherwise seek to gain monetary profit from FB Alpha;
lol capcom
it isn't fucking stealing, they didn't make Capcom lose any money
>GPL is the only open source license
Capcom isn't stealing either? The emulator writers aren't losing money.
the only people who care about this are the people who have an issue with emulation to begin with.
why else are they concerned with this unless they don't want to emulate normally?
It used to be BSD so it entirely depends when and which parts they used.
Did you see the fucking stick, though? It's absolutely disgusting.
No one's going to buy it, so it doesn't really matter.
>Guy known for taking credit for other peoples work in the hacking community complaining about a company taking credit for others work
you know you can stop shilling your videos MVG.
It's not legal to fork GPL code under a different licence, which is exactly what FBAlpha is trying to do with Mame code by making that statement
Looks like we have another retard. You can't fork GPL code and arbitrarily apply further licence restrictions, which is why FBAlpha never had a legitimate license to begin with.
>Unironically linking to Trannyera
Off yourself.
Yes it does. Also it's "affect"
How does Capcom pirating emulator software effect emulation as a whole?
Changes made to the source that they did not disclose as required by said license
"Due to the use of MAME code in FB Alpha, FB Alpha is also subject to the terms of the MAME license."
MAME is GPL, making FBAlpha GPL, making Capcom well with their right to sell hardware with FBAlpha, because FBAlpha actually has no legal right to say they can't, as per GPL.
That does not effect emulation or preservation.
It was found out the emulator that was used was their very own emulator that was developed inhouse and was previously used for Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. Eurotrashgamer just didn't do enough research
Does this retroactively apply if they haven't taken mame code since before MAME shifted to GPL? Of course I have no idea if they have or not.
Mystery solved, Capcom did their homework, thread over. Makes you wonder why Capcom even bothered engaging with them when their own website says the product is GPL
If it were still BSD they'd be even more free to sell it, with no requirement to contribute codebase changes
Mame was licenced under BSD before it switched to GPL, even less restrictive, meaning that not only would capcom still be free to distribute the software within commercial products, but they wouldn't have any legal obligated to publicising changes they make to the code. Either way you slice it, Capcom adhered to the licencing correctly.
>non-commercial license
>"I feel like this isn't illegal!"
fucking epic
Whoever posted that is an idiot. MAME's old license specifically required non-commercial use.
It's not illegal—it's just piracy. Also:
big companies have lawyers dedicated to do everything around licences and are extremely careful about them.
they wouldnt dare break any laws.
piracy is illegal, but if the project itself falls under MAME, then it's all good
Piracy isn't illegal. Emulation shoftware and reproduction of copyright ROMs have held up in court. Capcom would be within their right to monetize the software.
What part about "old license" was so hard to understand? Yes, they switched over in 2016 to gpl 2. This was never under dispute. It was the fact that someone claimed they used to use the BSD license.
MAME is a conglomeration of emulators. The project overarching project used to use be under some donut Steele license, but the vast majority of its components were BSD licensed. That's why it switched to GPL in the first place, those license stipulations were unenforceable in their failure to respect BSD licensing within the codebase.
MAME overall, but that license was illegitimate due to the vast majority of its codebase being BSD projects, which is why they switched to GPL
Which, ironically, is almost exactly why FBAlpha's licence was unenforceable as well
fuck off reddit
hate this guy's face
>Capcom illegally emulating their own games
>Yea Forumstards attempting to /g/
At this point Capcom's fighting division might as well be a separate entity
FBA doesn't own the rights to emulate CS cabinets either.
>They caved and let Capcom get a license you dipshit.
Yes, because just MAYBE it's not a great idea to sue a company you built an emulator from. You freetards are really pathetic.
doesn't matter, capcom has the money to make the suit and drag it out, the emulator team does noit
They don't need rights to write emulation software. Sony already tried this with bleem and got shut the fuck down.
Huh? MVG hasn't once brought up politics in his videos.
It's perfectly legal to have an emulator and playing a rom of a game you own is legal as well. The idea that you could sue the developer of an emulator for other people downloading roms that might not even be actionable is fucking insane.
What? They own the rights to the software they themselves wrote. That's how IP works you goddamn retard.