Sorry, boss. I can only let games with replayability in.
Sorry, boss. I can only let games with replayability in
Other urls found in this thread:
DMC, Resident evil and borderlands coming through
>Resident Evil
Hell no.
boring skill trees + 87 bazillion guns =/= solid replay value
Any good game is replayable
The sims
Fuck this shit website
Metal Gear Solid 3
Step aside, fat boy.
Any mainseries Pokémon game
Replayability is a meme. A solid single playthrough experience is superior to replayable autism.
EDF reporting for r&r sir
any well designed action game with multiple difficulties coming through
NG+ without kuro charm + ring the demon bell
Woah... powerful...
Any DMC that isn't 2.
Age of Mythology
Warcraft 3
Dwarf Fortress
Make way.
Very well. Make yourselves comfortable.
Jagged Alliance 2 nigga
Final Fantasy Tactics, Gothic I and II, Morrowind
How the fuck is Tetris not a game with replay value
Outta my way,I have a lifetime rougeliek games pass
>RE doesn't have replayability
Want to know how I know you've never played an RE game?
Oy vey dont forget me
>Geometry Wars
>Rocket League
>anything that isn't story base
It’s replayable, but it has no value
>surpassing your limits as a human to accomplish big things as the game gets progressively harder, pushing you even more than before
>no value
OK fag
I like you.
Dude, let me in.
Alpha Protocol
And a solid game that is replayable is even better
Metal Gear Rising
Deus Ex
Your name's on the list. Have a drink on me, will you?
Your names aren't on the list. Get out of the line or I'll throw you out.
Nioh, Ragnarok online (new class), way of the samurai 3 and 4.
Jeez, get all these weirdos offa me!
Honestly sir, I know you see it named all the time here, but Doom.
It's the game that I constantly booting up and playing for 40-60 minutes.
DOOM and DOOM II. There's an insane amount of maps to download, and they're fun as fuck to make yourself with Doom Builder.
Can this thread ever not be made by an ignorant absolute normalfaggot?
Bro... you better not be talking about 2016 doom....
I liked Doom 2016, but no, I am talking about the first one.
Thief Gold
Oh, thank god. You aight whiteboi.
Thanks dawg.
I mostly play JRPG's which are long but hardly have any replayability. That being said...
Final Fantasy V
Chrono Trigger
You are me! I am you!
Dead Space 1 and 2.
Anyone else not really replay games though? I’d rather play something new.
Open the door, faggot
Let me in, bro. I'm a busy guy and I've got salt to spend and flavor text to sprinkle