What game lets me play as the good guys?

what game lets me play as the good guys?

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shut the fuck up you dumb /pol/ incel just SHUT THE FUCK UP

ww2 multiplayer shooters are probably your best bet


shut up incel kill yourself

t. Goldstien Greenstienenstien

somebody is mad

>the german team always has the most bants in any ww2 multiplayer shooter

go sex

I love how angry Yea Forums gets when good goys drop a little truth.
so fragile kek

>Her Himmler! De Swatsymbol! Eins Zwei!

pure cringe


Red Orchestra 2

Most WW2 games allow you play as the Allies, so just google for one

Men of war assault squad 2. Germany has a campaign in that

>ruin nationalism forever with autism
>'good guys'
nice try

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Seething discord tranny.

Multiplayer shooters. Grand strats that encompass 1900 onward. I'd love an international diplomacy or state management game that isn't focused on war though. Maybe Tropico or Democracy?


t. Rabbi Greenbergenblatzenberg

Don't know about that one chief
They did bring Germanic autism and blood mysticism to the top-tier system that is fascism but nationalism being "ruined" isn't a product of the Nazis per se but rather a product of WWII being a perverse founding myth for the modern world


Nazis are gross.

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>ruins your own inbred tribe with generations of schizos and mental illness
>"Gods chosen"

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She cute though

I'm glad nazis got fucked by based Stalin

no you


Heroes and generals = Germany dominating the war every fucking time

>top-tier system that is fascism
>lasts for only 12 years
top-tier death cult

>based Stalin
>30 million dead in gulags
b-but communists won the war so they are the good guys!


Can you imagine when german started the war, and the others just say "If we fight them, then we lose." ?
Why do people grow so pussified nowadays?

strong chin

Stalin was based. Not as based as Hitler, certainly not as based as Mussolini or Primo de Rivera.
You know there were other fascist states besides le evil Nazis right? There's one in the Levant right now and you spergs do photo ops there pretending to fight it.


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Cope. Kill yourself like Shitler.

hahah cry more tranny

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nice digits brother. kek

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>Britain should have just let another nation conquer them which is not a cucked move because I like OTHER NATION

okay nice quads senpai

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The Nazis started World War 2, so I'd say it falls under them ruining Nationalism.
>to the top-tier system that is fascism
I can't speak for any other form but British Fascism was pretty fucking great, the fact that it'll forever be associated with Hitlerite National Socialism sucks.

not an argument

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so that image was from your little facebook circlejerk, yeah?


>not an argument.

actually, it is

t. Prussiapro

Wouldn't say Hitler started the war. Kind of a run-up on all three factions' parts. More like they lost the war.

What's the connection between goth girls and nazis?

>not an argument
Neither was the post I was responding to genius
High IQ Jews here everybody!

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How did the Nazis not ruin nationalism?

The invasion of multiple neutral countries despite being warned that if they invaded any more neutral countries is starting the war.

Germany tried to avoid war with UK idiot

hitler was a mongol and thus not white

>the nazis ruined nationalism with their autism
>y-yeah well you're a jew!!!!
great high IQ contribution buddy


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Silent Hunter 5,Wolves of Steel mod is a must

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until it was convenient to attack them. never trust non-whites

cry more tranny

>>the nazis ruined nationalism with their autism
>still acts like its an argument
yes, quite high IQ contributions indeed

Is nationalism good thing?