Now that the dust have settled can we agree with this?

Now that the dust have settled can we agree with this?
BB > Sekiro >> DeS >>>> DaS1 = DaS3 >>>>>> DaS2

Attached: From_Logo.jpg (831x323, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nioh > all

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BB > Des >> Dark Souls > DaS3 >>DS2 Scholar of the First Sin>>Sekiro>> DaS2

entire soulsborne formula = shit

BB > Sekiro > DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > SotFS

Vanilla DS2 is not worth acknowledging

Nioh was even worse than DaS2 desu

BB > DaS2 > DaS3 >> DeS > DaS1 > Scholar >> Sekiro

Maybe I have to reply it, but I didn’t enjoy it that much the first time.

>formula that revives old metroidvania and survival horror elements is shit

would love to hear whats your gotd top 3

muh waifus and 5 different enemies with diablo loot


>DaS3 >> DeS > DaS1

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DeS = SotFS > Sekiro > DaS > BB = DaS2 > DaS3

Attached: dsfasdfadsf.jpg (489x489, 115K)

>da loot make my brain hurt too complicated why no like sekiro with only one weapon

It was actually below those two on my first play through, but after playing all the games several times, DS3 has really grown on me despite its differences to 1 and 2.

At least it had waifus unlike suckiro.

but vanilla ds2 is way better than scholar. Scholar just fixed some texture and lighting issues and then fucked the world design even more.

I love how you judge a games merit by its 'waifu' content. You really are weakening the gene pool just by being alive, you know...

Go play Anthem or something

this is how you spot anime incel, wait for your code titty vein

>Sepetating Scholar and DaS2 like the games' differences really matter

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Nope. The sound effects in vanilla DS2 are broken. There are no echo effects. There are enemy placements that make no sense and most of the levels seem empty. SotFS improved the game to make it enjoyable, now I consider it the weakest souls game instead of a half-completed game

you feel like a fucking garbage man in nioh because you constantly dump hundreds of weapons and armors.

>das2 being better than anything

Waifus are one of the best parts of vidya

Attached: Sorry that you're gay.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

>t. someone that hasn’t played both

Close but still fucked up. Switch Sekiro and DaS 3.

Dude I can agree with you except for the:

BB = DaS2 > DaS3

That is fucking wrong, man, DaS3 and BB almost play like the same game and the quality of vanilla DaS2 was not great, so I propose:

DeS = SotFS > Sekiro > DaS > BB = DaS3 > DaS2

This post will cause butthurt to a lot of casuals but it's the absolute truth.

There are enemy placements that make no sense and most of the levels seem empty
> adds random wyvern on the way to orstein
> adds random chariot horse inside a castle
> fucks amana even more
> fucks Dragon shrine

>old gaem good

i'd ask you the same question but im sick of seeing people suck OOT's dick and i figure you have a monster youre just dying to start sipping on

>the game with less content and a laughable end boss is somehow better because muh enemy placement

Bloodborne is From's greatest game. This isn't my opinion, it's a FACT. If you disagree, it means you are a plebian who cannot comprehend the idea of higher arts.

All girls in Nioh were soulless fuckdolls.
Rice loli > Emma = Kuro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any Nioh thot.

>content bad, options bad
>i'm too stupid to take five seconds to lock what i like and delete everything else
Enjoy your tiny shitty katana moveset, soulsbaby.


While Sekiro was polished it wasn't as good as the other games. First time I actually got bored midway through playing and first time I didn't do NG+ after beating it. They should get rid or redo the posture/deathblow system as it just made the whole game an attack spam, I rarely had to dodge, block, or counter the whole game because you can abuse the posture so much.

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>ranking individual DLCs and base game differently
you have to be fucking braindead if you do this

BB > DaS1 ≥ DeS > Sekiro > DaS2 > DaS3

Sekiro was fucking great btw. I hope for a DLC soon.

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>random wyvern
It more than likely belongs to the Dragonrider. It's also possibly guarding the Old Dragonslayer too.

>random chariot horse
It's already been established the chariot was sent from Drangleic castle to torment the undead

>fucks amana even more
Good. Amana had a reputation for being fucked, upping the ante seemed appropriate as it got easier the more times you went through it

>fucks Dragon shrine
Not really. The dragon knights actually have behaviour appropriate to them in letting you pass only if you prove yourself instead of being just another enemy type

>soulless fuckdolls
Aka ideal women, westacuck.

I don’t even know if the sound effect is true because I didn’t really notice any difference between the sound design of all the games.

>There are enemy placements that make no sense and most of the levels seem empty.
Scholar put a bunch of enemies in random places and made all the areas cluttered with group fight trash.

you dont even need weapons when you just drain half of the bosses health with weapon art.

>grimdark lovecraftian bloody circus is the best
>opinion = fact

Ok buddy, finish your homework and go to bed.

you spotting weeb fag is reddit, anime has ruined every good manga there is.

Thank you for proving my point, pleb

Nioh had like 5 weapons and one million shitty reskins. It's literally the Division of Souls games

Less content means less random mobs and shit you have to go through? All the games have shit easy final bosses, including scholar with Aldia.


>you spotting weeb fag is reddit
Try again in English, Pablo.

that is absolute fact, bloodborne art details on world and lore is unbeatable.

Why you retards keep including Sekiro among the soulslike despite it's a fucking different kind of game?

I'm sure that amongst your teenager friends that shitty rethroic has some effect but you're talking to an adult now, I can see through your bullshit
Go back to watching anime and masturbating, your taste is mainstream and you're a casual kid.

How to spot a retard
>rates BB or DaS1 higher than anything other than DaS2

stuff your information warfare weaponized cancer like language in your fat 51% amerimutt ass, i have blue eyes.

The official patrician ranking for gamers with refined taste in videogames. And for those who actually played every single one of them

An adult, yes. I'm sure you are even though you cannot even spell rhetoric properly and resort to insults. Go ahead and dig yourself into a deeper hole, buddy. I'll sit here with my cup of coffee in my bachelor-grade apartment LMAOing at your life.

sekiro is absolutely soulsborne like game.

I'll give it to you on the wyvern. It's actually possible and a nice ideea i didn't think it could belong to the Dragonrider.
Yes the chariot comes from the Drangleic castle but it's still unusual for a horse to be inside the castle.
Amana got fucked up tho. Ok that it gets easier every time but you always die from some random bullshit in ds2.
The dragon knights should protect the shrine and attack everyone.
Also they fucked the way to Vestald even more by adding more random enemies if i'm not mistaken.

>And for those who actually played every single one of them
But have you played all of them at least twice? You can’t properly rank the games unless you’ve played them a few times.

Nioh > DS2 > Sekiro > Bloodborne > DS > DeS > DS3

That’s very cute, Pedro.

>BB > sekiro
fucking no i get bored as fuck in BB vs this shitty easy bosses
stop this fucking meme
>not DS and DeS
based retards

i still cant say because sekiro lore is still takeing its for but its either


I've went to at least NG+2 in all of them except for DS3 and Sekiro, which Im on NG+ right now. DS3 just feels like a slog all the way through, it's like "that part" but the entire game.

Vestaldt was protecting the king's body, it seemed only fair that a royal compliment be stationed on the way there. I enjoyed cleaving through all those royal guards, it added a sense of urgency and 'I'm finally fucking here' to the mix

>Total different style of gameplay and mechanics
>absolutely a soulsborne
I swear to God, is this a meme?
Or soulsfags are just desperate to the point of pretending that a whole new From game is still a souls?

Very close. BB = Sekiro = DeS > DaS = DaS3 > DaS2

As much as I didn’t care for SotFS, why the fuck haven’t they done remakes for the other games where they shuffle around enemy and item placements and change things? Kind of sucks only DS2 got the treatment.

you got more pedro blood in you than me thats a fucking fact. saatanan paskaa syövä ankan nussija.

I remember Yea Forums calling BB a 7/10 disappointment after its release. Why is everyone praising it now? Is it because of dlc?

Respectable positioning, but too many "=" signs. 7\10

not him but i put more than 1000h in every souls game(excluding sekiro because its new game) and my rank is
Sekiro > Nioh > BB > DS1 > DS3 > DS2 > DeS

I hated BB when I first played it and didn’t finish it, partly do to it having 15 min load times on release. I came back to it a year later with dlc and now it’s my favorite of the series.

>I remember Yea Forums calling BB a 7/10 disappointment after its release
It was a bunch of dumb pckeks who didn't play it. BB is an actual 10/10 and the best game of the decade. Straight facts

only it got is little bit different type of combat and movement

have you ever played bloodborne the demon of hatered is literally a bloodborne boss.

everything from gaining xp killing bosses exploring branching world is just like any other soulsborne game.

do you have selective memory or just a newfag

>BB = sekiro = DeS
top nostalgia faggot

dlc literally fixed everything that was lacing in vanilla so yes, lore was allready good but it took time to take its form.

It was sort of hard to enjoy pre patch with the insane load times constantly, and the DLC was incredibly good, but once load times got fixed it was my favorite of all of them before the DLC got announced. However, I really enjoyed the setting, and I have friends who dislike it compared to souls because of how varied the locations in the souls games are, and I can respect that.

>sekiro and nioh as top 2
Keep masturbating to lolis, weeb.

7 melee weapons with 3 stances and huge movesets, bows, guns, and handcannons, ninjutsu, magic, and guardian spirits.
Fromsoft only had to focus on making one weapon good for Sekiro and it's shittier than anything in Nioh, because miyazaki is a faggot who wants to keep dumbing games down because he cares more about story and graphics than gameplay.
I wish From would make a new Armored Core already, but nu-fromsoft will probably give it the least customization in the series.


Sadly this is a fact, so it cannot be argued, but you can pretend its not true to keep the thread going.

I dont care about anime trash at all
gameplay is the king

Switch DS1 and DS2 and you’re pretty much spot on.

Switch Sekiro and DaS1 and this is correct

nioh is a clusterfuck it got deep combat customization but absolutely gma breaking weapon arts, and even your heavy hammer can be turned into fast as a short sword so whats the point even swapping weapons, and you just kill bosses with your weaponarts anyway.

sekiro > ds1 > ds3 > bb > des > ds2

this is the true order of the soulsbornekiro series

>spam sloth talismans and devil trigger
>win the game
Cool variety, bro. God Nioh was so shit

das 1 was published and released too early by bamco and bloodborne got japanstudio and huge amounts of sony money as a sidekick.

What are some rankings that genuinely piss you off?
>DaS > DeS
>SotFS > DaS2
>Sekiro > anything


what an actual fuck?

>BB that high

>cheese the game

DaS1 > Das3 > BB > Sekiro > DeS > DaS2

I dont know why but i hate this its like that SuMo shit but it actually won out in the end

Whats wrong with DS and DS1and why do you have to add bourne to the end the the souls when talking about the series. We all know when you say souls your talking about blood bourne and demon souls. What happens if fromsoft makes a new game that plays like the souls game and is called landscape or some shit does the series name now become the soulsbournescape series?

Also sekiro is not a souls game. Its got a few souls element but its a different kind of action game

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based stupid autist

>SotFS > DaS2
It's fucking retarded to rank editions of the same game.

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bb was mediocre in most regards
ds3 had a higher number of better boss fights

you sound like an insufferable faggot. cram it, twerp.

Agreed, but needs a powergap between des and 3

BB > Sekiro > DS3 > DS1 > Sotfs

Haven't played DeS because I sold my ps3

They’re only ranked separately because there is actually a noticeable quality difference between the two.

das 3 first good boss was pontiff
and after that maby twin princes and nameless king.

>one weapon
>fewest bosses
>an absolute fuckton of useless skills items and gameplay mechanics
>most cheese strategies
>shortest game
>overall unoriginality
>weakest lore
>overpowered stealth/dumb ai
>more recycled enemies than even nioh
>forced into one playstyle
>by far the worst fanbase yet

you didint play bloodborne.

For me, it's the Blade of Mercy.

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>keksta watermark

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all in the base game with more good bosses in the dlcs
bbs only good bosses were in the dlc and theres only 2 of them


Sekiro is unironically my least favorite and least enjoyed of all the games. While I don't think it's a worse game than DS2 I would still rank it beneath it on my personal list.

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>there are people ITT who think a single player action adventure game with no replay value outside of getting achievements is better than an infinitely replayable multiplayer action rpg because le shinobi run fast xD
kys yourselves

Seething Soulstard spotted. Your series is dead.

only bad bb bosses where witches and celestial emissery and those aren even real bosses, rom, micolash and one reborn are gimmicy. dlc got 4 good bosses and one gimmic witch is more than dark souls 3 both dlc combined.

Only person so far with good taste?

Souls trash are the least repayable games ever because the gameplay is extremely shit and unfun.

>all this people shitting on DS2

Such a bad taste

>retarded frogposter
>shit taste

>i suck at this game therefore its bad

Sekiro is normalfag actionshit. It's about as tasteless as you can get.

so it has come to this

das fags who havent ever played BB say sekiro is shit

Sekiro fags who havent played bb say its not soulsbornegame

BB fags who have played every game say sekiro is pretty neat

>how to spot a snoyboy

This tbqh family. They might aswell have just removed all exploration elements and made it a boss rush game because that's what it felt like anyway. The shoehorned in rpg customization elements are a joke too.

sekiro is better than BB

>BB fags who have played every game say sekiro is pretty neat
100% me

who the fuck cares about achievements?

I've played them all aside from DeS and i think every souls game is better than both BB and Sekiro.


Indisputable facts.

Normalfags love Soulsshit while hating Sekiro because it's too hard for them though. What are you talking about?

BB>Sekiro>DaS1>AC4>DeS>AC4A>Metal Wolf Chaos>King's Field 4>DaS2>Deracine>DaS3
There, ranked all what Yea Forums calls "Souls" games.

It was a terrible cheaply made game put out solely to cash in on the success of DaS1 with preorder bonuses and season passes, you must come to terms with this eventually.

No I don't give a fuck about your fashion souls.

What * can agree with at this point is that FROM is fucking BASED. Starting with DeS, they single handedly saved vidya. Everytime I start to feel like games are no longer for me, they release another KINO and I am reminded that games can still be good in an era of casual filth, games as a service and fucking movies.

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>it’s another snoyboy cope thread

Y’all desperately need some games


BB is grossly overrated

DaS3 = BB > Sekiro > DaS1 > DeS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS2

BB > DeS = DaS > Sekiro >> SotFS >>> DaS3

>DeS3 better than anything
Holy cringe

I’ve played all of them and Sekiro is vastly superior to every single one. It’s not even a question.

Sekiro > DeS > DaS > BB
Fuck DaS 2 and 3. Nioh is great.

>DeS over anything
take your nostalgia googles off

BB = SOTFS = DS1 > Sekiro > DS3

>Sekiro comes out
>suddenly tons of threads about Bloodborne and From rankings with Bloodborne mentioned at the top

We get it, Snoys. You want attention. But no one cares about your console or your exclusive souls clone. I’m sorry.

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This. 2 and 3 are just contractually obligated sequels, devoid of FROMs usual passion.

BB i still better than any DS or DeS user
t.played it on PC with psnow

>pay 500 bucks for a console and 1 game
>always have to put that 1 game at the top of the list or else feel buyers remorse
its not fair bros

>faggot who wants to keep dumbing games down because he cares more about story and graphics than gameplay.

sekiro has better gameplay than the previous games.

This. Everyone knows DS1 will always remain as the best FromSoft game. It's not even close. All these BB/Sekiro shilling from sonykeks is starting to get annoying.

>500 bucks
I got a used piss poor for $100, user. I still think it's a good game.

I never really got into souls games. Would I enjoy Sekrio? I really like setting (keep in mind I didn't get into Nioh either). Really enjoyed MGR though and a friend told me it's similar.

People only like DaS1 because of nostalgia. In reality it's a 7/10 unfinished game that goes to absolute shit halfway through.
Also most of the environments are kinda unoriginal and samey. Burg is a generic castle level, depths is a generic sewer level, Blighttown is a complete ripoff of Valley of Defilement, everything past Anor Londo is just trash and even Anor Londo is not all that good, a lot of big empty spaces with nothing in them that exist only to pad out game time.
Sen's Fortress and Darkroot garden are the only good areas.

As far as I'm concerned.

Yikes desu

I mean it's better than an simplistic action game and a shitty attempt of action rpg made by a b team, so it's not saying much.

>Really enjoyed MGR
You'll definitely love it.

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Nice meme opinion, fuck off sonykek.

Switch DS2 and BB and you have a decent opinion.

>made by the B team
>development was scrapped and redone midway through
>the only entry thus far to get a rereleased fixed version because it had so many problems
>PC version was basically unplayable at 60 FPS until said rerelease
It boggles the mind that anybody could think 2 is the best.

Keep coping Soulstard

Sekiro > BB = DS3 > DS1 > shit > DS2

Let me know when Sekiro inspires anywhere near the amount of creative content as souls. It'll be forgotten in a few months and nobody will care, meanwhile souls will still have thriving pvp and roleplaying communities creating kino such as this:

Stay mad casuals.

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SEETH sekiroshill

Sounds exactly like DaS1

What can I say I liked the slow-paced combat more. At least I can respect and even enjoy to some extent what BB and Sekiro offer, but DS3 was a fucking mess gamepkay-wise.

They are just in their Honeymoon phase. Literally noone will give a shit about this game within a month.

>DS2 better than BB or sekiro
ultimate shit opinion


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>Being this resentful towards the best game of the series that even allowed the others to exists
You are mentally ill.

Why would I seethe? I've got a great game to enjoy. Meanwhile you are stuck with your shitty dead franchise forever.

Yep, it feels like a lovechild of MGR and souls.

Attached: AxisEnigma-Cainhurst-BloodBorne-Dark-Souls-4485432.png (811x920, 1.57M)

all this people who thinks bloodborne is the best game ever are probably murican negroes that never seen a real cathedral on his life.
>Muh Details!!

Agree with BB but literally anything is better than Sekiro.

The best, most varied combat and definitely the most interesting and distinct world design.

have sex

>best game of the series
When did I mention Bloodborne?

>Game is PS4 exclusive
>Yea Forums loves it, on par with BB
>Comes out for PC
>Suddenly Yea Forums hates it and thinks it's a piece of shit

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>that 2nd half
>best game of the series
huhhh, honey, no.
Dark Souls 1 was very good at the time but it's surpassed by Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro in every way. The only way you can think otherwise is pure nostalgia. The only way DS3 doesn't surpass 3 is in the invasion department because FromSoft caved in to faggots who complained about invaders and ruined PvP forever.

Filtered by Ogre

BB > DeS = DS > DS3 > DS2 > Sekiro

>I didn't get into Nioh either
I didn't either. I tried 5 times, but I always uninstalled halfway into 3rd region cause game was boring as fuck. After completing Sekiro, I'm currently in NG+ in Nioh and I'm still enjoying it. I don't know what the fuck happened.


Enjoy your 10 hours of game LMAO
Meanwhile I have 80 hours at least and ignite possibilities of replayability with different builds and weapons. KEEP SEETHING

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>Yea Forums loves it, on par with BB
never happened
people called it an uninspired souls clone when it released, by BB and DaS fans alike

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Get a load of this retard.


Sekiro = BB > DaS3 > DaS = DeS >>> DaS2

Sekiro>>>>roll, roll, stab garbage

>different builds and weapons.

lol they're all the same games

Nice r*ddit vernacular. Just goes to show where the DS2 hate really comes from. You're a soulless bug man with zero original opinions or tastes.

DS3 > Bloodborne > DS2 > DS1 > DeS > Sekiro

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>Poster count doesn't go up

OBSESSED Sekirokek oh no no no

Sekiro = BB = DeS >>> DaS1/2/3
Why is From so bad at sequels? Here's hoping Sekiro and BB will never get ones.

Why are you so mad at the facts? Where did Ogre touched you?

sounds like nostalgia faggotry.

DaS2 >>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>> DaS1/DaS3/DeS/Blunderbore/Poopiro

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>Yea Forums is contrarian and immediately starts praising the previous titles the instant the new one comes out

Shocker of the century

>"Sekiro > "

Attached: 1551845099130.png (429x709, 449K)

faggot Demon's Souls spawned all of the ideas that would later be recycled in future games, especially in Dark Souls, Gargoyles? Man Eaters, Blighttown? Valley of Defilement, Gwyn? King Allant, Hellkite dragon breathing fire on bridge? DeS did it first, Velstadt, Irina, Eygon and Rhea? Garl Vinland and Maiden Astraea, Asylum Demon? Vanguard, I could go on forever, I'm not saying DeS is better, I very much prefer DaS, but one could understand putting DeS above most of the games

this never ever faggot again. just buy the fucking console and play BB you poorfag its worth it.

"doing it first" doesn't mean anything, retard. the games that came after did DeS's ideas better.

What a pleb.

Move pepe to b8

It almost feels like you didn't read the entirety of my post at all

DS2 = Sekiro > DS1 > Dark souls 3 > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 2 and Sekiro are on the top for me because both have a focus. DS2 is built around singleplayer and multiplayer, while Sekiro focuses on singleplayer, the rest of the series is half baked attempt at both or one.
Bloodborne and Demon's souls were clearly made as singleplayer first and it feels like multiplayer is tacked later on in development since it feels shallow in both games.

>Demon's Souls 3

Attached: thanos online.jpg (720x720, 24K)

Games that have focus don't put invisible volcanoes atop of windmills.

>people called it an uninspired souls clone when it released
Then you weren't there when it was released, literally everyone loved it when it came out, the only hate posts I saw were from before release.

Sekiro has zero replayability and can not be rated equally with the other games unless you're a one and done gaymer. Who only play games once.

>no matter what weapon you pick the only thing you'll be doing is mashing R1 and dodge
Souls games have shit replayability. Every playthrough is the same.


Yeah, no. Souls has 100x more shit to do than in Sekiro.

All the other games have online which add a shit load of replayability and far more variety in builds and gear to play through the game with and PvP with.

Not even close faggot

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Unnecessary since rolling exists
Unnecessary since R1 exists

Pvp was garbage in every game. It's about time to admit that. Sekiro is a better game since it doesn't have summoning crutch and messages that spoil the encounters for you.

Love when Shallowkiro fans try to justify losing 80% of the features from Souls, as if their game isn't just an R1 mashing mess like the rest of them.

Play the game next time, sweetie.
Man, why are Soulsfags so cancerous?

I beat the game. There's like two good combat arts and a bunch of useless meme prosthetics. The combat is so fucking repetitive I ended up intentionally avoiding deathblows so I wouldn't have to see that stupid animation for the thousandth time.

Didn't I just told you to actually play the game?

I love the souls games, but I've never watched a single one of those cringy pvp YouTube videos.

alright gonna buy it then

PvP was great fun you no fun fagboy. It was awfully balanced and broken, but that's what gave it charm.

It was boring trash.

So are you all putting BB first cause its a ps4 exclusive?
When it becomes playable on PC you will just say >i-it wasn't that good anyway
Seething consoletards

No. Because it's good.

Just got sekiro and beat the tutorial level. What am I in for bros? Also I really like the box for the CD

Playing the same single player game through again after it has lost it's spark is boring trash. Reason why Sekiro has already been shelfed.

I'd rather have a good singleplayer game instead of a shitty multiplayer trash.
Maybe you should stick to fortnite.