>Farm level
>you can talk to the scarecrow
Farm level
Other urls found in this thread:
wheres barney fag?
oh wait he made this thread
This is porn, right?
Yeah, it involves small horses of which I have possession
moon a best
>he doesn't know
>being this new
lurk moar
Am I a brainlet, or is this a pain to play?
legitimately why do people find ponies attractive? They don't even look like humans
I whacked off to Celestia's scene multiple times
"Harold" was the most scary of the of the scary stories to tell in the dark franchise.
Why do people find ponies attractive? they don't even look like people
hivemind at it again
You just answered your own question. Big, round eyes also have something to do with it.
Give them back Cletus
There are some people who can feel attachment to just about any cartoon character if they get enough time to watch them and if the character has a personality
fug i shouldn't be able to remember this.
I remember in High School I played this game multiple times while in the middle of class.
>ponyfaggotry will be 9 years old this year
Jesus fucking christ, what is happening to time?
REMINDER: 23 episodes left and you pieces of shit finally fucking die.
(remove the first period)
I really don't know. Probably literal brain damage.
Get fucking killed
>23 episodes left and you pieces of shit finally fucking die.
Make it last forever, friendship never ends!
Slit your throat
Please stop posting forever.
>literal brain damage
>2010 was 10 years ago
Jump off a bridge, faggot
Words can't describe how much I'd like to rip out your lungs with my bare hands
die out
>this very instance I am writing this sentence was two seconds ago
burn alive
I really want to let my dog knot in Fluttershy's horse pussy!
>muuh epik 4chanz lore
have sex
REMINDER: 23 episodes left and you'll still be posting long after they air.
I'd unironically pay Hiroshima MILLIONS JUST so he'd get rid of GR15 so Barneyfag no longer has the "MUH SACRED CRUSADE TO EXPOSE HORSEFUCKERS (that totally aren't me guys :^) ) VIOLATING THE RULES" leg to stand on.
just die
Potent bait right here
>newfag doesn't get the reference
>this damage control
die in pain
Just buy Yea Forums instead
I want AJ to sit on my face
Nobody likes AJ because she's a dumb redneck incel who lives in flyover Ponyville.
Barneyfag always makes me laugh. To think that someone with such a high level of autism would be so fucking dedicated to a basketball weaving forum in order to tell some people who watch a show to kill themselves.
I'd like to slice your fucking face off
And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.
>you have to know about horse shit to be a certified oldfag
>he's still replying
I’ve clopped a ton to this porn game.
>in order to tell some people who watch a show to kill themselves.
You're making the assertion that they have any place on this site outside of their containment board, and that they have any right to flood any thread with their liking just to talk about how much they like to fap to their shitty toddler's show. Unironically drink bleach, shill.
yes, actually.
bleed to death
Who fucking cares, it's an anonymous imageboard, not your DnD club. Get a life
is that trying to say that they have ideas to make aj a more urban pony?
well this sucks but atleast i still have my second best
Fucking have your brain carved out of your skull
what the fuck is this?
>"can't be brown/tan"
AJ is getting culturally enriched.
execute yourself
I find them cute, but not attractive, probably just degeneracy creeping in on the slope down to furry
It means I fapped (masturbated) to it. Just a bit of brony lingo.
Goddamn Rarity is hot
>brony lingo
I'm glad I never went as deep as you did, jesus fucking christ.
barneybois seem to be getting fiery, maybe you should.... blow off some steam
What do u think of season 9 so far Yea Forums?
I know /mlp/ didn't like episode 3 very much.
I'd really like to slice your fucking throat with a rusty machete, you fucking waste of oxygen
i not up to it yet but ive got high hopes
Dont know why mlp is the be all end all of bait that makes some people so mad they take it everytime, but hey if it works
(\ based
Next two episodes seem good, at least going by their synopsis.
Fucking bleed to death you piece of shit
why no other flash game toped this one?
>Not having written pony fanfiction
You're small time
Why is discord so unbelievably based, bros?
DerpyxTwi story writer reporting in
Because you have literal brain damage.
Dropped this shit years ago my man
M. A. Larson admitted the show jumped the shark so I didn't see much reason to stick around
Man, I’m getting nostalgic now, I should go back and reread some of the old classics.
Did things get worse for you, barneyfag? I remember when you would post the same 3 images and texts every time you saw a pony ad infinitum, but they weren't actively hateful, you were just confused as to why people liked ponies. But now, your dislike of ponies has spiralled into an unending hatred for pastel colored horses. Why? What compells you to such lengths? What brings you to such emotion, time and time again? Does it not get old and boring? Do you not become jaded? Has your zealotry not found a new thing to become enamoured with after almost nine whole years? I feel as if a psychiatric analysis of you would be extremely interesting.
Real finale right here
Speaking of fanfiction, remember this?
REMINDER: 23 episodes left and you pieces of shit finally fucking die.
(remove the first period)
I've written shit tons of fanfiction, but never stooped as low as your small horse show.
This show needed more character death.
Your fandom needed more deaths in general.
I don’t have a fandom, how popular do you think I am user?
fucking die
I write, but i wont post cause i hate to edit it and revise and blarg
bleed out
What a shit tier ship
good thread guyise
really proud of all of u
burn to death
Man, I was so conflicted when this came out. On one hoof, the animations were pretty good especially at the time it was made (being the first of its kind aside from Tiarawhy) but on the other hoof, the artstyle was just a little too off for me to enjoy. At first I thought it was because it was pixelated, but when he started making regular drawn porn I realized it was just his artstyle I didn't like. Overall, I think I liked fucking Pinkie Pie the most since it was closer to her character.
I have. It rips me apart knowing the most well-received thing I've written in my life is horse smut.
Anyone hmu with a link
fucking die
That's nothing, right after that I did Octavia and my OC. Storytime?
I still don't get the connection between barney and poneys.
fuck off OP, this game was a mistake.
what the fuck happened to this board.
both are for toddlers
A very contrived reason, probably
Damn, and here I thought it was something more.
>having a discord
I want to butter Fluttershy's inner thighs
Pretty sure you can find all his work on e621 doot net
I kinda hate pokehiddens artstyle desu, both in stills and animation. Would rather see a 1-2 minute really well made thing from shino or something rather than his games
>Cowboy game
>you can shoot the scarecrows hat off and wear it.
Good lad, also the Trixie stuff was fun
Try NMM and user, lil fucker
Classic hivemind. What a load of shit.
I wonder how buttmad they get when it gets deleted.
They're very cute are really expressive and have charming personalities, after spending enough time with them you sort of realize they can be attractive in this way too.
I only read fics with body inflation or massive weight gain.
Wait a second....
isn’t this just the scarecrow from OOT
Slit your throat
Tfw Tiarawhy x Megasweet never ever
When Lee was a wee lad in retard school he had a traumatic experience where he was forced to watch Barney with the other spergs and I guess MLP shared an adjacent time slot so he associates the two
Yes I'm serious
She's perfect wife material
Holy shit a newegg finally got the joke
Into the gas chambers you go, you piece of shit
and that's how we learned that lee fucks dogs as well
Lee I don't read any of the images you post I don't know why you bother.
Gentle rape
newfags out
Burn to death, faggot
Lee, you can be so much better than that, don't give up on life
Tiarawhy isnt coming back is he? Not that I blame him, making pony smut shouldnt be what you do for that long of a time, but it still kinda hurts.
Button mash's milf quest will always hold a special place in my dick though.
>still replying
I wrote greens for funsies a bunch of times
They're all going to be shit, you fucking shiteater.
I haven't checked up on the scene to see if there's a new kid on the block. I think right now SFM is all the rage since I can't stop seeing new SFM anthro artists come up. I forgot his name but there's one in particular that's making some eternal fap gold. No its not Black "BBC is my favorite food" Jr. iii
Tiarawhy is still in the fandom my dude, but yeah, he is also intending to become a professional animator, hence why he animated all that Rick and Morty clip back when it was still a thing
Haven't played it since it came out or ever plan to because of the overwhelming shame that comes right after
What has he added since then?
sweet apple massacre
Hey, could you guys watch my Chocolate Milk for a few? I’ll be back soon.
haha i wana be a cute girl horse thingy haha
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I don't have a good record with watching people's chocolate milk...
Sure thing Rainbow Jack
burn alive
You know you want it too :3
I really like some of thecoldsbarn's stuff and thats fairly recent. I dont really keep track of all the 3d artists names be ause theres so fucking many of them but there's a few okay ones like screwingwithsfm, and maaaybe anthroponiessfm
I meant more he wasnt going to make anymore porn, i dont give two shits about anything that isnt porn for the show desu, havent since season 3 ended
Execute yourself
U rite
Based and ponypilled, I too fell off after Season 3.
just die
uh oh, I think I hear princess book smart coming...
>tfw never got Luna because her minigame was too difficult
Ironically, you're far more obnoxious than the kind you hate
I still remix old brony songs. Some of them are certified bangers, even the artists are kicking ass nowadays thanks to all that trial and error back in the hay day. 2010 to 2012 golden age.
bleed out
Is it actually possible to score every pony in the game?
I can't seem to find a proper walkthrough to get me all endings.
There's no proper scene with Celestia, just guard rape. Other than that you can score everyone but Ms. Pie. Only 6 per playthrough though because of time constraints.
I wonder what the fuck happened to SoGAP, I miss that dude.
I wish you'd die
>tfw Alex S. nostaliga
fucking get killed
I remember there being so many fucking videos of this game uploaded by shitty third worlders holy fuck
burn to death
>dubstep used to be popular
Ugh don't remind me
Fucking get incinerated
Hey Twibutt. What's with that weird look on your face? You okay?
If you guys fell out after season 3 then you're in for a treat. Everything is uphill from there.
get fucking torched
You're on the horn.
I still enjoy it from time to time
It’s all angry and garbled
The JoJo’s Bizarre adventure part 2 soundtrack has the best Dubstep there is, and i will fight you about this
burn to death
Have sex with a pony 'c'
I have no motivtion to watch much of anything desu
Reason i dropped off after s3 is cause i watched like 4 episodes of s4, and one of them was so fucking atrocious i couldn sit through the whole thing, just kinda dropped it after that, ive resigned myself to inticrate fantasies and downloading large volumes of porn
I have some story about user being kidnapped by Rarity and being trapped inside his sexual dungeon for 10 years
The last scene is user fucking Rarity's daughter at her grave and letting their cum hit the ground
I'll miss the show man
I watched some episodes after Twilicorn but it just wasn't same. I hate to say it but the soul just felt gone. Plus that EQG shit they had going on didn't help.
I liked a couple Rarara episodes I saw though.
Swagberg, notacleverpony on the track though,
Fuck a fucker saying Faust
Ever made a wack show.
We peeping MLP, make your heart a little lactose,
But I can't front, as if he ever gonna like those,
Slow it down
So hard raps I'm fucking
Kicking hard like apple bucking
Even dash is asking wondering
"who's that man? That swag is something"
Come to think of it, I'm very verily
Based like based God,
Rare like rarity,
I'm I. C. E.
Now I see why,
They said it was a cartoon I should try.
Call me diamond dog, I am iced out fly,
Rocking magic ass raps with them Twilight Eyes.
Um Ghost, Babybuns, when are you gonna stop being such a jew who keeps stuffing money up his own asshole? You haven't been entertaining for awhile now and I can't get off with that dumbass TTS Voice spouting memes and low-effort insults every other second.
Friendly reminder 23 more episodes before G5 starts and the endless crusade was all for nothing.
Get smoked
UH OH... POO POO.....
There is literally no soul in a toy commercial made to push plastic off of store shelves to little girls. Fucking jump off a cliff, brain damaged piece of shit.
>Hasbro has an audience of millions
>Don't make a single game with the IP
It's shocking to see a company squander so much potential wealth.
What do you guys think will happen when Gen5 comes out?
Will the board divide into two groups?
Will we even watch it?
Some Dark Souls shit going on, like you recognize stuff but it's all so alien
They made a card game through WotC. It was shit
You're the one who still cares retard
I always thought of that as a paw. Idk why it has to specifically mean horse
>not having a discord
Lmao he still only visits Yea Forums xDDDD
Do nu mods not know? How is this thread alive
No it’s been deleted before.
I probably won't even bother with G5. FiM was a different time and I was a different person. Nothing will ever recapture the magic and the community of those first few seasons.
You pieces of shit are literal sheep to believe they'd actually do any good with their fucking shit IP.
Why are MLP's hippogriffs so damn adorable.
>nigger applejack
Jokes aside i doubt itll matter
Board will tear itself apart for a month or two, once most of the major shitposting hyperautists are done, either one group will get exiled from the board, get confined to containment threads or maybe they'll actually coexist
Mods like watching Lee seethe for a bit before banning everyone
Watch sounds of silence and the lasts winter episode specials and maybe you'll change your mind. That might help
Because you have literal brain damage, simple as that.
I want a discord bf so bad