
So. More than half of Anthem playerbase have left and BW just cancelled their live streaming since their fiber cable was cut and nothing lesser can handle streaming it. Even the folks at their subreddit have stopped defending their incompetence.

Bioware is done.

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Completely forgot about this clusterfuck.

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bioware was done way before Anthem

Bioware was done after dragon age 2

i still think EA will keep them around still.

Unlike other developers, BioWare's name still holds some weight, even after the disasters that were Andromeda and Anthem.
Rule of 3 though, they fuck up whatever they release next and they'll be over for real.

Just how badly do you have to fuck up in order for Reddit to turn on you?

I already forgot Anthem existed. Thanks for reminding me, OP.


Literally do one fucking thing and they cry.

>even after the disasters that were Andromeda and Anthem
You mean after ME2, DA2, ME3, DAI, MEA and Anthem.

Anthem was 3, user. It was Mass Effect 3, Andromeda, and Anthem. Or does 3 not count because the general consensus among normalfags is that it was a good game with a bad ending?

They were supposed to have a livestream going over a big upcoming patch. Rumor is that they're completely behind schedule, and they lied through their teeth that their fiber cable was cut. Took a quick look for laughs, and the subreddit is in fucking flames. If you told me that was the same Anthem subreddit from screencaps few months ago, that was vehemently defending the game, I would not have believed you.

I cannot wait for vidya companies to collectively purge all of their fucking quota diversity/nepotism hires. EA, Activision and other big publishers are all getting fucking wrecked by catering to exaggerated social issues instead of good game development. The boomer suits will have to realize eventually.

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yep, there are people even on this board think 3 is good and even better than 2 and 1 but just suffers from a bad ending.

I need to check my friends' Disc*rd Anthem channel.

I would say ME3 was Bioware's last decent game, and a lot of that was because it had so many ends from the previous games to tie up, that it didn't need a lot of originality, and it's probably good that it didn't considering the shitshow that was the ending they thought up.But Dragon Age CISquisition sure as hell counts as a third strike.

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>Dragon Age CISquisition
it's unironically a better game than dragon age 2 and me3

>a better game than dragon age 2 and me3
That says nothing.

it was a decent game, above decent if just barely

>Single player MMO
I'll give you DA2 but even ME3 was better than that bullshit.

it wasn't, mass effect 3 killed it's franchise from the moment the dialogue wheel was revealed

They tried to warn us back when they unveiled it


Same as every online game then?