>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
>Super Castlevania IV
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Castlevania the Adventure
>Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge
>Kid Dracula
Castlevania Anniversary Collection comes to PS4 on 16th May
>vanilla Adventure
>not Rebirth
what the fuck
>No Rondo
>No Adventure Rebirth
>CV2 and 3 almost certainly will be the shitty US versions
Konami needs to burn
>Kid Dracula
Now that the good Castlevania's are on Playstation can we finally stop overrating SotN now?
>GB Adventure instead of Rebirth
>no X68000
y tho
no one gives a shit, snoys won't buy this
When did Aria of Sorrow get on Playstation?
So, Konami understood that they won't make any $$$ with new games (MGS: Survive and PES %insert_year-here%) and started just rereleasing old titles?
They need to stay on their pachishit business and never come back.
Isn't this multiplat?
>No Adventure Rebirth
>No Rondo of Blood
>No Chronicles (which is already native to PlayStation for fucks sake)
What the fuck is this shit?
Soitchlets only buy bing bing wahoo so it makes sense that it doesn’t come out on the Soitch.
>No Rondo
Why would Konami want to give people less reason to shell out for their other compilation?
That one is PS4 exclusive, this one is a multiplat.
Just deprive the PS4 collection of Rondo if they want to be kikes.
Pointless. The real anniversary edition we're all waiting for is the Rondo of Blood onwards collection with the metroidvania ones.
>Kid Dracula
Odd choice to include but hey.
>Kid Dracula
now say this without crying you dumb fucking snoyfag
This one has the weakest soundtrack and animation but okay. Circle of the Moon was superior in every way.
>buying free games
belmonts revenge is kino if you didn't know. hopefully it's the gameboy color remake
That's a way way bigger and better line-up than what I expected.
now make sure the Contra collection has Hard Corps: Uprising you absolute fffffffffffffffucks
>wanted contra collection first
>get it last
Played CotM recently on my 3DS, interested to know how you think it's superior as even barring it's animations it's still quite weak.
Good. Fuck metroidvania.
>weakest animation
>circle of the moon was superior
You haven't even played CotM, have you? No one could fucking type that after seeing Nathan's movement cycles.
You first
>paying for a rom collection
I'll probably be buying it
>No SoTN on PC
Holy shit I was right! They did put kid Dracula! HAHAHAHA!
Physical release? If not, I'll stick with the emulators.
>tfw you just want to try the igavanias but only the classics and SotN are ported over and over
I see no reason to get this for the PS4 instead of the Switch.
>Nintendofag trying to validate his purchase
Why they always do this?
>Now that the good Castlevania's are on Playstation
I don't see Aria, CotM, Portrait or Ecclesia in there.
It's on PC too
You do know it is coming to Switch right?
>not symphony
I want this on game pass. There's no way I'm going to pay for roms I can download and play on my phone.
>CV2 and 3 almost certainly will be the shitty US versions
what's wrong with them you weeb faggot
Naisu, about time Kid Dracula got an official western release. They could have gone the extra step and put Getsu Fuuma Den while they were at it.
Don't give a shit. How about they port the Nintendo DS games instead? Can't emulate those.
I want a collection with the DS and PS2 games, I don't care if I'm being unrealistic.
Wait, will they localize the NES Kid Dracula? Really? They will do this effort? I have my doubts.
>Nintendo DS games
>Can't emulate those
Hmm, never played the last three, and always wanted to try Bloodlines. Very tempting.
Then again...Konami...
Need all the Igavanias in one collection.
Desmume retard. It works perfectly
I mean like a port that puts the touch screen stuff to a control pad. So I don't have to use my mouse.
>pussy bitch wants the easier versions
>no Castlevania GBA or DS
>still no Harmony of Despair portage
That's a yikes for me.
>about time Kid Dracula got an official western release
It's the Game Boy version.
Everything needs to have an easy mode these days, anons, don't you know?
>That's a yikes for me.
Twitch talk should be an insta ban.
Oof gotem good
I'm sorry for calling you a retard :(
I guess it would either be TouchPad or just use one of the shoulder buttons to automatically cause the effect the player needs. It's unfortunate that it can't be perfectly replicated but the touchscreen stuff constitutes so little of the games I don't really care if they gloss over it.
>Simon's Quest
Literally only one game uses the touch screen, and its such a minor thing it could be ported out easily.
They literally announced this would be the first collection and people still are mad. Why don’t you all shut the fuck up and calm down.
The Japanese release shows the Famicom.
The gameboy version was never in color you mong
Yes but the op is a Sony shill.
All of them uses the touch for something. Sisters mode in PoR, Albus abilities in OoE.
Curious to see the bonus stuff. The arcade collection out today has art and dev interviews. They should go all out for CV.
>Wanting the version with an inferior sound chip, censored and with its game balance meddled with just to make more money off of rentals.
I can understand personally preferring more difficulty, but don't pretend it isn't just a rushed shitty challenge mode, and not the intended original experience. If you actually claim it's somehow superior you're a tasteless fag yourself.
jesus christ, Raimi was even involved with KKKid Dracula?
Maybe they'll let you choose the version? A lot of retro compilations do that lately.
call me whn we get a collection of the GBA and DS games. i'm tired of Classicvania
The next collection, so they run down the PS exclusivity as well
>buying a gameboy rom in 2019
I wouldn't ever expect the DS games on PS4, they're not going to gut all the touch screen features those games use.
That would be awesome because I legitimately love both versions of CV3 for different reasons. People are so negative about something I and others have been hoping for for years, it's sad to see they can't just be happy they're getting a nice little collection of (mostly) masterpieces for 20 bucks. I mean, bloodlines is on there, isn't that the first time it's ever been ported? And it's all coming a lot sooner than I expected, which is really nice. Only thing I would change is to replace the two gb games with chronicles and maybe something unexpected like 64. SotN was a pipe dream after that retarded ps4 collection, unfortunately.
There are romhacks that remove the touchscreen gimmick completely from all DS games. Makes them hundred times better.
Yeah, this and the Genesis Mini are the first ports/reissues/ANYTHING of Bloodlines since 1994.
And really, this is all the 8 and 16 bit CVs. Seems they might be saving the rest for a second collection if this does well.
So they make them unplayable?
>Second Castlevania Collection
>It's the Lords of Shadow games
Honestly, the US version looks better. It's more detailed.
>kid dracula over legends
>including Castlevania Judgment.
I'm really only interested on playing Super Castlevania IV, I guess that's gonna be a pass from me.
they are perfectly playable without the touch controls. the touch controls are more gimmick bullshit forced by nintendo than an actual part of the gameplay.
if you played the games you would know that
No, its even better. You should try it.
If they fix the framerate chug, i'd be down for that. But i'd rather play Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness instead.
Is this also going to cost 19.99? ahah there's no way I'm going to waste that much on nes and gb roms, fucking Konami
>the touch controls are more gimmick bullshit forced by nintendo
>forced by nintendo
It's funny that you think this. In any case removing those elements would require reworking entire chunks of the game to the point where it's no longer the same game.
Aren't most of these games already offically available on modern systems as downloads while the GBA and DS games aren't?
Theres no reason to own a Shitch, so no one cares.
And PC too, dumb Sony fanboy.
And Xbox and Switch.
>there is a literal cheat code that makes the symbols and DoS automatic
>make the swap button for johnathan and charllote on the triggers
>you can play the entirety of Order of Ecclesia without even using the touch controls
oh yeah. such an difficult rework
>No Rondo of Blood
Been a decade but I only recall tracing shit after bosses, flying with it as a bonus character and deleting ice blocks.
anyone has that castlevania rom pack from last year?
Only if they did this with silent hill without fucking it up.
what makes you think they WON'T fuck this up?
Someone should get the collection out today and see how good/bad it is.
I didn't even think about that to be honest. They probably will fuck it.
Bloodlines Sc4 and Cv3 are all great hopefully they let you switch regions for the games so you can play the uncensored versions of Sc4 an Cv3
I will
>vanilla Adventure
>not Rebirth
Absolutely fucking retarded. I'm getting this IMMEDIATELY cause of Bloodlines and Kid Dracula, though.
Took them decades to fucking port this shit.
How do the hacks handle the ice blocks you break in DoS? Are they just automatically the way you need to proceed?
They've already said they're doing a metroidvania collection as well. But they're probably pacing themselves before released the other Classicvanias since they're aping Capcom in every way here. Except you, know, physical.
Because HAMSTER is porting the games. They're about the best autist port developers you could hire after M2.
I did a collection a year ago if you want to play castlevania, I don't know if anyone cares tho
Oh I didn't know that, fair enough.
Is this shit getting a physical release in any region or is it all digital?
No physical. Only digital.
Waiting for the DS Collection, come the fuck on Konami, I'm not asking for alot here.
LMAO just emulate it, all of that is like 3 mb tops download.
Just do it Julius Mode style, you can destroy them with a weapon once Balore is defeated.
Reminder that this is just the FIRST collection, at least 1 other one is planned and this is just focused on the "origins" of CV
>No Rondo of Blood
>No Rebirth
>No Chronicles
Switch might have some framedrops, Bloodlines is kinda heavy
Try telling that to the makers of tobu tobu girl.
Wait? How? It runs on my old ancient 90s toaster.
>why does a collection about the origins of the series not include games that came out 20 years after the original?
They will, after all SOTN and Rondo are exclusively 4k on PS4
I hate to be one of those guys but...so? Why the fuck would you buy this on pc?
I’m ok with Konami just making remastered collections for their franchises for the near future, while they think if they want to fund new projects.
So far, we have three collections announced:
- Konami Arcade Classics Collection
- Castlevania Origins Collection (this one)
- Contra Collection
We also had Rondo of Blood and SotN in one package a few months ago, so now we need:
- Metroidvania Collection (Put SotN in it again so people don’t screech, CotM, HoD, AoS, DoS, PoR and OoE)
- 3D Castlevania collection (64, 64 LoD, LoI, CoD, LoS 1, MoF and 2)
What else? Silent Hills and Metal Gear complete collections?
I played all this shit when Yea Forums was posting the roms last year. Fun stuff but I wouldn't bother without save states.
Never ever
>the cross on the left looks more detailed
omg pls
To support Classicvania. It needs to revive.
I don't care about portability and won't buy a switch.
>- Contra Collection
I don't believe it. Show me receipts.
>- 3D Castlevania collection (64, 64 LoD, LoI, CoD, LoS 1, MoF and 2)
As long as we get every 3D game before Lords of Shadow, I don't mind paying for those garbage games again.
And a better source, Konami themselves
Guess Konami needed to turn 50th and watch all the free money that companies were making with collections to wake the fuck up.
Thanks, anons.
Never played Contra. Can't wait for this one.
>no Rondo
This type of collection without an actual physical release is so fucking pointless. It’s a shame.
>games that came out 20 years after the original?
based retard
Why does it include a game that's not even in the series?
the rondo and sotn one? i have, it feels fine to me. only downside is its the psp version if symphony so the voice acting is changed.
Nah, the Konami Arcade Collection. See how it runs, see if the emulation is shit or not.
It's probably just using MAME.
>No Symphony of the Night
>No GBA Castlevania
>No DS Castlevanis
>in this and MD/Genesis mini
Can they fucking release the uncensored version with blood and Eric getting stabbed when dying with its on spear?
A Konami Collection for other games like the Rocket Knight Adventures/Sparkters series
Buy it so we get CV Collection 2 with the Metroidvanias.
Also, Bloodlines is fucking great.
You're a reddit nazi frog poster, you deserve nothing.
>buying roms
Just play Dracula X Chronicles on PPSSPP bruh
>somehow different from buying games at all
Fuck off, this is a Castlevania thread. Feel free to pirate and emulate, I'm going to support this.
>Kid Dracula
i'm gonna mad as hell when the contra collection doesn't have hard corps uprising or shattered soldier
>no Rondo
fucking NIGGERS
>aria trapped on gba forever
fuck this gay earth
This is the first collection user. I'm more worried about the DS Castlevanias than the GBA ones.
Digital only? I will get it for the Switch but I need to know if there is going to be a physical version.
is there going to be a switch or xbox version?
i truly hate sony and avoid everything but exclusives.
Nope, just digital.
A second collection for metroidvanias was already confirmed.
>shitty US versions
Cv3 has better music on the vcr6 yes
But the US version is the more polished release with bugs ironed out even with the added difficulty. Also Gant is better in US CV3
Not sure about cv2, but the music sounded far better on the nes
Yes to both. PC too.
>selling a fistful of NES, SNES, and GB roms for 20 dollars
>no Castlevania 64
What's the fucking point?
removing the checkpoint before the final boss is honestly unforgivable
>all these 2D side scroller games on the console with the worse D-Pad
Even Xbox would be a platform.
Why not a Switch version?
PC even.
The DS4 is garbage.
I have a PS4 but I rather emulate these games on my 3DS.
The ones I can that is.
You are retarded mate.
OP is a faggot who linked to the playstation blog instead of anyone else. It's coming to switch, pc, and xbone too.
what about Switch?
>I see no reason to get this for the PS4 instead pirating it in the Switch.
>buying free roms from a gacha comapny
don't think for a second konami will bother to follow this up
the main 4 games are out on this one
no one's gonna buy a collection of upscaled handheld titles for a secondary installment
I don't think they've gone as far as saying it'll be Metroidvania games, just that another collection is in the pipeline.
They've said another collection is coming.
And I expect a collection of Metroidvanias, if that's what it ends up being, is going to sell far better than the Classicvania titles.
I mean hell, they have a Gameboy title in this collection. Why would upscaling handheld games have an impact?
Based as fuck. I was certain they were gonna omit after confirming Belmont's Revenge for the first half of titles.
I've never played Kid Dracula before
you don’t have to buy
While I'm hype for this collection, a few collections of classic games is not the beginning of a redemption arc. When they announce a new mainline 2D Metroidvania for all platforms, we can start talking about redemption.
Who's Bloodlines here
Thanks user
>no rondo
fucking garbage
>the adventure
>belmont's revenge
what the FUCK?
I had adventure as a kid and I would not wish that game on ANYONE
lmao I won't, that's not the issue you fucking retard
Shit gets no noise since 1994 and suddenly Sega and Konami wake the fuck up.
Bloodlines is legit one of my favorite classicvanias. Glad we're getting some love again.
Damn I can't believe X68000, Rebirth, Dracula X and Rondo are ALL no-shows. I didn't expect all of them, but I did expect at least one.
Adventure 1 lmao. Honestly, 1, 3, 4, and Bloodlines together make this worth it, but this thing needed more.
>No HoD
>no Adventure Rebirth
>no Chronicles
There goes all my interest, fuck Konami.
I got version two of that collection. Did any versions after that have anything different in them?
It's a good start but we DEFINITELY need another collection for Classicvanias. There's still many games to cover. And good ones too, Chronicles and Adventure Rebirth need a fucking port.
What, no Haunted Castle? Pathetic.
Did they seriously keep CV the Adventure as one of the mystery games? What a garbage reveal.
That's in the Arcade Collection.
It's pretty much the same thing as there being no eighth game at all. People are going to fucking hate this one. A mindless choice.
I unironically want contra to have the probotector robots instead
a bunch of stuff
some games i missed, artbooks, comucs, osts and some mods/hacks