What do the virgins browsing this shithole think about the best game of all time, pic related?

What do the virgins browsing this shithole think about the best game of all time, pic related?

Attached: GTA-V-main_tcm25-19095.jpg (580x327, 90K)

*op here posted the wrong image

Attached: steer weers.jpg (312x445, 34K)

T. Underage tard who’s mommy just bought him an Xbox

it's not GTA2

V was an ok game
but pic related is AIDS and the franchise is on the verge of death because of it

Attached: 1532145323062.png (240x240, 15K)

It was pretty shit. I clocked well over 100 hours to finish the story. I reckon some 80 hours were spent alt-tabbed as it just wasn't very interesting.

GTA V has pretty good single player but Online is cancer like he said. I think the PS2 trilogy is better though.

It's not GTAIV

Attached: 2019.04.13-19.05(1).png (3264x1836, 3.63M)

I'm 30 bud


>the franchise is on the verge of death because of it
The franchise has never been as successful it is now. GTAO prints money and I hate it.

fucking grandpa only someone with dementia like you could enjoy gta v

>prints money
in part due to the fact that buying and modding a new copy of the game is cheaper than shark cards

GTA as a franchise is going to be fine, I'm afraid they'll kill the single player campaign though

GTAIV was such a joyless slog. There was almost no character customization, not even compared to San Andreas and certainly not compared to what Saints Row was doing at the time. The minigame side activities are all garbage, and the game keeps pestering you to do them anyway. I don't fucking want to go bowling with Roman, bowling SUCKS.
The actual missions are cool, though. It's a competent game, it just feels like it completely wastes its open world.

>The actual missions are cool
Could've done with a bit more variation. Far too many "enter building, kill a few hundred people, exit building" type missions.

3D Universe >>>>>>>>> GTA V >= GTA IV

Pay to win trash that only zoomers and fanboys defend like a religion. Not to mention pay to win trash.

Yeah, maybe. I mostly like praising the missions because Saints Row 3, which I think was a better game in most other respects, had absolute shit for missions.

Basedmale core game, get taste.

Great game, I'm only annoyed that rockstar removed the GTA Online character transfer. I just got this game on PC and I wanted to move my PS4 progress over. what a shame

Arguably game of the decade 2010-2020