It's coming home edition
City of Heroes
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villains missions were the shit, man
so just how "frankenstein" was this server setup. sounds like it wasn't easy to set up or keep going.
I went to sleep 8 hours ago and just woke up. Did I miss anything?
It's not though, leoandro is just giving you worthless code and then hiding after the heat is off him, why do you think he released the fucking log in authentication shit first?
I'm still skeptical. I don't think he's going to have such a "change of heart" because the same people who he actively didn't give two shits about are angry (though a change of heart due to the threats and doxing might be a different story). Even if he does turn some stuff over, no way is it going to be everything he has; we'll still never see our old characters again, and I think it's gonna be a long time until we see another private server even open, if ever.
the discord call, I think.
>we'll still never see our old characters again
that's ok, I'd rather start over from scratch. Plenty of content I never got a chance to see.
>the guy that tried to revive non-mobile Dungeon Keeper has been partially responsible for Leo hoarding the code
As long as it's enough to build something from the ashes I'm pretty sure the public would be content.
Honestly at this point the only thing that's saving the poor bastard is the fact that no one knows exactly where he is right now, and the Cripplechan maniacs are working on that as we speak.
The sooner he drops the data the safer he'll be. Honestly he had to have known this would happen the second this info could be proven to the CoH fandom at large.
These people were crazy enough to try and build their old mmo from scratch. To hear that it already exists, has existed for 6 years, and has everyone's old characters on it? I'm not surprised some of them want to kill the poor fucker.
If its the old UI with all the new stuff, im fucking down. I loved the old look. The new look was a bit overdone.
Which is why I find it hilarious that as soon as he drops a hershey's shit-kiss of information, we have a bunch of faggots coming out of the woodwork saying "wow guize come on we're HEROES this isn't what we do!1!!" I get that death threats and doxing the guy isn't "morally justifiable" at all, but you'd have to be retarded to not realize that that's the sole reason why any potential progress is being made at this point. He doesn't give a shit, he's scared.
>my grandma died and my puppy was sick so I couldn't release the code for six years
If you fall for any of this I have no words.
Faggot has my retail char, fuck this asshole
Give me a quick rundown, are they planning to actually make it public?
>It's coming home edition
not until some argentinian steals the drives. You'll just get a bait and switch.
we're going home
Is it really? I tough Leo just dumped the authentication server and fucked off?
Yeah everyone's fucking grandparents died because it's been six fucking years. Of all people, why the fuck was it this guy who was given the source code.
Fuck off back to crapchan.
You morons already managed to get yourselves on a couple of alphabet soup agencies lists with you ebin edgelord mosque shooter and general depraved pedoshit you allow over there,no reason to drag this place down the shithole you're in alongside you just because you're lonely pathetic pieces of shit excuses for human beings.
If you believe Leandro, he is. He already released the authentication server.
i meant the hardware.
according to leandro, so grain of salt, it took multiple old machines running specialized hardware because that's what the code was written for
Classic pity. Always looking so pathetic to deflect. my 7 year relationship with my best friend ended with betrayal, my cat died, I had to tell an old man hes been diagnosed with cancer as a make shift translator for a doctor because I was in the area, I was mugged AND had to endure everyone being happy around me all in the course of a fucking month. Harden the fuck up Leo, life is shit, crazy and chaotic, give me the access codes to my hero Zion (gravity/kin controller).
He didn't give two shits about them becuase they weren't angry. Now you have fags on 2^2^2chan who got his personel information down to his birth certificate and stalk around his house. Dude has good reason to start caring now.
>Honestly at this point the only thing that's saving the poor bastard is the fact that no one knows exactly where he is right now, and the Cripplechan maniacs are working on that as we speak.
they actively are trying to kill him and steal his shit. Going by the psots there I'm not sure if giving up the server would stop him. Apprently there's a pciture of the server floating around that cuck boy himself uploaded. I'm anoyed this faggot was making 1 mill usd to keep the server running and let himself live like a king in hue land for 6 years.
So when is the rest coming?
Oh righto. Well, it was a pretty old game in need of an upgrade at some point. Lets just hope we can actually get it first.
Brainlet here. What’s the authentication server?
>Apprently there's a pciture of the server floating around that cuck boy himself uploaded
This one?
Maybe within a few days. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe never.
I think its the login screen to get to the server list. Dont quote me on that though.
You all FUCKED yourselves. You fucked every last one of yourselves with your stupid petty greed and "but I just wanna play!!!!!" Read this post carefully because I'm about to fucking detail it:
What you THOUGHT was the case:
>Evil admins: "Heh heh, we have this secret private server just for ourselves! We'll never let all those outside plebs in! Scour the reddit and antagonize anyone who knows the truth!"
>Hero whistleblower: "I've uncovered their secret plot! CoH should be for EVERYONE!"
>Evil admins: "NOOOOOoooo how dare you..."
>Admins: "Hey, we have this entire codebase and database for CoH.. it'd be awesome if everyone could play it. But that would be SUPER ILLEGAL for us. Like major felony. What if instead, we secretly used as a base to build our own server emulator in linux, so that EVERYONE could enjoy it?"
>Admins: "What the fuck dude why would you do that, we're fucked now, we can't continue our projects and now no one's going to get to play anymore."
>Fat pig: "OINK OINK" *buys CPAP machine* *uploads video of himself in diaper*
go back to sleep, Leo, you've lost
Prove it.
Yes, didn't read the text with it before.
>it was given to a dying man who barevely managed ot get it to function and then cock scuker took over and profited off of it
>he's now hiding behind his dead friends and people he didn't know
I hope they burn the fucker to a crisp.
Daily reminder that this reddit thread doesn't cares about game at all and just have personal grudge to Leo.
Also it's only active during american hours and most posts there comes by few posters.
i really really hope you didnt bother typing that up yourself
Wait so the dev that gave out the source code and shit didn't even intend for it to be left in this shitbags hands?
Look at all the evidence yourself and that fat piece of shit's videos, it's all there. He fucked everyone because he's a fat fucking creeper shitheap who doesn't know how to function as an adult, with his deviantass fucking art gallery.
You got your chances to play City of Heroes again ruined by some obese loser desperate for attention on his shitty 1998 webcam youtube channel.
Bigger things have been done by less people in 6 years. There were so many ways to go about it and he some how chose one of the worst paths. I get that its super illegal and yeah, keep it anonymous, but guess what isnt cool, gas lighting the community and making money off this shit. We now have a SLIM chance over no chance of getting the game back now that we have dragged it into the light. We all thought it was dead. Plus there were no indications of them making it public before. 6 fuggen years gringo. That's allota time.
>keep server hidden for 6 years
>use city of titans and ship of heroes as shell companies to fund your server cucking people out of 700k or so
>get about 10k in fees and donations per month enough to live like a king in brazil for about 1 mil a year
>evade taxes
>shut down all attempts to make another private server to protect his cash cow
>hide behind dead original owners of the pirate server
>passively aggressively lash out at people calling you out on your bullshit empire of dirt
>some retard sees this, and shill for the faggot on Yea Forums for a laff
When your painful death comes cretin, know you spent your days being worthless to everyone and an annoyance at best.
pretty sure Leo is saying he named the first server after the dead guy, not that the dead guy had the server before him.
>We now have a SLIM chance over no chance of getting the game back now
It's the opposite actually. You now have NO chance over where there used to be a slim chance.
going by that screen cap of him apparently, the more i read the more I hope the cripplechan hues come through.
>When your painful death comes cretin, know you spent your days being worthless to everyone and an annoyance at best.
ooh ouch that edge, thanks for proving you don't know anything and are just acting like a sperging teenager.
didn't realize we have a 16 chan now
It's been six years. Leo was never going to release the code before this.
>skinner box
>defending gaslighting thieves stealing money
you really should kill yourself already, you only even respond because it's hitting you somewhere deep down. Do one good thing in your life.
Truth hurts, doesn't it, shill
zoom zoom
i'm enjoying this and all, but i need a quick rundown
what is city of heroes, what is its history up till today, and how does one (?) person hold the game hostage for over 6 years?
Considering Leo and his cronies were (still are depending on how paranoid you are)in charge of the Reddit is more or less abandoned. The last two days it was full of posts and anger but most people are in the wait and see mode now. You can only have so many "I AGREE RELEASE CODE!!" posts
We'll see dip shit. I'm a glass half full type of guy. You sound like an angry little drip of piss that got his secret server taken away from him. Go ahead and ask anyone.
Fucked by a fat piece of shiiiit
Fucked by a fat piece of shiiiit
Fucked by a fat piece of shiiiit
You realize you're just proving my point. Not a single one of you can counter my claims, the fact you're sperging out like this proves it.
>used to be a slim chance
By licking the ass of a third world egomaniac
It doesn't matter. Just shitpost the retards who give a shit about some garbage mmo and keep making these daily threads to rally people to their cause.
based neckbeard doing the right thing
>waah i hate the 1%
lol commies ruin everything
that guy gave you like 7 lines of reasoning as to why Leo is a total shitheel and your response was
>oww edgy!
kys retard, your private club is dead.
>its an MMO love and cherished by many
>some dude had the source code cuz a dev took it and gave it to him. Hes been running it with illegal profits for 6-7 years in secret with his little cult follower
>truth has come out. Game potentially on death row/resurrection. Leo is the dick who kept it secret and gas lighted people into it not existing.
There are way more details so please read the archives homie.
Dead MMO no one cares about
>what is its history up till today
This thread will lie a lot about secret(3k accounts/100 online lol) server, just read news.
>game hostage
Because no one else cares about this dead mmo.
This thread probably already knew about this server and just tried to do bad things to Leo.
Old dead MMO trash is still MMO trash.
You can shove your soi nostalgia up your gay ass.
Haha no, he completely invalidated himself with that garbage. When you shriek like a little baby you reveal you don't know anything about what you're discussing and are just egoposting out of frustration.
Right, so you have no comprehension and reading skills, got it. At least we can point out the retards so easily here.
>no arguments
thought so retard
Acting like you are some kind of intellectual superior isn't any better
I'm not reading your shitposts loser, you are a human failure, all you do is shitpost on Yea Forums, you are literal scum.
>K I L L Y O U R S E L F
Actually I already laid out my "arguments". It's quite clear you couldn't respond to them at all. Posting "no arguments" is just describing your own posts, sorry you can't "throw it back" like that faggot. This isn't your precious reddit where you can pretend it never happened.
It’s a start, but he should release the full server code, and fast. Trust is easily lost, and he lost the trust of the entire community. The longer this drags on the more the community will be ripped apart by his bad decisions.
>he has more facts than me, i don't like how he's intellectually superior!
That's not a very good argument either.
Leo was a prominent figure in CoH, he created the subreddit and was on mod teams in various forums. The best guess is that the dev gave it to him to eventiually release it some time later after the codce got scrubed from any evidence that could lead back to the dev. Instead Leo started to build his own little empire with it.
If he's this in-tune with how much can change in 6 years, you'd think he'd consider all the people who died in those years that DIDN'T get a chance to come back. And fuck him for making it seem like they were trying to release it; six years, and not a single fucking SCORE member has seen any word of development on that side of things. Just a bunch of new content and quality of life changes.
>never touched city of cu.cks
>enter thread
>mfw I don't even know who leo is
Do not trust the FUDposter
Do not respond to the FUDposter
Do not acknowledge the FUDposter
This is the first real progress the community has had towards getting their game back since SEGS, and it's all built on the backs of a lot of solid backlash and a bit of intimidation. Leo is feeling the heat and feeling guilty, he's going to deliver.
To be fair it sin't really that difficult to be the intelectual superior one in a place where the average poster's IQ doubles as their shoe size
>that absolute COPE
Leo is in the SEGS discord right now looking for someone who can code to give the codebase to.
Someone come be useful.
We're here to talk about this game so it stays bumped. You're just helping with your shit posting. Plz carry on lol
Half of this claims are false or have no proofs.
Code when?
imagine being such a leocuck that you shill for him on Yea Forums at 5 in the morning yike-a-roonies!
You act like that's somehow a negative to me if you want to "talk about the game". By all means! Have another bump. I'm just telling you you got yourselves fucked out of any hope of getting to actually play it again, because of that fat fuck wanting to be a reddit hero.
Dude's looking to dump the files
Post screens.
His empire crumbles, and his personal guard continues to fight on.
>he's trying to release the code because he's scared
what kind of superhero is Yea Forums going to make on the new server?
>i'm too lazy to read archives or search for more info, so it's wrong
stop being a lazy worthless loser and do your own research.
Not everything said in these threads is true, like holy shit yes he was a selfish egomaniac but no he didn't evade taxes or hide behind dead people or whatever the fuck nonsense this is, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>in hue land for 6 years.
I must have missed something, it's Argentina that he lives isn't it?
kek, leo never had any intention to release it. You know it as well as I do shitbag. I do wonder if you're one of his cocksucking goonies who can't stop gruzzling his cum. Fact is that nobody is really happy with how things stand now thanks to all the exposure. Releaseing the code would be the best course of action for everyone. Sucks that leo would then also discover that nobody really wants to "play" with him and he'd be alone with maybe two other guys on his super sekrit server.
he's in voice chat
good goyim
It was an MMO that came out just a few months before WoW, and despite being capeshit was one of the most fun and well loved MMOs to ever exist. It had a god tier character creator, tons of customization options in both the character creator and class/build variety, and the world was tons of fun to explore with tons of variety in zones. The combat was tab targeting but the animation and effect quality was top tier for a 2004 game, and it still holds up today. The community was kind and honest without having that creepy hugbox feeling that some games have today, and quests even had a customizable difficulty slider if you felt like you were breezing through content too easily.
The game shut down in 2012 because NCSoft are greedy scum who unironically closed the game because it was successful in the West while not being popular in their home territory, Korea. Many people offered to buy the game from NCSoft, including some celebrities and even the game studio that had developed the game up to that point. NCSoft ignored them because of some bullshit cultural pride, where their name would look back if they sold the game to a company that ended up making it more popular than when it was under their control.
For the last 7 years, the CoH community has been looking for another MMO with a similar feeling, and we've just recently discovered 3 or 4 days ago that either an ex-developer or somebody from NCSoft stole a copy of the game's full source code and anonymously passed it off to a "trusted member of the community". I guess that developer assumed the player would spread the source code online once stuff had calmed down, but instead that player kept the code for himself, while running a private server for a handful of his closest friends, while also doing a bunch of unbelievably sketchy shit like gaslighting potential leakers, and using his connections to silence anybody who spoke out on any form of media.
And now, the emperor seeks to open the palace, instead of dying in it.
>I'm just telling you you got yourselves fucked out of any hope of getting to actually play it again, because of that fat fuck wanting to be a reddit hero.
The only reason we even know about it was because of him. He kept it his hidden little cash cow for 6 fucking years. He was never going to release it. Now there's brazillian anons going to rob his dumb ass and steal his shit, maybe even kill him.
This is the only chance we had.
Which ones?
remake my favorite old character Goldstream, a water/ice blaster
No that is something completely different it's called sardonic,don't trouble your pretty little head over it sweetie
Just proves it lol
It's just the pity card he tries to play.
>I watnted to d othe good thing but woe me and my terrible life
Worst thing is that some might even fall for it. After 6 years of doing shit like this he must've gotten good at it.
first kill yourself
>CoH is an old MMO, ridiculously profitable
>due to corporate politics, the studio gets axed
>tl;dr of THAT drama is that the korean half of the studio got upset that the american half of the studio was more profitable than them
>game just gets fucking shut down despite making money hand over fist
>one of the devs leaks the source code
>the guy who got the source code proceeds to startup a weird cult private mmo, charging people a monthly fee in addition to running a cash shop
>with stolen code, mind you
>and character and credit card data from everyone who ever played the game when it was live
>does this for about 7 years
>manages to wrangle various attempts at bringing the game back into a way to funnel money to himself
>one of his cult members breaks their conditioning and leaks the info about it
>turns out we could've been playing on private servers for years, except an obese argentinian NEET decided he wanted to play god instead
>NCSoft, the company that actually owns the stolen code, is getting involved legally
>the obese argentinian has literal shills defending him FOR FREE on Yea Forums and reddit
some guy popped into the SEGS server last night with leandro and dropped a ton of info about the game. this is what the server shit looks like. he seemed to have some documentation about how it all runs.
why do you illiterates say this like it isn't a big deal. the auth server isn't just for log in. dumb sape motherfucker go draw a wojak or something you nigger.
Perhaps, not 100% proof, but past actions and behaviors have sparked curiosity. Plus there is some screen shots of his financial gain and illegal NDA club rules. Its pretty easy to connect some of the dots if you dont live in side that bubble of yours.
Lets say a man was murdered and is laying in front of you. You, the corpse and one other man are in this room too. That one other man is drenched in blood holding a knife. You're the type of person who would say "I dont think he did it." because you didnt bother to connect the dots.
Don't trust anything till its out.
he could very easily just make a 2nd account and say "im giving this guy the code" so people stop looking at him, then promptly vanish with the code.
COH wasn't "ridiculously" profitable by anyone's measure. It was doing decent for itself in the post-wow market and more than earning it's keep and investment in major new updates, but it wasn't this incredible runaway money machine or anything.
source code is messy stuff, i know firsthand because i was given parts of source of another game under nda, so not sharing the code is understandable
but gaining profit off of it and silencing any discussion for 6 years is peak scum
i hope for the best for you who want to play coh again
Remake some of the characters I made on Paragon Chat. I never played the game before but I’m super excited to try it out!
It managed to have both a growing playerbase and profits well above break even when WoW was at its peak, user. That is "ridiculously profitable".
iirc it made more on average the nwildstar during it's peak time. It should've been more then profitable enough for them to keep it going.
The files, Leo.
Cheers user. We can only hope and wait from here on to see what he does. After reading this thread you can see who is being unreasonable and stupid for the sake of deflection of the topic.
lft Electric/Time Controller
get fucked argie scum
As an aside I don't know why people think rackmount servers are so "magical".
There's really nothing that differentiates a rackmount in a data center from an ordinary beige midtower if it has powerful enough multicore hardware installed.
I still have no fucking idea why nobody came up with a new superhero mmo outside of DCUO which is still pretty old
Then you need to refine your understanding of "ridiculous", because all you said was the same thing I did in different words.
Ridiculous implies an absolutely outside of any even barely reasonable expectation, and COH was not the only MMO able to turn a profit a survive at peak WOW time.
If it was truly earning "ridiculous" profits, koreacucks never would've shut down the cash machine. Even for those faggots absurd gobs of money beats pride.
Cant wait for it to be dead again in 5days when Yea Forums moves on to the next fad
mmorpg genre is dead, people play mmo-lite looter shooters nowadays
It baffles me too with all this capeshit being so popular in hollywood. Imagine if overwatch was CoH 2 with all the wonders of CoX... The waifu customization would be a killer sell and would flow with people pouring cash into it.
Cya in 5 days. What super power would you choose if you could have any irl?
I don't have a goddamn clue what is going on in this thread, but this is why I'm such an advocate on forcing server emulators to be open source (at least when people aren't doing anything with them.) /r/wowservers has had all sorts of examples, asswipe Gummy52 probably being the most recent.
Makes me wonder what will happen with Wildstar... at least we have Sapphire for FFXIV.
We get nowhere with these retarded data/source hoarders.