This is an official art of Blazblue

>this is an official art of Blazblue

Whoa, i see why this game was so popular... what a deep... gameplay

Attached: yuri.jpg (850x1237, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they sure grabbed that weeb audience by the balls

Based Japan!
I want to racemix with a big tittied squirrel girl!

i refuse to believe that, Makoto in game has a way bigger ass and rack

Dont you need to shill your Mortal Kombat game with burkas, flat women and bald women?

I want that dirty subhuman away from my wife

This triggers Sony.

Attached: no licking.jpg (960x1148, 173K)

Whats it look like on playstation 4?

>I don't like this genre of game
>Whoa, look how much i hate it

Makoto is my fightfu, now and ever

Attached: masskoto.jpg (911x1290, 505K)


Attached: Official Art.jpg (2148x3124, 3.53M)

For me, it's Tsubaki
I always liked Makoto's hair but the squirrel tail puts me off

Attached: 3f642a6fd7c9c12f52cc90a583ba9ec1.jpg (2508x3917, 1.19M)

this and also official art btw

Attached: fb5a50829b01ab642c373ba3a02a31ef.jpg (2508x3916, 1.2M)

based bros

good, it has cute characters

BBTAG gets its update in 1 month. I wonder if the Datamine of the patch will reveal the next set of characters we get.

Literally who? Stop shilling your channel btw.

>he doesn't know Prozd
How new

BB is made for mexican weebs

Attached: 1549284567032.jpg (1037x767, 309K)


>this is official art of Street Fighter EX

Attached: SFEX2-Skullomania10017107-10017108.jpg (985x685, 158K)

how can Noel have actual tits in official art


Her tits were about that size at the time (they increased every game) also that picture has a bigger ass than the flat one she actually has. I've always thought it was a design flaw by the way considering her enormous tail. Central Fiction gave her extremely large hips and thighs though, which certainly helps.

I love squorrel

Attached: 1554757140399.jpg (1000x1414, 538K)

I'm going to lick that navel

>All the vanilla impregnation doujins of Makoto


Are the SJWs pissed that blazblue was woke before them?

is that chest hair?

w-what's going on in this pic?

>be mexican weeb in early 2012
>have Continuum Shift Extend
>check around other mexican weeb circles

>Everyone is getting Calamity Trigger because it's way cheaper
>"lol, it's exactly the same game, it just has a few less characters."

I was in awe at the size of their casual. Absolute retards.

It's one of her two tattoos.

Someone might as well turn this into a blazblue r34 thread since it isn't going anywhere, haha

>sexy artwork
>shitty game
>weebs still eat it up

Sony is trying to save you, don't you faggots get it? Have sex.

I love BlazBlue official art

Attached: UhBQoU0.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

There's another image of Makoto licking Tsubaki, don't have a high-res of that though

Blazblue is a good game, far better than any putrid and disgusting cinematic game

Attached: 1506542852296.gif (430x454, 640K)

This is the problem with weeb games. They don't even try to hide the fact that they're shameless fapbait with little to no substance. And then people here defend that because "it pleases muh dick".

At least western games actually know that they're games and don't pander to people with troglodyte IQs who just want to beat their meat.

I thought that was Ragna's butt

Attached: 1554635405680.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

>At least western games actually know that they're games
Then why are they pretending to be movies?

alright guys, what's your limit?

Attached: 6.jpg (752x850, 274K)

Attached: rodeo.png (539x338, 105K)

me on the left


Attached: 1496693382279-2.jpg (960x1280, 203K)

>little to no substance

Attached: 1397531232236.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

That flash gets better when you turn on the pubic and armpit hair

Attached: 1476068536227.gif (578x541, 1.12M)

BlazBlue is a good game, providing fap material just makes it better

Attached: 1508838940073.png (372x476, 13K)

BlazBlue is the wrong game to level thia criticism at.
The shameless fapbait is not ideal for me, but the BB series is a respectable series gameplay and content wise, even if the story is nonsense.

You can make your copypasted arguments all you want but blazblue is more in depth than every western game released in the last 20 years just as a side effect of being a fighting game

Anything is better than cinematic games. Even shitty indie games

Slow walking cinematic game from California/Western Europe and gays/trannies. vs skill based Japanese weeb games. Damn dude, you win.

>lesbian is bad thing


>lesbian is a good thing
Don’t you have some TLoU 2 thread to be making, soiboy

Blazblue died after Continuum Shift was released.

>At least western games actually know that they're games
Then why do we keep getting cinematic games,boring non-interactive open worlds, boring gameplay, unfinished pieces of shits, politics, and many other stupid shit in our western games? Not saying Japanese games are superior or anything, but I seem to find more fun out of their games now a days than with western games.

Attached: 1555598328428.png (454x548, 269K)

Isn't CF the best its ever been?

I wish she was more popular

me on the left

Does Makoto bust nuts?

that's me in the corner

Attached: rem.jpg (297x356, 34K)

So do I, she's my favorite BB girl

Attached: uFaVtA1.jpg (848x1200, 1.23M)

Sauce please

>know that they're games
then why do the west hate things that are too "videogamey" like boss fights