This is an official art of Blazblue

>this is an official art of Blazblue

Whoa, i see why this game was so popular... what a deep... gameplay

Attached: yuri.jpg (850x1237, 216K)

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they sure grabbed that weeb audience by the balls

Based Japan!
I want to racemix with a big tittied squirrel girl!

i refuse to believe that, Makoto in game has a way bigger ass and rack

Dont you need to shill your Mortal Kombat game with burkas, flat women and bald women?

I want that dirty subhuman away from my wife

This triggers Sony.

Attached: no licking.jpg (960x1148, 173K)

Whats it look like on playstation 4?

>I don't like this genre of game
>Whoa, look how much i hate it