Yes, this is a good idea for a game for children

>Yes, this is a good idea for a game for children

This is your mind on anime.

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More examples of this absolutely abhorrent practice.

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Toonophiles don't have children. They jerk off to loli cartoons all day.

damn she's even got a tail, that's some kinky shit man

>Less skin than what a kid would see at a public pool or beach.

What's the problem?

How is that worse than a women in yogapants?

>taking your kid to a decadent nudist beach

My dick has convinced me this is an excellent game and I must buy it immediately

Don't, it's shit.

Hope Sòystation censor that heressy

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Most hentai is created by hands of Japanese men. Therefore when you jerk it to hentai you're basically getting a handjob by a Japanese man. I'm sorry to tell you this but you're basically all massive faggots. Think about it logically.

Since when has that ever stopped a weeb from buying weebshit?

>Dominating other males is gay
That's literally Chad tier, faggot

>Green Tattoo
What a disgusting whore.

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Boobies and ass never traumatized me as a kid but gore and death did for a few years.

i want her to smear her blue lipstick on my dick

All women are created partly by men. Therefore when you fuck someone you're basically fucking someone who's 50% male. I'm sorry to tell you this but you're all massive bisexuals. Think about it logically.

When you get laid with a wo(man) she was created by a men. Therefore when you have sex or any interaction with a fe(male) that's 50% gay at least.


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Star ocean died on ps2

>For Toddler

Oh shit he's right!

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what game

Really nigger? Read the file names, star ocean

the last hope is the only game on xbox?

Why do you think shapely bodies are somehow bad for children?

Name one thing wrong with exposing children to sex

I have never seen anything so explicit, but there are unironically clothes with room to encapsulate the breasts.
Is that somehow shocking? What's this thing even making fun of?

Having shit taste about it

More women draw hentai than you might expect.

SJWs are censoring the female body so the trannies feel less disgusting

>T rated game

nudity isn't sex.

I wish boob socks, and women with large breasts, were more common

Attached: latex.webm (640x640, 2.41M)

How exactly did western feminists unironically embrace Islam and Taliban values?

In Murica and the Middle East it is.

Those are fake user. She is actually quite flat.

they embrace anything they believ will give them social points desu

feel free to create a new trend, if it catches they will embrace no amtter how racist it is

Your point being?

What percentage of western feminists are attractive - as in, say, >5 out of a 10 point scale? Not the majority.

Your point is null and void. At least use big tiddie that is actually big tiddie.

I'd rather have my kid grow up on tit and asses than beheading and murder.
The worst he could become is a pervert, better than a school shooter.

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Any questions?

Banning sexuality in games is really unfair to the autism/down syndrome community. Many will never have sex and this is the closest they'll ever come to companionship.


Which part of "I wish" you don't understand?

From what I understand they don't like when "women" (read: fictional characters half-based on reality) are reduced to fapbait for horny boys. They still do slut walks and shit though so it's not like they think real girls should be more modest or anything. Free the nipple and all that.

Still mad they didn't bother to do an english version of this for ps3

just slap the translation on and make it download only ffs

>Yes, this is a good idea for a game for children
Games isn't good for children if:
1. It's too deep and complex for them to able to enjoy it.
2. It's a multiplayer game where kids' presence would be disruptive.
3. It has predatory monetization schemes.
4. It's shit.

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>Bikini's are nude

>he thinks mentally challenged don't have sex
>imagine being this much of an incel

why don't they just get gfs lmao

It's been so great until now watching Japan tell these people to go fuck themselves. Thankfully it's just sony doing this shit now so those devs will probably just jump ship. The last time a publisher tried to make devs censor shit it went catastrophic for them (nintendo just before PS1)

go back to bed california, it's only 5am, let the rest of the world pretend you don't exist for a few more hours

>rated 16+
>game for children


>have a kid
>take bath together
wtf im fucking my kid

>Most hentai is created by hands of Japanese men.
Not only hands. They put their heart and soul in anime tiddies.

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Disgusting. Will keep these for research purposes.

Utterly disgusting. Show me more of this filth.

>children don't like boobs!
If I was a 9 year old boy again I'd be playing that shit all fucking day

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Autists can’t seperate fantasy from reality

>star ocean
>a game for children
This is your brain on low-quality shitposting

I'd rather have children exposed to sex appeal than gratuitous violence or gore.
I don't understand why Americans are like this.

I worked at a foster home for mentally challenged teens as a student and i can assure you that these kids fuck like rabbits.

women with large breasts are extremely common in the west. it's just that they have large everything, because they're large women.

Overbearing and manipulative parents that pocket their slow child's paycheck every 2-4 weeks absolutely exist. Many are trapped with no way out.

Game any good?

If you want reality in video games why dont you just go outside instead? Plenty of reality out there. Theres also other social butterflies for you to talk with!

Nah, worse than 4.


Are you sure? 4 was pretty fucking bad. I usually like shitty JRPGs but I stopped playing SO4 not even halfway through because it was such garbage.

Game is comfy, combat is too easy, give it a chance atleast. Shouldn't be too expensive now.

4 has at least good gameplay.

Neo-puritans don't want people to have fun. News at 11. Now for the weather.

Don’t reply to me ever again (You) autist

>pixels in a video game are the same as real women
Feminists confirmed for autismos?

Games aren't for children anymore, same as capeshit movies aren't.

Goto Avengers endgame at the movies, it's almost al white dudes.

Western feminist is basically just "fuck males and fuck white ppl" with a sprinkle of Marxism so since most muslims aren't white they're tolerated

This is an early morning japanese children's cartoon show

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based jap children

Attached: typical children's cartoon in Japan.webm (1024x576, 2.71M)

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Japs still know whats good in these times.

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I got the game for free and it's just sitting on my ps4 but the only start ocean I played was that weird one for ps2 sands of time or whatever. I've been looking for a rpg to sink some time into so maybe I'll pop it in

>sex bad violence good
fuck off

>a game for children
it's rated 16+

why do liberals always use the "muh kids" argument when talking about games that children arent even allowed to play

you tranny freaks will never have kids anyway

>when your manga is so shit you have to rely on filler anime fanservice shit to push your sales

What's wrong with it?
As in seriously. I used to watch stuff like this on Saturday morning cartoons in the 90s.

no clue how often she distracted me from the actual dialogue

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This is from a Japanese mobile game

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she’s gonna look real dumb when her skin tans

This ass needs more triangles.

how about this?

Attached: Shizuka milk bath movie 6.webm (640x480, 842K)

>Yes, this is a good idea for a game for children

This is your mind on *insert literally any game with combat*

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They need to be homosexual brown trannies

So1 - first departure
So2 - second evolution
So3 - till the end of time
So4 - the last hope
So5 - Integrity and faithlesness

play 2>1>5>3 and ignore the abomination 4 was

hot you mean

I still don't know if her outfit is checkered pattern with different colours or if those parts are holes.

fan art

They are holes.

By being fucking retarded and believing that the poor Islamic men are oppressed by WHITE MALES HISSSSSSSS just like they are. They don't realize that the average Muslim won't tolerate their shit, and Islam doesn't capitulate on anything like Christianity does just so it can get more donations. They're in for a very bad time when they realize that in Islam, they're actually second class citizens.

its one of the best ps4 exclusives right now.

>The children will continue their elders legacy in Nippon morning cartoons.
Bless Japan

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I legitimately have no issue with it and fail to see what the problem is.

Everybody hated her design though.

It's always easy to tell when a waifufag doesn't even play their own game.

>Implying the actual official content is any better.
Im pretty sure Raita designed Raikou, and he is first and foremost, a hentai artist.

Clearly. That must be why they went for it.

star ocean festa in 2 weeks, maybee they'll announce another non-mobile star ocean

My dick loved it.

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I'll heed your advice

>not just the typical anime bad muh realism faggots

No, they hated everything in the game BUT her design

this. it was just distracting and didnt fit the rest of the character design even a little

>All women are created partly by men
It's vice versa.

hahaha imagine sniffing the part of her vinyl outfit right where it touches her asshole

I'll play it if SO5 port to PC

Don't try to represent me, shithead.

Shame that fan service site went down. So many gems lost to time

>This is perfectly fine for the kids, though
Your mind on Sony

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i have some more

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Attached: Shizuka bath movie 13.webm (640x480, 290K)

wtf reported to the fbi youre going away forever pedo

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Holes my boy!

If not for her shitty meme drill hair she would have been a top tier waifu.


So what exactly was so bad about Star Ocean 5? Shitty gameplay? How was the story? Characters? World?

its a really good jrpg, people jsut hate it since they are star ocean 4 babys, and the game is closer to the original so1
its kind of like a mix between so1 story and characterwise with so3`'s combat

The dev censored the game and literally lmao’d @ japanese fans.
They responded by sending the game to the bargain bin a full minute after release.

Wait, so 4 is the worst one? Then why the hell did that one get an HD remaster?

She bathe in every movie? Not that I'm complaining but I'm guessing she is the only female in the show? So all the fan service comes from that one character? She must get it pretty hard

>If not for her shitty meme drill hair
heh nice bait

it was designed to be popular, they replaced the whole middleage fantasy setting with pure sci-fi and gave it an anime artstyle.
also replaced the unique characters with anime chliches

shut up faglord drills are fucking awesome


Attached: sci-fi clothes.webm (352x272, 1.3M)


Are lozenges a hate symbol now just like those buddhist square spirals?

imagine playing chess on her naked body

Oh those whacky japanese

Fuck off with your fake shit, this is OVA only, in the actual anime they censored naked prisoner Erza with some rags.

Thanks, maybe I'll play 5 in 10 years when PS4 emulators are a thing.

The fact that the mobile game is better than 5 says a lot. Imagine putting more work into the gameplay of a mobile game and then giving it fucking working multiplayer on top of it.

Do you know how much dick I would suck to get a console / pc release star ocean that had multiplayer period?

The fucking mad men.

I only played SO:V. Characters are two dimential, point A to C D E F B G H J K I story, gameplay is boring and easy to exploit, unnecessary amount of systems, exp grinding, boss nuke spam (late game/extra dungeon), open world is rather small, 5reskins of the same enemy, bosses made into regular ememies, enemy is made into boss, random spawning dungeons with good loot, story segments drag on, private actions are alright, to many items, crafting is broken into 8 skills, augments are nice, synthesis is bullshit and time limited events, missions, enemies and private actions.

it still has plenty of lewd stuff

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thats wrong though, 5 is the 3rd best star ocean.
the only reason you would say that mobile is better than 5 is because you never played any other than 4.
also star ocean 3 has multiplayer

>doesn't like drill hair
>reddit definition of waifu

5 was short as fuck and braindead easy and didn't really add much. Devs were retards about it and didn't listen to fan feedback either. Fast forward now and the mobile game is oddly superior to it despite having gacha pull shit. It's easy to reroll but I still hate gacha shit. The gameplay is still star ocean though. No turn based bullshit.

The character personalities in 5 is also garbage. They have way more personality in the mobile game. They should have just delayed 5. Why do you think all of these shitty threads are just fiore? Nobody actually fucking played 5