Since it's confirmed we'll see their next project at E3 here's some info about it

Since it's confirmed we'll see their next project at E3 here's some info about it.

It's a story-focused 4 player co-op sci-fi game with an emphasis on melee combat.
Each character can pick different abilities for their secondary attacks, so there's guns, there's traps and there's a lasso which acts like the one in Bulletstorm.

There's 18 levels and 6 unique locations, each location offers 3 levels and about 90 minutes of playtime. Each location ends with a boss fight comparable to those in the latest God of War.
The premise of the game is that earth is being invaded so you move to different planets who have also been invaded until you find the creatures who are responsible for the attacks.

The game uses Unreal Engine 4 just like Hellblade but it's a more faster paced game.
It's their longest project yet as it's been in development for 6 years by the time it comes out in early 2020 for Windows 10 PCs and Xbox.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Ninja Theory

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>muh dmc

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Ninja theory are shit tier develepors.
Heavenly sword is their only halfway decent game.

But DmC was their best game, you moron.

Heavenly Sword is by far their worst.
Enslaved is good and so are DmC and Hellblade.

is there shooting this sound similiar to a game they were going to make but didnt.

inb4 its an Enslaved Sequel

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Razer, which was cancelled in 2013.
It wasn't greenlit by the publisher so they had to cancel it but the new game is built on a lot of ideas they had for it.

They haven't done a single good game and DmC is actually the only one that has a half-decent gameplay despite being an absolute shit tier entry in series.

do you think the game is good leaker-san.

Thanks for your opinion but all their games are doing fairly well critically and the reviews online are mostly very positive as well.

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DmC was by far their best game though, and that fucking game's combat was REMADE TWICE by Capcom Japan.

If you like the combat in DmC or Enslaved then you'll like this game as well. Expecting some criticism for it though since it's a co-op game and not singleplayer.

You may want to check this site when you're not 12 years old anymore.

>not singleplayer.
Drooooooooped. I did like ninja theories dmc.
It is weirdly original. I enjoyed the weapon choice.

Not an argument.
My point still stands, their games are doing well critically and players enjoy them as well.

And that is worth more than the opinion of an anonymous neckbeard on Yea Forums.

You may want to check on DmC sales and player reception before opening your mouth next time.

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If you don't care about the opinions of people who post here, why would you bother to read and post in threads here?


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>Enslaved, aka Jank-ass Uncharted Wannabe with Terrible Writing.
>Hellblade, aka Halfbaked Walking Sim: Screaming and Pain is Depth
Not at all. Ninja Theory has extremely talented artists, but they're awful at planning and designing games.

Then how come all their games are reviewed well?

Why is Bioshock Infinite critically acclaimed? Sometimes the people in the industry have different standards and opinions than the public. When completing games is your job extremely easy games where you don't have to do much become a relief.

Yea Forums isn't the public

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Sounds plausible, but also seems more plausible to keep going at Hellblade and blow that way up. Maybe they needed a project out ASAP this gen rather than do a next-gen game, and making a mission based game with melee is just faster than a big cinematic story game.

You really gonna try to say the initial release didn't have massive backlash that slowly died over time due to the sheer volume of people who played it? You gonna tell me you personally think BSI is a well designed game?

It has been in development for 5 years at the moment. Hellblade was made by around 15 people, Ninja Theory has +100 employees.

8.6 on Metacritics user score as well.
Where are the proofs?

Because they're aimed at the lowest common denominator. They're meant for people who don't play a lot of games and try to wow them visually and with a bunch of setpieces.

*says the same thing about every game*

Isn't it funny how no one ever cared about ninja theory, and only now that MS bought them people defend them and want to have in depth discussions on their games? What an odd coincidence!

>reviews online are mostly very positive as well.
Nobody gives a fuck what ign or some other game journalist thinks, their opinions are nothing but paid advertisements and left wing activism

>want to have in depth discussions
Ugh, who'd want to have that on Yea Forums when you can just spam Wojaks

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Player reviews are good too

>5.2/10 is a good score

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So are you going to keep creating strawmen and appealing to the infallible gods of popular opinion, or are you going to articulate what you like/dislike about video games and have a discussion?

>reviewbombed by DMC autists

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>review bombing doesn't exist
I'm not even him, you two are both wasting your time.

>New Ninja Theory game, please be excited!

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Because a neckbeard saying X is shit when the majority of people say X is good is irrelevant.

Yea Forums hates literally everything that isn't japanese.

Why don't DmC fans praise Capcom Japan? How come Ninja Theory gets praised? Capcom Japan sent a whole team to NT in 2012 to redo DmC, and then redid DmC a second time themselves in 2014.

The prototype DmC was so bad that Capcom literally had the DMC4 team stop making a game so they could be sent to England, and the game released unfinished as a result. Dragon's Dogma is the game. DmC literally killed another game so it could get the reworking it needed.

Game journos are retarded

>superior Western made game
>needed TWO overhauls by a Japanese team to be in a playable state

ok so all player reviews are review bombs
but all journalist reviews are bought and paid for by the publisher

so reviews scores are unimportant glad we cleared that up, you really should just take reccomendations from people you know have similar tastes to your own

But I thought DmC is shit.

So you're saying Capcom Japan is the reason it's garbage, considering they re-did the game?

Because the people who like DmC have a seething hatred for DMC and capcom japan

>ok so all player reviews are review bombs
>player reviews
You don't need to play a game to review it on Metacritic.
If you want actual player reviews, check out Steam, but OH NO THOSE ARE ALL POSITIVE!!

DmC DE is a decent game though from a gameplay standpoint, and DmC itself is ok on harder difficulties. The character designs and story are hilarious dogshit, but the gameplay is relatively decent on higher difficulties, especially in DE.

>brainlet: the poster
the only good NT game is DmC, and that game isn't even a good DMC game

>Anyone who has a different opinion than the norm is a neckbeard
>The popular opinion is the correct one because ___
>I don't care what Yea Forums says but I am going to talk to people on Yea Forums
So you're basically saying you only care about mass appeal and want to push acceptance of Ninja Theory on Yea Forums while hating everyone here, which means you're shitposting or an unironic shill.

Why should I care about your opinion if you don't even care and don't have any opinions of your own?

>Hey user a drooling retards been making the game for the past year but its almost done and the release date is in 2 months, fix it up for us
Is your game going to be very good user?

I finished the game by mashing one button. Sure that was on normal, but I had not intention to replay that crap ever again

it´s probably gonna be more sjw and feminist shit
miss the days when games were still allowed to have sexy female characters and cool white male once

Literally the same game

>below 85
into the trash it goes


If the majority of people like something then it's probably good.
You not liking something doesn't mean it's objectively garbage, you just have an opinion.

Yeah, when I say it's ok, I mean by God of War standards.

DE has a bunch of significant changes though, it has a working style system, a proper lock on for combos, removing the Devil/ Angel damage system that prevented combos.


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>play demo
>its shit
>dont buy the game

>pirate game
>its shit
>cant leave a steam review

>play game on console where the fps is set to 30
>its shit
>cant leave a steam review

>play game of a friends computer while visting
>its shit
>cant leave a steam review

The only people that bought the game on pc were people who already knew they liked it, since the pc version released after the console version had already been released and reviewed

DmC had pretty good combat because it was supervised by Itsuno. All other NT games have shit gameplay.

>DMCfags need constant pats on the back and a lock on system

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>Yea Forums hates literally everything that isn't japanese.
Celeste, Into the Breach and Obra Dinn just came out, asshole. Yea Forums hates Western AAA games because they're mostly schlock akin to Hollywood blockbusters.

>Sword art online is good
>The big bang theory is good
>fortnite is the best game ever made
>marvel movies are the height of the film medium
>pop music is the best
>mcdonalds is a great meal
>DmC is good
>If a horde of people like something then it is automatically good

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Could you cope even harder?
Especially consolefags loved Hellblade.

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Is Itsuno at fault for DMC2 being shit?

>Thread about a NEW game that has absolutely nothing to do with DMC
>DMCfags flood the thread and talk about nothing but DMC
Yea Forums is right, literally the worst fanbase

Yes, but he made up for that mistake with 3

The original version of DmC patted you on the back alot more than the DE
Thats what the fixed about the style system they made it so the game wouldnt just give you a SSS for spamming the axe

lock on is objectively an improvement
also 60fps

If they're popular they are good, it's a fact.
I'm not saying you have to like it.

are you fucking retarded or what? this guy literally started the whole dmc shit
it's the DmCucks fault for always ruining any Ninja Theory thread

>If they're popular they are good, it's a fact.
Better get praying then, wouldnt want to disagree with 1.8 billion people now would we?

Attached: Popular religion so its good.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>DmC fags flood it.
>OP brings up DmC unprompted when someone expresses dislike of NT.
>Is told it's their best game.
>Doubles down.
Fuck off.

he is right
ninja theory make shit games only for pure normies

post game developers that are better than Ninja Theory

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There's parts of Islam that are definitely better compared to the degeneracy of the west.

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>The game uses Unreal Engine 4
Lol epic can have the game as an exclusive
Dont want a ninja theory game, they're all trash

Its all or nothing
Take it or leave it, but you wouldnt want to disagree with 1.8 billion people would you? No thats a good boy get on your hands and knees for allah maybe afterwards you can beat your underaged wife

non of the ninja theory games are shit though
if you want to see shit, go look at games like battle: los angeles or the shaq fu games lol

but what should i expect from people who think god of war and spiderman are garbage games

sup, Sadiq Khan

I dont have a picture that has every other game developer on earth on it

You are going nowhere with baits as shit as this.

the Vergil DLC for DmC was honestly great and had huge potential, they should make a game that plays like that.

Imagine comparing Fortnite to Islam. The absolute state of /pol/

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>boy do I sure love mediocrity
a 5/10 is usually a worse experience than a 2/10

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>popular good

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both should be erased from the world violently

>Dude if it isn't the worst game ever it's good!

their games are 7s

>your underaged wife
You said that as though it were a bad thing, redditor.

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No they're a 6 at best and thats if im being generous

>popular bad

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>3d children
Gas yourself ahmed

ok i will hate every ninja theory and sony game now bcs you told me they are bad and you know everything your opinion is fact

but the spanish mod is the greatest thing to ever happen to DmC

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>tfw this post isnt even sarcastic and people unironically do this

yeah and it wasn't even made by Ninja Theory

popularity is no indication on if something is good or bad
but as an npc you can only think in 2 binary programs programs
>agree with crowd that says popular things are good
>agree with crowd that says popular things are bad

how about you learn to think for yourself

But Ninja Theory games aren't popular, they're just reviewed well.

ironically DmC was their best attempt so far and it still was absolute fucking trash that required the japs to fix their shit with a MULTIPLE PAGES LONG changelog
>m-m-muh argumentum ad populum

they are popular with the media, games journalist types

>Ninja Theory
>It's a story-focused

the stories in Hellblae and DmC sucked ass. Why should we care about their new game?

wow calm down marketing puppet

has Ninja theory ever made anything that was more than ''okay''
this developer always seemed like a even less talented Sony Santa Monica