LITERALLY /ouguys/!
LITERALLY /ouguys/!
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving money out for this shit
are you mudslime or what.
fuck off zhang mohammed
Asscreed has some good games zoomer
Im up for some FREE stuff
Go rape a kid, Muhamad
>Asscreed Unity
Ubisoft using their money for restoring history instead of destroyig history, what's next are they going to start making good games?
While I lost interest in assassin's creed games after black flag, I like their render of the cathedral and can respect them for their attempt at keeping it alive.
>lets use this tragedy to promote our business
What noble, moral heroes
>on uplay
you are fucking retarded
the president of france already confirmed they will make the notre dame more inclusive to the muslim residents when they rebuild it
>on uplay
dropped hard faggot
that doesn't make any sense, that's liek saying they're making Mecca more inclusive to hindus
>using a national tragedy to boost your PR
Sounds pretty jewey to me.
>all you have to do is install UPLAY :3 Yay for you!
bitch fuck you, get the fitgirl repack
they donated half a mil to restoration
I get that Notre Dame is historical monument and all but I feel like hundreds of millions of dollars is a bit overkill, it's not like it was burnt to the ground, all the art was saved and the only part that was irreparably damaged was the spire
never underestimate the level of virtue signaling people will do in the wake of tragedy/destruction, user
Oh, I stand corrected then. Boy do I look like a complete tool.
Yeah, and some few billionaires donated over 500million, with one over 200mil alone.
500k is a drop in the tiny ass bucket of PR tasks. It's fucking Ubisoft, they could do more, but they refuse, because then that cuts into profits.
well you don't want this to happen, right?!
you stupid, inconsiderate nigger. asscreed unity rendered Notre Dame so well they're pulling assets out of there to help rebuilding.
You are extremely incorrect. The entire roof is burned away, one slight rainfall can cause irreparable damage.
Its going to be a church in name only. Europe threw christ away long ago so they could be degenerates and not feel guilty about it. If theres any religious services in nuNotre dames (which their won't be) it'll be done praying to a black box in a desert.
Sad thing is, the french will be fine with it. The one thing Europeans hate more then muslims is Jesus.
Besides, it's a christian monument and that time has passed. They should (and will) renovate it as a multi-faith museum.
True, we all know where most of that money is going
>not realizing ubishit works with stratfor
>not realzinq stratfor was responsible for the fire
>not realizing Trump is about to round up and genocide all stratfor kike glowniggers
this seems like a lot to plebs but when youre a literal billion company that's practically nothing
that was a fake tweet you retard
Because it should be a fucking museum, like the Hagia Sophia, you dumb puritanical cunt.
I'm scared about how they will rape viking culture and history with their new game.
schizophrenia: the post
Haga Sophia is a fully operational mosque, no museum there.
why are people overreacting over this notre dame shit?
It was mostly a tourist bait
I don't know how you can call raiding small villages, pillaging and raping like literal niggers is culture.
you're being awfully close to being Islamophobic there
You went to an american school I see.
Don't bother, he's retarded, he thinks that converting a catholic church to a mosque by conquering it is the same as the government making it one
any source for that or just your usual alt+right conspiracy blog?
In March 2019, Erdoğan said that he will change the status of Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque,[63] adding that it was a "very big mistake" to turn it into a museum.[64]
Whites and Hispanics rape more.
yeah, thats why erdogan said he wants to transform it BACK into a mosque a few weeks ago.
he says that every election tho
>In March 2019, Erdoğan said that he will change the status of Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque,[63] adding that it was a "very big mistake" to turn it into a museum.[64] As a UNESCO World Heritage site, this change would require approval from UNESCO's World Heritage Committee[65]
well fancy that
vikings were based and killed disgusting christians. unfortunately, they didn't win, allowing jews to ruin the world.
big seethe
stop pretending it already happend, retard.
you know, if you're going to link Wikipedia to prove a point, don't have something in it that literally contradicts what you want, you pansies
Do you realize that Notre Dama was taken +200 years to be finished? The structure is safe, but roof and interiors are lost.
>If theres any religious services in nuNotre dames
there was one every day and 4 service every sunday, it was one of the few church in France who keeped operating at such a level.
it will be a rebuilt like we did in the XIX so it's likely it will be as close as possible to the building as it was before the fire
you're just a sad wannabe tradcunt who's made because he was never invited to parties in Highschool and you decided that an accidental fire in an almost 900 years old cathedral meant that the West is, somehow, boned forever by decadence and pre-marital sex
Remind me why we don't conquer turkey again?
It took 60 years to build Notre Dame
1, It's clearly a political move since elections are close by and turkey is a majority muslim country
2. It's unlikely to happen because the WHC really wants it to stay a museum
>estimated renovation costs are aroun 150mil
>only manage to get 70mil funding
>suddenly whole shit burns down
>get hundreds of millions
nothing to see here
Just according to keikaku
Who was the mad lad that didn't snuff out his cig?
Who's "we"?
AssCrevasse can die already
Incompetent Europeans with no military of course.
Na, dozens of Churches in France have been vandalized. This was probably hit, too. Not that the French media establishment would dare report on it.
>raiding small villages, pillaging and raping like literal niggers
Sounds like something muslim would do
>They should (and will) renovate it as a multi-faith museum.
>Why fix what ain't broken lmao
>it breaks
>alright I guess I'm convinced
vikings were the niggers of medieval times
It's a mystery.
actually, niggers, much like now, were still the niggers of medieval times. niggers will always be the niggers every era of human history.
Viking is the name specifically of the raiding parties. That's not all of their society.
Everyone was raiding and conquering randomly at the time.
viewing europe through the strange lens of american comments is fascinating
i have to wonder what media you retards consume
As if our's is any better
>want to give it a try
>asks me for my address, credit card, place of birth, name of my mother, favourite ice cream flavour, how big are my turds, what I fapped to last night and bank account number
>for a free game
Yeah, you can shove it up your French ass, Ubi.
>corporations have to save/rebuild monuments
Nothing can go wrong with that
Vikings didn't just raid, they also engaged in legitimate trading too
i wish it was arson so i had someone to congratulate
if a product is 'free', you are the product. just a ploy to get more people on uPlay. actual humans will download uPlay and AC:U and think that somehow they are honoring a landmark because of it, and ubi gets to inflate their userbase numbers for next shareholder meeting
>Requires uPlay
How about no.
The only good asscreed was the pirate shit and only the pirate shit and not the parts where you were forced to do lame asscreed shit.
Sort of. They're offering their on-location 3d scans which are hundreds of gigabytes large.
the materials namely oldgrowth fench oak does not exist on this earth and likely wont for another million years
Trying to trick people into playing an Ubisoft game is a bigger terror act than burning some old church
let's get some coop going you lazy FUCKS
>i have to wonder what media you retards consume
Well, since we won the culture war, pretty much the same media as you. Now enjoy our capeshit.
so did everyone, there has never been a completely savage people.. except maybe the Aztecs, but they had a good excuse, the sun wasn't gonna feed itself
just pretend i replied to the correct post.
Vikings were crackers. No other way around it.
Do you have no fucking shame at all, shilling your degenerate opportunistic bullshit.
isn't unity the worst AC game?
it was the first next gen AC.
it was the first AC to use the new engine.
you know with Ubisoft the first game to do something, always ends up bad in some way.
Seething Eurotards. Keep bringing in those Muslims, I'm sure there are plenty of women who haven't been violated yet.
Corporations only care about money,they would kill you where you stand if they gained a couple of thousands bucks with no repercussions.
As opposed to the US where they violate themselves.
i like how people were bitching about The Division 2 being on the Epic store....
even if you bought it there you still need to launch Uplay. just like all the Ubisoft games on steam.
2 forms of DRM.
>we won
Who is "we"? USA is just a group of a few powerful individuals that stir up shit.
Take your capeshit example and the reason you even have Hollywood is because of one greedy man that people had enough of.
How is ubisoft giving their game out for free them donation to a cathedral's restoration?
you're part of the neoliberal elite? you should be beheaded
I don't understand, how do you rule out arson before any of the inspectors are even allowed to enter the building?
>won the culture war
>endless remakes of foreign movies and show
>adaptations of foreign books
>foreign actors
>forced by a vocal minority to shill nonsense social "justice" causes
Yeah. "won".
Are you dense?
>even resetEra understand the cultural impartance of notre dame and most of them want it fixed
Because it would be islamophobic to even think it as an arson
Free isn't gonna cut it I'm afraid
Everyone’s a fucking idiot claiming that the fire started from accident, or arson.
It was CLEARLY climate change that is to blame for this travesty.
I wonder who is behind this post
there is a difference in your usage of words there, you and resetera want it fixed, the rest want it restored
>90% muslims
>10% basedbòy and women converts
>they don't use a specific word so they must have an ulterior motive
Obviously I want it restored, just because I don't use that exact wording doesn't meant that isn't what I mean
>Any idea who could have done this, detective?
>Uh, n-no sir
wooooooooooooooow people being edgy on facebook
So thwy weally thwinks a Muslim could've infiltrated acheavoluy guarded Landmark..........LAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
only redditors would care about national """tragedies"""
This reminds me of the Pulse night club shooting.
You STILL get people who think it was some gay dude who shot up the place because the media deliberately repeated that lie hundreds of times in the weeks afterwards.
lmao you fucking retard that was a fake tweet
Who cares why they did it? The important thing is that they did it, they donated money and are giving out a game for free. We're only gaining from this
calling people schizos just shows your glow, nigger
Do you two need to be reminded that we are talking about a cathedral with +700 year old roof made out of poorly maintained wood?
Mate people here complain about how company giving millions are doing it for tax breaks or should invest in hospital or other social shit instead.
What a shit country
Mashallah, habibi. The dogs will get their due soon.
Well there's no evidence that it was on purpose.
Do you not already have Uplay?
>donating to the restoration
Why? Wouldn't the French government more than likely fund the entire thing?
I honestly would be fine believing it wasn't arson. But there hasn't been a more blatant case of media/government ~damage control~ for decades.
>22 minutes before any staff in the building discovered the fire.
>Construction company says no renovations were happening on the day of the accident (now officials are suddenly saying it was an electrical fault not renovations the cause the blaze)
>Not a single investigator has stepped foot in the building yet because it's structurally unsound.
And yet they've already ruled out arson. Despite literally nobody seeing how the blaze was lit.
More than likely that the Saudi government would.
>triggered catholics
I'm atheist, and I still laugh at replies calling you a sand-nigger.
look at all these seething eurocucks lol
the blame should rest you and your cucked administrations, not us
The budget for the restoration of historical monument is actually pretty low, like 300 millions.
They would probably fund it but I doubt they would have put as much money
Ubi is unironically based and anyone who says otherwise is a dumb nigger
>Religious retard being retarded.
>There have been reports that one of the cathedral fire alarms had gone off earlier, but in a different section of the building.
As a fellow freethinker, I lol'd hard real hard too, lol
Based seizure poster.
Based ubisoft making me happy some old building across the world burned down or whatever. although I haven't actually played the game yet, just downloaded and installed.
>everyone moved
brb donating to a 30+ billion dollar scam "company" or whatever you want to call it to fix a shit building
That's good! inclusivity is good!
>muslims ever admitting the fact that they're uncivilized animals who need to be contained by superior races
I doubt the legitimacy of this post.
Atheists, neo-pagans and (most importantly) talmudic jews will burn in the same level of Hell
cope more
Fudging the facts and covering up the truth was bad enough, but this is downright lying
would be better if their launcher wasn't fucking trash.
Could use that money to fix your own fucking broken game though? Not like anyone even remembers what Unity even was.
Suddenly all the "christians" comin' outta their crawlspaces to donate for the church they ignored for the past 50 years.
Not a cent for the poor that occupy the slums, for the hungry or those in need. None of you fuckers ever read the book you base your "faith" on.
I get that many just donate because it's a historical building and I get that rebuilding it should absolutely happen, but the hypocrisy of some people acting like they're good samaritians while donating 5 euros to a shitty fundraiser while homeless are roaming the streets is stunning.
Stop spilling your spaghetti about who did it and answer this:
Is this game good? Good enough to install Ubi's pos launcher?
>tragedy occurs
>faceless robot corporations blatantly use it as a PR event
>stupid people eat it up every time
I never admitted anything, eurocuck. What I implied is mass immigration of people from an entirely different culture doesn't bode well for the culture of said host country. It never has, never will, no matter how civilized both cultures are.
If nothing else they did an outstandingly good job getting a 3D model of Norte dam it least it’ll help rebuilding go faster
>his game good?
just activate it and forget it
thats what i do with free games outside steam
je m'apple le omellete du fromage
Meanwhile Britbongs get arrested for liking christian videos on FB
Because they're Americans and poor people aren't even people in American culture. If you're poor you may as well kill yourself.
Kids like you are why Yea Forums is garbage
That’s far better than building it from scratch they’ll be mere centimeters off instead of feet or completely changing it
>Damage control and backpeddling
>Paying for restoration when the Muslims are still there
This is like rebuilding your house because its full of termites without getting rid of the termites.
Poor people are poor for a reason: they deserve it.
Muds don't do arson, they do explosives.
All of yous are completely missing the obvious.
Ill never understand this desu
No plus the orginal plans were lost 600 years ago so this 3D model is the closest they are gonna get
It's incredibly to me that the people that seem to most strongly identify as christians are the worst in executing the principles of their faith.
How much did you donate user?
Ubisoft did a good thing for once
If not corporations, who else is going to pay for the restoration? A brainless neet faggot like you?
c u c k e d
while I sit, shitpost galore in a nice comfy marble house in Kuwait
watching you eurokeks go into flames via incompetency from afar is pretty funny
she didnt age well
Lol, wew.
Shut the fuck up you backpedaling pedo fuckboy
he does live in France on welfare
Kuwait is American clay.
Iraq raped your women, your legitimate is currently committing war crimes in Iraq while you shitpost and disappoint your family. If you were a women they would have stoned your by now.
Reddit the post right here
>Europe threw christ away long ago so they could be degenerates and not feel guilty about it
What a fucking retard, I bet you're an uneducated burger who follows one of those retarded independent "churches" you have over there in your shit country.
>If theres any religious services in nuNotre dames
They had service every day and 4 times every sunday.
>I don't know how you can call raiding small villages, pillaging and raping like literal niggers is culture.
Vast majority of Norsemen weren't raiders. Go back to school.
>Browsing through Facebook the day it happens
>"Oh no! How sad!"
>"Sending thoughts and prayers"
>"What a tragedy!"
>Next day millions get donated by rich people
>"Reeee! What Flint's water!?"
>"No one cared black churches burning!"
>"Omg human trafficking"
Shut up faggot, what retard studies history? Kill yourself
this post was written by an user of multiple gender identities
>donating money doesn't matter if it's not the same or more than billionaire X donated
They donated an amount which they could definitely use to rebuild it.
>shit poster makes a poor attempt at trolling
>Mingled with christian Franks and became Normans, one of the most influential groups in European history, forming kingdoms, battle strategy and works of art that would last for centuries.
>Swedish Vikings went to Eastern Europe and became known as "Rus", settling there among the Slavs and forming together with them a culture and kingdoms that would become the predecessors of Russia.
Viking myth and legend still have a huge impact on pop-culture today.
It' s even more funny when you know that they tried to raise money for restauration SOME YEARS AGO and didn' t even get half of the required amount.
Now - one little fire later - they got all the money they need + millions.
All their money goes to "refugee" upkeep so nahh, they can't fund it
So this is the power of Gamers...Working for good
once finished it's alright
syndicate is the worst
Restoration of Notre Dame has been ongoing for decades you brainless fool.
still responded tho
Charity is optional
Jesus loved charity
theft isnt
Jesus hated theft
tax is theft
Nothing wrong with people giving to causes they want to help, its only when government force it through taxation that it becomes bad
>Swedish Vikings
Finns, actually.
Swedish vikangz were busy selling white girls to muslim harems.
>jusqu'à les gens ils vont pleurer
Fucking sandnigger speak.
>only pc
Without shitposting, why not on PS4/Xbone also?
Actually we were busy being farmers
>using this as an opportunity to get everyone to download Uplay
They should tear it down and build a Mosque to show solidarity with Muslim migrants. It represents an era that we are trying to move away from after all.
>Finns, actually.
Nope, Swedish vikings. Rus or Ros literally comes from Roslagen, a place in Sweden. Swedish vikings also went to England, France and the Middle East along with Danes and Norweigan vikings.
I guess you could call it that, in a depraved sense.
Rank these:
Liberation Rogue Unity Syndicate Origins Odyssey
>Finns, actually.
I have no particular opinion on Sweden or any other Scandinavian country today. But it's a fact that all three of them had plenty of Vikings and it was the Vikings that came from what is Sweden today that were known as Rus or Viking Rus.
>Finns, actually
They were never Vikings. They had plenty of contact with Vikings but they weren't a part of what we today consider "Vikings".
Rurik was finnish, user.
>900 years old
You mean 650
You couldn't pay me to play Unity.
he wasn't, he had a haplogroup that can be traced back to ancient Finland, but there was alot of contact between Swedish Vikings and Finland, the same haplogroup also exists in Sweden but it's not as common.
>French Revolution
>Notre Dame's spire by Viollet-Le-Duc
>he was born in 1817
Well done, Ubi.
If someone burns the Vatican, will they make Brotherhood free?
It was built 1163-1345
do it user
No they don't
He was a son of Ascalon, you insensitive fuck
Ascalon was a Kven.
Rome has burned before, y'know
I didn't see a single report of pulse that said it was a gay dude, and there's no sign of arson
Your days here are limited Ahmed
>taken +200 years to be finished
Must be the work of corrupt officials.
Retard. Global warming isn't real.
>give out a buggy unplayable mess that no one liked at release for free when Notre Dong burns down
Sounds less like they're doing something kind to remember Notre-Dame and more like they're pissing on the ashes.
this desu. any sort of publicly announced charity is bullshit
American hands typed these posts
This still makes me kek
Why the fuck does anyone give a shit about some gay church burning down? No one even died.
Fucking this. I believe only the spire of the cathedral that was irreparably ruined. All the paintings were also safe.
Why would it be bad if it was rebuild as a mosque? There is nothing wrong with that and it would make the Muslims living there feel a lot more comfortable.
Racist euromutts believe Europe belongs to them and only them.
Is your country represented in AC yet, user?
Probably will be in the next one and I am concerned.
It has a small fraction in brotherhood and revelations.
did minorities exist in vikingland, user?
what country and why the concern.
That's what Macron is doing
Any 5 second google search could show that you're lying or an idiot.
This lie was everywhere. News shows were interviewing fraudster attention seekers saying they were secretly the terrorists gay lover.
>and there's no sign of arson
There is no sign of anything yet, the "investigation" hasn't even started. Though I'm sure they'll find the answers they're looking for.
>Using a terrible tragedy to further their goals
>terrible tragedy
its not like people died nor was it even confirmed to be a terrorist attack.
So you're idea of proving your point is someone else saying that the shooter wasn't gay? Why not find one of the articles saying he is gay
So your idea of mental gymnastics is "An article had to be published over a year after the Orlando Pulse Club shooting to dispel the myth that the shooter was gay, this is somehow proof that nobody in the media ever suggested he was gay".
Clearly you're not arguing in good faith in the slightest, you dirty lying coward, and also I've already sourced you a fucking article, it wasn't my responsibility to spoonfeed even one article you big fat baby. Take 5 seconds to google it.
But you are the kind of (((shithead))) trying to shutdown the idea that this was arson entirely without investigation. So please kill yourself.
Why didn't you use one of the articles saying he's gay if you already searched it and that would have proved your point. Also, I'm not trying to shutdown the idea it was arson, I'm saying there's no proof of arson
Watch them paint the sami as true natives and vikings as foreign invaders or some such shit.
Viking country.
Historic revisionism.
What's a keikaku?
>country like France even needing money to "rebuild" anything
Donations mean getting benefits in taxes. Whenever great amounts are donated some part will always gets "lost" in the way
>he didn't read the translators notes
5 seconds
And this is only results the repeat the hate-filled myth in the title. There were countless other articles and news reports that peppered their reporting with this fucking bullshit. 100% because they wanted to confuse the public and make them think it was not an isis inspired Muslim terrorist attack so there would be no outrage. And it fucking worked. The "truth" only came out a year later and by that time most people had stopped caring if they ever learnt it wasn't a crazy self-hating gay in the first place.
This is exactly the same situation. They're ruling out arson preemptively, before any investigation has even began, because if it IS terrorism, it would create a massive (and rightly deserved) shitstorm.
If it was in Brazil the whole thing would be unfinished because they took the money and ran away
I'm laughing but I'm also dying on the inside, what a shitshow of country
>giving money to people that don't want to improve their life in the first place
They are like that because they want to be
the homeless are fucked already
it will take longer to fix that issue by current means than fixing the notre dame
we otherwise lack the will and commitment to make the sort of changes that countries like singapore used to cut down the rate of homelessness
>by superior races
clearly not yours
I am chinese my friend.
Limited time or free forever?
Wtf i love ubisoft now
5 years later, Unity actually did 1 thing right.
Better late than never.
Do you have any self awareness retard? Stop embarrassing yourself.
>Over a billion dollars raised to REBUILD a fucking church
So what are they going to do with the surplus?
Imagine if billionaires actually gave a shit about the world. Flint still doesn't have water and billionaires could stop world hunger and literally stop poverty too, especially in Africa.
>nooo my viking culture
>only thing left from that era that is not wild geusses, assumtions, indecipherable rune rocks or modern media trying to make it cool are writings by a muslim.
Quick someone burn down another historic building.
inb4 retards thinking you mean "just give them money"
Another american graduate, eh?
>financelets don't know that donations like this are deductible from taxes
>rich people get good pr and their money goes toward something good rather then being wasted by the government
>church was asking for a few $million
>nobody gave a shit
>church catches fire
>swimming in $billions
Anyone who thinks this isn't a false flag is retarded, God is a fucking welfare queen.
Trust Ubi to turn a tragedy into a chance to market their shitty games.
>ever doing something good
Swedish actually.
We used it in school to learn media criticism.
>what's next are they going to start making good games?
Let's not get crazy here.
Aren't you the guys already claiming there were muslim vikings living up in the north?
Good job being diverse and tolerant as your country burns and is left without a government.
Third world country soon prepare accordingly
>You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.
im guessing you're american?
>Here we've put up a painting of mohammed and a statue of a female jesus in order to promote equality and inclusiveness
cry more poorfag
Is this for a limited time or can it sit in my uplay library forever without me ever playing it?
I am soros you fucking sperg ass faggot.
I don't get these post, if something significant in the states burned down would you give a shit?
I'm claiming that there was a muslim studying vikings and his writings are pretty much all we have to go on when it comes to the knowledge of vikings. He never wrote anything about any muslims up north.
>muslim vikings
Considering how closely the vikangz traded with muslims, it wouldn't be at all surprising.
>painting of mohammed
Would be very haram
The difference is that this cathedral predates the existence of your dumb country.
I would send a facebook cry face.
The latter.
based and redpilled, fuck 3=1 fags
embarrassing lack of historical knowledge.
>painting of muhammed
wrong move kafir
>my shitty church matters because its old
>but i don't care about anything in other countries proving i am just as ignorant as the people i mock
Good to see another enlightened individual here, you get one Flying Spaghetti Monster thumbs up from me friend!
9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.
11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
The thing about the Bible is that even if you switch up the stories a little bit, they're still relevant.
Well your cathedral is on fire and my country isn’t so whose dumb now smart guy
It's gonna happen, ragheads.
Exactly, fires just happen some time. No reason to get upset. Let's have fun, no matter who gets hurt.
Retard here, why do you need that much money to repair a building? Fuck caveman built that cathedral with their farm money 10 centuries ago for fucks sake
>my country isn’t
>This international tragedy brought to you by Uplay!
Yeah what about it oh that’s right you’re precious cathedral is still on fire right now smart guy what’re you gonna do about it
considering there is nothing of historical significance in america no i wouldn't
No they didn’t they were taxed and the state built it with the help of artisans and overseen by a church
Fire ze missiles.
I'd say the first mc.D is historical.
Which is odd, because America has been the sole global superpower for decades. Perhaps historical significance has something to do with how irrelevant ones country is?
Well they’re on equal terms with Paris now since all your shit burnt down lol
some shit church maintained by brainlets isn't significant just because its old. especially if you aren't even religious.
Yeah, in the twelfth century.
It has to do with how many hundreds of years ago it was relevant. Europe is proud that its last great men were born 400 years ago.
Notre Dame was extensively renovated in the 90s to add extensive fire proofing safety measures because the idea of a fire in a mostly wooden building did actually occur to people before last week. For a fire to break out it needed something super hot and conductive or a lot of kindle.
The idea the media was pushing over last fed days was plausible, that some kind of industrial welding accident could start a fire like this. But its been confirmed that there was no renovations going on during that day.
A stray cigarette simply would not have been able to created a fire that spread like the one we saw. An electrical fire stretches the imagination, but technically can't be ruled out.
Oh hey thanks for all the protest money George
don't drag us into retarded american conspiracy theories
your country is literally the only country retarded enough to believe retarded shit like that
You know this from your many years of arson investigation I see
>responds with hostility to healthy skepticism
What are you scared of?
Next you'll tell me Pizzagate wasn't real either.
you retards are the exact reason measels are back, stay out of my country mutt
I still don't understand pizzagate myself. was it about government officials enjoying some delicious cunny?
retarded mutt thinks a pizzeria is the den for pedophiles
No, this is just what the lead architect who oversaw the fireproofing of Notre Dame in the 90s says. He's not saying it was arson specifically. Or blaming anyone. Just stating facts about what could cause a fire like this.
Kill yourself you piece of shit traitor.
They want people to download Uplay.
Can I light it on fire in this game?
Game crashes for me everytime right before I get to the menu. Starts making a loud as hell noise and have to reset my PC.
>Hey we've been looking at the facts you've been providing and none of them add up
This. Im not about to deny chance of the, albeit sandnigger, claims that this is a false flag for money are untrue as at this point we have the tech and know how to restore Dame way easier then what it would have cost years ago. I do admit I am glad that some sort of restoration is in place as Notre Dame has a historical and artistic value as a landmark, the nature of the restoration is yet to be seen however.
Uh, you fucking know that the only acceptable opinions are the ones from CNN or BBC. If it's not reported by them you're basically a wack job.
Dude I'm liberal but no. You are correct about BBC, though.
what the fuck is going on in this thread
Libtard euro denial, mutt conspiracies, vikang coping, r/atheism refugee'ing, LARPing and corporate shilling.
Isn't there an old Roman temple of Jupiter under Notre Dame? This might be a good opportunity to take a look at it if they need to re-stabilize the masonry anyways.
just another day on Yea Forums
Imagine actually believe there's this level of depth to Yea Forums.
It's just shitposting, bro.
>Do you not already have (insert yet another spyware launcher)?
Fuck off epic games.
fucking KEK
Vikings were white
Pathetic Vikings couldn’t withstand the CHAD Christians
Vikanglettes were white*
Trying a bit too hard now. Take a minute to catch your breath.
fucking saved
>one slight rainfall can cause irreparable damage.
the cathedrale recieved a bit more than "one slight rainfall ." when firefighters were putting down the flammes dude
>doesn’t realize Christian churches do the most to help the needy
You’re wrong tho
>nobody died or was even injured
>everything that was destroyed can be rebuilt exactly as it was
Why is everyone acting like this is the tragedy of the millennium?
The church will use the surplus for volunteer work like usual.
Hey don’t lump him in with the rest of us.
>renovations made sure the most valued artwork and statues were already taken out
Very convenient fire. Especially since they were struggling to get funding for proper restoration.
The homeless are usually homeless for a reason whether they’re fucking crazy or actually just refuse to work. You don’t help the poor by giving them money. You help them by giving them jobs. And right now near me there are dozens of fast food to places that are actually trying to hire people since they don’t have enough workers to stay open most of the time.
Because nothing has happened lately so we need an excuse to be sad.
>National tragedy
Not even.
and somehow it still kind of runs like shit and worse than syndicate which came out a year later
gg ubisoft
It is nice to see Catholic church burn due to the bullshit they done in the past and fuck the pope he isn't your fucking god and worshiping a false god is heresy.
>"look guys we are attempting to validate the historical accuracy in our games by donating to something to something that has historical significance in real life"
This is how mainstream media created credibility. Only idiots cannot see this as a marketing move to sell ubisoft trash.
> Worse than Syndicate
Haha, no. Not even close to that fucking mess. Maybe the first week of Unity's launch, they were comparable. You're just making shit up based on shitposts you've read
You sound mentally ill, tbqh.
t.pope worshipper
>Pretending some random ass texture that literally no one is going to notice, let alone notice the fucking genders of the people depicted, will have any effect at all on gameplay
These people are mentally ill.
'sup, pope worshiper
>lets give money to an organization that has been raping kids and european traditions since its inception
no thanks
>catholic church burns down
Who cares, i want all churches to burn both muslims and catholics to burn down. Orthodox are okay since they never actively went out to fuck people's lives up and have a pope and infact are against the pope.
i 100%'d syndicate though
it literally runs smoother than unity does and scales better with SLI too
At least somebody realizes why people hate Catholicism for a reason
Nothing. Pope worshipper
FUCK relgion..
You can't even pay me to play Ubi Shit games.
>hey look, a travesty happened
>let's use that opportunity to pull in future revenue by bringing new users to Uplay
Stay classy, Ubisoft
cringe and damnationpilled
The game doesn't sell anymore. It released 5 years ago, there have been 3 sequels since then, plus it's regarded as one of the worst games of the series. This is one hell of a scummy promotional move, like they're doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, out of some weird kind of "respect" for the burned down notre dame which is of course really relevant because it happens to be in the game. They're just trying hard as fuck to get people to download the uplay launcher, lucky fucking them the church burned down? Bunch of fuckers
It's one example of many. The actual problem is not the texture, but the reason they did it.
jumping to conclusions because things can possibly be true event though you have no evidence isn't healthy anything it's just fucking dumb.
Why isn't it free on PSN?
With the changing face of Europe and France, there really should be a mosque in its place.
Every few weeks for a year I see a post on R*ddit about Unity on CDKeys for under $2
for what it's worth, depending on their device a couple of people mistake the smiley for a crying face
How is a an inaccurate pot texture "bettering the world"? If fact, since it's historically inaccurate the better argument you can make is that it damages the world's intelligence.
>that doesn't make any sense
Muslims are minimum 15% of France's population.
>After one tragedy we're creating another tragedy by giving out a horrible game
Because they want your personal info tracked by their launcher
>being a console exclusive cuck
religious people are fucking spineless and like most don't have principles, just an innate insecurity which makes them want to belong to a group that can also help them ignore their own mortality.
>look at how moral we are with our donations
good people don't say this.
>all these catholicfucks seething callin this replie sand nigger
toppest kek
religion was mistake
based reply
Need I remind you that France is really fucking wet and averages 0 wildfires a year and Notredame in specific was built on top of a fucking windy swamp?
It was either arson or incompetence.