Official Ghost of Tsushima Hype Thread

>there's nothing wrong with women samurai in the game because they're historically accurate and make sense in the context of the game
>there's nothing wrong with not being completely historically accurate because devs said in the very beginning that it is a game inspired by historical events and nothing more which means it'll be a realistic samurai game not a realistic and historically accurate game
>combat is much deeper than Assassin's Creed/Batman Arkham/Sekiro as stated by devs (Hideki Kamiya and Hideaki Itsuno were both impressed by what they've seen so far)
>the world in the game will be huge (devs said that we should expect it to be AT LEAST three times bigger than the world of Witcher 3)
>over 100 fully voiced unique NPCs
>the mission we've seen is only a side mission and there's over 200 side missions in the game
>it'll feature over 10 different endings based on your choices throughout the entire game so expect none of that 'pick a color/feed the kid rice or a flower bullshit'
>game will feature two different online modes - 'Invader' and 'Helpful Stranger', more details later
>directed by Akira Kurosawa
>there will be no downgrades
>Sony always wins baby

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Other urls found in this thread:

>No posture gauge at 0:11

>bamham combat
lol no thanks. Nioh and sekiro pretty much shit all over this garbage.

I hope that the rumored delay is to try and copy paste from Sekiro as much as possible. Sucker Punch have always made shit melee combat.

Why do people say the combat looks like BamHam? It looks more like AssCreed which is multitudes worse.

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lol I'm actually cautiously optimistic for this game and NO CHANCE IN HELL is the combat deeper than sekiro. I also did not like the English voice acting at all. That was not a good sign for me. At least Japanese will be an option.

>there's nothing wrong with not being completely historically accurate because devs said in the very beginning that it is a game inspired by historical events and nothing more which means it'll be a realistic samurai game not a realistic and historically accurate game

That means black people and lots of female soldiers.

It's all the same wait for counter then press attack to instakill shit, user.

The Combat wont even be better then Niohs 2's and the worst part is the game is going to get 10's because its a game Jurnos can play.

This is why Review sites and Metacritic are a crock of shit.

Don't forget the tranny samurai

This kills the Sekirofag

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>hyped for a censored movie game

>the game is going to get 10's because its a game Jurnos can play.
>This is why Review sites and Metacritic are a crock of shit.
youre retarded

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The appeal for Bamham combat is creating the biggest combo possible and utilizing gadgets to do so and it could feel pretty good, especially with prompts turned off. If you played it by waiting for counters and mashing you did it wrong.

I'd be fine if Ghost of Tsushima looked like that, but from what I've seen it's mashing combos, waiting for counters and watching canned finishing animations exactly like AssCreed.

I'm looking forwards for this game because it'll let me pretend to be a badass wandering samurai that can kill people and look anime as fuck while doing it.
Combat might not be that deep, but it's not what I'm gonna play this game for.

>>directed by Akira Kurosawa
a man who died in the 90's

Weren't the details of the game posted a few months ago here? Going in depth on a lot of shit in the game?
I remember some were like
>NPCs react differently to you as a samurai
>Certain areas have different moods and quest lines, like a mystery forest or something
>You can switch between being samurai and being a ninja or whatever for any mission
Just a few I remembered

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Welcome to Yea Forums

Also, being three times larger than TW3 sounds absurd and like a mistake. I do not predict that they will be able to fill the world with enough interesting things to do to justify that size. TW3 couldn't even justify its own size.

But I do think this game has the potential to be as good as something like Black Flag. I like what I've heard about playstyle variety with stealth and apparently tons of customization options.

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At least post the full version.

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These are the same people who rated DaSII the highest in the series. They rate games highly because they think they have to.

I want to believe
This games looks so good, but I know it'll just get downgraded
Hopefully it won't be too egregious

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>ghost of arkham


>pressing one button to autkill everything is the same as using skills and position yourself
Never stops getting old.


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>i backstabbed the equivalent of dark souls hollow undead haha the combat of my game isn't as shit now


yeah but it probably wont come out this year and i want to play it asap

What does that even mean? They gave that higher scores than Dark Souls.

and it's not a fromsoft game
and it's hard
your point?

Kill yourself

hes a jedi ghost now.

It's Soulsborne style and was shameless in it.
Honestly, come up with a reason DaSII is the highest rated in the series other than journos thinking they need to praise it for credibiliy. My very first death on that game was more jank than anything I saw in DaS and DeS and these "people" want to tell me it's better than them.

not even remotely comparable shill

>Ghost of Tsushima Hype Thread

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what about character customization? any armors? weapons? haircuts?

I know this is bait, but you know only people who never played sekiro will fall for this

>wasting all of your spirit emblems like that

this, i'm more hyped for death stranding.

They should have released this before sekrio. That is what it is going to think of and it looks like shit in comparison

it'll have like 3 different easy modes, normies are gonna love it and there's nothing you can do about it

>spear guy patiently waits as you finish your press x to awesome moves on the other guy

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This. Once From realizes all the money and reviews they're missing out on by not having an easy mode they'll have no choice but to casualize their future titles.

That literally happens in Sekiro too, you retard. Enemies wait for you to finish deathblow finishers.

>it is a game inspired by historical events and nothing more which means it'll be a realistic samurai game not a realistic and historically accurate game

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They literally don't, they try to attack you but you are immune to attacks during it.

Have you played the game? They stop whatever they were doing and wait for you.

And if they don't you're invincible. Happens when the player loses control of the character except when using the grappling hook. Opening doors is another example.

Have you? Go to the Great Sakura and fight the Okami Warriors, they spam your shit with their combos while you deathblow them.

>That literally happens in Sekiro too
Except that when you perform a death blow, you can VISUALLY see them staggering backwards in shock of what you did.

Big difference then just waiting back in the distance. Any non-lesser enemies will start doing attacks as son as your deathblow is about to end.

western gamers fucking love realism which is why western video games suck fat dick

>Sekiro = Ghost of Batmanmatic

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Why are sekirofags so scared of this game?
Pre-emptively attacking it, and trying to force narratives that are just flat out false "bamham bamham!"
keep saying it retard, it's definitely not just convincing people who want to hate this game.

Sekiro is fun, but it's world building, story and characters is completely shallow, the mystical shit destroys any sense of disbalief of groundness.
I doubt Ghost will have combat as complex and exciting, but it'll easily be a better feudal japan/samurai game.

A massive part of open world gaming is the ability to role play in a setting, and world that interacts with you, if anything at all this will be what red dead is to the cowboy genre, it's in a completely different lane from something like sekiro.


>spear guy waiting his turn by running back and forth
Is this a realistic depiction of Japanese honor? This looks slow as fuck compared to sekiro

>Guy tries to do gif related at 0:10
This game really does rip off from Sekiro

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That's literally not true. They literally back off immediately the minute you do a deathblow and stand around waiting for the animation to end. Don't be a lying faggot, it's instantly apparent to anyone who's seen 10 minutes of footage of the game.

Every single game with this mechanic does this. One thing Sekiro fails to do is have deathblow animations that interact with the enemies around it and respect the full range of motion of the animation save for that specific one used in the weed dragons fight, this makes them more detached from the rest of the combat even though the way you transition into them is fluid.

Attached: The Miji.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Not at all, a big appeal of some games is filling like you're actual in a world that could have or did happen, look at red dead, the game feeling really is a massive component.

Wait what? Are those reticules in the actual game?

It's a PS5 game

this, game journalist used to shit on monster hunter hard until it started becoming popular

This game looks so fucking awful
Bamham combat and "press X to kill enemy"


I do wanna play it, a lot, but when I see "The World is 3 times bigger than the Witcher 3" that puts me off, cause I know getting about will be fucking boring

Second post, best post. Devs really need to stop with this shitty assassins creed/bamham combat.

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wut game

This. Developers think the bigger the open world is, the better, but you could have the biggest world ever, and if there's nothing to do in it, then it'll still be boring.

What was the reason Oatmeal cookie completely butcher NG Sigma 2? Can't believe the faggotry of purple fucking mist.

>Bamham combat
Get it together, westerners.

>Hideki Kamiya and Hideaki Itsuno were both impressed by what they've seen so far

I heard PS5 get the Ghost of Tsushima Remastered.

You manually perform every kill in that clip though. In GoT it's nearly automatic.

>devs kissing each others asses


>Don't be a lying faggot, it's instantly apparent to anyone who's seen 10 minutes of footage of the game.
Yeah and anyone who's played the game has had an incident where they tried to land an attack but it didn't do anything because you're invincible during deathblows.

Western gamers could always afford games so we got over the WOAHCRAZYWACKYCOOL6DOFKILLINGLIKEADOOMPENGIUN ultra-cringe phase at around 11-14 years old. Too bad you were too much of a human joke to do the same.

Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge

So much fucking ignorance in such a small post. Amazing

What are you even saying? I've seen enemies literally cancel animations to back away the minute the deathblow triggers.

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>shills defending this

keep saying it and maybe you'll convice yourself

I get that the fear takedown in BamHam is basically insta-win, but you have to build up the meter by taking down several enemies before you can use it

BamHam is bamham, faulting it for being the way it is after the fact is pointless. The problem is other games wanting to be like it. The problem with this game is that it checks all the stereotypes yet there's shills trying to throw sand in people's eyes.

>ghost of honkahonka is a free-roam

oh fucking boy, more reason to not play this game.

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I absolutely doubt this game will have Batman combat, and I'm not even implying bamham combat is inherently bad, but if you ever played any game from Sucker Punch, you'd know their combat style is completely different.

This game looks aged as fuck and it's not even out yet.
Plays like a fucking ps3 launch title

Those reticules in the game or edited into the video?

>all that shit
didn't read lol

Approved by Sony™ Marketing Department?

It's simple user, it's an AAA Sony exclusive. That alone automatically triggers rival consolewarriors and cucks.

>that fucking webm
holy shit my sides

Because they know it will outsell Sekiro

>giant open world garbage with asscreed combat system
What is there to be excited about? The only thing that makes this game slightly different from myriad of other soulless factory made open worlds is its setting.

They're actually retarded if they think this will sell well after the success of sekiro, and nioh 2 coming soon. It looks so fucking stale and shallow in comparison. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

>remember when Yea Forums said Spiderman woudn't sell?
>remember when Yea Forums said GoW would flop?
Feels good to be on the winning side.

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>I have a spear
>Better run up into a range where I can get my shit kicked in
Also that parkinsons attack he has after pulling out the sword is hilarious.

>women samurai
>asscreed combat
>bamham auto takedowns
>worst fucking time period they could have possibly picked, I mean seriously mongol "invasion"? The one that was repelled in no time with minimal Jap losses? Who cares? Why not Sengoku period?
>big openworld with nothing to do
>game comes out this year yet there almost no info about it except 1 trailer
Should have stuck with Infamous.

>remember when Yea Forums said Spiderman woudn't sell?
>remember when Yea Forums said GoW would flop?
No? People said they wouldn't be good, not that they wouldn't sell. I still think they're shitty games and Tsushima is of the same ilk. Snoys have bought everything put in front of them except Gravity Rush because it wasn't enough of a movie.

At least from the trailer we got it's already hella more kino than Sekiro.

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>I still think they're shitty games
Kek, who are you and why do you think your opinion have any weight on the measurement of quality from said games? Get a grip cuck.

I put it in the
"Could be cool but I'm not holding my breath".
The visual look nice and they promised a lot of things but gameplay shown so far leaves a lot to be desired.

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>Comes to a message board to disregard opinions

>oh fucking boy, more reason to not play this game.
>oh no I can explore seamlessly whatever will I do.
Unless they fill the world with nothing but shit and useless collectibles then I don't see how it is bad.

It's the shill MO for this place.

I only disregard retards who think their opinions are facts.

>opinion of guy who has seen 10 minutes of the game
>vs opinion of people who actually played the game
Are you retarded? Everybody is abusing the iframes on a deathblow so that they can safely clip through the combo of other enemies, when engaging more than one guy.

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>Unless they fill the world with nothing but shit and useless collectibles then I don't see how it is bad

90% of all open world games are big boring patches of nothing dotted by a few side-quests and collectibles, the few areas that are actually interesting will be gated off as they are the "main quest" zones.

shit on linear progression/corridor simulators all you want but at least those games get a focused effort.

I appreciate the people who put effort into shitposting

Nah, the only kino moment on Sekiro is Isshin's fight.

>I only disregard retards who think their opinions are facts.
Literally what I wrote:
>I still think they're shitty games
Typical movie kid.

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t. nintentoddler

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>So much fucking ignorance in such a small post. Amazing
Right back to you nigga, have you ever played Sigma 2 on PS3?

>>the world in the game will be huge (devs said that we should expect it to be AT LEAST three times bigger than the world of Witcher 3)
Holy fuck

Oh, so you mean that opinion of yours was nothing more than an angry rant with no critical value at all? Glad we agree you're a retard.

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Shura ending is kind of kino, but the Owl fight is not.

Today Japan is highly patriarchal with women often being housewives and men never coming within meters of the kitchen.

You really think there were women samurai viewed as equals? You have to be on some heavy duty soi to believe that shit lol

>being this upset that spodermin and onions of war are mediocre games
Not even that user, but stop slurping up normie trash. I get the feeling you go to every marvel movie theater premiere..

>chimp tier reading comprehension
>Are you retarded? XD

You fucking waste of oxygen.

Enemies WILL NOT attack you during a deathblow animation. The only way this happens is if some enemies started the attack before the animation is triggered and if the enemy has the "recoil" animation they will cancel attacks with it.

>right back at you

>failed to recognize the game
>thinks oatmeal did Sigma 2

Don't @ me or my son ever again.

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>Honestly, come up with a reason DaSII is the highest rated in the series other than journos thinking they need to praise it for credibiliy.
All the dark souls games (+DeS) are rated between 89 and 91 on MC, I'm not sure that it's enough to be statistically significant.

Beyond that, while I agree that DaSII is the weakest in the series, I can see why it would rate slightly higher than the others:
- DaS1 had many performance issues at launch
- The PC port was a mess that was only fixed by mods and the update to drop Windows Live years later
- MC aggregates fewer reviews for DaS than for DaSII, that alone can explain the discrepancy in rating
- Some of the design problems with DaSII were probably not noticeable while playing the pre-release copy (Soul Memory in particular)
- Regarding DaSIII the slightly lower rating (similar to that of DaSI) can be explained by the fact that it's yet an other rehash of the DaS universe which doesn't bring much to the table and some people (myself included) were getting bored of the formula. But again, the score is still within two points which is hardly significant.

Also keep in mind that MC aggregates only if reviews are generally good or bad, not averaging the individual scores. While DaSII was deeply flawed I wouldn't say that it's a bad game so it makes sense that it would have mostly positive reviews.

DaS > DeS > DaS III > DaS II

Not even that user, but you're a completely frustrated retard.

>whistles horse
>autorun to quest marquer...

Just like Witcher 3 and RDR2, and those games were pretty good.

>t. marvel soi boy

>combat is much deeper than AssCreed, BamHam and Sekiro
What kinda fucking stupid comparison is that? AssCreed and BamHam is nowhere near the depth of Sekiros combat, and from what I've seen I highly doubt that Ghost of "Press X to AWESOME IN SLOWMO" will have combat depth near Sekiro either.

Weird you would say such a thing when medieval Japan is practically the only feudal society with a real women-warrior culture.

>find rare exception of something
>claim it to be the norm
Liberal logic at work

>creates a boogeyman inside his head to cope for being btfo
It's time to grow up, Billy.

Did you even read the wiki page linked? You know, the one that is 1/8 the size of the page for "samurai"?

>aaaaaaacchhhhhttttuuaaally women samurai were quite common and well respected
>also women were historically oppressed and weren't viewed as equals ever

>You really think there were women samurai viewed as equals?
No but SOME women were taught to fight (cf. Onnabushi/bugeisha) and indeed fought in battles.
The tale of Tomoe Gozen is also a pretty important myth in japanese history.

I am casually optimistic (in that its going to be tolerable to play and maybe a bit more polished compared to the last two asscreds). Comparing it to Sekiro is moot as these have completly different game design philosophies, I view it as another open world ubishit game but made by sony.

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>Ignoring evidence
>Moving the goalpost
/pol/ taught you well

>being this defensive and upset
>i-i'm not a marvel soi, I swear!

>the tale
good lord

Based retarded normie user

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>a real women-warrior culture.
While I'm not against the inclusion of Onna-bugeisha in the game you're getting a bit ahead of yourself with that statement.
War was a man's job but sometimes, in special occasions (like, duh, the mongols invading) women would join the fight. But even then there were more seen as defenders of the household.

game already looks dated

These animations are fucking pathetic.

Hey if you want to take the Tale of Heike as a reliable historical source feel free to.

>actually using that mechanic in witcher 3
confirmed for never playing the game

>in villages with less men some women had to fight
>controversies surrounding her existence and her accomplishments
>women who were prominent on the battlefield were the exception rather than the rule. Japanese ideals of femininity predisposed most women to powerlessness, in conflict with a female warrior role
>in the 5-year long genpei war, one female samurai named Tomoe Gozen and mentioned in tale of heike
>Although she (Gozen) was not proven to be a historical figure...
>the primary role of women in ancient Japan continued to be the support to their family and their husbands, they acquired a higher status in the household. These laws also allowed Japanese women to control finances, bequeath property, maintain their homes, manage servants, and raise their children with proper, loyal, samurai upbringing. Japanese women were also expected to defend their homes in times of war.

So far we have 2 named figures whose existence is highly questioned, and situations where a lack of men forced housewives to try and defend their home or village from intruders (success not cited)
Already a quite unheard of phenomenon, the wiki continues in the edo period,
>Because of the influence of Edo neo-Confucianism (1600–1868), the status of the onna-bugeisha diminished significantly. The function of onna-bugeisha changed in addition to their husbands. Samurai were no longer concerned with battles and war, they were bureaucrats. Women, specifically daughters of most upper class households, were soon pawns to dreams of success and power. The roaring ideals of fearless devotion and selflessness were gradually replaced by quiet, passive, civil obedience

Nice goalpost move you jackass
>Feudal Japan didn't have women warriors
>They Did
>W-Well that's not the norm or anything!
How embarrassing

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>all these still images
>repeated shots
>action isn't even fucking animated

Nu Animu is fucking cancer holy shit

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>Travel during the Edo period was demanding and unsettling for many female samurai (because of heavy restrictions). They always had to be accompanied by a man, since they were not allowed to travel by themselves. Additionally, they had to possess specific permits, establishing their business and motives. Samurai women also received much harassment from officials who manned inspection checkpoints.
>The onset of the 17th century marked a significant transformation in the social acceptance of women in Japan. Many samurai viewed women purely as child bearers; the concept of a woman being a fit companion for war was no longer conceivable.

And so ended whatever little people thought of the few female warriors that existed.

Note for the future: it doesn't help your cause to just point at something without reading or analyzing it. And exceptions are not the rule, as your own precious article states.

I can say Lions are carnivores and you'd find a picture of one with a leaf in its mouth.

>Not even that user
Guaranteed way to tell you're that user.

>katanas already being a thing in 1274 in a back-ass-water part of japan.
Heh, whatever. But I hope we get some stylish tachi

Attached: tachi.jpg (1024x328, 56K)

People speak in absolutes but are aware of exceptions. Because some house wife put a knife on a stick doesnt mean they had platoons of women marching around.

I repeat: exceptions do not equate rules. See my lion example

It's literally the same shit but you wear it upside down.

What is your fucking point here? This game literally takes place in the midst of a mongol fucking invasion. The lady in question is just another person fighting to defend her homeland

That was never my fucking point. My point was that female Samurai DID exist, not that there hundreds of them fighting back in squadrons against invaders or other armies or whatever. The point is that having One (1) female warrior lady in the game isn't so egregious when they historically existed, even if they weren't as common as male soldiers

>This game literally takes place in the midst of a mongol fucking invasion
>we don't play as the mongols, we play as another stupid gook
When will the slant eyes learn. Nobody cares about their historic history anymore. They've burnt the bridge like the french.

Tachi are usually thinner, longer and more curved.
>ven if they weren't as common as male soldiers
The word you're looking for is "rare"

>Hideki Kamiya and Hideaki Itsuno were both impressed by what they've seen so far
Lmao, nice one
Made me chuckle

You best hope there's not one bit of sexuality in that game or Sony will have it destroyed.

Nioh 2 will be better because it will have qts

I hatw to be that guy, and i usually agree with /pol/ but on this one they're wrong.

>no female samurai meme
Onna-bugeisha and Kunoichi definitely existed, both were rare but did exist. So throwing a cow over the one female samurai in the game is kinda retarded unless there are like 2 or 3 of them its totally feasible.

>no black samurai
While I don't think one will appear in this game, several Japanese made games include a black samurai and historically there was a famous one named Yasuke who served under Oda Nobunaga.

>The word you're looking for is "exception"

>get btfo
>w-w-whats the point?
Yeah whose moving goal posts now

>representing something that existed means in must be included
Mutant animals with 2 heads also exist, but I don't see you crying for the need to include them in the Lion King

My point still stands. And in any case, it's just another inhabitant of Tsushima resisting the invasion. I don't know jack shit about that character. Is she a female samurai? I don't fucking know, but if she is, then the idea of her character isn't so fucking ridiculous when female samurai DID historically exist, even if they were rare as fuck

Why is Yea Forums bitching about a female samurai in Ghost of Tsushima when there was Lady Owl and Emma in Sekiro lol.

That is a 2007 r18 anime of a seinen manga that its main themes are that everyday Japan was rape, murder and a bit of (just a tiny bit) of cloak and dagger. Also dementia incest and cutting of nipples with katanas...did you expect to have a proper budget,also ugly drawing style, ost and musical direction is good tho.

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Owl 2, Isshin and Guardian Ape are all pure kino fights, Owl 1 is also pretty decent.

Can people like you just stop the bullshit? No one is fucking stupid, we know you know the purpose is for social commentary and not for historical depiction. We know you are cheering for that very reason under the the guise of "but it existed durr".

They probably gave swords to kids and monkeys too. You can't be this stupid, and you can't think we're dumb enough to believe your fake pretentious shit

Why does the Sushi ghost have such ugly hobo clothes????

Also about the tranny meme, i hope you realize there were some traps in ancient japan. Its an asian thing. Samurais used to fuck young boys dressed in girls clothing.

>story and characters is completely shallow, the mystical shit destroys any sense of disbalief of groundness.
Putting aside that what you just said is barely coherent, no one cares about the characters when the gameplay is engaging enough. If you can't stomach supernatural themes, don't read fiction.
Having a Uncharted-level story will not even come close to making Ghost a great samurai game. Something as unimportant and bland as RDR2-style random encounters won't either, and there's no reason to believe it will have those in the first place.

>be mongol soldier
>just want to rape
>normally have to fight my way through an army of dudes to get to my rape
>now they cut out the middle man and send women to us to be raped

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It's a video game you tard. The devs can include whatever they like. They're trying to create a historically plausible setting and scenario for their game to take place. I don't know how many female samurai were living on Tsushima at the time, but it's not inconceivable to believe there might have been at LEAST one. And maybe they were fighting against the mongols. It's their story, and the inclusion of such a character doesn't ruin the immersion. Now if there was a whole army of them? Yeah, that'd be dumb. But that's not the scenario presented. Maybe if you took the time to think before going "WAHHH WOMEN IN MY GAAAMMEE" then maybe you could understand this

It's 12 years old you faggot.

Whoops, got confused there. Infamous-level.

>They're trying to create a historically plausible setting and scenario for their game to take place.
>It's their story, and the inclusion of such a character doesn't ruin the immersion
Make up your mind, based retard.

>women samurai didnt exist
>yes they did check my wikipedia
>onna bugeisha
Notice they are not called "samurai"


You're retarded
You're actively refusing to interpret the character any other way besides "urgh, diversity quota". She's not shoehorned in, she's not historically inplausible. If she were, that'd be a different story, but since it's been PROVEN that female samurai exist, even if they were EXCEPTIONS, it's not out of the realm of possibility.

I don't see the issue here, you used an ability specifically designed for this situation, you used all the resources you had to do it multiple times.
It's miles better than automated slow-mo bullshit

Even nip experts can't agree on what separates tachi from uchigatana except the time period and the way they were worn

> They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honour in times of war.

here comes the seething
>there might have been at least one
Just as likely as having a monkey and child samurai. If you really cared about history then you'd want that as well, or rather your priorities would be on weaponry, armor, battlefield locations, and major characters. But here you are pushing social politics.
>you hate women
Wrong. I hate YOU, you fucking shriveled 100lb white soiboy. Women also hate you and you're stupid whiteknighting.

The inclusion of a femal samurai and having a historically plausible setting aren't mutually exclusive

They can't tell their story if they want historical plausibility.

i expect it to at least be fucking animated, even if it looks like shit. That webm is absurd

Everything made after 1998 is nu-animu you dumb faggot.

Fucking god damn liberals man, ignore all the shit that debunks their stupid shit and just keep running on repeat. People like you are why the NPC meme exists.

If you aren't retarded you can easily tell by presentation and writing what the purpose of characters are. Clearly you lack that ability to comprehend anything thats not spelled out, or you're just playing dumb.

>NO CHANCE IN HELL is the combat deeper than sekiro.
That's not a very high bar to surpass.

Attached: Corrupted Monk.webm (480x270, 2.45M)

If you believe this then you must equally start campaigning to have mutant animals appear in Lion King.

2 headed hyenas, lions with 5 feet, etc.

They exist therefore they should be represented!

But you won't, and you keep avoiding this because you know it shows how much of a stupid braindead liberal cuck you are.

Go back and close the door ,user

Isn't Sekiro clearly influenced by Shingurui (the damyos ape fight, the frog man that looks like the vermin Isshin orders you to kill) or do they just draw inspiration from the same traditional semi mythical lore?

Attached: shigurui-1179736.jpg (800x1199, 211K)

user... Samurai isnt an occupation it's a class. Wifes of Samurai warriors are also samurai

I don't give a fuck about this character. She's bland as hell and easily forgettable. But her inclusion doesn't violate the historical setting. It's not like having a woman fighting on the front lines of WW2. It's not like having a black tranny be apart of the invasion of Normandy. These are fucking stupid, but having a female be apart of a class that historically DID exist fight back against invaders in a Chaotic setting isn't. You're just pissed because can't see the inclusion of one beyond the lens of modern politics.

And for the record, yes, I'd love to see child soldiers in the game. I think it'd be interesting, a lot more interesting than a female samurai

When are we going to get a TMNT game set in feudal Japan

Attached: tub2.jpg (500x281, 24K)

So they didn't exist?

I just read an article where the developers said they wanted the game to be like a time machine so this isn't even accurate.

That said, the secondary nature of the Japanese dub has me worried

dont feed the troll

I'm not campaigning for this character. I don't give a fuck whether she's included or not. I could honestly care less. What I DO care about is fucking morons throwing a hissy fit over her being included because they don't know anything about history besides their preconceived notions of it. They'd rather throw a fit because a woman's on screen and yell about it being historically innacurate and "SJW" propaganda rather than know that such a thing might not be so ridiculous in the setting of the game.

Did I want representation of the Onna-bugeisha? No. Am I gonna throw a hissyfit over them being included? No
It's ridiculous

This, I don't give a fuck about having a large world to explore if there's fuck all to do in it beside occasionally fight a group of enemies between point A and B. That's part of the reason I didn't like botw because it's full of that.

Nigga why would nintendofags be against that when they still defend Bore of the Wild to this day?

>because it's full of that.
But that's wrong.

This game is going to dumpster Sekiro.
Can't wait.

Attached: Ghosts of Tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>combat is much deeper than Sekiro
>the world in the game will be huge (devs said that we should expect it to be AT LEAST three times bigger than the world of Witcher 3)
That would be quite impressive, here's hoping it's not just empty fields and pretty setpieces
>over 100 fully voiced unique NPCs
>the mission we've seen is only a side mission and there's over 200 side missions in the game
Learn from anthem, don't make an all fetch this. Then fetch some more of this
>it'll feature over 10 different endings
Big if true
>game will feature two different online modes - 'Invader' and 'Helpful Stranger'
Fuck multiplayer desu

No its not. It's making your way to your goal with the only thing happening being
>Some shit you have to climb over
>Group of enemies along the way
>camp of enemies to kill for a reward
>A korok seed
The moments that make the game shine are so far and few between shit like this it's boring as fuck to play.

Where are those sparks coming from? The guy stabs forward and the MC's sword is above him, yet there's sparks coming off MC's blade. Also this feels like the player could actually wreck these guys shit but they don't to make it more "tense" as they stare each other down and waits for the AI to strike first.

Christ this looks bad. Even asscreed has better animations

The thrust of the sword and the katana don't even connect.
Big yikes.

>western gamers love realism
Western devs you mean.

Go back to your Discord, tranny.

Attached: This kills the tranny.jpg (1000x5118, 3.36M)

hype? i thought it was cancelled.

You say that like Assassin's Creed games have bad animations.

Attached: Assassin's Creed Origins Combat.webm (720x406, 1.92M)

That greentext ALMOST sounds like something a "journalist" from Vice or Huffington Post would write.

Hmmm, probably JUST a coincidence.

>If you don't like my boring open world game, then you MUST like this other boring open world game
Absolutely based retard. Not once did I imply I liked snoy shit but because you have no argument you have to resort to your strawman. Enjoy your last (You) from me.

Attached: 6b5.png (1006x813, 73K)

Literally Assassin's Creed.

>dude gigantic map, x times bigger than y game
>hundreds and hundreda of missions!

Massive redflag to be honest

runs at 25fps

So it's already confirmed to have better performance than Bloodborne.

>NO CHANCE IN HELL is the combat deeper than sekiro

Attached: 1533209830016.webm (734x416, 2.92M)

>wasting spirit emblems
The nice thing about this is that you perform everything manually instead of 1 button autokill

Also can you merge this with

Attached: D4KEbb5U8AA893k.jpg (775x1200, 101K)

Attached: 1525684117978.webm (1024x576, 2.92M)

>Massive empty boring maps
>Most side quests are fetch quests with nothing interesting in it

you might be retarded

>posts someone cheating
What did the retard mean by this?

How the hell can batman slide to the other side of the room like that

Wow, those attack animations look slow as fuck.

sasuga falseflagger-kun

At least every bit of movement here is manual input, not to mention the player was lucky that the second enemy dropped a spirit emblem because he wouldn't have had enough to perform the bloodsmoke a third time otherwise

Attached: 1423167611868.png (512x512, 193K)

Does demon bell affect spirit emblem drops?

How do you know what Nioh's 2 combat is like?

Somehow takes no damage from direct hits
Somehow doesn't use up spirit emblems

I don't know why he's bothering with all those damage buffs when he's clearly already cheating otherwise

Attached: truly-precious-bait.jpg (1826x424, 125K)

Nier: Automata

>hype thread
only normal faggot snoyggers are hype for this pile of shit

Holy shit have you even played it? Comparing it to Diablo would even be more accurate than comparing it to Souls. The ONLY thing they copied from Souls was how experience works. That's it.

>item description is still the name
From is such a lazy hack company. Wish they had actually nice item descripts like Nioh which opens up interesting tid bits of Japanese culture, mythology and beliefs.

Wiki says no but it says a lot of things that aren't necessarily true

From is the best developer of all time.

We all know everyone just play it for rhe 2Butt

Well, they sure don't play it for the gameplay. Unironically one of the worst playing games I've played in recent memory.

Attached: 1550747672952.jpg (458x458, 28K)

Cope harder, lad.
From not only saved video games, they perfected them.

Attached: GOATborne.png (1680x610, 323K)

Don't waste your time, user, you're clearly talking to a primate.

Attached: 1540542962342.jpg (218x231, 5K)

>From bad
>EA good

Attached: NPCgrug.jpg (480x448, 21K)

>manual input
What does that even mean? Both Batman and Sekiro require manual input for the chain kills, it does not happen automatically.

>That edit
Man that animation has no weight to it. Looks like the weight of the sword is what made it plunge into his back instead of the guy stabbing him with it

Attached: 1555549864545.gif (275x206, 388K)

The movement, genius. It’s the difference between Batman sliding all over the place automatically and having to manually position yourself.

>From good
>EA bad

Attached: NPC.png (971x546, 55K)

>the movement genius
Oh wow, so doing 2 steps to the back of a stunned enemy adds a whole other level of difficulty? Based retard.

This but unironically.

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid (Colored - 2).jpg (5760x3240, 2.35M)

It does, actually. A lot more than press button to chain kill.

>most memorable parts are the cinematics
Literal movie game experience. God of War was released on one platform and still sold more than all From games combined.

Attached: 1528881072797.png (558x614, 32K)

God of War is also a mediocre game focused entirely on cinematic flair.

>less interactive means better

You don't have a leg to stand on retard

Combat looks very AssCreed Batman to me. I hate that type of combat. I've been playing DMC5 which has been reminding me how good combat can be.

Attached: 1335021397854.jpg (500x500, 215K)

>it does
It literally doesn't, you're just trying to brush it off because it's a From game, shill.

>having to walk is exactly as hard as just having to press a button again
One has a margin for error in positioning, the other is just pressing the button you already pressed again. Sorry, it is literally more difficult.

and that's all folks, no need to read past this post

God of War did single shot camera which makes it more visceral and engaging.
Bloodborne just takes control from the player and jump cuts all over the place, just like the camera during combat and they managed to make it worse in Suckiro.

Attached: 1540482096889.gif (636x346, 2.84M)

The most memorable moments are the absolute ludo gameplay, the kino is just a bonus.

Attached: Simon's Bowblade.webm (960x540, 3M)

Counters barely do damage by themself in Batman. Also, the "git gud" of the combat system is to use the gadgets and rack up a long string of combos without dropping it.

Basically described original Berserk to a T, which was kino. There's good anime today and there was bad anime earlier, not everything can be high budget.

The songle shot camera is a gimmick that adds nothing and the gameplay was substandard at best with pretty particle effects to distract you from that fact.

I'm blown away that anyone thinks this game looks good from a combat/gameplay perspective.

Can we ban astroturfers and falseflaggers from this board already?

It's the same level of "difficulty" you fucking brainlet drone, walking to the back of a literally stunned enemy to backstab him isn't fucking hard at all.

>use gadgets
Gadgets are there for crowd control almost exclusively, relying solely on counters, stuns, and punchchains is much faster.
But it is harder than just pressing the button again, genius

Attached: System Shock vs God of War.jpg (1500x990, 295K)


Attached: 1454696267948.png (850x850, 63K)

>but it is harder than just pressing the button again
Only if you have a mental disability, which seems to be the case for you.

It adds to the scope since it's technically incredible and a titanic feat to pull off. Really makes you appreciate all the hard work, effort and polish they put into making God of War a truly great product for all Sony customers.

Meanwhile From can't even get normal action game camera controls right despite releasing the exact same game 6 times now.

Attached: 1550768987486.jpg (888x894, 68K)

because he clicked the attack button

Attached: 1536489640293.jpg (1800x1578, 427K)

It literally takes more inputs, dumb faggot. It has a higher execution cap even if it is still easy.

When you could reliably just as well play one of the games blindfolded, they're not both just as hard.

Videogames don’t have cameramen that need to position, dummy. Single shot is trivial to pull off.


Attached: Orphan of Kos - Beast Claws.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

>higher execution cap
>literally moving behind an enemy standing still waiting to be finished
You're going out of your way to look retarded, user.

Attached: 1529097110367.jpg (604x692, 31K)

I don't care about budget. All i care if it has any merits or not and that webm does not.

The budget shows but there's an effort. it doesn't come off as lazy or lacking any talent.

Two inputs is more than one, brainlet.

Post a video of you playing bamham blindfolded and nailing every single counter. If you manage that I'll concede I'm wrong.

Looks boring AF they should have made another infamous.

Will probably grab it Black Friday this year for less than 20

Orphan of Kos is easier than every single Valkyrie in God of War. Furthermore I want to see you beat the Valkyrie Queen on Give Me God of War.

Attached: 1541069390941.gif (300x577, 279K)

>user thinks he is hardcore because he uses two inputs instead of one to instagib his enemies
Kek, you're stupid as shit, kid.

More hardcore than you, apparently.

This is going to be the big blunder of 2019 alongside with Day's Gonr

I get you’re pretending to be retarded and posting frogs but try more subtlety.


Attached: 1544051914961.png (2454x2138, 1.05M)

>If it's difficult, it's good

Attached: NPCright.png (416x435, 104K)

Sorry, I’m not the one defending one button chain takedowns.


Attached: 1470012181068.gif (490x490, 289K)

Sure, you're defending TWO button chain takedowns, much more HARDCORE, don't you think? :^)

Attached: 2sCxv52.png (177x303, 91K)

Maria is not Annalise's sister.

Yeah, doubly hardcore in fact.

Tsushima shills getting desperate I see.

What about THREE button chain takedowns? Holy SHIT, now that's H-A-R-D-C-O-R-E!!

>have a spear
>fight against sword
>be at perfect range
>decide to shove him with the shaft instead of poking

Three times as hardcore, yeah.

Are you falseflagging or is there a reason you're acting exactly like those I AM SILLY comic strawmans

What about F O U R button chain TAKEDOWNS!!!1 F-UCK it's 2 H4RDC0R3

Yes, good job, you’ve accepted that these things are inherently on a scale of difficulty by input number. You finally accepted the premise you refused at the outset.

Fine, but what about F I V E (5)

I’m sorry this revelation has broken you, friend.

>DMCucks and Xfags uniting to seethe over Ghosts of Satsuma


I'm just waiting until this gets to "BUT WHAT ABOUT SEVENTY-SIX BUTTON CHAIN TAKEDOWNS"

Still isn't enough for you? Ok, then let me show you the SSSmoking Sexy SIX BUTTON CHAIN TAKEDOWN$$$ AAAAAAAAAAAAA H-A-R-D

Why does this board get so worked up over every Sony exclusive?

It looks americanized.
I'd rather play anything else.

Now that the cucks are out, tell me sonybros, what are you expecting from Ghost of Sasuga?

Personally I want a full grounded setting with no magical bullshit, also hoping there's a stance mechanic based off the real kenjutsu school styles, like in NiOh.