Ugh! What could have been....
Ugh! What could have been
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Shitposting aside, Imperator Rome is a day 1 buy
fuck off shill.
Words cannot explain how ugly this map is.
>literally made for random conquest with zero regard for geography because its just diffused flat garbage
>weird artifacting on shorelines in multiple parts of the map
yeah I'll take the mostly original aesthetics in OP's above this shit lol
Victoria 2's map is actually good though and nails the atlas style, yours is amateur garbage compared to it lol
Pirate you mean. Im not giving 2 cents to paradox.
Good work mod, I'm sure you get paid a few cents extra by your corporate overlords.
Well, release is pirate. Then later on you buy a cheap as fuck discounted RU key after one or two DLC have arrived and it's worth going back to the game.
Ugh! What could have been....
Ill exclude the second part i doubt paradox will manage to do a good map painter so will be basically a barebone shit with half the stuff of the others more famous.
It woulda been great if it focused more on expansion and conquest instead of the shitty fucking leader mechanics that made me dislike CK2 as well
I wanna see what the world would look like if fucking Frisia took over the entire world, I don't give a shit whether I wanna fuck my daughter or not
If only...
Ok this is epic
have sex looser
I personally prefer this
This is the only acceptable map
Woah, based
If only.....
How is Stellaris nowadays?
HoI4 is the ugliest Paradox map in existence. Bonus points for completely fucked up "states" system that causes ultimate border gore and is completely erratic.
Is playing japan fun? I always get nightmares thinking about managing marines and all the island hopping.
t. would be head-first in the meatgrinder the minute Aryans found him
Really like this one.
>Chinese port regions seized
>Indochina taken
>Position in the Yellow Sea and Pacific secured by complete domination of Formosa, Philippines and Pacific islands
Should have taken regions by Indonesia to secure the straits there.
why do you think so?
As long as you conquer China first, Japan is a cakewalk, although you will have to micro manage all the island hoppings they're not that difficult as the AI does not garrison them
>mfw blue eyed with anglo-german blood
I don't think so untermensch
>not having königsberg
>fighting your German betters
>I wanna see what the world would look like if fucking Frisia took over the entire world
Go back to EU4 you troglodyte
Nazbolbros.... imagine.... the perfect world....
That would be boring though. The biggest powers would all still be around. Soviet union, great britain and germany.
if only we lived in a redpilled world and not this cucked timeline......
Do you even know which ethnic groups are considered Aryan? Like 90% of European people were in that category.
How can people play with these maps? You can barely even see the colors.
>Like 90% of European people were in that category.
Next you'll be saying Sl*vs are white.
Not him and besides the point but Paradox has done "good" job on making world conquering so much of a chore that nobody wants do it.
Well slavs are white niggers.
activate your windows sp
don't need to see the colours when there is only one
>slowdown & bloat
>playing EU4 vanilla
You might as well play EU3
wat mods
memes and taxes crashes every year nigger how do you even play it
But it doesn't? I had two or three crashes max per playthrough.
3-4 speed
That's illegal
Idc i came from an era where demos were available to everyone. I pirate cause i need a demo, if the game is good ill buy it, if is not ill uninstall.
Are you dumb? He's playing as Poland, went fascist and sucked Germany's dick to eat a massive chunk of Russia.
>perfect world
>*nglos still exist
Makes you wonder what their long-term rhetoric would be like.
this would be so based as a standalone that doesn't run like ass and crash every 5 years
paradox said imperator will have better modding tool so who knows if they'll recreate the whole thing there, would be based
You're part of the problem
The lack of proper internal politics is exactly what makes EU4 so boring compared to CK2. The focus on characters isn't even that egregious in Imperator, you still play as a nation. But Paradox (from what I've seen so far) seems to have struck a good balance between these aspects.
They're going to spend most of the year "fixing" EU IV engine, so memes and trannies might profit significantly from going 64bit, but yea I am looking forward to the Imperator mods, because the map is the best they've ever done up to now.
faggot weeb
Buy a better PC faggot
That's entirely on you, though.
Works well on my machine :)
64bit save me
>tfw love all the historical overhaul mods for PDX games
>HIP for CK2, HFM and PDM for Vicky 2, etc
>Run the just fine
>Hear MEIOU and Taxes slows EU4 down significantly
How much are we talking here? EU4 is already kinda slow on my computer (compared to CK2) , but I've still gotten pretty far into games. Is M&T really that bad?
try it and find out you idiot, modding is especially volatile and machines can be significantly different in performance. I had an old pc with an old i5 that run m&t just fine, crashed like every 50 years and then my new pc would crash every 5 years on m&t, then i tried it again some time later and now it rarely crashes on the new one
M&T is quite a lot slower than vanilla EU4 but with the latest patches the FPS got a lot better.
I have a i5 4690 which is a decent CPU and it runs fine on 3-4 speed until you reach the last 100 years and then the lag starts to become noticeable.
Will it run fine on a laptop?
Depends on your hardware
im afraid not
It's nothing special, not a gaming laptop or anything, just a DELL. I don't know the specs or anything
>Have a campaign as EU4 England where my Portuguese alliance doesn't break.
God I love this game.
>italian scotland
The Trust mechanic was implemented for a reason
>Piss-ta instead of pasta
I was just really happy since we usually go o war because of Spain, luckily Aragon pulled an independence war.
>All of the mods of paradox run good for me
>but the Game of thrones and WoW ones on CK2 inmeadtly crash for some reason
can i get one portion of uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blobbing
And how is that different from vanilla CK2?
to be honest the only thing hip has going is some flavour shit because holy fury dlc riped almost all new mechanics from it
Let me show you true based and redpilled
>playing the worst fucking hoi4 game
God why is the navy now so off-putting. Really puts me off picking any island nation
I have noticed improvements when playing with Kaiserreich,now diversifying your fleet matters and radars have become way more useful.
The only problem is that the AI has serious trouble building upgrading ships and they don't defend their waters with planes as they should.