Enjoy your new Sheeva, Yea Forums.
Enjoy your new Sheeva, Yea Forums
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>this is hot to Yea Forums
looks like that fat black lesbian bitch I had as a coworker back when I was in domino's
Not a single design in this game has turned out good. Mortal Kombat is dead man.
thank god REAL women are in the game instead of gamer perv fantasies
I'm glad I will pass this game up in favor of just relearning umk3. The designs are shit and fatal hits make this game feel too easy from what I played of it.
Everything is better if you aren't an ape looking shit
I'm more bothered about the fact that it looks like the lower arms are held together in place by the straps instead of being part of her body
Hello ESL.
You sure that isn't Shrek?
She looks like a nigger
Are you implying Sheeva was in any way attractive before?
>make a man
>call it a girl
Sheeva........more like
Yeah, she was.
Yea Forums should love it in that case
oh lol
All american children are some sort of black or mutt. They just want to be able to sell their games
>first they ruined Mileena
>now Sheeva
Man fuck this
Monsters are monster stop nitpicking
niggers are monsters
shokans are monsters
same shit with just more arms
I refuse to believe boon didn't lose a bet or something for character designs.
She looks like Ashy Larry
You mean made her better.
Shut your mouth
You win
Welp, that was quick.
does this remind anyone else of a female tauren from world of warcraft
Reminder everyone complaining about the MK11 designs are in the minority (have sex), this game will sell like hotcakes.
There will be a healthy playerbase on all platforms for a long time, especially if they implement the cross platform connectivity they were planning on doing post launch.
Raven Symone should sue.
lowest common denominator trash is popular, whats new
trannies are obsessed with aesthetics being "cute" or sexy
Are you a tranny or a soiboi?
Having sex without standards is pretty pathetic bruh.
Real sheboons you mean
>this game will sell like hotcakes.
Why should i care about this?
>There will be a healthy playerbase on all platforms for a long time, especially if they implement the cross platform connectivity they were planning on doing post launch.
So, an actuall, paid shill or you're doing it for free?
its just doesn't look like Sheeva I seriously thought it was like her cousin or something its not about if she pretty Sheeva has always been ugly for the most part
lol healthy playerbase for a long time. first nrs game?
>There will be a healthy playerbase on all platforms for a long time
If by long time you mean 6 months then everyone drops like a hot potato, then yes
oh my god that is literally shrek
Don't insult Shrek like that.
Oh.. wow, I have no words
Man i'm sad
I don't give a shit how they design other women, but ruining Sheeva is OVER THE FUCKING LINE
post 30 seconds of any of you playing Sheeva in MK9
MKXL is still alive on steam and more active than every anime game and SFV.
When you are a pathetic MK11 shill that keeps defending the "gore good,sexism bad" NRS hypocrisy to death, but NRS drop this hot turd leaving you exposed so you use the baseless "sells" arguement to fight because you got nothing based up your sleeve
Source nigga?
I was actually surprised some of my normalfag friends actually decided they aren't buying this
Only one is and hes a mixed nigger, which is the audience for this game
Ironically it is. Having ggpo helps
SFV has actually boosted recently and they fight for dominance now.
she looks like the average american
just shut up and keep buying everything they shit out, faggot
Enjoy to rebooting timeline again and again. M.U.G.E.N. Mk12 when
netherrealm will never pay you
Why would your mom sue?
but jews speak for noone but themselves
>MK is finally releasing a game that is stable and not filled with shitty bugs and mistakes riddled across
>8gag wants to kill it over politics
God leave my games alone you faggot casuals. I finally have a game with fucking neutral and good netcode for PS4 and you fags want to throw it in the trash.
Don't you have some fucking JRPG to watch you imperial puppets?
fuck off faggot, mortal kombat needs to die
Let's hope that Bloodfart/Zakuman doesn't off himself over this. Then again he has always drawn her "a bit different".
>will sell like hotcakes
Yea, if it weren't a big selling franchise then left wing activists would not have tried to take it over. What's your point?
>I finally have a game with fucking neutral
With neutral you must mean the
>"both parties zone each other because theres no incentive to actually fight in a fighting game."
She better be fucking barefoot or I'll riot
I thought that was thralls wife
looks like the average american LOL
No it doesn't you cucklord. It's the only fighting game that has actually added QoL and updates the genre desperately needs.
Now this is my Sheva
No retard, I mean footsies. You need fast walkspeeds and smartly designed hitboxes with strengths and weaknesses at the three general distances to have good footsies and good neutral. MK11 has that surprisingly.
My point was the rest of the system (especially meter building) incentivizes overly defensive gameplay.
that's a man. just change the name to Heeva. just change all the females into males already for fuck's sake.
Fuck off, Boon.
please tell me you do not find this at least pleasant to watch, Yea Forums? that's one hell ugly face
>just change the name to Heeva
Hiiva means yeast infection in some languages.
I can't, user. But I can post 30 seconds of Sheeva webms porn.
>wanting the help of socialists and jews
NRS will never learn, i see.
>My point was the rest of the system (especially meter building) incentivizes overly defensive gameplay.
Even with fuzzy blocking there are fucking restands and unfuzzyable 50/50s. No one besides a few zoners are going zone especially since everyone and their mother has a good walkspeed, a teleport, and minimal pushback on zoning. Zoning is also nerfed because of more startup and recovery. It's way more reactable and punsihable. Scrubs will get outzoned easy, but it will take a lot of skill to do it at high level. Also characters like Jade have a fucking fireball invincibility buff and Kabal has a goddamn airdash.
>make a girl
>call it a man
This is the correct, user.
I hope you aren't implying that Grace Jones isn't hot.
numales and jews ruin everything.
Yep, this one's going in my kek compilation.
CRINGE!!!! I used to beat off to her when she looked like a deformed alien creature but now she looks like a FUCKING N****R!!! FUck SJWS
>Caring about thots
>/pol/anons in other thread were complaining about this being a PC move.
Sensitive fucks, I find it hilarious. NRS sat there and thought, "we need to mokap an ugly ass face for our ogre-like character", and they hired a nigress to fit the role.
also based
you can have sex while having standards
Sharia Lawbat 11 has neither.
>reboot MK to set the artstyle on track with the classics and doing away with the useless clutter in the lore
>get the point to the point where the artstyle is a mess again and the lore i needlessly conveluted
so when can we expect MK9-2
i was thinking the same with X
>they will end doing the same shit that happened between 4 and 8
I never played Armageddon so I didn't know Sheeva was afro in that game. The thing is she actually looks way better there than in MK11. This is a dedication to ugliness, apparently for the sake of inclusivity.
Holy shit that looks terrible. I was on fence about this game before, but now I can confidently say I won't be wasting my money on this shit show. MK is dead.
we just need one more DC crossover and we come full circle again
it will do fine and make money, it will just be an awful game lol
This, I really care about Mortal Combat and its it one of my favorite series and was definitely going to buy it until I saw this...
why does she look so fucking fat and not strong or chiseled like goro
>face scan is good for the gaming industry
She is when you compare her to Leslie Jones
I'm pretty sure I've seen that face before. Now it looks disgusting on a female character. Way to go, Boony boy
>We could've had this instead
>She is when you compare her
Neck yourself. Grace Jones is one of the few people who have Jojo tier aesthetics IRL
>I'm pretty sure I've seen that face before.
Raven Simone
No, you couldn't, because they're face mapping everyone.
Netherrealm don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Are you sure? the people that played it are very disappointed, the story is BAD, they kill the favorites just because, they ignored fan favorites characters...
And the gameplay looks so bland
Of course sheeva is in, someone had to be the Goro function, and if we can make her look like a black woman the better!!! Mortal kombat """"lore"""" is sick, im glad that four arm toxic shokan bigot is gone
>used to think raven simone was so cute growing up
>was slightly younger than her
>she turns out to be a feminazi lesbian
Not even a musclefu
What's even the fucking point?
not again...
>made the black woman look like an orc
>and if we can make her look like a black woman
Sheeva has always had a black look about her even in the original MK3, she's always been a homage to Grace Jones. The rendition of her in MK11 is just pure garbage.
user that's face scanned, there's a woman that actually looks like that
You faggots will complain about literally anything.
MK is the Call of Duty of the FGC.
God nothing about that redesign works
>the only character they can safely give black features is the she-ogre
Hmmmmmmmmm, really makes you think, doesnt it?
anything relevant, yes.
>Historically ugly gorilla faced monster continues to be an ugly gorilla faced monster
wtf how could this happen Yea Forumsros? We need to FUCKING rise up against this society.
Tbf she was cute when she was younger and had massive tits in That's So Raven tv show
kys nog lover
grab a fuckin stubby, you're a propa bloody legend m8
it's true though, she was a tiddy monster along with the white girl in the show wearing sweaters
This, the original Sheeva isn't even a real human.
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Sheeva for example is not some big lipped ugly nigger
Donkey Kong Movie?
Fuck off Netherrealm Shill
Who's the chick in the left middle?
This shilling your shitty fanfic.
In your head, rent free
? It works
The shokan anatomy is retarded, give her 4 breasts.
Crying Wolf, MGS4
that's not how that works
if she had four it would imply that having at least 3 kids at once is common
It's because /pol/ tards are mostly self-hating jews at this point. It's the mainstream that are the real racists like you so deftly show.
You need pectoral muscles to move your arms.
>Outland Warrior
>not wearing skimpy clothing
Literally counter to the aesthetics of her people.
Some chick from mgs4. Dunno her name cause I forgot almost everything about that game when i was done with it
I'm guessing the shokan secondary pectorals are on the back and upside down to allow the arms to move.
Fuck off nigger the designs are complete ass and spoiler alert
Enjoy laggy ass Brazilians
>ugly monster lady
>model her to be a black women
>SJW designs mean everyone looks like Shrek
so progressive
i want her to be in a new game so bad, but i worry that they'll ruin her perfect looks with the new engine.
yeah, but you don't need breasts, you fucking incel
Didn't know that shrek had a sister
I’ve debated calling the NAACP on account of racist depiction of black people
Worst part
I didn't mind Dvorah, because she was always ugly, but this is just ugh.
looks like Goro on HRT
Facescan was a huge mistake
it's a game development crutch just like RTX
look deep into your heart, you know it to be true
>nog loving miscegenator calls race purist a degenerate
>shilling fanfics
>pathological obsession with sexual stimulation
Have sex so that you can stop obsessing over it.
>fictional monster race needs to follow the rules of human anatomy
I have, unlike you blackcel
Reminder than Dolph Lugdren fucked her in her prime
lol, such a bad franchise. my sides dudes
>So we gotta redesign Sheeva into a brutish ugly warrior monster
>Let's make her a nigger
That's pretty racist desu.
Fucking gross.
Based and Swampilled
>this image was hardly even edited.
Looks like a black guy
Why does Sheeva look like a DMV employee now?
What is that orangutan?
Looks like a shit game
What went wrong?
Tobias left the company.
>Video Games should make white men uncomfortable.
>make Sheeva black
>she's even uglier than before
*Smacks lips*
Grace Jones ironically does look like Sheeva. They should have used her as the face model for her.
>that sfm where she lifts up johnny in the air and sucks his dick
There must be a limit to how far these designs are going to be ruined.
wait, cyrax and sector are not in the game?
How are you so sure the people who have gotten laid aren't the minority? Did you personally inspect billions of vaginas? That's fucking gay dude
Heres the people eating this shit up
Mah nigga
Wait a minute...
So she's 56% of whatever Goro was, right?
more like Shigga
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Sheeva for example is not some ugly ass, big lipped nigger
Then I saw her face!