Assassin's creed Unity is 100% free for the next week in tribute to the burning of Notre Dame.
Assassin's creed Unity is 100% free for the next week in tribute to the burning of Notre Dame
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no thanks
Was Unity the really shitty one with people clipping through walls? I have 4 of these Assassins Creed games in my library for free now and I haven't touched a single one yet.
yes, but pretty much all the bugs are fixed now. now it's the best ac game
Shill. I wouldn't even pirate this trash.
quickly, someone set the pyramids on fire.
>all the bugs are fixed now
i've never seen worse pop-in in a game
it has an awful lod, but it was made so third-worlders stopped complaining about m-m-muh fps, so it's not a bug
origins is "free" with humble monthly
Yeah you're not gonna trick me into this one, satan.
fucking moron.
What's bad about uplay?
I have it installed from when i played the first division and i dont remember any issues with it.
nothing, it's a meme.
steam good
not-steam bad
Can you mod it?
Really it's about the inconvenience of having more than one launcher, you gotta start up and sign into a whole new application, and close steam if you want to save on memory
Aside from bloating your computer with another game launcher the big problem I had with it was that running Uplay (and Ubisoft games in general really) made my computer hang for about 40 seconds every time they started, closed, or alt+tabbed in or out of them. It ended up being because they somehow conflict with DS4Windows and you need to close that to avoid it.
uPlay used to be REALLY FUCKING BAD, sometimes it outright didn't work, sometimes when the server was down you couldn't even switch it to offline. It launched with problems that Steam had fixed long ago. It's surprisingly good now, but people still remember how fucking awful it was years ago.
On more than one occassion I've had a uplay key I received from steam not work on uplay
On top of that Uplay is quite clunky
why you launch Stema if you want to play something somewhere else?
Do you launch Origin before you start WoW?
the fuck? You run on 5400rpm hdd? Do you have 2GB of RAM and you have to clear dem 150megs out of it before running uPlay?
Holy fuck you are so fucking stupid. KYS
>What's bad about uplay?
pc-fats have this stockholm syndrome thing with Steam
>On top of that Uplay is quite clunky
How it is clunky, you fuck?
literally nothing its just autism about having more than one launcher.
>why you launch Stema if you want to play something somewhere else?
because I was just using steam and now want to play something on uPlay? it's not hard to figure out unless you're retarded
slow, unresponsive, download speeds almost feel throttled, easily disconnects from online if your internet so much as fluctuates etc etc
the lod? maybe you can edit an ini, i don't know
OP fucked up btw, here is the real link
I can live with that, it's not like i'm going to use it for more than just asscreed at this point.
That's weird, but i use a steam controller so it should be fine, only issue will be figuring out how bad the camera controls are.
Makes sense, i played division pretty late.
Please burn the statue of Zeus while you're at it
When it gets revealed to be a Muslim, are they going to offer Ass Creed 1 for free?
Meh, I've had this for free on xbox for a while. Is it worth a playthrough? Please be honest. No shilling/trolling pls.
I ask again because you seem to be not only stupid but blind:
do you have 2 gigabytes of memory in your PC? Who gives a fuck, even with 8gigs? These days 16 is base line.
I have few launchers and web browser with 70 tabs and no difference in game performance.
And what if you have to close steam?
I swear I'd kill you if I had a chance, just for your stupidity.
>best ac
Hardly, even without the bugs it was a boring, bloated game
only if you haven't played the 2 newest game
it's not
it's not
>download speeds almost feel throttled
your internet sucks.
>easily disconnects from online
NEVER happened to me.
What else, you Steam whore?
>works on my machine
6 actually
>making death threats on the internet because someone isn't happy using your favorite game launcher
This is your brain on fanboyism
It's not AC4
6GBs of memory?
This just proves that you are retarded. The fuck, you ran 3x2? You should run dual channel and dual channel only.
Stick to the consoles. And stop shitposting about uPlay, you know nothing.
works for everyone.
Just because your PC and ISP is fucking garbage and you can't use it, doesn't say anything.
No because they outright admitted some of the bugs were issues with the engine and couldn't be fixed period.
Steamdrones are worst than nintendo audience, and that's saying something.
I meant 6 clicks retard
They made it free for the people working on the restoration as they said it's a viable model to base off?
They really only giving them a week to restore the whole church?
Wow Ubi are harsh with their time constraints.
then write clicks you fucking idiot.
What 6 click you fuck?
RMB on Steam icon-> close.
Holy shit I swear you must be legally retarded.
not him but have sex
>RMB on Steam icon-> close.
haha wow, I was just joking when I said you were retarded but it turns out you really are retarded
it's actually RMB on Steam icon-> exit Steam, so it's still 2 clicks
>popins and graph glitches out the wazoo
>no lock on
>controlling arno feels like a cow riding a unicycle
>free running is worse than ever
>random co-op missions
And I've only played a few hours, I'm sure it'll get worse
>in tribute
insallah, it surely was a nice bonfire
I'm not gonna respond to your shitposting anymore.
If you want, even use 10 clicks to close Steam, godspeed.
>>popins and graph glitches out the wazoo
i didn't have any issues except for lod changing way too often and too early
>>no lock on
but there is, just like every other ac game
>>controlling arno feels like a cow riding a unicycle
literally the best controlling of all ac games, i bet you are one of those casual who didn't like gta4's driving
>>free running is worse than ever
best in the series but ok
>>random co-op missions
they're not random and they are actually really fun, too bad the coop is dead
Unity was buggy as shit but from what I remember it had fucking incredible movement that seemed toned down a bit in syndicate
haven't played anything after them so I can't comment on if they brought it back or not
>it had fucking incredible movement that seemed toned down a bit in syndicate
Origins and Odyssey are just TW3 rip-offs and barely AC. The parkour is so bad and you don't even take fall damage in Odyssey.
yes, 'sure'. Clean your PC and your system.
And if you cant afford decent hardware than use consoles, or stick to older titles.