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I remember when I was a kid I got through the Glow somehow but got so fucking irradiated that I died on the way back no matter what. Every time I did it afterwards I treated it like a race.

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By far one of the best areas in the game with the Brotherhood's base. Best game in the series

Just seeing this makes me want to learn all about it. It's kind of creepy.


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I loved this area because you're exploring the ground zero of a nuclear explosion but it's not just a huge crater, the entirety of that area from all the lore you can read about to all the shit you can find while exploring it along with the eerie background music really do a great job at making The Glow a memorable area.

Going here for the first time with only one or two Rad-X was spooky as fuck and definitely gave the right atmosphere.

Whenever I go there now with 4 Rad-X and take my time exploring the whole facility, there's something weirdly very comfy about it.

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Sounds like Twilight Princess.

So, The Brotherhood of Steel sends every person that want to join BoS there, just so they could die, right?

Yeah, it's a pretty dick move

Every person they don't actually want to deal with, yes. They don't even accept new recruits as far as I remember and the only reason you were sent there was because the guard was pulling your leg. When you got back with actually important shit they made an exception.

Thanks doc

>forget rad-x
>go here
>die right as I get out

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Why is it so dangerous to go there? Just eat the pills, bro, the BoS dude tells you its an irradiated hellhole iirc, so its your fault if you die there.

I love how melee is really good and viable in all games
I don't know about 4 though, haven't tried it yet

>pretty much the only place in the series where radiation is a threat
>becomes a completely irrelevant mechanic in the 3d games

It is.

Melee is pretty good in 4. They kinda fucked unarmed by not allowing you to use the power fist in power armor though.
Though this isn't considering the mess of a difficulty that is survival.


Attached: have chex.png (770x770, 871K)

>They kinda fucked unarmed by not allowing you to use the power fist in power armor though.
Absolute heresy, that combo is made for marriage

>Played a bit of FO3 years ago, game didn't click with me
>Played a bit of NV years ago, game didn't click with me
>Decided to go back to FO4 after breaking from it for a few years
>Have spent a bunch of time just building Sanctuary like the autist I am
>Want to give the older games another chance now that the game has clicked with me
>Own FO1 on Steam, and FO3/NV/FO4 on Xbox
How is FO1 for someone that's practically never touched an old PC game like it? Is it really cryptic or something?

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bold chex mix is pretty good

>people still treat the bos as the good guys after this

Eternal shame I can't wipe out the railroad and the bos at the same time.

>Why is it so dangerous to go there?
radiation. kills you

Radiation is pretty bothersome in fallout 3 if you just want to casually swim to the Rivet City.

Wow, so hard.

the most atmospheric location in the entire fallout universe

> the BoS dude tells you its an irradiated hellhole iirc

No, he doesn't.


The fact that the part that clicked with you was the mindless survivalcraft shit means that it's not for you and you should probably just stick to Rust.

You're room temp IQ so probably not for you, no.

Oh shut the fuck up.

I just played FO1. amazing, fucking amazing.

Playing Arcaum now, thinking of doing FO2 after. Thoughts?

When has anyone ever done that?

It's been a long time since I played that game but I'm pretty sure you can get a unique plasma rifle for the android quest in Rivet City, so it's not a bad idea to go there at the start of the game. The walk is pretty annoying cause you're forced to fight some mutants and shit on the way so if the radiation really was a non threat I'd just fucking swim.

>guh, me wan build! click click click like lebbos guhhhhh no read just snappy snap buildoooo trashy pick the trash goooouhhhh

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This is the best idea anyone's had on this entire board in a while.

2 is a straight upgrade of 1, so if you loved it then 100%.

Who are you quoting?

Anyone who thinks that Fallout 4's settlement building was a good addition to the series, worthwhile content or a good direction for the series whatsoever.

Never claimed it was a good addition/direction to and for the series, or that it was worthwhile content. Settlements are fucking terrible and the base building isn't very good at all, but it's managed to maintain my interest at least. Goddamn nigger, chill.

Well in that regard I take it back. it just seems weird that Fallout 4 grabbed you when New Vegas didn't considering 4 is like the most braindead entry.

As for whether it's cryptic. Not really. If you've ever played IRL /tg/ stuff it's fairly standard shit. At worst just make sure you give the manual a skim or look up Per's Ultimate Fallout Guide. it is one of the best RPGs ever made so its definitely worth giving a go.

user, it is clear that the game hasn't clicked with you. The bulding minigame did.
Maybe the isometric turn-base gameplay of FO1 and 2 will click with you more than the fps climates of later titles. I don't know. I will say that the combat in the older fallouts isn't the greatest. I bet you will either end up loving or hating FO1.


>Rope needed.
>Another Rope needed.
>ANOTHER Rope needed.
>Intruder: detected.

So of all things, something that isn't a good addition/direction to and for the series or worthwhile content managed to maintain your interest?
I recommend fucking Fortnite.

I was like 15 or something when I first played New Vegas and FO3 (I didn't actually own them, but not in a pirated sense, so I only got to experience so much of either of them) and there are plenty of games I wouldn't have been able to appreciate back then that I can now. It's almost like peoples tastes change or something. The idea of big open world games where you could just go anywhere didn't appeal to me for whatever reason at the time, but now I like those kinds of games. There are a bunch of things about FO4 I really don't like, and I ended up having to install a mod just to see what dialogue options I'd be choosing because I hated how simple the options were.

Fuck off, faggot.

F3 and New Vegas don't have that dialogue problem and neither do the old ones. They even have skills that matter during dialogue. In the old ones you can even be a retard if your int is low enough. You'll have to pick from stuff like "Me do! Me smash! You give shiny" or "I dun wanna do that"


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One possible retard (INT at or below 3) interaction in fallout 2 is that if you're female you can get drugged and raped by Myron. This isn't my fucking nostalgia, new games just don't do this kind of shit anymore.

You gain brouzouf.
You gain brouzouf.
You gain brouzouf.
You gain brouzouf.

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It's really a shame that no Falout game after 2 have low int dialogues. I loved to play as idiot in F1 and F2. Shit was so funny. Sure, FNV has a couple low int dialoges, but for the most part you retarded character speak normaly.

Doesn't Arthur get drugged and raped in a random encounter in RDR2?

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Lads, is Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel as bad as they say.
It's the only game in fallout franchise that I haven't played apart from 76, I was considering giving it a go but I want to know what I'm walking into here.

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How would you make radiation have that same impact in the 3D games, Yea Forums?

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>that feel when you melt cocks with a supercharged plasma caster left and right

even if i like NV, none of the 3D games were remotedly as satisfying as somehow targeting eyeballs with rocket launchers

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Thanks doc

How's tactics btw? I spent a while trawling through its item list for my /tg/ homebrew Fallout system and was impressed by the vastness of the armory compared to Fallout 2. I'm intrigued by isometric Midwest but put off pretty heavily by the shitty lore/canon stuff and I hate the idea of the Brotherhood being a powerful territory spanning nation/army.

>when people consider playing Brotherhood of Steel rather than 76
Todd on suicide watch

>Game sends you on an impossible suicide mission as a joke
Fuck you, I want my $1.50 back

Oh Fallout Tactics is actually pretty enjoyable, I recommend giving it a go. Yeah the lore is pretty retarded but other than that I thought it was a pretty decent game and there's even some humor in there with unique random encounters and shit.

The only pre-3d game where throwing is actually good, the whole story feels like a shitty mess between Terminator and Mad Max, vehicles are useless additiong, so is the driving skill.

This part of the game spooked the fuck out of me as a kid. Huge 'whatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo???' moment

I enjoyed it even if it wasn't a traditional fallout title.
I'd recommend playing it in real time rather than turn based because turn based fucks the AI and they just spend most of their turns walking towards you not attacking.

>super mutants have zero resistance to energy weapons
>tag energy weapons and get it up to 200% by the halfway point
>turbo plasma gun
>break into Mariposa
>get a laser gatling
>absolutely fucking obliterate everything that even thinks about coming within a mile of you

I feel like modern RPGs don't have this progression at all, either WRPGs or JRPGs.
I miss CRPGs where your endgame build would make you a literal god who could make people explode just by looking in their general direction.

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showing the physical signs of radiation poisoning


I miss this too
It's so satisfying to start off as basically a malnourished hobo and spend 20 hours working up to demigodhood

Cabbot doesn't, but the nameless guard next to him does

>walk all the way down to the Glow
>you forgot the rope

>start the game as a 16 year old frail tribal girl who can barely stave off a radroach
>become a porno star in power armour and sleep with mafia bosses' wives while my pet mutant marcus waits outside the door

fug i miss the 90s vidya industry

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Cucking Bishop followed by killing his psycho daughter is the best thing.
Ms. Bishop is a nice woman

It's pretty shitty. I did a play through just cause I love Fallout so much. It's pretty much just mowing down enemy after enemy after enemy and it gets old very fast, especially in the final area. It's not that long though, so you could give it a go for completion's sake like i did

Haha what, I never knew about this. Guess it's time to make a new character

I fucking love FO1 and 2 but I wish it were possible to talk about FO4 in these threads without you guys sperging out because I love that game too, just for different reasons

FACT: Fallout 2 is an unfinished and outright broken mess of a game that ruined the lore and legacy of the first game.

What did you like about it? I swear to God if you say the settlements I'm going to find you and beat your shins with a frozen whiffle ball bat.

Theres no hope for you shitlips. Stick with Minecraft

The companions and the arcadey combat. Don't get me wrong, I'd like it a fuck of a lot more of it was an actual RPG but I still had a lot of fun with it.

At least it was before radscorpions fucked everythang up.

Fallout 1 is too scary for me.

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reminder that real life radiation is fucking terrifying
he is still alive and can feel everything in this pic btw

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What the fuck were they thinking with that unavoidable cargo hold full of high level monsters at the end of 2? If you weren't playing a combat character you were fucked

Rushed ending.


My favourite location because there was a bug that caused BoS radiation cure after visiting the Glow to super boost your stats. When I was a kid I thought it was a feature.

That's, understandable. Personally I only liked one or two of the companions.

The entire game was rushed to the point every location in the game has unfinished/bugged areas/quests, including the first town of the game.

I hated death screens in games
doubly awful if they had a little animation of your dude being killed or something


Fail states are just needlessly cruel. Dinosaur 3D Adventure scared the ever-living shit out of me as a small child because of what happens when you fail the game where you're going around looking for dinos or whatever.

>2 is a straight upgrade of 1
it's just quantity over quality

Why didn't he just take some RadAway?
Fucking n00b

I went there, picked the item and returned to the assholes without radx

No, you eat the pills

completely agree, fuck that reddit humor too

Fallout 4 is shit without SimSettlements

I mean, different branches in areas and different times kind of help, as some branches are ok. That said, I killed them in 1 after that "just a prank, bro," bullshit

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I just want F1/F2 with changed combat to be more xcom/xenonauts like rather than conpletly random
I might sound like heretic but I just want to have more Control over the combat

why would you keep him alive
the levels of cruelty

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It's only the complete disintegration of him at a genetic level, they thought they could fix him

Combination of normaltard "morality" and wanting to see what happens.

>they thought they could fix him
They didn't, he was a guinea pig because they saw it as opportunity to study how people suffer from high gamma radiation exposure.

>this sort of music was replaced by happy chirpy 50s songs

you only need 2 doses of radx to complete the entire series. (nufallout is a different game series entirely)

You can buy Rad-X and Rad-Away at The Hub. Grab some rope and hope your weapon skills are up to par

just turn off the radio

The Fallout/2 soundtrack is still one of my favourites after all this time. Most of the songs sound so creepy and ethereal, shit gives me goosebumps

The only viable melee is the supersledge

play Atom RPG

the cathedral was creepy as shit


would the mmo have been any good?


you mean failout 76?
nope its cancer

>go for a perfect ending for all settlements in FO1
>remember i forgot to kill the Khans once the ending cutscene played

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If you don't use rad-X you die from radiation. Making it dangerous.


Yes, but it has nothing to do with stats which makes the situations low INT gets you into in FO2 that much more special.

I have some good memories with Fonline Reloaded, but the real time combat was wonky af

>Mfw alcohol really does make non-incels more charismatic
>Mfw med-x is literally just opiods canonically
>Mfw mentats are real
Where the fuck is my RadX? I want to go check out Pripyat

Behind Rivet City is an area you can explore

I fucking love this song. As a kid I'd always picture a morning desert scene with the sun peaking over the hills illuminating bleached skeletons still sitting in rusted cars on old broken highways and shit. Melancholy as all fuck while still having a sense of beauty to it.

Hearing it again in New Vegas was the biggest nostalgia boner I've every experienced from a game.

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>>Mfw alcohol really does make non-incels more charismatic
it even make incels more charismatic to the point they could become non incels

no, the interplay one

skyrim is like this
i dont play many modern games though

It's really not
It's got that godawful system where the world levels up with you
The only difference is places you've previously explored are pegged at the level you were at when you originally visited them

So yeah, in one playthrough you might visit "n00b cave" and it's filled with rats because you're at level 0, but in another playthrough you visit at level 35 and it's filled with blood dragons or supreme deathlordrapemasters or whatever Skyrim has I don't remember

The part that i don't get is that if what people liked about FO4 was the settlement shit then there are way better alternatives out there than FO4

Joke's on you, I already have cancer.

If you travelled anywhere without rope after learning your lesson from Vault 15, you are a silly billy.

this honestly

It had nothing to do with morals it was "for science!".
Poor dude lived almost two months like that, if I recall correctly.

>2 is a straight upgrade of 1
Not really


never forget, big pharma is more interested in jewing you in every way, including coercing hospitals into snipping foreskin asap for use in facial creams. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you're hurt in a very rare manner, it might be more worthwhile to off yourself before you get restrained for life

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what was his name?

There's only been like a handful of times where radiation felt like an actual threat and gameplay mechanic in Fallout games, and this is the best example.

Nah, I'm Jewish

>remember getting emails from Harold i think on my old email where he would talk about the upcoming MMO and fallout bible type stuff

and then the legal issues arose. Man bethesda a shit

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Hisashi Ouchi

>friend is round on tuesday
>get drunk
>buy fallout 76 for something to do
>hungover all wednesday
>remember I bought it for eight quid
>play it
Fucking hell, I really didn't think it could be that bad, but it's completely irredeemable - eight pounds is far too much, let alone £60 at launch, what the fuck happened to my franchise
I've spent hundreds of hours on Fallout, 2 and new vegas - hell, I've even played a hundred plus on 3 and that's shite, but I never thought they'd publish a game that buggy and unfinished, bearing in mind it came out F I V E months ago

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It's not just the bugs (but that is a huge part).
The game isn't made to be played for hundred of hours. It has inferior building mechanics than Rust, worse quests than any other Fallout, worst shooting than any other FPS out there, nearly nonexistent RPG mechanics, and shits on the lore harder than 3 ever did (not as much as 4 though).

76 was such a fucking monkey's paw for me. A bit after 4 came out, I'd go into those Fallout wishlist threads and say I want the next game to be set somewhere with a more varied landscape, with mountains, canyons with more natual verticality, basically something different from what they did in 3 and 4 which was set it in boring flat shitholes with a bombed out major city full of iconic landmarks plopped down in the middle for good measure and a bit more like New Vegas without the invisible walls everywhere. And I got just that. But it happened to be in Fallout 76.

Goddamn son of a bitch.

>also called "the Glow"
>what could it possibly mean in the context of a post-apocalyptic setting I wonder...

One of several casual filters in this game. Love it. Top atmosphere and lots of xp and loot with a ton of danger on top.

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thanks doc

Sho Nuff obvi

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upgrade in mechanics, downgrade in quality of the story desu

ia nigga gained lots of great backstory if he managed to survive exploring it there were

Loved the Gatling Laser. So beautiful and powerful. Only downside was its low magazine capacity of only 30 rounds. But that thing MELTED fuckers left and right. And the sound effect is the best thing: Fast enough to be a gatling, slow enough to enjoy every single laser blast, plus that delicious windup.

Even more hilarious with the over the top death animations. Aw yissssssss

>Numer one mod for F3, FNV and F4 is adding this baby right in

Attached: H&K L30 Gatling laser.png (148x65, 4K)

I’ve never really used the gatling laser, but your post convinced me to try it out next time. I’ve never been a big fan of big guns or energy weapons in the classic Fallout games due to them being pretty rare until the late game.

Go to /vg/ then if you want to talk about Fallout 4.

It doesn't make much sense for either the VD or Chosen to know how to use them at the start anyway. Just pick up the tag perk later.

Big Guns are definitely not the best pick in the first game, but among the things that were definitely improved in the sequel.

Yes i can see why that would put you off. There are various fan patches and addons that add "early game" energy weapons and make getting the ammo for them easier. But in vanilla fo1 the first energy weapon i can remember getting is a plasma pistol in the sewers of Necropolis.

Energy weapons were never an early game option, true. The gatling laser is a lot more usable than the 5mm minigun because ammo is a lot more plentiful when you first get the weapon. All those mutants and their laser rifles have MFcells. A single burst from the L30 costs 10 units of ammo with a maximum cap of 30, so 3 bursts max before reloading. A bit of an ammo hog but seriously good. Even more so if you get perks that increase your ranged damage because that increases the damage of every single hit. It also has a tighter spread than most other automatic weapons, which is a big plus.

Clearing out the cathedral and Mariposa base are easy with this weapon due to the short ranges and distances, lots of doors and tightly cluttered enemies. You can often bait the enemy into running straight into your face before you unload on point blank range. And that means 0% spread and thus 10 of 10 hits per burst.

Pic related will never happen to you with that sweet baby

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All I ever did here was head straight for the parts to continue the quest. Was there anything else worthwhile inside that I missed?

Not really. Fallout 1 is actually quite a short game with little side content

I really don't get it. I understand that the music used in the intros of Fallout 1 and 2 are used to evoke 50s nostalgia for the viewer, but why would it be all the music that people in an alternate 2077 listen to?

i like the way it works in 4. it makes radiation affect health so it is there and something to keep in mind so it reflects the radiated wasteland but also not completely overpowering.

For thematic reasons. Sure, it isn't very realistic, but Fallout has always valued eclectic stylistic choices over plausibility. All post-apocalyptic fiction is a reflection of history.

are you a fucking moron? you do realize 3 and 4 have an actual soundtrack?


because no one has made music in the intervening years. so they found discs to play on the radio from before the bombs dropped i assume.

Not entirely true. New Vegas and even Fallout 4 had new songs people sing at clubs. The mysterious stranger's kid new-ish songs in the Tops Casino if you recruit him for the talent quest and that one chick in Fallout 4 sings original blues-ish stuff in Goodneighbor.

how unfortunate

>all these replies btfo'ing this seething brainlet
sometimes i'm proud of you, Yea Forums

>Handful of replies in a thread with 150+ posts
Yeah, so fucking btfo.