Why are game writers so lazy?
It's a "Big Bad is afraid of an even BIGGER Bad" story
my penis hurts a little
I didn't expect to laugh this hard
Yeah, this is great.
>white guy afraid of black guy
What did god mean with this?
Orcas are brutal, they'll rip a shark to pieces for fun
Mammals are overpowered.
Yeah. And sharks know this. Theyve recorded a white shark smelling a bunch of orcas and not stopping swimming away until it was on the other side of the planet.
Probably the same thing he meant by pure white snowy owls being far bigger and stronger than any of the various brown owls
>Church is bad, but they oppose the BIGGER bad
I don't get it
how is one of the greatest motivators to do evil lazy writing?
fear makes people abandon their children and family, betray their friends, commit crimes and murders.
fearing someone specific and coming to the conclusion that to either protect yourself from or defeat them you have to become as ruthless and cruel as them is only logical.
none of that is lazy writing, and not even an overused trope.
what are you even on about?
It comes from Roman times. Big bads (Germanics) were afraid of Hungarians
And they'll avoid an area for up to a year even if the orca they smelled was only passing through.
Did you seriously feel insecure enough to post that?
That just means you're growing down there. I should know, because my sister's tits got sore once and they swelled up like crazy the following year.
>bozgor delusions
Never fails to make me laugh.
Honestly, most aquatic animals are absolutely terrified of orcas. Sperm whale babies are regularly used as kickballs by them and dolphins use elaborate evasion maneuver when they see them on the prowl. Theyre basically the babadooks of the ocean, so I wonder why seaworld chose them as their mascot.
>Implying this is lazy writing.
>here is why
And That's a Good Thing
>Theyre basically the babadooks of the ocean,
>sperm whales
Doubt. They're about 2-3 times bigger than orcas.
Fuck, I can hear it
What's wrong with babadook?
Why didn't you say the same thing to the guy he replied to?
Orcas in groups try to drown whales. Its never been recorded theyve succeeded in this but people suspect they do sometimes since theyve been observed doing this multiple times. You have to keep in mind whales cant really defend themselves against orcas and they know this. So they just bully them for fun or for eating them, who knows.
You are both little babies.
S. O. Y.
(((sperm whale)))
>What did god mean with this?
Orca whales consider the Great White Sharks liver a delicacy, but mostly Orcas just like to torture and kill aquatic animals they see as dumber or inferior to them. Orca Whales are smart enough to understand and derive entertainment from torture. Orcas will also kill Baleen Whales (especially calves) so they can eat their tongue in a similar manner.
Orcas aren't interested in the rest of the meat though and will abandon the carcass to carry on the hunt.
It goes both ways though as all the other races of Whale fucking DESPISE Orcas and will actively sabotage their hunts and deprive them of food if they can.
>hurr fucking whitey
I really can't understand niggers and niggerposters.
Their echo location can boil you alive.
>Black and White
>Grey and white
And you're terrified of both of them
i actually don't know what a babadook is
Why are you faggots lying? The only great whites that are known to be killed by orcas are juveniles. Orcas never go after adult ones, and an adult great white could easily take an adult orca 1v1.
Decent horror movie, not much else to say really
Not if I'm on a boat.
>using feet
How much is that in oranges and doorknobs?
>t. great white shark
>Orca Whales are smart enough to understand and derive entertainment from torture
Part of me finds Orcas to be fucking dope, mainly because they’re smart as shit and have virtually no intention of hurting humans. But then I’m reminded how they enjoy torture and I’m back at being skeptical if they are worth empathizing.
this is
Okay but when is an Orca ever alone?
>if they are worth empathizing.
They aren't. Day the oil lamp was invented was the best day of my life.
Fun fact: There is no such thing as a great white shark. They are just called white sharks but for some reason almost every faggot on the planet insists on calling them "great" white sharks.
They don't live together 24/7, nerd. Members can break off and they spend some time on their own even when they're part of their group.
they're also called white pointers, or just great sharks. people use the word 'great' because they're bloody gigantic and terrifying.
>hurr they're all faggots hurr
fuck off, wanker
Jesus, what did orcas ever do to you?
based common sense poster
>people use the word 'great' because they're bloody gigantic and terrifying
No. People use the word "great" because they think the name actually is "great white shark". It's just "white shark".
>called killer whales
>they're actually dolphins
Orcas are sea niggers
I dislike whales, they are only fit to power our light sources and feed Nip schoolchildren.
>or just great sharks
I like this. “What kind of shark is that?” “A great one. He’s absolutely fantastic.”
okay, how are killer whales belong to "penguin" family?
It’s because the name comes from the Spanish word for whale killer, but it got lost in translation so it became killer whale rather than whale killer.
They're black and white, retard.
>called killer whales
>can kill whales
>not called whale killers
>imperial units
lol get me shark in yards per gallon next time
>faggots lying
I know retards like you have shit reading comprehension but there are videos on youtube as proof, do minimal research next time you braindead faggot.
>adult great white could easily take an adult orca 1v1.
Retard, an orca is 5 times the size of a great white
>feed Nip schoolchildren
i lol'd out loud. imagine little momorin tomoya opening her bento box at lunch and there being nothing but a chunk of raw whale inside.
No, there aren't. Kys faggot.
No, they aren't. And sharks can easily take something even twice their size cause of how aggressive and strong they are.
in chinese/japanese, the word for killer whale is 鯱, which is like wolf-fish or tiger-fish
It’s a good thing they aren’t whales retard.
>common killer whale hunting tactic is to drown fish.
The absolute mad lads.
Poor little shark boi
Name one game.
I’ve been cetaphobic since childhood, none of the adults could convince me that those deep sea gargantuan horrors are harmless.
what about this one?
>No, they aren't. And sharks can easily take something even twice their size cause of how aggressive and strong they are.
Well, the results are in and they don't look good for your faggy sharks.
>earlier this year the carcasses of five great whites washed ashore along South Africa’s Western Cape province. Ranging in size from 2.7 metres (9ft) to 4.9 metres (16ft), the two females and three males all had one thing in common: holes puncturing the muscle wall between the pectoral fins. Strangest of all, their livers were missing.
>The bite marks inflicted, together with confirmed sightings indicate that orcas, Orcinus orca, were responsible for this precisely-targeted predation.
>Analysis of white shark livers in particular shows an extremely high total lipid content, dominated by triacylglycerols (>93%). This results in an energy density that is higher than whale blubber. For the sharks this serves as an energy storage unit to fuel migrations, growth and reproduction (Pethybridge et al 2014). For the orcas this is like eating a deep fried Mars Bar with added vitamins. Generally speaking, livers contain vitamin C, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin A, iron, sodium and of course fat, carbohydrate and protein energy sources.
>Since the attraction of this delicacy to the orca is clear, how exactly does an orca go about removing a great white shark’s liver? The evidence we have shows that it is done with some precision – the shark carcasses were not obliterated.
Please explain
>they’re smart as shit and have virtually no intention of hurting humans
They used to kill people all the time. The survivors have learnt to not get uppity.
>During a 1997 encounter off the Farrallon Islands off the coast of San Francisco, a group of whale watchers witnessed an orca ramming into the side of a great white shark, momentarily stunning it and allowing the orca to flip it over and holding it in place (ventral/belly up) for around 15 minutes, after which the orca began consuming its prey, much to the surprise of the whale watchers on board. A similar incident was captured on film off Costa Rica in 2014 – this time the orca’s prey was a tiger shark. And it’s not just sharks; orcas have been observed doing the same to stingrays too.
>What the orcas were exploiting to their own advantage is a curious phenomenon known as “tonic immobility” (TI). This is a natural state of paralysis, which occurs when elasmobranchs are positioned ventral side up in the water column. For certain species of shark like the great white, which is unable to pump water across its gills unless it keeps swimming, the consequence of being maintained within this ‘tonic’ state for too long is final. Effectively, the orcas have learned how to drown their prey whilst minimising their own predatory exertion.
that's just a white Argentinian, user
>posts quotes but no source
OH nononononononoon
How many football stadiums is that?
Orcas kill Great whites by flipping them over and keeping them like that. It will cause them to drown eventually.
At least the tactic has been observed the few times we actually see the interaction happen in the wild.
Pethybridge HR, Parrish CC, Bruce BD, Young JW, Nichols PD. 2014. Lipid, Fatty Acid and Energy Density Profiles of White Sharks: Insights into the Feeding Ecology and Ecophysiology of a Complex Top Predator. PLoS ONE 5: e97877.
Kessel, ST, Hussey, NE. 2015. Tonic immobility as an anaesthetic for elasmobranchs during surgical implantation procedures. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. 72. 1-5.
McFarland, WN. 1959. A study of the effects of anaesthetics on the behaviour and physiology of fishes. Publication of the Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas at Austin, 6: 23–55.
That's wrong though.
Why do Orcas never attack humans?
Writers are perpetually afraid of making the main villain the actual endgame villain because that would be seen as "simple." They attempt to get around this by throwing in shifty twists about a real villain behind the scenes or some sort of unknown but realteable motivation for the villain, but since every piece of media over the course of the last couple decades has done this it's become an expectation rather than a play on expectations and I find myself desiring more villains that do bad shut because they think it's fun. It doesn't help that games are expensive and are 100% written by committee.
We taste like shit to them.
>being this insecure
The day the sea mammals rise i am immediately selling out humanity, ive already discussed it with with Big Blue via psychic communication in a sensory deprivation tank while high on DMT. Hope you niggers can grow gills cause this whole bitch is going underwater.
It's like shark attacks, it's actually rarer for people to have a deadly encounter with marine wildlife than you'd think.
Hey, user. Those posts were made over an hour ago. Don't be so insecure.
Some orcas in captivity have killed people.
Soi horror
>b-b-but OWLS
holy shit, the absolute state of whitey
>in captivity
They do.
fuck you user mom needed her ironing done
Despite their name, GWS are largely peaceful creatures while killer whales and orcas are absolute dicks. They're even worse than dolphins.
white sharks are racist