They shall know this dmc thread

they shall know this dmc thread

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Other urls found in this thread:!U6J1SIjZ!_pzYMdSM3WakGumWZT9ANlziZkEI0zhp14IxCu48Q1E!pzgiyaDL!ix06vTPok4ARCV5eaRXbbPR5e4A_22HJQhzhzBezlRs

Does anyone have a high res version of the final "jackpot" screen from DMC5?

Sure, but my 4K screenshots are home on my computer so look through the archive instead

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post combos

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goddamnit nero that's not how you cast spells

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Please stop bullying Trish.

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most efficient/safe way to deal with proto angelos as nero?
it takes so fucking long to kill them and just one missed hit removes my whole hp bar completely


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>no chairs at the little table in the middle
not worth opening

>little table

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>little table

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The bottom one looks kinda shitty

4 u

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you heard me fuckers

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To the user from last thread that asked, Enzo retired from being Dante's broker seemingly around DMC3 time where he introduced Dante to Morrison instead.
After that he became a relic hunter/pawn shop owner and he's the one Dante pawns his Devil Arms off to.
Dante also cut off his arm around the end of the anime due to some events with a demon gun so Dante feels like he owes a debt to Enzo that he can never repay, but he still sends money to him on the anniversary of that event every year.
Also, despite numerous run-ins with demons thanks to Dante and his own line of work, Enzo still doesn't believe in demons at all.


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murigan pissza eheheheheb lelelelle heheheh

Will it ever end

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They did the same thing during Vergil's reveal, is a subtle visual thing to show how much Vergil changed that you'll only get if you played 3 and remember it well.


Them fighting? no. Them fighting to kill/stop eachother? yes it did.

Does anyone know if it's possible to create a mod that stops models from disappearing when getting too close in the photo mode?
And/or removing the camera boundaries so you can freely place it

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See you on top of another tower, losers.

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Do you mean when they clash swords and Vergil doesn't struggle to hold his ground this time?

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No, when he fuses with urizen. I don't haev the image comparison on me, but essentially, it's a shot for shot recreation of dmc3 Vergil's reveal. Except reversed. This time instead of Vergil being in the dark, he's in the light, and instead of looking rihgt over his shoulder he's looking left. It's a neat little character thing they got across visually that they must've put in as a subtle character development nod. I love it.

But it will be a tower he raises in hell, that's the difference.

>want a good looking dmc5 yamato replica
>visit katana thread
>see prices
Why the fuck is it so expensive


why my pp hard whenever I look at dmc men

Hell is boring and their chairs suck.

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I like demons from dmc myself

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Because Yamato is not an easy girl.


good katanas = not cheap and worth more than that

Because you have good taste in men.


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Yamato is pure and for Vergil only, she's not a thot

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It's totally fine, user. Remember, it's not gay if it's DMC.

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So Yamato is the perfect swordfu ?

Because goddamn hair growing from the ground is unsettling. And not comfy.

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post shit that make your heart erect and throbbing

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>160cm of perfection

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Oh my

Why does he hold Yamato like a baseball bat?
I mean yeah, we got yet another Costanza edit out of it but...why?

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Trying Dante's way while Dante is trying Vergil's way.

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I love him

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that's a beautiful sundae

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It's the underworld it's supposed to be unsettling for humans. The fact that you feel that way means the art team did a great job.

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V's stupid fucking face in this makes me feel things

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probably to counter dante's unorth

Imagine how many times they tried to animate Vergil's hair.

if that's creme brulee and a sweet crust it's probably really good

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>It's another Tower of Power™

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Imagine how many people's souls were refilled when they saw this smile.

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>no cheese
this is good pizza

is it (you) time?

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Just seeing him again made me happy.

>how do we come back to the human world vergil? Will you open a portal with yamato?
>no, we are taking the stairs
>what stairs?

No, 6 is supposed to be shit and 7 will have it.

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No, it's Nero time.
Get out.

Every time is DMC time.

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that's fine too

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Well Yamato did hang out with Nero for a few years.
Even got repaired by his mere presence.
But it did basically return to Vergil very easily with the Bringer in tow.

Agreed. I was over the moon when that final trailer showed him and I damn near exploded when he got his redemption arc, smiling everywhere, and now chilling with Dante. Still so damn happy.

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When in the final cutscene they took each other's poses it was so kino
as was the "don't you dare say it"

Post more (you)s

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>most of the responses are V related
I knew it I knew everyone was just tsundere

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So think Nero as he is now could survive the events of DMC1 if he were in Dante’s place?

I'm not I don't like V

This games whole soundtrack is weightlifting music kino. I haven't been this absolutely motivated since doom 2016

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Well, Nero is heavier than Mundus, so.

Nero for being only quarter demon already could keep up with Dante in 4
And in 5 he manages to actually wound urizen as a cripple
I'd say the boy has done all he could to surpass his elders

Post catto

>end of DMC1
>the airplane can't go up because of deadweight

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That's the most chad cat I've seen

Absolutely crazy a dude throws a chunk of cheese doesn’t bother to spread it on the pizza and people actually pay more for it

Do you even know how mozzarella works

I respect your opinion friend
I don't have many fatto cattos on me but I have a very well painted catto

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It's weird to think that, as a cripple, Nero was actually stronger than pre-SIN Dante

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Pretty sure that's buffalo mozzarella on top of a thin layer of cheese. I do that with my homemade pizza sometimes

Dante in DMC4 novel had already suggested that Nero had more raw power. I think this is in parts because of his anger, but also because of his spectral abilities that he uses to augment himself, and the fact that they can shift and change shape is a pretty big deal. In DMC4 he grew one so big it was able to fit around saviours whole face and crush it. We don't really know his limit yet.

Because Nero is Vergil's son. If swords really have feelings then I'd imagine it was fine with being under the care of Vergil's son while he wasn't around.

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God damn it now I got to get a pizza

Where were you when the autistic screeching of a seething kid actually canonically won

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>this pic
Fuck anons, how can one sword be so damn beautiful? I think I'm actually getting weird feelings towards a katana.

>even Yamato knew Nero is Vergil's son
>a fucking sword
>"Nero is my son?"

Even Griffon knew. Vergil is autistic as fuck and I kind of feel him, considering Nero...

dmc made me realize how cute autists are

So I completed DmC: Devil May Cry yesterday and Donte is such a scuffed Nero it's not even funny.
>helps out a an organization called the order
>whips/grapples instead of a bringer
>literally says SLAM DUNK
The writing is ridiculously bad though. Am I mistaken or did Vorgil actually hack, demonic shit? LOL and why is everyone so weak in this game, Mundus spawn was killed by a gun shot? wut.

>you can use the right stick to make the character look around in the Use Orb? screen.
Neat, but why?

>griffon knew
Hoping they put that scene in the manga. It's just weird that griffon knew but v didn't.

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I take it you don't play movie games.

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Does it mean that Mundus knew?

>even his fucking nightmares knew it

>apparently everyone but Vergil knew
>not one of them fucking told him
No wonder Vergil feels so alone all the time, it's because he fucking is.

That scene was a clusterfuck.
After the gunshot you can see Donte absorb a bunch of bullets from the cops like nothing.

thank you for reminding me of this robo autist hes good too

I want to hold Vergil's delicate hands

I forgot how cute he is

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Well, Dante did.

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That conversation with Yamato would have been pretty funny.

Perhaps the implication is that V considered the possibility, but ultimately decided to ignore the problem entirely.
Or I'm just reading way too far into it.

Jesus christ!

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>he's taken irl.
help can't cope.

Nothing wrong with appreciating pure beauty, user

If he ignored, then Vergil really is stupid, isn't he?

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is that a cropped comic

Well, if human blood is what allowed Vergil and mundus to go super Saiyan shouldn't Nero, being 3/4 human have more latent power than Dante and Vergil?
He is definitely less resilient, since the brothers are shown quickly recovering even from being sliced in two when he passes out from having a gladius in his chest and gets the arm cut off (which took him a month to regrow)

Maybe he thought Nero was Dante's kid or yes, ignored it entirely because Verg's priorities were always the only thing he cared about, quite literally.

I am only in for cute, user. You got to get used to it !

O-oh my. Post more

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>It's been like 20 years since you walked on Earth and a kid that sort of looks like you is hanging around your TWIN brother
Yeah, who could possibly get it wrong

He was only at partial power at that time, and after activating his DT it regrow instantly, Dante has never done such and Dante has also been knocked out for a prolonged time before healing many times before. This very game he was unconcious for a month, when Nero was in a coma for only a few days lol

It's possible that Vergil had doubts but simply deeply denied that he ever had a son, maybe out of fear



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>ywn intertwine fingers with Vergil
>ywn stroke the back of his hand with your thumb
>ywn run your thumb along his knuckles

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>V dying means the Chaos Legion gameplay dies with him
>Capcom won't ever have another character that refines the V gameplay.


>Capcom won't ever have another character that refines the V gameplay.
they can always make summoner/sorcerer patty

>cum inside
>what could possibly go wrong

>ywn put your hand on his tenderly and tell him that you will protect and love him.

I am 100% sure it is all one guy trying to force this summoner patty meme

>Vergil really is stupid, isn't he?
Do you really need to ask? He's a fool

What will Vergil say once he see Lady and Trish around Dante in his office doing nothing but eat pizza


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Connor>Bryan though.


I said fuck off to Subhuman and changed Dante's battle theme to Lock and Load

Fuck you.

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I'm not a fan of giving one character another character's gameplay desu, it feel cheap

But he's a sophisticated man.

>I recognize these thots. One of these is our mother and the other is that shrine maiden from the tower.
>What did our father Sparda teach us about thots, Dante?

Kick them out.

"I'm glad to see you look so well, Mary. Oh and hello to you who is absolutely not my mommy"

I'm now imagining scenes just accompanied by Yamato's internal monologue.
>"Yay, Vergil is back!"
>"You don't look so good. I got broken myself, but your son over here helped fix me. I've been looking after him for you for a few years."
>"Wait, what are you doing? Why are you- oh."

So, the more diluted in human blood the demon blood gets, the stronger its owner becomes?


Don't worry, anons, we'll survive this.

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>Not Ultra Violet


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I really don't think demon shit works on the same level as human biology. Clearly, it's some mystical element that doesn't get diluted.

>calling his mother a thot

>Glad to see you look so well
>How repulsive

If he's so sophisticated why did he have such an unga son?

Suffering defeat after defeat!

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Grandpa's influence and succubus mom.


Unga? his son is an olympic champion, when's the last time Vergil danced with grace around a van.

The streets of Fortuna are a harsh environment.

Maybe I should start making a separate folder for Yamato, I wish I had more nice pic of it. Such a beautiful sword.

Damn now Yamato really sounds like a pure devoted girl

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>Instead he uses his wings and flies away while carrying Trish in his arms

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these kind of posts always happen on DMC threads.
Doppleganger Vergil is monitoring

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You know, that would've been an unironical kino.

But Trish isn't his mother, user. Just a lookalike thot.

He left the fortune telling business and left his doppelganger in charge?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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Good. V's sections are the very reason I will never do DMD difficulty.

Trish would probably mention how she saved him from falling off a cliff if vergil starts bitching at her.
>im not your mummy vergil.

>You will meet a dark handsome stranger
I don't wanna meet the emo hes 6'8 and it scares me

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Nico or EX Lady's glasses modded onto everyone WHEN

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>Not "You will meet a handsome Dark Slayer"

I have some serious doubts.

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God fucking wish atleast Griffon and Shadow stayed with Vergil, it'd be nice for him to just appear with a fucking pet Jaguar

Now that i am home i will share you my image and more if you want

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>wanting Vergil's nightmares to continue to exist with him and trouble him for the rest of eternity.

Let me introduse you to Faceless-kun

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Anybody has the "While you were eating pizza, i studied the blade" yadda yadda with vergil?

Vergil walking around the city with a pet jaguar sounds like a perfect episode for the slice of life DMC anime.

This. They had to die to cleanse Vergil, he's only chilled now because all his demons have been dealt with.

and i manage to misquote once more

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literally the best April Fools DMC threads ever

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Even Griffon only is enough

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No bulli
Still better than Retarded Vergil

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Could you imagine the thoughts within the blade during the Nero vs Vergil fight during the Buster animation?
Or even during the scene where Vergil split himself in 2?

Chuuni as fuck: the pic

I know they had to die for the story but I would've taken asspull bullshit for more of them.

>retarded Vergil
but thats just normal Vergil

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Vergil looks cute in those scenes

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>imagine it's thoughts as it's entering Vergil

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>the trauma Vergil experienced as Nelo Angelo was enough that it created three life forms out of his existence because he didn't just want to split his human and demon sides, he also wanted to cut his trauma away from his psyche.
>V's entire existence is just his human side using his trauma as a crutch.

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Based. there is another one however.

Meanie. He has autism.

No bullying the retarded please.

I just want you to know that you're making it even worse with that webm. But he's really cute when he's irritated.

They're not bound to him though, unless he's absolutely triggered by the thought of them existing even if they're separated

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stoobid vergils are made for bullying and protecting from other bullies so only you can bully them

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>Vergil confronts Mundus or some other villain
>Mundus/villain asks how he's gonna stop him
>Vergil somehow summons a giant tower & destroys his entire base
character development

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How do I S rank mission 10, God damn

Am I wasting time going through all three timed doors?

I spam Royal Guard during Urizen. I keep getting around 4950.

I would suspect most people wouldn't want to see their trauma once it was personified. Given they are thought given form I would put a strong case out that unless they're trying to push a "Vergil has conquered his trauma" angle then it wouldn't really be something most people would wish to deal with.

On the other hand, Vergil using summons alongside his normal moveset as a combo Dark Slayer/V would be an odd but fun idea.


is there a megaupload or some shit of the ost yet? frankly i thought the deluxe edition would include it. i'm broke until summer and i need some running tracks


>Nero can summon giant hands
>Vergil summons towers
>Dante can only summon debts

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>vergil is annoyed by nero because he's such an unga
>only finds him less annoying when they're fighting

he's not 6'8'

That's lewd

better that than some webm for foolish ants

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If she looked like that in game i wouldn't

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That's what Dante is for.

he is big and scary
you will never change my mind

>Vergil DLC
>Nero is the final boss

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Bad quality lessens the pain.

Download the tracks from youtube or something.I think the OST is on spotify so if you can figure out a way to either download the spotify audio or record it, you can do that.

I'm amazed how some people were actually surprised at Urizen being Vergil, or more accurately half of Vergil, with how much they practically tell you it directly at the beginning of the game.
>Giant tower erected in a city
>Hooded figure wearing a long coat and fingerless gloves says he's "taking back" Yamato
>V says Urizen took Nero's arm

Nero has only two faces - "I have no idea what the fuck is going on" and UNGA

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>Nero's there to bring him and Dante back to the human world
>he's become a bit cocky because he won the last fight and thinks he can bring Vergil back by force
>Vergil curb stomps him
It would be so good

Nero would be absolute bullshit to fight against because being on the receiving end of Busters and Snatches would feel absolutely overwhelming.!U6J1SIjZ!_pzYMdSM3WakGumWZT9ANlziZkEI0zhp14IxCu48Q1E flac!pzgiyaDL!ix06vTPok4ARCV5eaRXbbPR5e4A_22HJQhzhzBezlRs mp3

Not to mention Exceed attacks fit perfectly as attacks a boss would use

youre objectively wrong though. he's about 6'3'

early morning threads are my favorite
its so chill


Attached: Devil May Cry 5 2019.03.27 - (1390x1816, 1.88M)

Vergilfags in denial kek.
>V says Urizen took Nero's arm
There were theories that v might have been lying about it to get nero to fight urizen

thats still pretty big and scary I am shaking in my boots

How can we make Nero boss fight balanced? Fuck he'll most likely have a full (8) set of random arms every time you fight him.

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Don't jinx it, fucker.


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>scripted to lose

No vergil

Well is it really a complete lie? More of a half-truth as it would be more accurate if V said both him and Urizen took Nero's arm.

hottie in the back too
why is everyone so hot in this game god damn it

Holy fucking shit DMC2 is a fucking snoozefest, i was already bored a little with DMC1 but this one is just on another level, fuck the retard who said to play all the DMCs, can i just skip this shit and play DMC5 already ?

Every time you think skeletons are scary, remember you have one inside you, user.

>Nero boss fight
>devil breakers
>D bringer
L-lads don't give them ideas, I'm scared

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I want this skeleton inside of me.

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Skip 2, it's irrelevant in every way. Whoever tells you to play it just wants you to suffer like they did.


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Fuck balance have him come at Vergil full force but because he's so UNGA Vergil gets around it and wrecks him. It would be a good lesson for a father to teach a son in their line of work that Nero needs to work on his technique if he wishes to truly excel.

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Absolutely, but I really recommend you to play 3 first.

Even if he was just saying it to motivate Nero, it's still not much of a lie.

I don't like that
I should've seen this coming

I want to see him coming.

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>yfw it uses your data from when you fought Vergil

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Make his Buster a rare move that you can counter with a perfect timing Judgement cut or by going sin at the right time?
Give him a lot of wind up for (like how Judgement Cut end was hyper telegraphed) so it's mainly your fault if you get hit.
If he tries to snatch you, instead make it always automatically do Hellbound instead.
So instead of stunning you and dragging you to him, he instead just stays near to to keep up te presure.
He only starts DTing near the end of the fight because fighting DTed Nero would be even more bullshit.

Skip 2 but don't just jump to 5. 3 and 4 are 100% worth playing, especially 3. It's still being constantly debated on if 3 or 5 is better, that's how good 3 is.

Or another player

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>can just outright bully vergil with RG
Too much fun

A nero fight would be the most annoying shit ever.

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Thank fucking god, onward to 3 then thanks anons

Imagine bullying possibilities.

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Only two missions away from S ranking everything but HnH bros.
Wish me luck

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>teach nero technique
>got defeated by nero's own technique

That's before we found out v is apart of vergil. It was a theory vergilfags mentioned because they didn't want their husbando to be urizenthought it was mundus or someone associated with him.

The best part about 3 is that you'll already know why we told you to play it within the first 30 minutes.

>*dancing in the distance*

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Fug Yea Forums ate my spoiler

I don't know why they thought even if he was Urizen that Itsuno would pass up the chance to bring actual Vergil back at the end of it all in the DMC game he's wanted to make for a decade.

And Vergil has lost to Dante before yet they're even now and that's without bringing up new shit he could obtain and learn in his own DLC. I also mentioned that Nero would be cocky which would play against him. Many factors to consider user.


They got the best outcome out of all the characterfags.

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But.......cocky unganess literally makes him perform better kek

how to s-rank 18

What would he even teach him?
Nero loves brute force but he has plenty of skill to back it up already.
I doubt Nero could learn to Judgement Cut with his spectral Yamato.
I guess maybe teach Nero how to Summoned Sword Properly or finally learn how to Trick?

Make a deal with the hat.

Actually when he performed his best it was because he was desperate to be accepted by Vergil.


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thanks lads. the duel is an amazing running song

cm of perfection
Did we got the measurements? I know left the thread when we found out Yamato isn't a Odachi, but a big katana.

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Dante's gonna have a bad time

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Hope you guys have a productive motivated day. I've been pretty productive so far. Hit the gym at 7am like a boomer and got some homework done already

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Welcome, user. You might want to join the files, since the intro and main theme are two different tracks. I did.

>i'm only 10 cm bigger than yamato
j u s t

He literally smacked dante, told them both it ends here like a cocky sob, and then went on to curse daddy out every 5 seconds.

Not exacts, just a rough estimate in the 140-160cm range depending on Vergil's height.
Either way it's a big fucking thing

It's an amazing lifting song too desu. Especially if you're going for reps

Yeah, it's approx 155-160cm

>Always die once in DMD V levels
>A score

I just run out of steam at some point. God damn it. Should I get more mileage out of reading?

I woke up at 2 am and I studied a bunch, then helped my father with some stuff in the garden. Now it's time for some DMC3

these are so cool

At least you're not shorter.

You're like a baby. Watch this.

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Because he didn't want to lose his family, huge motivation right there that wouldn't be present in any other situation.

Can someone post a closeup of Vergil's eyes?

I wanna try to make it irl, it would be a nice decoration sword. The more information i get the better

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Here you go

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He was still being a cocky sob either way. Unganess got him through Urizen shield, Unganess got him through Vergil. Vergil should be asking HIM how to unga, so he can finally beat Dante kek

Jesus fuck i love DMC5 Yamato, really like it how they did the handle more ornamented

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good luck user
im only on mission 8 dmd myself and it feels like endurance test

He did beat Dante though that's why they're even. and being UNGA saw Nero get spanked by Urizen more than once, hell he never even defeated Urizen he needed Dante for that.


Hope you're getting enough sleep user

I honestly didn't think old Yamato could be topped as one of the sexiest swords in vidya but they somehow managed to go ever better with 5's Yamato.
It's all the little touches like the demon skin tsuka-ito or the fancy hamon of the blade

Doing a college exam right now kek

Unga got a handicapped Nero using no powers through a shield that Dante never cannonically destroyed himself in a DT form.
>equal to dante
Dante completely spanked a fruit eaten Urizen.

Dear anons. Since the thread is so comfy I feel like sharing something in the hope of getting you motivated. A week ago I had a job interview. I was so tired before going (only got 30 minutes of sleep because of anxiety) so I had to drink the strongest coffee of my life to get some energy. On my walk to the place of the said interview I listen to Devil Trigger and The Duel, which are my favorite DMC5 songs. It motivated me so much, and guess what : I got the job . Never give up, even if the situation seems desperate !

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Ah I know what this is now, you're a Nerofag.

>shorter than yamato
I want vergil to swing me around

Can a normal human wield Yamato? We know demons can use shards to enter the human world, but what about a simple human using Yamato as a portal-making JC weapon?

Online exams are the best

Wish you luck

Fucking this, when the scene of Vergil ripping Nero's arm off and Yamato showed up got leaked, i fell in love with that tsuka-ito. I never really gave a damn about older DMCs Yamato but 5 design is fucking godlike

Yeah I don't know why people keep bringing up this "technique" crap, clearly Nero doesn't need it. His power comes from his strength and anger, that's his character, not technique. That's Vergil's thing.

Godspeed user

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thanks bud

>i want nero to be cocky and get destroyed by vergil
And you're a vergilfag, desperate for Vergil to one up Nero lol, because you're buttmad about that ending.

I've actually thought about that a bit and came to the semi-conclusion that you probably need demonic energy to actually use the demonic properties of a Devil Arm. Kind of like the user infusing their own energy into the weapon to bring its properties out.

So say a regular human like Lady used something like Beowulf. She could probably wear them and use it to punch and kick just fine, but never be able to access the demonic or elemental properties of it, essentially just making it a pair of fancy gauntlets and boots.
However the audio CD does have an instance of one of Machiavelli's demonic guns taking over its human wielder and essentially going out of control, so perhaps that might also be the case for real Devil Arms.

Granted, this is all conjecture and is likely to be wrong in a lot of ways, but it's what I've cobbled up in my head.

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>16k and fucking 18k moonbucks

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>buttmad about Vergil and Dante chilling in hell
Lol. No instead I'm trying to find a justifiable reason for them to fight and have Nero learn something in said fight to give it more weight, you however are unable to handle anything happening to your husbando.

good job user. I'm almost out of college so I got to start job hunting here soon too.

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plus theres the fact that the weapons have to sort of submit to the user right? because the weapons themselves are demons. I can't imagine they would let a mere human use them

I admit I've been feeling aimless and discouraged lately but seeing this makes me want to do better, thanks

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But Yamato and Rebellion aren't Devil Arms

They weren't that bad

Because why? the guy who had to teach his own father a lesson, needs counseling? wut. Nero's playstyle and character is rough and aggressive. That's not changing. He does not need to be either Dante or Vergil. Every game, people can't accept he is his own character. Even after giving him a completely different distinct mechanic, still you insist on wanting him to be one of the two. He doesn't need to be, they fill those roles already. Nero is Hulk. Accept it.

I just mean devil arms. like If crew cut picked up Cerberus I doubt it would let him use it

Yeah it's just that I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I went to sleep at 8.

Not him but i got memed pretty hard agains the double judecca in 9. Sure i haven't touched V ever since BP came out but i felt that i either had to spam too much or play super passively

mfw i'm shorter than yamato

Is that intestine at the centre of attack?

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I feel ya.

I hear this every night before drifting to sleep after playing dmc5
jesus fuck
Nero is also my least favorite playable since 4SE due to his bricky gameplay with no blinks at all kinda reminds me of 2 and 1 which I had to endure
When will he stop haunting me?

>Bricky gameplay
I honestly like to play as Nero, probably because of the Exceed mechanic. Obviously Dante is way more fun, but 2's gameplay is the only one I don't like.

DD2's gonna have a summoner class, mark my words.

Vergil has now obtained his ultimate weapon. Not even Dante can stop him now!

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>I hear this every night before drifting to sleep after playing dmc5
Will you awoke the demon inside you and have a jojo stand too?

And Nero is wearing his super costume

>10 points off from S ranking the last DMD mission I need for the cheevo
>my fucking face when

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im glad youre enjoying this thread user

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good job user, something similar happened to me right after DMC5 e3 trailer

the magic of a new job has worn out already, but it's nice to have money by the end of the month. I'm currently saving up and planing on how to open my own business again so I don't have to wageslave forever.

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>ugly ass round trip effect

I'm glad you people are fine. 6 days ago i got the worse news of my life. Made my most anticipated years in all ways feel the like the worst. I'm picking myself up and what's left to make the best of the situation right now


you can do it, user, just take a day at a time and have a pizza break sometimes to cool your head

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I hope DD2 has DMC5 swords/guns. Can't wait to make a character with Yamato and E&I

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I had a similar thing, I heard the revving sound every night and tried to exceed in my sleep to make it stop

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I keep hearing
>heal you wounds dante
in my head at random intervals throughout the day

Spam those nightmares, S ranking with V is so easy because of that


I'm a hopeless hikki neet, but thanks bro

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imagine if DD2 plays just like DMC5

Probably it will, DD1 gameplay was cuhrazy too
I'm curious how RE engine will work on open world

This tbqh, his super demon power is literally extra arms to maximize pummeling potential. He was never going to be a weeb-white samurai.
>vid related one of his moves is literally relentlessly beating a demon like the demon fucked his girlfriend

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I don't know what is happening, friend. But as I said never give up. Take the time you need, try to clear all the things that makes you unhappy. And fight for everything that worth fighting for. I hope for the best in your life.


that's worth fighting for*


I'm sure he gets the point retarded newfag.

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Heads up on a surefire DMD Fury kill tested in real missions and not the Void.
As it's spawning in
Do Percussion twice with King Cerberus, switch to Balrog, activate Ten Counts and then Real Impact.

One cycles them easily. The only time it might fail is if there is other enemies and they knock out of the string

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>vergil beats nero in the dlc
>"don't get so cocky"
I can see it and i want it

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Such brutality......imagine the sex, fuck.

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>Bellyflops into the scene instantly killing everything
I love Nightmare

Well, Nico did say he's pretty rough.

stop that
Nero is loyal

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You don't need to correct yourself this isn't reddit.

That's why she made the sweet surrender though. Because he's too rough with Kyrie.

The fuck does that have to do with reddit ? I made a mistake, I corrected it. That's all. You are the one acting like a retard.

M8 Urizen (The one Nero destroys the shield against )is after V and Nero cut of his supply of blood, thus weakening him. Whereas Dante fought Urizen when he was absorbing blood from multiple qlipoth roots all over the city, AKA at probably his strongest outside of after he ate the fruit.

I have a question.

What exactly did Vergil do between DMC1 and DMC5?

He was obviously freed from Mundus' control but had the demon aids because of it. However, the time period between DMC1 and DMC5 is like 10+ years.

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We don't ruin fantasies here, user.

I did it bros. S ranked Human - DMD
Time for Hell and Hell

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Huh, it's just now I notice the monoliths have faces like there is someone in them.

M8, you do realize that Urizen attained a month worth of power from sitting in his chair absorbing blood to get stronger, he was already more powerful the second time the fought him from the first.

woah what difference, that changes everything
Lrn 2 blend in better little newfaget.

As long as you're not strokeposting nobody cares if you make a mistake, dumbass. We get what you mean.

I did an important test and now I have just woken up from a delicious nap
God, that felt good

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>You can literally just Blue Rose every boss to death with no issue
E and I are small time compared to the literal cannon knows as Blue Rose

BP livestream was said that he was in hell

Someone explain to me what ground trick does

>made a mistake
>corrected it
>"you're a new fag"
Ok, interesting logic. Please continue.

Yeah, only E&I from 2 can compare, but we don't talk about 2

It tps you to the ground instead of a few feet into the air like normal trick.

Well, E&I still sexier than BR

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its a teleport but you stay on the ground instead, and its spammable compared to regular air trick

And you could have just let it go ? No one cares.

Buster breakage

Yes that's correct, you're learning newfag.

Air trick
>teleport in mid-air
Ground trick
>teleport ground
same mechanic as Vergil's teleport in DMC 3

is Darkslayer any good? I rebinded my dmc3 control scheme a bit and I don't use trick much, I only used it where it was required to get orb fragments really

I gotta say V has grown on me the more I've played.
>Shadow's tail whip stuns 4 butcher bois around him while Griffon perfectly sends them all flying with his dive
>S rating pops
>Summon Nightmare just as the chorus starts screaming HELLFIRE BLOODSTAIN
>Watch the rating pop to SSS as you finish everything off

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If that's what you like to think, be my guest, user. Here, I even give you a Vergil.

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What about Vergil getting V gameplay since they're the same person?

How does Dante get out of Hell? Specifically after DMC2. I haven't watched/read much of the side story stuff.

Let's come up with some brand new play styles for some brand new characters

1. Possession- Take over the enemies you fight
2. Procure on site- Turn each enemy into a devil arm when they are weakened enough but the arms have durability gauges so they will eventually break

At least try to pretend you've been here for more than a month ok? Take the advice.

2 is practically non-canon.

He found a portal made by some random Yamato shard

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Is it possible to have no damage bonus on the missions you're supposed to lose to Urizen?

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>1. Possession- Take over the enemies you fight
Should just be integrated into V's moveset, in order to give him more shit.

Yes. You beat him. The only mission you can't beat him on is mission 10. To get no damage on that you just fight him until the cutscene plays, which doesn't take long.

>vergil being unga
does not compute

Why would I try to pretend anything? I don't really know for how long I've been here but it has been far more than a month but who cares ? Stop being so defensive about it. I like to correct the smallest of mistakes when I post something and I've been doing it since I started coming here. No need to be triggered about it.

he is kinda slow but i still somehow feel dumb playing as him, like i can't wrap my mind to use two pets simultaneously
>do catto combo
>bird just fly there doing nothing because i forgot about him
so most of the time i just spend bit of trigger on bird to send it autoattack on its own and play with cat and summon nightmare occasionally while reading book
but it feels cheap

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They're the same person storywise, I think we can all agree that V and Vergil have very separate playstyles. I don't see how they would mesh unless you're talking about scrapping Vergil's 3SE/4SE playstyle and making him V but with Yamato or heavily diluting V's until it's a gimmicky doppelganger that nobody would use, which is pointless. On the whole I'm against it though, playstyles make characters distinct and giving V's to someone else feels like a cop-out.

my left hand is for Summoned Swords, DT, movement
right hand is for weapon change, attack, lock on, style button, jump and camera
Darkslayer is fun especially if you're trying to master Yamato's Aerial Rave Jump Cancel

kek, sauce?

I have summoned swords and dt on l1 and l2 respectively, switched jump for style to try and learn to JC better (I still suck). Switch guns was moved to square. So trick is good for aerial rave jc? Because that's my ultimate goal as Vergil

Claw grip is your friend with V

Or you could just bind Griffon to L1.

Screencap or custom?

>think achievement says S rank all missions on all difficulties except Hell and Hell
>it actually says S rank all missions except for Heaven or Hell
I'm a fucking retard

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It's annoying to see retard, learn to proofread. Redditfags like you ruin the fucking threads.

its weird how you can sleep for 8+ hours and feel meh. but a like 30 min to an hour nap makes me feel like 110% when I wake up

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There was a tiny shard of Yamato floating around and was retrieved by a demon named Balrog, who then used it to enter human world in search of tough opponents after his previous one, Argosax, got killed. Since portals don't immediately close, Dante managed to get out as well, and then for some reason didn't care about it until Matier called him over so he could tell Balrog, who was waiting patiently, that he is no longer welcome as a guest.
Dante won by sacrificing Cerberus, which also destroyed the Yamato shard.

I don't even go to reddit but ok my dear dude. And it's just one post, skip it and do your thing dumbass.

>which also destroyed the Yamato shard.

How is Yamato whole if this happened?

>yamato shard
So Yamato is missing some tiny part?

it work once or twice but at some point you gonna snap
take care of your health user

Nero fixed Yamato

It was so tiny, it most likely doesn't matter. Vergil still hasn't complained about it, at least.

The Urizen fight in mission 10 doesn't give any style points because it's actually impossible to win. They should have done it and had a paradox ending.

What you want to do is mess around in your fights. Get to SSS and then not kill. Leave it up for a while. Style points are mainly based on time at a rank. So use E&I's honey comb fire and Dance Macbre to quickly get to SSS and then just keep using E&I to stay at SSS for like a minute or so every fight. Once you can do that, you'll be able to have an average of 6k.

My guess is that Nero fixed Yamato entirely, so that shard is just from the old Yamato

not him but Vergil has no switch guns button. his L2 button is for switching to previous devil arm. yeah its also good for immediate ground teleportation when youre comboing an enemy mid air.
upper slash->shoot summoned swords while charging Forced Edge to Round Trip, release->Air Trick->Yamato Aerial Rave JC/Beowulf Starfall JC while shooting Summoned Swords->Ground Trick while charging Forced Edge-> Round Trip Judgement Cut Combo

Yeah, it's just that the button is called "switch guns". Also that's a fuckton of stuff to do at once
I love this track. It really inspires me to do more, to be more.

>V's to someone else feels like a cop-out.
Give it to patty/lucia/femdust

You'll regret ever being born

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I guess that was the reason they introduced Patty in games. Not even a Pattyfag but i guess that Patty being the new summoner is the obvious route

It's only based on style points, try to stay at S to SSS ranks as long as possible, Honeycomb fire, Drive (always open fights with it), Dance Macabre and the 10 punch Balrog combo are great for increasing style ranks. Demolition to kill Judecca's instantly because they take the longest to kill and drive style down with their teleporting. Maybe also use demolition against the Proto Angelo. Kill first Fury with Red Hot Night as soon as he spawns, can do that with second one too. Do the optional Queen Empusa fight.
skip to 12:03

>more summoner bullshit in future DMC games
Looks like I'm dropping the series.

Oh also skip other optional fights.

I don't like V either, but i think it could be vastly improved. Also, probably there will be a option tho choose who you play in DMC6

But that's what I don't want. If they really want to introduce Patty as a playable character, give her a new style.

Dear god, no, she was already an annoying twat in the anime, and that little appearance she had in the game made her sound even worse.

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>instead of playable vergil we get more v shit

Well if they did that then that would be fine as I don't want to be forced to play as a summoner like in 5.

They introduced Patty so people would recognize Morrison as that guy from the anime after he got blacked

V himself won't come back if that's what you're hoping for.

I'm not, I'd rather the style die with him and introduce something new.

what do you think Dante's devil trigger will look like in dmc6?

They got the Zoomer talk down to perfection with her appearance.

I like the idea that V's style could be refined into some kind of Doppelganger for Vergil. Keep some of the separate character control aspects but focus it on just one character instead of three and let Vergil retain more of his base moves. Also let the Doppelganger finish enemies off on its own.

She even have the sorcerer lineage

Her and Griffon bickering eachother would be nice

Nah, we knew Morrison was Morrison since the first trailer he appeared

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someome post that Vergil DLC "leak" about Vergil getting a gauntlet weapon called Shadow (moveset is somewhat similar to Shadow's) and a new Sword that he will get from a Fallen Angelo that he and Dante will fight in hell. Also Vergil stabbing Dante with Yamato and Dante getting the Darkslayer Style.

fuck nero

Yeah, I doubt a human being can actually pull that off. Maybe, but definetly not that quickly.


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Griffon is dead

You and me both know that they will retcon him being inside the cane

Eh, I don't see the appeal of a playable doppelganger.

Pls no that sounds shit.

Anything's better than the one in 3SE.

The pro of bad fake leaks is we can all laugh at it afterwards.

When will our hero appaer again?

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I remember in the archive someone leaked the final title card months before the game was announced.

Where the fuck did Vitale come from anyway?

I wonder how bad this guy is taking it, after DMC5.

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What a mongoloid

Unironically tumblr

Lmao, imagine if he liked V in 5

Kek did he miss that line about keeping it in the family at the end of the game?

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I just ordered the biggest, cheesiest, meatyiest, greesiest fucking pizza.

my only regret is I could only eat 4 slices. now I'm going to have leftovers all week

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Americans only know pepperoni topping in pizza?

Imagine if Vergil and Trish hooked up behind Dante's back.

>with trish
He finds her fucking disgusting

I think part of the reason that people were denying it so hard was because Nero interfered with their headcanon that Vergil was gay and had a lust for his brother.

Remember, no russian.

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Oh, they'll just move on to the father + Uncle + Son lust like the sick fucks they are. Just go to Devil May Cry's r34 lmao

It's a margherita. The cheese melts and it's often times more satisfying than the American-style variants. It's what I make at home and what I buy when I want something that'll hit the spot but not overwhelm. Though of course, I also love a NY style pizza since I'm a New Yorker.

That has to be a joke right? No way anyone can up with shit like that AND believe it right?

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>TRASH picture
Of course it is.

You place too much faith in the mental stability of man

this is 100% not a joke, they think Nero is a black trans

Kind of, the extra mozzarella is different than the one below that's mixed with the tomato. If that pizza is what I think it is (bufalina or burrata)

>Nero is a black trans

Attached: Disgusted Nero.jpg (347x400, 62K)

Wow, he looks a like lot that old DMC3 cg render here.

I spent enough time hanging around fujos back in the day I can confirm it 100%. I know one person who nowadays argues it's because she thinks claim Vergil/any human is too OOC but I recognize her old pseudonym enough to know what she really thinks.

For once I agree with you Mundus.

I like Vergil/Nero fags because they don't make excuses, they just wallow in that degeneracy with pride

Yeah. This is not ironic btw

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>Nero instinctively tries to Max-act Kyrie in bed

This webm always angers me to extremes I never thought possible. It's as mocking as it is brief and I wish to have my vengeance on its creator.

You should always agree with me mortal.

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t. Vergil

Mushroom is better.


Oh it's so much worse than just that, my poor anons

>>Revisiting that DmC:Devil May Cry concept w Nero i made a while back (hes trans)
>>This timeline is 20+ years after Mundus’ defeat. Vergil instated the Order as a religious cult to worship nephilim (him,) them disappeared. After strange happenings, Nero, Kyrie, and Credo are sent to find Vergil, and investigate the happenings

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Read something on twitter this fujo denies v is part of vergil so they can ship him and nero kek.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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Mundus is assblasted because Sparda broke the bro code

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Nero getting scandalized is the best

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Based Chadbug

sleep cycles user

you fell better when you wake up at the end of a cycle, they usually last between 30~90 min. Wake up in the middle of one and you feel like death.

But you need 8 or so hours of rest on your day, like said. Naps only wont help you

Same autism from our resident vujo

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new thread

I saw a couple, sword clash like the other user said and also when he was standing at the top of the qliphoth/temen niggeru

It can take longer, because you are actually in game with a Nero in the prologue. The Nero player can be a cunt and not walk up to the boss door, making you fight Urizen for longer.

KEK, I'm in tears

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>I can keep going I got more than just one hole to fill

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Real fujos and fudanshis embrace their ships and don't make excuses. They ship incest with pride
Tumblr fujos who try to make excuses are WEAK

>Mage Patty character fighting by casting spells and shit
I'd be down for it.

Is that Nico? Why is my pee pee so god damn hard?

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Are they finally exploiting Maxim pics for Vergil?