What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now, user?

What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch right now, user?

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I unironically want to cut your fucking throat, you obsessed dipshit. Fuck off back to your kike overlords and tell them no one on this board is interested in playing their absolute garbage game made for the lowest IQ reddit individuals.

Based, fuck this retard spamming his shitty porn every day in a desperate attempt for (yous). He is either a tranny or an obese neckbeard, no inbetween. Off yourself @ 458980682

holy BASED

after 1k hours on this game I can say you can experience all of it in a matter if 5 hours at most;

trash game, do not play.





Holy freaking based



>that PepperspotSunshine picture of Tracer


What your rank user OwO


I want to marry and impregnate Tracer.

Also I only play enough weekly for the 3 boxes from Arcade.

Utterly based and criminally redpilled.
I never played this game because I would probably get banned for sneezing at someone in the wrong way. However, this game did produce some nice porn, so congrats for that, Blizz shill.

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If this game was a psy-op to make me want to marry and impregnate a Brown or Asian woman it worked flawlessly.

How’s Baptiste? I haven’t played in nearly a whole year. Last thing I remember was someone getting pissy at me in one of those story missions where you played as Mcree, Genji and the Irish one because I didn’t know what ‘The Reddit thing’ was

I just fapped

Blizzshills utterly BTFO


Fuck these """"thinly"""" veiled porn threads

I don't get the ban jokes here, I have been calling people retards, niggas,niggies for a year now I'm not even kidding. I think everyone just miss understood because a few one tricks and a big streamer got mass reported for toxicity, they don't actually ban you if you aren't an annoying faggot overall


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Feels like a ana that can reposition with a big ass jump , ult feels so retarded because you either have to use it for yourself to amp your own dmg/heals or position it perfectly for your team in a way that the enemy can't just line of sight it after 1s of walking , but yeah playing a hitscan support feels nice and his E is like a ult just think before positioning it


it's most likely a paid blizzard shill. They have an absolutely massive marketing budget and it's known that overwatch try to shill their game via 'sexy vidya girls' because sex sells however too bad it's not good enough to sell your shitty videogame and people would much rather wank to the SFM


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Based Sombro poster

I am at work.

I don't play lesbian simulators.

my account gets unbanned in about 20 minutes.

The one where she farts and goes back in time to sniff it again until she shits herself?

>it's most likely a paid blizzard shill. They have an absolutely massive marketing budget and it's known that overwatch try to shill their game via 'sexy vidya girls' because sex sells
It's funny because they shill their game by banning porn and appealing to the neo left shiteating demographic and turn characters gay for e-z publicity while sweeping controversy under the rug, even though if there was a criminal investigation for overwatch adspace Jeff Kaplan and teh faggot who does the ad services would be in jail. These cretins are teh absolute worse of mankind and ought to be shot on sight.
kill yourself op or fix your god awful game, but tell Jeff Kaplan he should cut off his uncircumcised effeminate penis and jam it down his lisping throat.
You're doing god's work user.

There are no gay characters in OW. Everyone is either straight or bisexual.

Competitive games aren't very comfy tho

I'm playing a better game.

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Game became too gay

It's weird to think TF2 probably has more players than Overwatch now. And TF2 is 15 years old.

Incredibly based.

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You mean it more accurately reflected the level domestic violence in lesbian relationships?

any version that isn't a fucking 180px gif?
how about a webm? it's 2019

>get banned for sneezing at someone in the wrong way
Unless you say "faggot" every time you sneeze, I think you'll be fine.

Fpbp /thread

fuck off

I am playing right now. I unironically bought 50 loot boxes for the event today and got the skin I wanted. So I'm happy

>Wanting to ban people over a word he just used himself

Go back to /owg/

1v1 me if you win I will

Because it became hip for edgy zoomers to hate Overwatch when it was popular and I want to fit in with the /vpol/ hivemind

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Nah, but here's more Tracer.

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>can't enjoy a game without yelling "NIGGER" into a mic

Good riddance.

Based zoomer

Whoah. cool it with the negative racial slurs, man.

t. immature spazzes
the world isn't a Yea Forums thread. you can't talk to people anyway you think is cool without consequences

Again, based zoomer. You clearly haven't played any multiplayer games pre-2012.

For me it's Widowmaker sitting on my face and belittling me until I die.

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Internet router is busted.
I can’t download Sekiro or play Overwatch right now.

Have sex
