So we can all agree, that Final Fantasy XIII was better than XV, right?

So we can all agree, that Final Fantasy XIII was better than XV, right?

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As a whole, yes, yes it was.

They're both bad, so either way it doesn't mean much.

Right now, I'd MUCH rather play 15 than 13. At least 15 lets you do stuff.

Easily, but not that it matters in any sense as they are both shit. FFXIII at least is a bit less shitty.

This is the opinion of a woman.

I liked and completed the XIII trilogy
I dropped XV when I reached not Venezia, was done with it already and didn't really care for the plot finally kicking in

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13 was a great game. 15 is shit.


13 as a whole is a much more completed game than 15 ever was. 15 feels like an open world tech demo.

I'm looking forward to the FF7 Remake and FFXVI threads where we retroactively like XV.

Yes. XIII alone is better. When its non-abysmal sequels are taken into account, it's no longer a question.

Those won't happen. XII and XIII are still not liked outside their secluded fanbase circlejerks. In fact the consensus of most games, but especially X, is falling steadily.

XIII > XV, no contest

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I wish I had a Lightning cosplayerfu

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No, stop with this shitty meme

final fantasy games have always been severely overrated. Really bad pop fantasy with no internal logic, and soap opera tier melodrama. Gameplay usually relies on insane levels of repetitions and brain dead gameplay. Final Fantasy's prime gimmick were its cut scenes, especially in the PS1-PS2 era, but that's is beyond lame at this point now that every game has essentially full length movie amounts of dialogue. It really should have died by now, but its kept afloat, mediocre release after mediocre release, by nolstagia, and FFXIV being the #2 MMO currently. (and MMOs already thrive off busy work, so it was a natural fit for that dying niche genre)

this post, best post

>where we retroactively like XV.
lol, people still don't agree on xiii.