Fuck you mods it's a game so on topic. Is it any good? Is it any fun as a shooter or is it shit with nothing but edge?
Angry Goy 2
Fun way to get a rootkit installed
well shit. That's good to know. There no clean version?
Probably somewhere out there but it's just not worth the risk Imo. Games an ok side scrolling shooter but nothing great. Only reason it's boosted is because of the aesthetic.
Ah well, looked like a good chuckle or two, but no memes are worth installing malware. Thanks user.
Looks like edgy shite.
His overseer at the JIDF headquarters.
Bingo bango. We can't have you filthy goys having any racist thoughts now. Go watch sports or play an eroge like good livestock
I wonder who could be behind this post?
Can't say, it fucking crashed as soon as I start to play it.
I've heard that the rootkit thing is bullshit. Download it on a VM and see if it's filled with malware.
>tfw I have quite some gamedev experience and almost thinking if I should make a game like this but actually good to release anonymously
Can't really be arsed putting a few thousand hours into something like that though.
>first post calling it a rootkit without sources within a minute of the thread being posted
very based
From what I remember the rootkit/malware thing was disinfo by fags that dislike this sort of thing. The game engine does something in order to track gamepads which they claimed was a keylogger. Regardless, take whatever precautions you see fit.
Its okay but can use polishing up.
I enjoyed the game and I am black
So run it in a VM without network if you're paranoid.
Imagine being an adult man and playing this game “for teh lulz!”
Grow up..
No it’s literally malware
I guess everyone's gone off school shooter-chan and her game then
fag spotted
Have sex
have sex
Have sex
>Imagine being an adult man and playing this game “for fun!”
Grow up..
Instead of figuratively malware?
Have xes
go back
Seek intercourse
Procure coitus
Imagine playing game serious and not for the fun
grow up, its a game
how cringey lol
Experience lovemaking.
are there vehicles and weapons in a large, expansive world?
Cringe... pls go back to /pol/ TY
What is the setting now about? I liked the first one, specially the Roof Korean.
You're not even subtle about it
Experience the sideways monster mash.
>muh pol
No, you go back to plebbit
pls go back to red.dit TY
lurk more newfag, also its against the rules to post here as underage
Go ahead v,tell me again how there isn't a right wing agenda aiming to radicalise children and young adults in videogames and lead them down the path of white supremacy and racism.....i'll wait
terrible game
>nazis are actually sneaky little kikes that want to install rootkits on their compatriots computers
Nice projection. Real nazis are actually a lot more sincere and less backstabbing than your average Jew. Today's nazis stand for honesty and free-speech. Spreading malware is something only sub-men do.
have a you (you) since you cant even write a board anme properly
Also fuck back to yourresetera, only people like you care about forcing ideology bullshit in games no matter what side. We play shitty, edgy games for fun, not to push some bullshit agenda to prove something to your superiors because your low iq brainlet skull cant grasp that somebody isnt interested in some bullshit left vs right fights
tl;dr fuck off with your politics from both sides, we play games here
Ah, classic Yea Forums.
Never change!
Dialate regularly
So is it degenerate trannies spreading misinfo about the malware or is it actually unsafe?
The downloads for the game are all mirrored. Original uploads have long since been purged. Using your very line of logic wouldn't it make sense to
>Be jidf
>Add malware on to download of evil Nazi game
>Mirror everywhere using your army of noses.
This is real simple. Install VMware. Download install and Run the game in VMware with event viewer on and see what it does. Most likely mirrors of the game are probably infected with something. Probably some clean installs too. it's the nature of downloading anything off the internet.
Thank you Rabbi
>Today's nazis stand for honesty and free-speech.
That's litterally a lie, you can only like what they like and do what they do or your whatever the FOTM insult is. Today's Nazis are thin-skinned basment dwellers that think if they just have the same skin tone as Hitler they're Gods Gift to the Earth. Don't get me started on the laziness and the fact they take credit for things they haven't done.
> Playing a right wing character makes you right wing.
> Playing a murderer makes you a murderer.
Well if playing a black guy makes you a cuck I don't see why not
You sad sack of shit. I don’t know if I should berate or feel pity for your deluded ass.
>Attacks a strawman with another strawman
>user.exe has stopped working
There's nothing wrong with playing as black people. Look at Winston from Overwatch, or CJ from GTA SA. Both portray blacks very accurately.
Winston's special ability is literally chimping out.
It's fun for an hour. There's a lot of characters to play as.
The game file says lostboy.exe should I start to panic?
Took you that long to make a niggers=monkeys joke? Step it up user it's not offensive anymore when you take more than 3 minutes.
Everything I said is the Gospel truth
>political scumbag angry because people dislike forcing real life olitics into games played for fucking fun
Imagine now, im calling you a nigger. Whats your response without sounding like political retard who came here durning us elections?