I seriously and unironically believe that Nintendo is the single-most important and valuable video game company in existence.
I seriously and unironically believe that Nintendo is the single-most important and valuable video game company in...
Me too
only because kirby
And I, "seriously and unironically believe" that you're a faggot!
whatever you say nintenddie
Used to be. Nowadays? Nah.
Good lord
now that's some class A+ elitism right there folks!
>modern day video games
Same, they really make some good games.
trying playing a real game
This is your brain on HRT.
Because it is
Yep, only fanboys will disagree
>liking video games
Pretty fucking pathetic desu
Actually, no. I'm a mentally and physically healthy 30 year old who's both socially adjusted, has a higher-than-average annual salary, and is a member of the US Armed Forces.
Try again.
>memeber of armed forces
>mentally healthy
pick one
Completely depends on what you mean by important and valuable and how you are quantifying that if it is at all quantifiable. Retarded post. At least explain. Even if it wasn't intended as bait, it comes across as bait because of how lazy it is.
>member of the US Armed Forces
Don't make the rest of us look bad, faggot.
>Company that held off content from both Splatoon and Mario Maker to sell it back in sequels on a more profitable system
>Company that charged for online that's still borderline nonfunctional
>Company that removes 20+-year-old roms from any website they can to sell them back to you
>Company that DMCAs fan remakes to release their own worse versions
I know that the NPC Nintendo manbabies will read that last point and spam "NINTENDO HIRE" like AM2R wasn't better than Samus Returns, or like the LA remake is worth a shit, but they know the truth deep down. Nintendo's just like the rest now and the only valuable gaming company is Capcom
>and is a member of the US Armed Forces
So you are a psychopath?
>Company that behaves like a company.
I don’t know man I’m not the poster you originally responded to but I’m pretty comfy in the Air Force I literally just sit on a desk all day and I get paid payed to do nothing I literally just post on Yea Forums and go on smoke brakes all day and when I get back to my dorm I just play video games all day
>supporting a company treats its fans and customers like dirt
>reddit spacing
You need to go back.
>Company is exactly like everyone else despite OP asserting they're the most important and valuable one
So on what basis was the original claim made? Retard.
Important and valuable are inherently subjective. If you think they're that to you personally then fair enough.
Japan could have probably persisted without them.
But the western world? Yeah it would be pretty much dead and buried if Nintendo never existed.
based manchildren
No, I'm part of the 29% that was not ineligible to serve in the military due to weight and fitness standards, misconduct, medical issues, mental health, and substance abuse concerns.
And out of that 29%, I was one of the few that actually wanted to be in the military. So, there you have it.
>Be a business.
>A business's ultimate goal is to make money and stay profitable.
>Some website hosted in bumfuck egypt is sharing ROMs to games that your business both authored and copyrighted without any permission.
>Proceed with shutting down said website.
>People make claims that your business is now "anti-consumer" and treats customers like dirt strictly on the basis that you don't give away free shit.
So you lied?
Except you can still get the ROMs of all their classic games. Not only that but they wouldn't be getting the money anyway for classic games because they would all be bought secondhand. And thirdly, no consumer that isn't a massive retard like you would pay 300$ for a console so that they can purchase overpriced ROMs on the eshop.
Nintendo is unironically the only game company with soul