Has anyone played Cultist Simulator or any other weather channel games? Sounds like a great deep narrative system but I don't want to buy before checking this boards dumb opinion
Has anyone played Cultist Simulator or any other weather channel games...
Not enough content. Feels like a quarter of a game.
Cultist Simulator depends entirely on the theatre of your mind because when you boil down to it the entire game is just managing counters and timers.
It's neat. The atmosphere is very good for a card game, but you need to have some imagination in order to fully enjoy it.
It's shit. It's fun for the first hour when you're still figuring how the hell does all this work, but it very quickly turns into a game of spending your day doing the exact same mindless dragging motion every 45 seconds.
It gets very boring once it turns into a grind game and waiting for shit to happen
This is how it'll be for you if you're not very creative.
I enjoyed Cultist Simulator, but I didn't spend much time with it and I won't ever play it again. Figuring out how everything works and what you're supposed to do is pretty much the point of the game; once you fully understand the mechanics there isn't much reason to continue playing.
Fuck Hours and FUCK Names
thanks lads, sounds like the type of thing i actually play games for
It's shit.
Awful lot of busywork for a supposed card game. I liked Sunless Sea much better.
Oh don't give me that bullshit. You need your income so you'll be doing work/painting over and over again. You need to respond to disease, despair or whatever and you'll always get your vitalities and contentness in the exact same efficient manner. You need your lores and they're full RNG so you'll grind the samey bookstores and expeditions. You need a prisoner in stock so you'll have your cultists running a kidnapping every six minutes or whatever. There's zero downside to visiting the Mansus so might as well do it on repeat. There is very, very, very little actual choice in the game.
And if you mean "oh just drown in the world of imagination and visualise the work loop as an exciting occult adventure", then you might just as well LARP or go summon demons in your free time and cut out the paid plate spinning simulator waiting for you to slip up out of boredom and crash and burn after ten hours of menial labor.
I really want to like this game because the atmosphere is great and I love occult themes, but the gameplay loop is straight up garbage and about as fun as working on an assembly line.
>play plate spinning simulator
>whine about the plates you have to spin
go pirate the world of darkness core book and find some friends
It's biggest issue is that playing the game for the first time isn't as easy as just fucking playing the game. I would play it once until you get tired and then look up a simple guide that outlines some of the basic principles of the game. Doing that you learn objectives, how to organize your cards, and why the game keeps saying you can use that one card on that one action but when you try it wont actually let you. I dunno if there's actually people out there that think you should fumble through the game blind but if there are they're idiots and you're going to burn yourself out before you even touch anything meaningful.
I'm not sure what the fuck are you even trying to say here.
Badly designed game.
The problems
All of them are literally the same with only small gimmicks like bonus influences n cult business bonus.And even then some of them are straight upgrades like Forge cult
We need more of them n make them more unique like Change
Same as Temptations
Too strong and too cost-effective
Same as summons
>Cards that you use only for one slot
>Useless scholarship skill card
>Lover becoming a rival
>Said rival can be a game over for you cause RNG
There's a lot of repetition and if you're a retard you'll die a lot. If you liked sunless sea i'd say go for it.
Once you understand how the game works, it becomes extremely predictable and easy. Figuring out what you're supposed to do is the fun part.
im OP and actually a long term VtM player. is this game somehow antithetical?
I wanted to like it but I couldn't. Exactly like basically.
I'm a sucker for occult games and games about discovering new gameplay, but the gameplay loop of Cultist Simulator is horrendous. I wanted to like this game, I couldn't.
what are your fave occult games then? /tg/ here and rarely play vidya, probably missed a bunch
>get Enlightenment victory
>start Entheate game
>tfw I get fascinated to death within 10 minutes
Casually monitoring, because I'm interested too.
Alexis Kennedy loves writing but hates videogames
Not him, but The Last Door series is pretty good if you can look past the graphics and don't mind point and click games.
cheers friend
There's some neat ideas here and there but it's accompanied by just way too much grind to be enjoyable. As the simplest concrete example there's actions you want to do nearly all the time like work which creates money that's vital for everything like living costs, books, expeditions, hirelings and so on that you need in all playthroughs. To do this you have to drag a specific work card to work slot, wait a minute and after that often drag another type of card into the same slot so you "put in extra effort" and get more money. After that's done you wait a bit and do it again. Imagine doing this exact same motion every minute or so over and over and over again several hundred times in the span of one game.
They really should've added some gameplay function that gave you an option to toggle / automate these sort of menial repetitive actions that you're forced to deal with in every run. Have something like the magnet slots that already exist in the game, but instead let players use them as well. F.ex. player placed magnet that pulls the closest valid card or something like that.
How would you fix Cultist Simulator?
>To do this you have to drag a specific work card to work slot, wait a minute and after that often drag another type of card into the same slot so you "put in extra effort" and get more money.
Now, now, user. Don't sugarcoat it. Making money becomes so much more involved once you inevitably lose your job.
An auto-sort feature, or some way of easily grouping cards, for a start
A UI that isn't just a blue table in a dark void
Gabe Newell plays it. A lot
Do what you will with that info
>entire game is just managing counters and timers.
This. Completed the game with enlightenment by the way.
>Entheate game
Alexis Kennedy hates video games and wants you to as well.
The game is good, but could be improved by adding more late game content. By the time you get to the mid-game you can have a proper cult ending.
The narrative is very strong, but a simple UI change where you can have text you've read before be colored differently would help not having to re-read.
It simulates getting into weird esoteric shit really well and is carried by it's mood and good visual/sound design.
The system they use for the cards is awesome and I hope others copy it.
The way some of the randomness is implemented is annoying and you can lose irreplaceable resources which I'm not a fan of, but I can respect it. The dev doesn't want you to feel completely comfortable.
Basically NG+ after you achieve an ascension victory
>having money problems
lol, just paint until your entire board is mysticism
let rich arthoes pay your rent
I enjoyed it, the best advice I can give you is to set up a meta narrative of your own.
I played a young doctor and gave myself the goal of defeating death and raiseing the dead. I had a favorite disciple who I had present at all rites. I ended up dying just before winning but I was able to murder an annoying detective and then raise his corpse so it was overall a success
this is very true. i could only ever play cultist simulator when i was extremely stoned and afterwards it just became fucking boring. shame, i really wanted to like it
I second this, it’s a really good game with some damn fine atmosphere and music
The only meta narrative I was able to make was a cultist that started off in order to chase off boredom, but as old age started creeping up, focus on achieving immortality took priority, suddenly my own cultists became expendable resources to sacrifice in order to feed me knowledge. As death drew ever closer my means became ever more desperate
The final fragment of knolwedge needed for the ceremony was achieved and my followers were sacrificed left and right in a last attempt, my last graps at immortality.
My skin and bones melted away as knowledge consumed me and I elevated myself to a place higher than all the shit that others worship.
But really the grind is really boring and there is little thinking involved, more just grinding.