ITT: games with level design so complex it filters all the casuals

ITT: games with level design so complex it filters all the casuals

Attached: The_Surge.jpg (1200x675, 257K)

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isnt this a microtransaction simulator

Sex with your mother is a microtransaction simulator

this game was so good. i can't wait to see how they expand the world and combat in the sequel. also, was the DLC worth it?

No? What gave you that idea

Only a retard could get lost. Locations in this game are not complex.
But mediocre gameplay really filters people who have some self respect.

there is no mtx in surge that i know of

>ITT: games with level design so dull it filters all

>let's copy Dark Souls but make the terrible lock-on mechaninic mandatory instead of optional while increasing the number of enemeis that attack at once

What were they thinking?

—-3 mana
1xrespawn ie the only developer producing...

Every weapon is so slow in this shit game. It's as if the only souls mechanic they understood was the commitment to attack animations so they dialed it up to 11.

The slide is super quick. Just gotta slide all day every day.

walk in the park - yes
the good the bad and the augmented - no

Unironically this.

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no, its just a mediocre souls clone

Think I put The Surge on hold about the time I had to regularly pass through power armoured monkey nigger gangbangs to progress. I'd pick it up again now but I'm too deep into Elex, Elex gives me a jetpack

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Damn I can't believe Souls invented stamina and melee combat

patrician taste

never had a microtransaction. on the contrary, it has 2 free dlcs

walk in the park is better than the base game

>t. coudln't get past the first boss

you can play without the lock-on and literally every encounter can be reduced to a 1vs1

twin-rigged weps as fast as fuck

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based and implantpilled

my biggest issue with this game is that of all things that they copied from souls games, they also copied the side quests system, which is fucking awful and unfun.

i have to do the whole ng+ now just because i took a fucking elevator at the wrong time

what? who gives a fuck about sidequests

Nah, it's just kinda obtuse but not really complex. They overdid it with the fucking service tunnels, though, I hope they tone them down or remove them in the sequel. Also that ending was some fucking bullshit.

i do

>me giving someone dick is a microtransaction

Self own *DAB*

Game was alright but I'm a sucker for exoskeletons. Without that, I probably would have thought that it's a mediocre souls clone.

My only real complaint so far is how your attacks change depending on where you are locked on to. Not that it really matters the way I play it. Once I get a new dudes full armor set I just go back to neutral lock and use hammer hold r1 to r1.

I finished this game.
Only a retard can get lost in these locations.
Game is boring and easy.

So by that logic you´re one of the probably countless people who fuck your mum, user

The sequel takes place in woods or something, don't think it'll have too many service tunnels.

>t. never played it at all

you should target unarmored parts because 1) it deals more damage and 2) implants that restore % health on dismemberment are overpowered for their core cost

I got lost quite often
I also played the game stoned throughout

Keep coping, then start seething.
Maybe second one will be better.

Too few bosses.

I'm sure they'll have more variety than just the woods. Anyway, here's also hoping that they don't have too many enclosed pitch black areas with 3 jerkoffs screaming their lungs out and dabbing on your ass.

the game was fun and I enjoyed the sort of rythmn or cadence to combat, but heavier armor is useless and the game is eurojank

>gets released for "free" on psn
>hipsters come out of the woodwork to call this game an underrated gem or whatever
It's not terrible, especially since it's "free", but it's not all that great either. Level design is actually probably the best part about the game. It reminded me of Dead Space, how you were an engineer who had access to the bowels and veins of the ship and could get to places nobody else could. Crashing through a vent gate to open up a shortcut is so satisfying. Everything else is meh.

That was the best part of the game though. With music it was one of the best horror sections in a non-horror game I've seen.

Is it better than Lords of the Fallen at least?

I played it on pc tho

And yes it absolutely is an underrated gem

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No, no it wasn't. Maybe in the first areas, but enemies got a bit retarded in the last level and fighting a bunch of them in a tunnel with no lights on was a crap shoot.

Get good.

I'd say so, yeah, but then I enjoyed the sci-fi setting more than the generic fantasy shit. It also had a really interesting loot system.

Get over it, you can like the game and criticise its shortcomings.

>one butthurt surge fan

keep projecting fromcuck

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No seriously, get good. Describing it as a "crap shoot" implies you had trouble thanks to the limited space.

It has more to do with the complete darkness and the rig light being next to useless. Admittedly those situations aren't frequent, but it happens. Calling them "the best part of the game" is being a retard with no sense of perspective.

different body armors have different shape/color of light.

You know I'm talking about the nucleus level, not R&D or executive forum. Nucleus is different. I also consider nucleus as whole to be the best designed area out of any area in any "soulslike" game.

nucleus is shitter than every other area simply because you can't move with the lift to other floors, only call it

its a good souls clone.
not great, just good, but definitely better than mediocre.

creo world is 10/10 level design, it can't be topped

Is that DLC?

yes, a walk in the park. absolutely worth it

Only legit complaint so far.

What about the other one?

souls didnt invent the stamina bar you fucking retards

I never played the DLC and don't have my saves anymore. Can you do dlc areas with a brand new character?

*picture unrelated

>too few bosses
unironically a good thing because almost all of them were shit.

you also get 5 more bosses with dlcs

i still have to play it, but it's more combat focused and casual shitters didn't like it. the best thing is that it can be used as a hub to move between all the areas of the base game from one place

a walk is the park is split in 2 parts, you can do the first one when you reach central production b, and the second one when you reach research & development.

the other dlc has 9 episodes that unlock progressively with you progressing through the game (i think only 1-3 are available right away).

>unironically a good thing because almost all of them were shit.
The first two bosses are quite excellent while the other two are mediocre (security chief doesnt even count). 50-50 is not bad but I havent played dlc


firebug was also trash. the big sister is a fucking insult to game design. the last 2 are ok tho

Hows the lore of this game? Do they ever explain what The Surge is/was?

Really enjoyed the world building and finding all of the voice logs. The combat was a little middling and the latter half of the game was a real bog down when the flamethrower enemies showed up. Still enjoyed it though.

Firebug is universally acclaimed even by those who dont like surge otherwise my dude

the plot is pretty good especially considering that all the souls games have no plot at all

I agree that "Soulslike" and similar terms are over-used, but it's completely accurate to use them in relation to The Surge and Lords of the Fallen.

He's literally just a dude with a pole-arm weapon, which all the mid level security troops have. And where did you get "universally acclaimed" from? Are you baiting? You're baiting. I've been baited. God dammit.


It doesnt even sound like you fought the firebug/cant remember it from the description youre giving

i ignored all the dialogue and audiologs and started regretting that towards the end when i found the ceo hung himself

"the surge" is explained as is everything else i believe, this game isnt vague like souls it tells you everything over time

Oh wait you're right. I'm thinking of SCH for some Yeah Firebug is pretty cool, probably the best boss in the game, although that isn't saying much.

firebug is the flying thingy with arms. you can see it in the op image

Firebug is the big spider that flips on it's head when you smash half it's legs off. It's okay, best in the game easily but wouldn't really blow any minds if it was in another game like this.

The ceo didn't hang himself, he's nowhere to be found in game except by mention and audio logs. Presumably he disappeared. The dude who hanged himself was just some spokesperson. Also the surge isn't really explained, but it's revealed to not be that important about who or why, but rather the ramifications of it.

>m-m-muh global warming is bad and planet is dying
>creo starts sending rocket into the athmosphere every 10 minutes, so it refill with gas/ozone/whatever
>turns out it has some side-effects and it's toxic or something
>creo start creating plan b which would kill 95% of people but make everyone alive will be a synthetic
>during the voting whatever launch or no the plan b, the (((surge))) occurs and fries most of the people's neural implant
>the game starts

then you basically walk around discovering more about the 2 projects and about creo, and you can decide what to do in the end

Not who you're quoting but the world is basically fucked from pollution. They come up with a plan to disperse some magic dust tover the world I think? But it would have taken decades longer to fix the planet than they anticipated or that it wouldn't work at all so they fire that scientist. Then another scientist goes crazy and starts infecting people with nanites that turn them into crazy robot people and his plan is to seed nanites over the whole planet in a new world order kind of way to kill 95% of the population so the 5% can rebuild.

At some point the nanites became self aware too with the combined consciousness of all the people that got infected and turned to robots? And that's what caused the surge that locked all the systems and made everyone go crazy.

Surge's story is superior to that of any of the souls games (dude lol get souls and save the world)

>souls games
oh no no no

I finished this game, it was pretty good desu

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I played this on release I assumed it was fixed since then but the game just had loads of balance issues in the mid-end game
I forgot the name of the boss but it was the one with a big ass hammer and phases with a robot showing up you'd have to whack the legs off. Anyway you could get caught into a quite quick 3-hit combo that would 100-0 every time and the only way I found at the time to survive it was either obviously dodge it (duh), use the healing item during the combo to negate getting 3-shotted or pop the damage reduction drone everytime I was engaging him in melee. And before you scream about upgrades, I had literally put every possible health upgrades on at the time.
I think a few weeks down the line they buffed base health by 50% or something to alleviate some of those issues but I was already done with the game then. Overall I quite enjoyed it and hope they learn from their mistakes on the sequel.

>the (((surge)))

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I dont know anything about any fixes but the health in this game works backwards, at the start everything 2-shots you and in the end you can facetank anything outside of the crazy nanite things. Assuming you have high defence armour
By the time I faced the security guard you're talking about my max health/armour was quite high and only the very slow and obvious downwards electric smash from the security guard would kill me

High armor makes a huge difference in the game
I was getting 2-shotted by some boss, I put on as much armor class as I could and could take 5 hits


i cheesed that boss by using the concussion drone. use the drone to knock it out for 3 seconds, hit him with 1 combo, repeat

tank armor is good however i would argue that the best armor set in the base game (as i havent played dlc) is the one you start with if chosen, lynx. core power consumption is extremely low and it has one of the most powerful set effects in the game. only black cerberus (increased damage with energy) and nano ward (decreased stamina and electric shock on perfect block) come any close.