>AMD 7nm Zen 2
>full VR
Are you fucking hyped Yea Forums?
>AMD 7nm Zen 2
>full VR
Are you fucking hyped Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>shitty adult content policy
>will just be multiplats and moviegames
not really. everything interesting is going to move to pc or switch.
>Snoy censoring everything
I'd sooner buy an Ouya.
>cinematic sjw shit games
>censorship of Japanese games
Nah. I am done with Sony. PC and Nintendo is enough for me.
reminder that sony only censors shitty pedophile japanese games.
Sony has literally won every generation since it released the ps1, yes PS3 included.
Xbox's flagship Halo doesn't even compare to silent hill 2 or mgs2
Backcompat is the best part.
Explains all the outrage from Nintendo kiddie fiddlers
>reminder that sony only censors shitty pedophile japanese games
fpbp. Doesn't matter if it's a fucking supercomputer, Sony's shitty policies have fucked up the PS5 already
>15 years olds are pedo
Learn the definition of pedophilia retard.
>she only looks 8
>she's actually 17 000 000 years old!
Nier: automata 2:
2b is a black gay woman with a flat butt and lacking lady lumps. 9s is a dumb white male that needs to be educated about privilege
I can't wait for it to run at 24fps!
Who looks 8? Try to come up with some actual points instead of spouting bullshit. Learn to debate like a proper adult not a 10 year old kid. Tell me does pic related look like a kid? No she doesn't so fuck off.
So like all current gen titles on the PS4?
I've never said this before, but literally and unironically actually kill yourself.
Looks like a kid with tits slapped on.
Thats a child with tits
>implying Taro would allow that
cope harder.
I dont know who is coping but its not me faggot
You are both retarded
Basically this.
Also I have a beast PC with a GPU that'll last a good 5 years so I'm golden.
Even exclusives won't make me buy a PS5 becaus that would be saying to Sony "I'm okay with your shitty practices"
>no Intel or Nvidia
So it's gonna suck shit and ruin another generation of games behind pc again? Amd makes the worst trash cpus and gpus
user i am sorry your parents dropped you as a child, since you can't tell the difference between a drawings and real life.
But you're definitely a pedo.
doesn't change the fact that it's illegal
In muttland maybe, control your roasties
Good luck trying that excuse in real life.
>Nintendo fans are pedophiles
Where did this shit even come from? Only one person mentioned anything Nintendo related in the thread. Waifu/Anime titty games are uncensored on PC. Nintendo doesn't even allow games with sex in it on their platform.
Self-projection, much?
yeah its not like western devs self censor thems-
whoops haha
>this thread
Next gen of consoles sure looks fun
No it's not.
You dumb shit, you see more at the beach with people of all ages, is a 16 year old in a bathing suit too much for games?
Because it's not in real life or tv or movies or youtube or instagram or facebook or a billion other social media sites.
nice bait faggot
Senran Kagura isn’t a good series. You might as well be lamenting that AMC banned Revenge of the Fallen from being shown.
>hyped for censorstation
It dosn't need to be good it only needed to serve a point.
>see a bunch of specs
>supposed to get hyped for some reason?
Specs have never mattered. Only games matter. If you disagree, you are the biggest cock gurgling faggot.
>Being hyped for Tranniestation
XB360 had an ATi GPU vs Sony w/Nvidia.
Yeah, remember THE POWER OF THE CELL?
If you're a PC gamer and you buy AMD you're just a poorfag who settles for having worse performance and hardware just for brand loyalty.
>SSD as a baseline for the future of gaming
I hope developers actually use it to improve more than just load screens, being able to pull data faster to render things faster like the Spiderman example would be really nice especially for open world games.
I really find it hard to care about crap. Like if this policy has already existed for a year and a half really nothing has changed since then. These are all zero effort games they censored that nobody even bought uncensored in Japan.
yeah non user, you're creepy for having that picture alone
what would your mother think if she saw it
actually it sounds like they're including a small SSD to act as a cache to preload data from the HDD or Bluray than having a 1 TB SSD in there. That way the data required will always be ready and preloaded which will massively reduce load times and make them nonexistant.
Thankfully Sony has always provided games
Not in the slightest. PCbros will have Ice Lake and Zen 3 with 20% higher transistor density by then.
>sexualises children
>implying others have mental issues to cope with your own
i'm sorry user
Dmc5 is uncensored in America you dimwit and the ones who wanted to censor the game was capcom themselves
>nothing has changed since then
Some people have already stopped buying any games for Sony and I even know some people who refunded DMC5 because of the censorship that was PS4 exclusive. You're only saying that because it dosn't affect you right now but the second a game you care about is censored versus an option on another console/PC then you'll care.
>sony has provided games
>posts 95% games from third party
No it wasn't.
Yes it was the latest patch capcom undid the stuff that was only intended for Europe
Feel free to post proof.
I'd like to have a proper framerate in my games. I'd be the first to admit that I'd like games to have more 2D graphics and art, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
That’s literally the entire history of the PlayStation brand. They have always had a massive third party and still will for PS5
I wait and see what games sony show us, especially after they said
>Sony's Shawn Layden wants fewer, bigger PlayStation games
and movies don't count as games .
minus japanese games
Depends on the price. 399 is the sweet spot!
Japanese games are still coming to ps5 just not the trash ones that the actual Japanese didn’t even buy.
Not at all. I bought my PS4 for Japanese games and now all of them either get censored or ported to PC.
>those specs+SSD
But I sure am hyped for ''599 dollars part 2''
>a GPU that's worse than the one I have atm
>a CPU that's worse than the one I have atm
>an SSD that I had for over 10 years
>VR meme
I'm only hyped for the games because hopefully developers try to add some physics and increase draw distance of their games.
But I'm sure they'll go for making wall textures as HD as possible again.
>cpu worse than i have
what do you got?
Oh look it's this thread again!
I know Sony's very nervous with the prospect of PS5 repeating the same mistake that PS3 did in light of recent revelations, but spamming the same thread for 3 straight days is just ridiculous.
Also, OP is a faggot.
Seething nincel
OP here, I saw this on /g/ and thought it would be good to have discussion on it. Also I don't own a console but only have a gaming pc.
Also also, suck my dick cunt
Yeah, because Lady and Trish from DMV are totally underage.
And they will be still playing ports from consoles.
i almost bought an ssd recently thinking i could probably swap it into the ps5. guess not. sounds like it has a good chance of being proprietary.
Why is this always said as a negative? no one owns a gaymen PC for exclusives they own it to play the best versions of games complete with being able to mod them for a variety of reasons. I play console games but I can disable shitty camera limitations devs force on consoleplebs for example.
still excited to see the new standard being set.
You collecting PS4 discs? Got any rare ones? Like Gravity Rush Remastered, Rez Infinite Godzilla, Quantic Dream Collection, .
You keep building a your collection and play wait for PS5 , I have lots of games to play still, Seems like P S4 will be a pretty great library for backwards compatibility
I skipping over cenorship station 5. I don't support Sony and that garbage.
no reason for me to buy the PS5
PS4 was a dust collector after Bloodborne. All good multiplats only on PC and the garbage SP movie games I could care less about.
Nope, I learned my lesson when I bought a ps4. I have a shitton of games but I only used it as MHW machine. Playing on my Switch and PC just feels different and more fun than PS4.
>full vr
is going to be 499 and nobody will like that
Yea ForumstendoGAF is on absolute assblast. Calm down faggots.
Great, two more years of this trash board predicting another flop because they can't cope with Sony schooling both MS and Nintendo for yet another gen.
If this is true I am all into it. It is not hard to just slip a little dialogue that point a character is over 18 years old.
They wouldn't even buy Senran kagura even if it came out on the Switch. All they care about is Funko braindead Recognizable Nintendo Characters.
No games announced, Devs will target memes like 4k and be rather than good games with solid frame rates. I'll stick with my PC until it gets worthwhile content like a From exclusive.
Don't forget how censored Persona 5 characters got for Smash. Literally everyone is as flat as cardboard now because Nintendo didn't want to offend ResetEra.
With CPU bottleneck out of the way, this means that devs will hopefully give people the option of resolution or frame rate. There's no reason not to when GPU is the limiting factor and not CPU.
We saw a little of it in games like Nioh, but it was far from standard. The lack of a CPU bottleneck is certainly am improvement but as long as devs fail to even give the option of prioritising performance I'll avoid consoles as much as I can.
damn, most pc gaymers dont even have ssds
Honestly they probably took already existing rigs just to be lazy.
I'm not seeing a whole lot of shit happening for 2019 for Nintendo.
It's still looking like Playstation will dominate if those PS5 specs are real, it's going to make ports nigh impossible for the switch since it's so underpowered. It may eek out an existenc ein Japan but Nintendo needs to focus on the west more if it wants to succeed. Which means making a traditional high powered console.
Don't forget the PS5 price is rumored to be $350. They're making it cheaper to sell more units.
I think that's the biggest reason for Nintendo to shit bricks over this announcement. If devs start to design games after high-end CPUs with SSD in mind, then Switch won't even get the little third-party games they already do. It's Playstation that decides the baseline for third-parties with everyone else playing along. I have no idea where Nintendo will go after Switch. They've emptied their options.
I built a PC in 2014 instead of getting an eighth gen console and don't feel any regret about that in the slightest. I have a feeling I'm just going to upgrade my PC again this gen too.
Nah, the lowest price is going to be $500. And that's already with Sony taking a substantial hit on each unit sold.
I can't wait for Death Stranding, Bloodborne remastered, TLOU2 remastered, GoW remastered and Spiderman remastered at 1080p60 WITHOUT drops.
Thanks for beta testing PS4cucks
there is no platform that doesn't do shitty practices
The way Mark Cerny is talking about it indicates it isn't going to be cheap at all. I'd guess it'll be $450-500
Yeah it's looking real desperate.
Everything is pointing to under 500 bucks, they've had agreements as of 3 years ago to source everything. They're making a high powered console that's going to be sold far cheaper than the ones before. It seems that they're going to solidify their lead for years to come. The PS4 BC is real which means people who already own PS4's can switch over and lose nothing. it doesn't alienate their install base or split it.
post the image
Imagine being this divorced from reality
Still playing the definite version. Still smart enough to not own a c*nsole.
What utter retard made this graph? Everyone knows Nintendo makes money day 1. However their consoles don't have any longevity at all. Even their mega hit Wii died when PS3 was just at a halfway point. Switch doesn't have many years left. And its death will be hastened with PS5 setting a new standard for multiplat games.
They can't defy reality. An SSD is expensive no matter how you spin it. Under 500 bucks, sure. But that means 499 to me.
This is what happens when you cater exclusively to normalfags.
by the time 2020 or 2021 rolls around and they're actually in production it's more or less going to be around 400 or 450.
>mario, pokemon, and zelda
>the "I clapped when i saw it" equivalent of games
>An SSD is expensive no matter how you spin it.
SSD prices have gone down massively you brainlet. A 500GB SSD would likely be the same price as a 500GB at the time of the Ps4 launch.
Plus there's a massive improvement in loading times on ssds - I have all my games on SSD and would never go back to hdds
>Nintendo doesn't desperately try to pander to normalfags with their endless gimmicks and bing bing wahoos
What did he mean by this?
All of you are missing the bigger picture and thats that when the current gen is going out the window, we get the best games since devs are now comfortable with the hardware. also cheaper games once the 5 releases. so yea im excited for 20 excellent ps4 games in the next 5 years.
If you disagree you are of course free to provide contradicting data.
I meant that Nintendo sales cratered after the first two years because normalfags got tired of the Ninty gimmicks.
Are you brain damaged or something?
correction: 20 dollar ps4 games.
I'm a fucking retard
it also seems that the first few PS5 games will also be able to be played on the PS4. Actual Cross gen titles from the same disc will really help ease the people into buying a PS5 especially when a sequel to a series is announced. PS3 got real good when the PS4 was on the horizon, you had games like Tales of Xillia 1 and 2 come out for it.
>Sony will let the platform be filled with tranny propaganda and extreme violence
>bans any sort of heterosexually pleasing fanservice because it's "bad for the kids"
No thank you. I don't want a trannybox. It's a shame because I would have been hyped for the technology.
they do, it's all console gamers who are stuck on 5400rpm HDD's
guess i'll have to see how the japanese take to it,sony did a real shit job of promoting shit like gravity rush 2
& you will be playing FIFA 2020 on Consoles
Don't even make me bring MS into this
I dunno all the games they censored were crap or not even games at all. Capcom was the one who initiated the DMC patch only to undo it it later.
The policy has been in effect for a year and with games like Kingdom hearts and Sekiro coming on the system unaffected as well as Vesperia, Labyrinth of Refrain, and others nothing really is going to change.
People concerned about Kojima's game don't mention that his studio is part of Sony itself and hence he would have already designed everything around their policies.
i really hope we don't end up getting a ps5 pro down the line
In the Wire interview they basically said it will be more expensive than PS4
It won't be $400, $500, maybe $550
Eh maybe I don't think it will be above 500 bucks at most.
>inb4 600 dollars again
nobody wants to go through the arrogant sony timeline again
sony's censorship policies aside...
shouldnt pc gaymers be happy that consoles are using new pc cpu and gpus and ssds? this will only make the pc version of games better even if you dont plan to purchase a next gen console.
>"As opposed to 19 times faster for the next-gen console"
>minute long load times would be reduced to 3~ seconds
>or down from seconds to instant
Unironically very hyped.
I don't care much about the EXTREME grafics they're going to tout whenever they announce the console for real, the bajillion polygons and realistic lighting that gets shown off every generation, it's just the performance buffs that excite me.
Don't care about them censoring weeb games, anyone with any self respect whatsoever wouldn't be playing let alone owning them anyway.
>an SSD that I had for over 10 years
no need to lie
Only the groping minigame was removed tho
>he believes the hype
oh to be 14 years old again
Anybody still got that image of Frank owning a PS3 with one game?
If they're finally switching to SSD's I don't see much reason not to believe that loading times will be significantly faster.
I guess that's one way to spin the fact that the past two years, SIE has been doing much better than Nintendo.
devs will be dumb enough to make every texture super high res
Whatever you say Euro cuck, soon you'll get jailed for wrong think.
japan usually doesn't play western trash
censoring your main weeb audience and other games is just sad
I won't be jailed so long as I play on PS4
Literally not a single reason to buy this piece of shit at all
like 0 reasons when you own a PC and a Switch
Gravity Rush is rare?
>Censorstation 5: ULTRA Censor
>VR shit
>cinematic exclusives
No, I'd sooner die than ever again buy another Shitstation. I'm done with Sony.
Japan plays western games all the time. Western games have sold millions overthere including COD and other shooters.
No reason to buy sony products if they're just gonna censor my games.
Physical Edition of NTSC gravity rush is rare. it was an amazon exclusive.
There's no reason to own a Switch over PS4. Atleast PS4 has Bloodborne. Switch doesn't even have a game of that calibre.
In the past two years, Playstation has made 424,632 million yen in profit to Nintendo's 397,586 million yen. A difference of 7% despite a 300% advantage in install base.
A single tweet
heh I get the joke, VNs are not games.
Sony fans are not doing so hot right now. Imagine being so loyal to a company that is doing things any fan would clearly be angered by. They build up a persona of the golden wojak and they will be fucked hard by it.
>the technology is at a point where near non-existent load times are becoming possible
>despite this leap in technology, the next Elder Scrolls game will still require load screens for every individual building and area because they're still using a nearly two decade old engine
>nothing will change
T-Thanks Todd.
Just Sony's Playstation Division is doing better than all of Nintendo. Don't forget that Sony in itself is pulling yearly profits multiple times that of Nintendo now.
5 years of fucking shilling the wii-u and never having it get off the ground, only to be stabbed in the back
>wake up
>xgroids still fuming
>>the technology is at a point where near non-existent load times are becoming possible
no, it's not.
Hell yeah im so hyped for:
>no games
>25fps movies about black lesbians
>censored anime games
>paying $500 to California based company with no relation to the old Japanese Sony
Show the numbers. Actually, I've already shown the numbers so there's really nothing you can do.
You can pretend that revenue is a relevant metric and post that, would that make you feel better?
Will autists keep screeching until release?
bloodbornei s a fucking joke you excuse is so pathetic
But you already showed the numbers which puts just Sony's Playstation division ahead of all of Nintendo. And then you didn't even count Sony proper which is now doing multiple times profit per FY than Nintendo.
FYI I don't even care about this shit. I don't have any stocks anywhere. I just find it funny how much stock Nintenfags place on corporate profits but they still get BTFO even on that front. Shut the fuck up and learn to argue like a consumer/fan instead of a blatant corporate shill. That would raise the level of discussion atleast from utter shit to mild shit.
>puritanist censorship
>weaker than my PC
>payed internet
No thanks
>every console manufacturer has a headquarters in California
Microsoft and Valve are both there too.
>15 second load down to 0.8s
>from a game not even optimized for the new console
Yeah it is.
Finall I can beat Skyrim for the PS3 by using a PS5.
So what's better than Bloodborne on Switch?
>backwards compatibility , physical and digital
>VR forward compatibility
>Death Stranding as a launch title
>enchaced modes for all PS4 games
>Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, TLoU2 2019 and more PS4/VR games to be announced with State of Play
>enchaced modes for all PS4 games
This would boost adoption rates immensely.
the question is what is not better than BB on switch
>censor big tits woman
>Bore of the Ubishit
>Bing Bing 5 Hour Odyssey
Is this bait?
Like with every console, I'll wait till it has games that I want to play. Until then I'll stick with the shit I own already.
Yes that seems to be a coping mechanism for shit games - cling to their MC scores.
Reminder that SOnY censored DMCV. Can't have those filthy appealing female butts making men feel like real men.
Just get an eight core CPU in 2020 and you are set for a very long time.
PS5 can't be stopped
>all the SOnY cope in this thread
SOnYboys on literal suicide watch(cause they're trannies)
You might even be able to stretch PC building into 2021, because there won't be any super heavy titles yet in 2020.
>still finishing ps3 games and haven't really had any incentive to get a ps4 (more interested in playing through the vita library desu)
>ps5 announced
accidentally gonna skip a console generation
>>an SSD that I had for over 10 years
you have a PCIe 4.0 ssd?