Point-click game discussion

Ok i finished it. Good game. Soundtrack is super good. Maybe "Sally Face"? Originally i was advised to check Fran Bow in the discussion of "Sally Face"

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What are some must play point n click games?

Monkey island 1,2 and 3.

I liked Machinarium.

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Monkey Island 1-3
Day of the Tentacle
Grim Fandango

Not really point and click more left --> puzzle game but if you enjoy mental illness in videogame form check out The Cat Lady and Downfall.
Voice acting is shoddy as shit but god DAMN if they aren't amazing story/atmosphere wise.

yeah I liked it too. I got stuck on that puzzle where you have to change the seasons to get in the tavern tho

Monkey Island
Grim Fandango
Day of the Tentacle
The Cat Lady
The Longest Journey
Full Throttle
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Sam & Max
Simon the Sorcerer
The Dig
Broken Sword
Beneath a Steel Sky
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
Leisure Suit Larry

Just add Loom and Discworld and we're good

Death Gate

What's the most bullshit point&click game you've ever played

The older the game the more likely you will go on a retarded pixel hunt.

King quest 6
Gabriel Knight sins of the fathers

>King quest 6
Fucking amazing game. Wish it got as much love and attention nowadays as it did back in the day.

Fate of Atlantis
This might be the only P&C where the difficulty is tuned just right. There are no nonsensical puzzles or pixel hunting, but it's never too obvious. There are multiple solutions to some puzzles, and there actually 3 different ways to progress through the game, each with different puzzles and I think some with unique locations as well. Think The Witcher 2 act 2.

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Play the Black Mirror trilogy, they are great

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The Inner World is pretty cool

It’s a bit too easy for my tastes, but it’s definitely a fantastic game

It was a true kino experience back in the day.

Sally Face is kino

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Anyone has news on Crown of Leaves? Shit stuck on ep1 for months now

Discworld is an exercise in frustration, good only for a playthrough with a guide for the music and Eric Idle dialogue.


Fanart of them and Fran

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Imagine being THAT GUY ripping off one of the best indie adventure games which was a game changer narrative/visually and making this trash.
Fuck off.

What do you mean? I didnt play Sally nor Fran, did Sally rip off Fran?

Also suffers from Neverending Nightmares syndrome aka uses edgy as everything with no actual substance making the game boring as shit to play and enjoy.

Wish Fran Bow was my child bride.

I love the first one, but the rest of the trilogy just don't have that "something special" which made the first one so good.

Don't play Chains of Satinav.
The art is pretty but the puzzles are terrible and the plot becomes more assfuck retarded the longer it goes. The mentally handicapped waifu isn't worth it.

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same, it was the harddest puzzle. But it was good.

>no Space Quest
If you haven't played them yet, then what are you doing here? Go play them now!

some GBC game about fish aliens or something
Couldn't even find guides for it either cuz no one had played it

The ones where you can play for many chapters, only to get stuck because you forgot to pixelhunt one of the first rooms in the game

Mainly because I'm a fucking retard at adventure games and make stupid mistakes leading to insta game overs.

STASIS, easily

>still no mention of Chzo mythos

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Is Hotel Dusk a point and click game? Ive played it for at least 4 hours now and it really feels like everything is just going to be checking things out and using items on other item.

The same can be said about Gray Matter. I was hyped as fucked because it was a Jane Jensen game. The same woman who made the Gabriel Knight games.
But the story was so boring, and It's a bad game when you as the player understands more about what's going on than the main character.

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Discworld II is better, and Discworld Noir is point and click kino. Noir is more about finding clues and piecing them together, rather than puzzle solving.

Don't let the ugly graphic scare you away. It was a time where everything had to be 3d, or else publishers wouldn't touch it

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what is a point and click for you?

Can you even play this on a modern OS?
I remember getting to act 2 (or whatever required disk 2) on a Windows XP machine, then the game crashed every time.

Whispers of a machine was great. Came out yesterday and I didn't even know as I pirated it. You get augments based on your play style, so you have to tackle puzzles differently. It was too short, but really good. There were some moments I felt that I had no idea what to do next, but there weren't anything that was too bullshit. Only problem was that even though it was made by Swedes the voice actors butcher Swedish names. Also some odd choices of words. But if you're a burger you're not gonna notice.

Moving a charachter around, checking things, using and combining items with other items, they are pretty much books, when they are annoying, its not just "use" items, but you have the options to "see", "use", "eat" and whatever have you.

Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy
A comfy cyberpunk game that is for some reason never talked about.

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Reminder that Blade Runner remaster never.

It's been a while, But I think someone made a launcher for it.

I haven't tried this, but try running it with dgVoodoo2. it's a 3dfx wrapper, but it also emulate alot of the old directx versions.

This game is scary to me as a kid

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The Lost Crown
Barrow Hill
Nancy Drew games (first ten or so are excellent, rest are decent to good).

I really like that you get unique dialouge for 99% of all the stuff you can combine.

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I like Foxtail. It's pretty nice if you enjoyed Inherit the Earth and Monkey Island.

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Also Inherit the Earth 2 is under work, even through they failed the kickstarter they are now working with patreon.

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>This game is currently in development

So how is your game coming along? Is there a demo I can download?

Don't know if it counts but Puzzle Agent 1&2 was kinda fun. The setting, humor and voice acting gave that comfy vibe.

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Great taste right here
How are the other games he made? I haven't played any

The creators of fran bow are making a new game

SJW game.
No thanks.

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Looks like a pisstake to me.

>no dink smallwood
>one mention of space quest

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both entries have absolutely awful and abrupt endings, but they're still pretty fun nonetheless

but cunny

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Did Broken Sword ever get good again?
I played 1, 2 and 3 and thought they stopped the series after that but apparently they are still going.

Reminder that the final game in the Cat Lady trilogy is coming out next week

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Eric the Unready, it's a text puzzle game, but with still pictures. It' really funny, and you can't get stuck or die because you missed something.

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I like dream machine a lot.
But the the puzzle is a little too hard and i ended up looking for walkthroughs all the time.

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4 is not so bad, eventhough it has some Uncharted climbing and sneaking levels the humour is still there. Haven't played 5, but 6 was a nice back to form game.

I liked Dropsy, going around and tard-hugging everything.

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The Blackwell games are great.

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>Don't play Chains of Satinav.

I did, and it was pretty good. So was its sequel.

Sweden Yes!

t. Chains of Satinav dev

The Fran Bow ending was a huge copout

Plat Scratches.

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Great argument there, champ.

Try entering the secret laboratory in chapter one when you are not supposed to know the code for the gramophone yet.

gonna repeat shit but this is my top list

monkey island 1,2,3 (special editions are nice)
broken sword 1,2 (directors cut versions are shit, emulate using ScummVM)
day of the tentacle
grim fandango
sam and max hit the road

Anyone remember that Hansel and Gretel Newgrounds game?

Scratches is peak atmosphere.
The dev, if I'm not wrong, has been developing a new game ever since (Asylum), but it's taking for fucking ever. I don't even keep up with updates anymore.

one of the kings field games has an item that if you don't get it before you move on, your save file is unwinnable, but you don't know that so you might waste hours before checking the internet and finding you have to restart the game

Yeah, where hans could turn into a tree if you fed him wrong and shit?

Doubt it's the worst one, but I remember Dark Seed having some retarded moments.

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agreed. It was a real shame.
they even had other characters see this creatures when Fran wasn't there

dw noir is so cool, i rented it a bunch of times as a kid. and dw2 as well although i didn't get half of the jokes as a dumb kid

W-what will happen?

I think he just says "Naughty, naughty!". I think it's neat that the dev acknowledges the attempt.

1-2 are the best, 3-4 are kind of shitty but i made a point to beat them, i've played worse. and 5 is actually decent imo, it's better than 3 or 4

Gourd of the Beans I

A text parser game that pays homage to the old Quest games, while also beeing a parody of Lord of the Rings.

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i meant kings quest ffs not kings field*

5 days a stranger is kino

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phantasmagoria 2 is an interesting game, Spoony has a classic LP of it on the youtubes. it's FMV game but plays like a point and click

Does anyone remember a game, in 3D, like from 2000s, where you controlled a girl wearing a red dress? she was investigating a "magic school" or something, I cannot remember the name

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>still no translation of Garage
Fuck me bros

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The Deponia series is pretty good, if you stomach a somewhat less charming but more assholish Threepwood (and writing that seems to revel in its self-arrogance).

Should be Keepsake.


why the fuck would a young lady like that sound like an old man in his 50s?

The Longest Journey
Sequels are adventure games but still as good


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The sequels are shit

Gobliiins series
More of puzzle games but they're hilarious and the puzzles are challenging without being completely illogical (most of the time)

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I wish there were more point & clicks today that followed Simon the Sorcerer 1's world and puzzle design.

The standard today seems to boil down to a linear succession of puzzles set within a very limited and restricted space, to the point, for example in Chains of Satinavs, some chapters are essentially no more than "Escape the Room" sort of deals, even if the chapter is set in the mountains.

vegetarian volcano from monkey island 3

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same thing happened with another game were the main character was supposed to be norwegian. Only that his name was Knut, and he always pronounced it like newt, instead of with a hard K.

I remember enjoying this one

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Jesus on a stick. Don't choose that fucking name then. When the devs are from the country, why do they let that shit slide?

>Nobody posted Samorost 3 yet
This one is pure soul

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never finished that game but i had it on amiga. the thing i like about monkey island 2 is that it's three big islands each with multiple locations and you move between them freely, so it feels really tough cause the solution for what you're stuck on could be anywhere

>Don't let the ugly graphic scare you away. It was a time where everything had to be 3d, or else publishers wouldn't touch it

the same thing happened with Simon the Sorcerer 3. I actually remember pictures from the original version with 3d renedered backgrounds but in 2d, just like Discworld Noir.

I can't find any pictures now though, so maybe I dreamt it?

Surprised no one mentioned Still Life games, the first one is a classic and the fixed cameras and stages were great, I also liked the story and the protagonist. The second one was good but it had the limited inventary

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>those minimum specs

the fuck


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Dude in the hallway looks like he's on his way to a chad/virgin meme.

>but i had it on amig
mah negro

How many floppies was it? 6? I also had one of the kings quest games that had like 13 disks, but I could never play it because one of the disks had the dreaded Saddam virus.

>What are some must play point n click games?
None of them are must play. The gameplay puzzles in them are almost always shit, so you might as well just want silent playthroughts/movie versions of the ones with decent visuals/music/dialogue.

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He even tried to say somethings in norwegian, but those lines were worse than the norwegians from the X Files.

idk i know monkey island had like 14 or something, my dad just brought home 2 containers with a dozen pirated games from somewhere lol. i'm surprised i had no trouble booting the games up, i tried an amiga emulator recently and couldn't figure the shit out

Minimum specs are often just the weakest PC the developers have available.

I had completely forgotten about the goat puzzle in Broken Sword 1.

it's like they don't want anybody to play it.
I may be wrong, but I would guess many point and click gamers stay on older OSes to have better compatibility with older games.

I felt Still Life 2 shat all over the ending of Still Life 1. The identinty to the killer of the first game was just stupid.

Ahahahaha it even has its own Wikipedia article.


I recommend the let's play archive version of these games, everything aside from Trilby's Notes (pretty good game in its own right) get relentlessly shit on for getting pretty much everything wrong.

It was kind of implied it was that character, right? I liked how you were the one to decide. Didnt expect the sequel just to confirm it was him in the beggining of the game

Monkey Island 2 maybe? The first one only had three disks. And who had non pirated games on the amiga?! Everybody I knew that had an amiga had floppies with the game name written in pencil

>Gabe making fun of 7 Days a Sceptic's ending

and after you beat it you're treated to another timing based puzzle where if you fuck it up you have to walk back and forth like 8 screens to try again

I remember I played this part without internet. I was so frustrated that I ended up calling a friend who had internet and asked him to help me.

I still remember his laugh when he told me the answer

Can you find a specific fragment where this happens? I remember Yahtzee and Gabe having a good enough chemistry to where watching their shit was kinda worth it.

Here's the let's play archive version I talked about, it's a fun read lparchive.org/The-Chzo-Mythos/


you guys made me remember that I've never played the longest journey. I'm gonna boot it up now, thanks!

I'm not the author, but you can check the gameplay here:

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Also, Yhatzee and Gabe played through the entirety of his... uh. ludography? Well, not the early stuff from high school made in Visual Basic.

Thoughts on the Tex Murphy games?

>Why did you do that?!
7 Days a Skeptic is legendary in how it shows Yahtzee's complete lack of understanding of how space works.

Only played a bit of Killing Moon, pretty good and humorous.

played it ages ago and loved it, but the wait for new chapters made me forgot about it. the story is complete now?

watched the gameinformer playthrough of under a killing moon, got a few laughs

who could be behind this post?

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Yes. Submachine Universe is also "complete" in that you can get an ending in it. For the past 2 years since Sub 10 finally got finished, Mateusz Skutnik has been working on his "big game" featuring the seaweed guy from Daymare Town 3 (or was it 4?) - anyways, that's the gist of it. Go play them damnit.

>Trilby's Notes
Unironically the most kino moment in any game I have ever played.

I liked that with Triby's Notes it tied into something bigger than just "vengeful spirit of mentally handicapped child".

Pleasantly surprised that it wasn't an African curse as I first thought, and as the first flashback might initially lead you to think.

Mean Streets is one of the best cyberpunk games ever made. I didn't care much for any of the FMV games. They were somewhat amusing but the gameplay wasn't very fun and fuck CD swapping. Martian Memorandum I remember being fairly decent.

The director of Fran Bow is a complete cutie.


Anyone else enjoyed The Neverhood? It's my personal favorite (partially due to nostalgia) especially since the music and visuals is pretty damn good.

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I've played both games and I don't see anything that can be considered a rip-off other than the "Neverending Nightmares syndrome" you bring up, and that's not something Fran Bow created (see America McGee's Alice).

I also remember this game as ok

Buy the game user.

Enjoy it, is fucking amazing.

I am intending to, it was a long time since I played a point and click that good.

Discworld, no joke.

Pretty much the entire intro right down to the therapist talk for starters.
Maybe I'm just jaded because I expected a bunch from Neverending Nightmares and it turned out to be terrible and this game was the exact same except somehow edgier and with shittier writing.

>decide to finally play 5 Days a Stranger because of this thread
>first day is just walking back and forth talking to people; walking takes fucking forever
>have to look up a guide for the last guy because you have to "use" a tree, but only after you've talked to everyone else, and I already used the tree before and it didn't do shit
>second "puzzle" is clicking a single specific book on a huge bookshelf, where clicking any other book just tells you the books are all useless
>still spending 90% of my time walking

I think I'm done with this shit. Why tf do people like this?

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Looking forward to it.

it's scary

Armed & Delirious


thank god they got another chance to make a second one. It still has some of the moon logic, but not all the way like the first one.

Still, try out Discworld Noir. It got nothing to do with the two first ones anyways.

the higher resolution makes it easier to look at too, you can actually make out objects

Yeah, I liked that part.

>Actually dying makes you win the game.

BTW What happened to that Trilby clone at the end of the last game? He was doomed to be inside of Chzo?

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>Armed & Delirious
that's like a meme game before memes was a thing. Disgusting lol so randum shit.
Thank god for Ross having the patience of a saint

>I was hyped as fucked because it was a Jane Jensen game.
Same. Waited for years.

This masterpiece

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I played them all. First one is great.
The ending to 2 and 3 are fucking abysmal and made me feel like I wasted my time playing them. Stilll pissed about that shit

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Loved me the music

I think that the way the timeline worked out it was more that he became the successor for the unwilling arrogant man. Then again I haven't played it for 10 years.

bump for point and clicks being underappreciated

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Are they? They get as much attention as a niche genre can get.

Finished this like a month ago.
It would have been better as just the standard murder mystery that was setup at the start instead of the fourth wall breaking stuff. Atmosphere in the town is comfy.

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my nig

I wish Armikrog was as good as this song youtube.com/watch?v=L6H8aghHCYg

>Ctrl + F
>no Syberia


MAN you killed me, I didnt know SL3 existed, I mean yeah now I remember reading about they doing the third part or something years ago but forgot about everything. I would replay the first part, I loved it

Main characters thoughts had me cracking up most of the time
They don't make games like that anymore

Played the first one and lived it the robot is based
Played he second one and wasn't really feeling it. Then I lost 3 hours of progress and dropped it completely. Is the 3rd one any good?

which games are less about dialogue and more about objects? i get a bit impatient with the conversations, i do enjoy pixel hunting and combining random shit though

This. That fucking ending ruined the entire build up holy shit
>all those wasted cut scenes of townfolk doing something suspicious
This is why i hate hipsters so much, they fucking think everything is about them

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A pure murder mystery set in the comfy town would have been KINO. Early game was Twin Peaks comfy levels.

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The only good (or rather "not immediately trivial") game in the series is Trilby's Notes, and even that one, at the end of the day, is a fairly blatant Eternal Darkness ripoff narrative-wise.

Haven't even played the game and I can tell it would piss me off.
>game goes out of its way to show characters being in places they shouldn't be doing shady shit
>turns out it was literally nothing or just never address what they were doing again

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Dropsy is completely dialog free, requiring you to figure out what is going on by animation, emotion, and pictures alone.

this seems like a good opportunity to mention that cyan is currently running a kickstarter for their next game and could use an extra push

anoybody here ever make their own p&c?

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Learning programming atm and starting classes for comp sci next year. Gonna try to make a small point and click eventually I can't wait
What's yours like or about?

it's not mine, I just googled for adventure game studio

Point and Click games are just mediocre cartoons drawn out with terrible puzzles. This is fact.

I really liked the Edna and Harvey games

Is Hypnospace Outlaw considered a point and click? Because that was a very good game.

I still can't get over how amazing the Armikrog soundtrack was. I know some people were upset it wasn't a copypaste of the Neverhood ost but in my opinion it's better.

Myst games. In fact there's pretty much no dialogue in them.

Anyone else played Tim Follin's game?

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your mother is a terrible puzzle

>the only mentions of Space Quest are anons saying no one mentions Space Quest
The Next Mutation is so fucking comfy.

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>Nobody's mentioned Paradigm yet

You did. :^)


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is 5 your favourite?
I stopped at 4 for some reason. So far my favourite is 3

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looks cool

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This one was great
Beat me to it

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Yeah, it's pretty good in my opinion. Unfortunately there's That One Minigame that didn't age well because modern hardware makes it ten times faster than it supossed to be. I think it was fixable/works fine in Dosbox, but I'm not so sure exactly, it's been a long time since I replayed it.

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Yahtzee's own adventure games.

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too many indie horror games resort to "you're the killer after all" endings

i'm actually just waiting for the epic twist whenever im playing indie horrors

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Big warning for people who haven't. If you have severe depression, DON'T play Cat Lady trilogy.
I'm excited for Lorain though

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I really liked playing Thimbleweed Park just for the odd feeling of nostalgia. But I must say that the ending with its 4th wall breaking ruined the whole game experience for me. It was quite pretentious and somewhat self-congratulatory...

>Eric the Unready
looks neat. Always wanted to try a text adventure like game

Big warning for people who haven't. If you are really fucking metal, PLAY downfall

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This. I got depressed by how fucking obnoxious the Cat Lady script was and how fucking bad the voice acting in the Downfall remake was.

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Actually my favorite Devolver published game

>Everything you click makes a fun sound

Well, at least you can use the puppet head on the curtain.

Does Hynospace Outlaw count as Point and Click? There's puzzles in the game and lots of exploration but it's more of like a pseudo late 90's internet exploration game while you being a moderator.

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>>turns out it was literally nothing or just never address what they were doing again
you have no idea how right you are

>shady cutscenes
>actually spooky town
>actually made me interested
in all honesty though, i recommend playing thimbleweed park at least once. for the spooks and noir atmosphere. just don't get too hyped up for the ending. the game has it's moments desu.
there was even that segment where i was actually scared for my life because the scare was that unexpected

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Fuck me, that dead prostitute in the bathtub scared me for life.

Any recent game that is good?

Best Lucasarts game not directed by Tim Schafer and is actually funny

Based protag
Hope Tim makes another one

Ah, my bad. I used Control+F and didn't find it.
I'd say yeah.

Detention and Paradigm

Thimbleweed Park is modern point and click kino.

Other than that I really like Monkey Island 1/2 and Grim Fandango.

Ghost Trick is a little different but is my favorite game. Zack and Wiki redeemed the Wii for me.

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>Zack and Wiki
Based user

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What's the most beautiful pnc game you've played?
Pic related is Tiny Echo

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Thimbleweed Park ending felt rushed/bad but everything was fucking great up until that.

It's weird because Ron would justify it as "at least people are talking about it, just like MI2!" But when MI2 did it, it had a GREAT final boss sequence with some really inspired puzzles. Thimbleweed's "epilogue" puzzles do not compare and the walk through the beta content isn't cool, it's just annoying.

What's sad is that the telegraphed "proper" ending reveal (Pillowtron went crazy and has been replacing everyone in town with robots and planning to convert the town into a server farm to expand itself) was actually pretty cool. But the real twist trivializes the story in an unpleasant way.

There were also some cut ideas from the early drafts (Ransome's love interest, Ghost Dad actually finding a way to come back to life) that I think would have breathed more life into the story.

I will say that the update later that added the ability for PCs to talk to each other, and made them greet each other while walking by, was a huge improvement.

Paradigm was so focused on gross out humor and forced memes that I refunded it after 40 minutes of trying to suffer through it.

>gross out
It's more absurdism than gross out though.
Dude, the main character is some mutant who wants to make music.
His best friend is a fucking eggplant.
A sloth that is also a vending machine.

He was working on Gretel and Hansel 3 but suddenly stopped posting updates for it.

Attached: gh666.png (694x585, 740K)

>VN are more popular in Yea Forums thay point and click games.
We live in the worst timeline.

That game is overrated OP.

Eh, I felt it devolved into a brain teaser book strung together by a plot. I mean how does "pour 4 litres with a 2 and 5 litre buckets" fit into a murder investigation?
The Dig was also guilty of this, to an even bigger extent.