What did Nintendo mean by this?

What did Nintendo mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Its okay for the west to destroy itself with communism.

Tbh i don't care as long as you get sent to a gulag and i can watch you suffer.

tl;dr youtube.com/watch?v=tntA_4IoxbE

Ironically, this is capitalism's fault.

Just promote violence pro.

Game looks fun.

>Smash police
>Smash capitalism

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What the fuck are you talking about? It looks like a shitty mobile game

>overpowering capitalism
>game is 10.99 thank you very much.

Hey it's funny atleast.

It would be if commies weren't so fucking stupid that they completely lacked any self-awareness. These are the same people who donated millions to Bernie Sanders, a millionaire himself, so he can preach socialism and bitch that the 1% (Which he is a part of) don't give their wealth to the workers..

This totally has nothing to do with the country being flooded with unskilled 3rd worlders who work for $3 an hour.

Is the claim here that productivity = worker effort and therefore it's unfair that wages are not in line with productivity? Because I don't think that's true. If we paid according to effort 99% of wages would go to computers and machinery.

>yet you participate in the system, how curious!

>Pls don't point out my hypocrisy :^(

This is your brain on slave mentality.

Its not hypocrisy. Wanting to change X, while using X, is perfectly normal. The reason you want to change it is also the reason you use it - you want/need it, and want it to be better.


Slaves don't get paid you melodramatic cumguzzler.

Me? Well yeah i'm something of a worker class myself, however i don't think socialism is the answer.

>I wish I was a free man, slavery sucks.
>Yet you participate in slavery by being a slave ;-)

If communism works so well, why don't they give the game away for free?

>people say it's bad for people to wait in line to get food, let me tell you something .... that's a good thing

you'd have to be a real nazi to oppose socialism.

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I am russian and I will never forgive what those communist demons did to our country. Literally the worst thing that happened to Russia since mongols

You're literally advertising it.

I also would rather everyone have nothing.

this faggot is right, use the actual record of his hideous, gulag-creating, economically poisonous ideology that leaves shambling bureaucracies and brainwashed masses in its wake. Grab him by his hippie hair and grind his face in every failed socialist utopia, and let him know you know capitalism is full of shit but so is he.

Find a better way, stop stapling your heart to an ideology as worthless as socialism.

And to neighboring nations. Especially Ukraine.

That's some next level shilling right there.

>capitalist world is run by jews
>commieshit is commieshit
Where do we go from here?

>Was the genocide committed under communism REALLY a big deal? Experts say it wasn't, and here's why!

Hey, they aren't jannies

>be the most powerful nation on earth
>no other nation can hope to ever defeat you in battle
>propoganda barely works until social media explodes into every home, now it works amazingly well and can't be controlled
>carry out propaganda campaigns instead to make the nations destroy themselves
Based China and Iran.

*clears throat*

ThaT wAsnT ReaL SoCIalism

Wow just... Wow

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Pff, fuck Ukraine. Useless leeches.

lmao you're a tool if you think people are getting paid based on worker effort.

>bro i'm a SLAVE i need the latest iphone, but i really do want to give it up for the breadline

You realize the point of communism is making everyone work whether they want to or not right? Nobody gets to be a NEET under communism.

Because they don't live and work in a communist society, and neither do their customers.

>not jews

Solstenitche would like a word with you

you cant be a rebel if you're on the side of the goverment

kill yourself

>100million people
Here's why the numbers don't add up.

That's what I find most funny. All these idiot American college kids who have never had to do a real day of work in their lives, preach communism while on disability benefits for anxiety or some bullshit. Under communism, they'd be sent to the fucking gulag or simply killed.

if they actually wanted to make a point then their game would be free
and I'd still not play it on any platform


It would almost be worth it, just to see their reactions.

Then maybe they should move to one. What's that, they don't exist any more? Oh right, they all collapsed because it didn't work and no one wanted to live under such oppression.

Meanwhile on the screens of the Nintendo Masses:

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>this short pixel sidescroller has been in development for over 4 years
Is that normal or is it because the developer describes themselves as a socialist union with a flat hierarchy?

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Who cares virgin? This game is bad.

Actually no, according to the big marx beard only a few should work so most can enjoy hedonistic lives.

chapocels OUT OUT OUT

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Subnautica is the biggest example of this.
>devs are turbo liberal and will fire anyone with a different political stance than them
>constantly speak up about human rights and racism
>the second China comes to them with money, all of a sudden they forgot about racism and human rights and absolutely love China

then maybe they should move to a communist country

That's also capitalism's fault. All of us retards abandoned God, so this is our punishment.

the game has been in development hell and runs on spaghetti code. thats why its taken this long. you can actually find an older version of the game under the name radical rebels. i work for dave, unfortunately.

I think is because the overpowering capitalism stopped him from being successful, destroying his hopes and dreams of the totally not fantasy living on the backs of others socialist dream

>Can't tell if thats a dick bulge or really puffy pussy


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An Antifa beat em up game where you fuck up nazis scum sounds cool actually

it's a videogame. Stop being a fucking meme machine and get a life you incel shit bag

That's hilariously fitting and i would make jokes about the commies being unable to even produce such a simple game but it feels cheap.

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The fact that the US changed immigration law allowing 3rd worlders to flood the US is totally a coincidence and has nothing to do with that.
Keep on smashing the capitalism goy and buy those iphones


Not Nazis, just senseless genocide.

As someone who lives in Texas, this is the truth. So many companies are swarming with Mexicans who can't even speak a word of English. The Mexicans come to them begging for a 'don't ask don't tell' policy about them being illegal aliens in exchange for poor as fuck labor. Anyone who decides to skip the absolute money vampire that is college finds themselves faced with minimum wage for jobs that once paid double that amount.

Shhh user, don't point out the oppressive and controlling chinese government. Shh those are lies.

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t. commie
You can't hide behind nazis to pretend to be the good guys, both are scum and deserve death.

the programmer is a really nice guy and i would love to see them be successful, however the game isnt all that great and i would be lying if i said otherwise.

That's not this game though. Here you literally throw bricks at policemen because cops are apparently not fellow workers and instead just ools of the capitalist patriarchy or something.

>Capitalist shit is run by jews
>Commieshit is run by Jews

>W-Who cares if no one plays our socialist game, h-have sex!

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user, user anon, you silly goose , why move to a destroyed fume intoxicated nation when we can create it here, homegrown forced labor camps in every state, from Montana to Kentucky, to Maryland. Joy pure joy

you literally cannot exist without engaging with capitalism, that's how fucked it is

Is this the prequel to Don’t Starve?

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>stand up for tibet
>while on her knees

I bet it's going to be a poor grasp on Marxist theories as it overshadows worker struggle with idpol nonsense and drumpf caricatures.

Loom at the nice officer showing her how to stand up. She should be thankful

She's feeling unwell so the benevolent leader of the People's Republic of China's soldier is helping her sit down so she can rest for a bit.

>Californian communist commune exists
>Was originally inspired by socialist views
>People live in fear and paranoia
>People just walk in your home and yard and take shit
>All the residences own guns to stop people from walking up to you and taking your shit
>Is literally a Fallout Shithole
>This is what these faggots are destroying Western culture for

facebook (dotcom) watch 484871501642292

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>if you want your society to be socialist, then you should move abroad

I don't follow your logic. They want to change the system, not abandon the system.

They need to learn that the system they idolize doesn't work and only leads to death and suffering.

Kill yourself tranny

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so this is.... the society.......... we live in.................................

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Slaves worked and got a place to sleep, and food, but it wasn't really a payment, the owner just gave them minimum possible for him to get up and work the next day.

A wage slave that lives payment to payment is the modern day slave, to the capitalist owner. They only pay you the enough for you to not die, because the need your labor.


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I never said that. I literally said we don't pay according to effort. I'm trying to work out why THEY seem to think worker wages should be in line with productivity and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's not merely GIB ME YOUR MONIES BECAUSE YOU HAVE MORE! The assumption that productivity is purely a result of the employees is obviously utter bullshit. Most of it comes from the employer invested in automation technologies.

But nintendo has nothing to do with this you faggot.
Let me guess, sonyboy right?
Why can't you fucks go a single hour without pulling this flamewar type shit?

Yeah really fucked, having the ability to make something , monetize it, and enjoy the free market, it's so fucked I cannot imagine living here for a second more. I honestly cannot take it, all this food and private property, all this abundance and new technologies. I feel sick

One wrong implementation of an idea doesn't discredit the idea. If you were an engineer you'd know that, and how many advances were birthed from repeated failure with adjustments in between.

Yes, all socialists are evil, no matter if they call themselves nazis or commies

the answer is social democracy

While covering her head so she doesn't get cold from the snow

Exactly. If only we could have the freedom of working for the state or death. Those commies really had the right idea.

I called myself a male presenting transsexual lesbian as a joke, but it has just occurred to me that there might be unironic people defining themselves like that seriously.

no, that is the exact fucking opposite of the answer you delusional retarded child

Oh look, political garbage that wont sell well like most if not all recent titles that try to push this failed system that only succeeds when it mixes with capitalism like the nordic countries that commies always cite.

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There's been quite a few implementations now. The design is flawed no matter how much you try.

>Oops we caused a few famines and genocides under oppressive dictatorships, better luck next time though ^_^

ah, yes, Sweden


>One wrong implementation of an idea doesn't discredit the idea.
communism has been implemented many times and it has always had the same results

reminder that the other pixelated Rioting game on the Switch lets you play as th police and beat up the rioters


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If the design is flawed, this should be discussed on the design level, not by citing failed implementations.
A theory is discredited theoretically, not experimentally. If something seems to produce the wrong result, you haven't determined if the theory is wrong or the experiment is wrong, until you theoretically prove the theory wrong.

Physics and engineering. Physics is socialism, engineering is USSR. A practical implementation. But maybe the engineers made a mistake, not the physicists.

based tim

The police is the class traitor, they are the worker class but work in the way to protect the capitalist interests.


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>working class = a welder who reads welder magazine and watches welder tv and wears a welder uniform to his wedding and teaches his kids to be welders and welds recreationally in his free time

lmao you are out of touch with the working class mate, they aren't all the caricature you are presenting
even in the usa this stereotype is maybe 20% of the working class, if that

It's sad the left think rioting is a political action with consequences, and not just kids destroying shit and going back to starbucks to share the pics.

If you think communism matters, is at all relevant in 2019 you are a certified brainlet who likely listens to his Boomer parents.
The only pertinent country that is communist at the moment is North Korea. China's not truly communist anymore and Cuba, etc. are nothing on the world stage anymore.

This game should be ignored too but it won't because rightards love to feel persecuted and far leftists want to feel like they're doing something when they're actually not

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There isn't a single reason for the assertion presented in that quote.

socialist here, I can't wait to be part of the central bureaucracy and hold the power of life and death over people.

>fuck capitalism!

Julius is a huge nerd

>Everyone gets everything they need no matter what they do
>Somehow magically there isn't 95% NEETs and there's actually enough people working to generate the resources to support everyone
Star Trek is the only way communism would work, a magic box that can create infinite everything with no labor or resources needed. Any other implementation is a bad joke.

>too brainlet to understand a webcomic
I sincerely hope you're not )))white(((

>hates socialisme but loves neetbux

How is that a refutation? He’s 100% correct. Evola is cringe as fuck but he’s right on this, if you just value materialism you aren’t fixing the inherent problem. Communism just evens out the materialism, you still have a fundamentally broken perception of what matters to human beings.

Not even you understand that graph you pathetic retard.
Fucking commies and their retarded arguments.

That man is officially a retard.

more like julius ebola my nuts lmao

>too brainlet to make a good comic
to understand the comic you post is to dislike it, since its nonsensical
the working class in the usa is fat mall clerks, not a guy straight out of early ussr propaganda with overalls, a hammer and everything. thats a caricature

i don't understand /pol/s support for Andrew Yang

>you still have a fundamentally broken perception of what matters to human beings

You can't call shit like needing food, water and shelter in order to survive "materialism". That's just stupid.

He was wrong about most things but you can’t deny he’s right about this

Lol Bernie's a socdem hes no communist. The only reason socialists stan him is because he says the word socialism a lot and gets the word out about it

>mfw communists win in america because they spread their propaganda through the free market

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>have infinite resources that come out of a magic box
>everyone still has to work but doesn't get paid
>corrupt military leaders have absolute power
>still fight endless wars for no reason
yep that's communism for you

Post your hand.

What have those things got to do with money? You only equate them with currency because society has conditioned you to. Both capitalism and communism do that.


Yeah, that's working class and has always been, low education workers with shitty jobs, maybe you should've researched a little bit into what social class you were defending.
"Working class" has always been the way to call uneducated people who can't, for the life of them, put more than 2 neurons together to be able to grow and raise in their jobs.
That's why every commie nowadays is a middle/upper class kid who felt pity of the poor and wants to defend them.

legit red commies are all accelerationists, they want ancaps in power, so that more people wake up
basically commies want turbo-hyper-mega-capitalism because they believe it will end in a revolution, and bernie is just putting a band aid on it and delaying the inevitable

jokes on you, i did roofing last week and my hand is rough as fuck despite being an office worker
not that im posting that

I don't have a problem with it. Wouldn't have a problem with a game where you play as histler and have to gas the juice.
As long as it's not some kind of cryptomessage or a game trying to recruit you in completely not political game, why would anyone care? just don't buy it

I find it a little insulting that this and Adventure Communist are allowed to be sold here.

Despite being only 13% of the galaxy...

>Jews are 100% solely responsible for it
>would not be a problem without Jews
>this system which everyone cooperates in is at fault

Nigger working class doesn't mean poor, it means you are renting your labour out for a wage. It means you work for money, rather than your money making money while you sit.

Post your hand, mutt.

>As long as it's not some kind of cryptomessage or a game trying to recruit you in completely not political game

The US has been overthrowing their governments with coups, forcing them to adopt unfair neoliberal policies through the IMF and World Bank, squashing labor, and extracting super profits from them for the last century. For that, I dont blame them for trying to find a living. Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.

It's a dude user. Come the fuck on.

No, fucking underage.
>He doesn't even know what ideology is defending
Based commies man.

Yes keep scapegoating and don't worry about the rich asshole profiting off migrant workers and your resentment of them, they deserve to consolidate the nation's wealth.

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Most of those wars are being caused by the faggot ass klingons.

Kirk was right. Let them die.

Money is just a social contract to facilitate the barter system. It's not some great evil. It's a convenience.

>needing food, water and shelter in order to survive
We haven't had that problem in centuries, nigger. What holds us back from EVERYONE having that solved is not material in nature at all. It's our own jewishness.

>i cant argue you so i will make petty demands and chores while posing strong


I agree, Bernie Sanders is evil

Computer ain't worth shit without a worker to install, maintain, operate it.

Trying to con dumb libs into buying a game

They have absolutely every right to make and publish this game, but why can’t we have /our/game?

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Working class means people who work for a living. Thats the definition.
That someone will be unaware of such a basic fundamental thing, yet call others uneducated, is proof we need to reform the education system.
Do 20 seconds of research before posting.

Mutt confirmed. You have no voice in this discussion.

.Doesn't realize he'll be going there for visiting Yea Forums in the first place
You played yourself.

if this is a hidden message or you, i don't know what to tell you

They meant to reinforce capitalism by commodifying it's criticism. That shit's older than Che Guevera T-shirts.

Many people who work in trades have a lot of money, still working class, doctors still work for a living, not working class.
Go back to school retard.

That is antisemitic considering 94% of the 1% is Jewish you fucking Nazi


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He was wrong about most things but you can’t deny he’s right about this
vapid centrist mentality. "list aphorism appeal to me so I will just frankenstien it together with all the other things that sound reasonable to me, all ripped out of their holistic context to form an internal model of the world."

Obviously it’s a social construct, why is why I’m saying it’s not inherently beneficial to mankind. I understand why tokens of value were needed and created, but one day we will technologically get to a point where money is no longer necessary. And you have to prove it’s not a great evil. Look at how money can make people behave, look at how people will throw their lives away working for it, look at all the wars over capitalism and communism which are inherently about money. It is 100% materialistic poison to the minds of the easily suggestible (most people) and until we start valuing things that aren’t production, “progress” and wealth we aren’t going to achieve a better, more enlightened society

>still no argument, still asks for me to do chores
brainlet confirmed, posts discarded ;-)

doctors are working class retard

So how do we solve the Jew problem again dear communist?

>Debt backed fractional reserve banking is a good thing
Good Goy

What are you talking about? The fact that you can afford food, water and shelter right now doesn't mean food, water and shelter as a need doesn't exist anymore.

Even under full communism things will still be exchanged. the relations of exchange will have a different character, that is on the basis of from one according to ability to one according to need, but it doesn't mean lol everything's free now.

can you upload the video somewhere else? I don't have facebook

>muh centrism!
His stance is first off, not inherently centrist. Secondly, there are ideas that aren’t necessarily left or right wing. If you just discount them because they don’t adhere to your tribalist and autistic obsession with left and right then you are ignorant

>doctors are working class retard
Have a (you), retarded baiter.

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Its hard to stand when the officer of the glorious regime just shattered both your kneecaps for $2 an hour.

>doctors are working class retard

Spin it whichever way you want. History is witness , nobody got even close, the theory works on assumptions that cannot be practically implemented, yet it ignores such limits and proceeds to failure.

Jesus Christ your dumb, the machines get maintenance, and you know, you buy the machine. It gets it's money, believe me.

>doctors are working class retard

I'm not sure about that. Aren't only people that work for private companies working class, since their surplus is appropriated by the owner? Doctors work for state and are rewarded by wages set by state, there are no profits involved and if there are the profits go back to the collective.

As if whiney weak ass millenials would even do jobs that those "unskilled 3rd worlders". Just be grateful that you retards are able to enjoy your vidya while still having your country's industry not grinds to a halt.

I never said that. I said representing your wealth with something that is easy and convenient to transport and trade is just a plain good idea and it's why currency exists. Would you prefer if you were paid in TVs by your employer? Every time you wanted to buy some food you had to lug a half dozen TVs to grocery store?

>but one day we will technologically get to a point where money is no longer necessary
We're not there yet. Not even close.
>And you have to prove it’s not a great evil
I don't need to prove it's not evil. You need to prove it is. Money is not a thing in of itself. It's representative of something.

>Doctors work for state and are rewarded by wages set by state
in your socialist country maybe, not in the usa

I don't give a fuck about USA.

What do you want Nintendo to do, censor opinions you disagree with?

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your material well being depends on the usa

It's not about needing but enshrining worldly stuffs as the highest form of being. The highest calling of humanity shouldn't be based around a system of exchanging materials.

>taking a photo
nigger confirmed

>doctors are working class
t. hungry for grayons

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The dollar is literally based on debt backed fractional reserve banking because the populous was too stupid to realize it was a con.

Kulak detected

Дa ты пpocтo пидp.

Not in the degree for me to give a fuck about that transhole.

Academia and news and media and silicon valley giants would have you believe otherwise.

It's free, right?
Or if it's for sale, Nintendo couldn't possibly receive any of the profits, surely?
Other than the money I gave them for my Switch and all the other games I bought for it, I mean.

Russia was literally a medieval feudal kingdom before the revolution.
More than half of the people couldn't read, and bathed a dozen times per year.

You know nothing.

Actually, it depends more on China. USA is just a fucking leech on the planet.

kill yourself

Next level 4+1dimension checkers

but that's how humans are
i hate idealist retards who never consider how the real world is

>*rips bong*

And they were better off.

t. жepтвa EГЭ

>China's not truly communist anymore
Interesting how people managed to delude themselves with this meme.

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You are only half right. As an economic model communism is dead. Cultural marxism which is equated with communism in most of these discussions is in overdrive.

>doctors are working class retard

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>doctors are working class retard

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Sasuga newfag.

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so another indie game that no one will care about?

>capitalism using the "new" hot shit to sell crap to idiots
>somehow communism fault

Read a book nigger.

I'm glad my OC is still around

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>The highest calling of humanity shouldn't be based around a system of exchanging materials.

For a human to live requires materials. There's no getting around this. Maybe in some distant future fantasy land where we can conjure shit up at will with no cost we can begin lives of pure indulgence but until then we have to live in the real world where you need to work to survive. Well, expect for wanky philosophers and social commenters who apparently don't have to work at all and people will just pay them to merely exist.

Pseud centrist detected.
Centrism doesn't even have to relate to the left-right spectrum. it's a tendency to try to find a golden mean to try to be seen as "reasonable" by what you perceive as both parties. Centrists always lack any understanding of whatever they talk about because they just pick things they think sound reasonable or wise and put them together even when they are total anathemas to each other that makes you end up with a nonsensical world view.

Centrists are the legion of individualists. I've never once seen one of you radical fence sitters say anything without it being framed around the assumption that it's going to critiqued by the simplistic caricatures you think are "both sides" of the discussion.

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Yeah, we just invented periodic table of elements, non-euclidean geometry and basic cosmonautics by banging rocks together until comrade Stalin came around we all gloriously starved to death and died in a war.

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>still asshurt about Kubrick

>In 1945, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes; now they pay about 5%. Number Two: In 1900, 90% of Americans were self employed; now it's about 2%... It's called consolidation; strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time

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I see it sometimes being posted by random anons. Good work, desu.

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Do people seriously not know what "working class" means?
The working class is all those who have nothing to sell but their labour power and skills. Doctors are working class. They are renting their labour and skill.
To be outside the working class, you need to have your possessions - land, money, factories, ships, etc - make money for you. You make money because you have money. As opposed to the working class, who make money by working.

Super basic simple stuff.

>find a pro-Syria/pro-Assad game on steam
>RTT game with persistent progression
>its actually very good par for the voice acting
even games made about the man are BASED

Attached: SyrWar.jpg (800x410, 127K)

>we just invented periodic table of elements, non-euclidean geometry and basic cosmonautics by banging rocks together
блять, that's quite an achievement, russia stronk