Hehe, kind of true

Hehe, kind of true...

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Why are they smiling when they turn back to look at the nerd kid?
Shouldn't they be terrified, thinking that he's the next school shooter?

I'd fugg the girl wearing pink

The weirdest part is how 2 people are missing

They're all nervous forced smiles user.

Is this a thinly veiled horror thread? because those faces are disturbing.

cyan shirt > all

you mean how that brunette replaced the second black guy who was originally behind it and didn't turn around, like some kind of alien monster

this is a thread for socially needy faggots who hate getting insulted in video game topics everytime they write up a reply

Tier list:
Rear blond
>Power gap
Close blond
>Power gap
Middle blond

I'm gay: the post

Light blue dress blondie is objectively best girl by a long shot.

Attached: mfw.jpg (40x40, 3K)

I'm not addicted! Jeez, I could stop whenever I want! I just don't want to...

>video game addition lesson

What exactly would the teacher say about this?

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Is this work of an enemy stand?

Who are they looking at?
I dont understand

me in the black shirt

did that one nigga just disappear?

teacher looks like avgn

This guy gets it

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>Omae wa mou shindeiru

At least half the millenials in school today play fortnite though

At (You) my autistc friend.

*teleports behind your back*
Heh, nun personnel wytboi

>"okay class we're going to talk about video game addiction, in other words, how to not be an autistic loser like user over there"

the 2nd girl from the left is hot

fanart when

>more like how to stop u from becoming a useless neet
but worded much nicer

>teacher straight out allowing bullying in the middle of class
He's going to get fired and then his class shot up by the nerd.

This drawing makes people's change their shirts. Look at the girl in pink.

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>video game addition lesson
imagine being american

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My nigger

is op pic a psy-op

>boomers think videogames are the cause, not a symptom

Faggot with bad taste

She turns her head really fast. It's pretty cute.

this will probably be a thing in the future
if stuff like forkeneit becomes popular and more and more kids get into because their fav ecelebs or whatever

There are colleges for Overwatch, the world died a long time ago.

Some of these chicks are probably wearing flip flops or those moccasins they wear sometimes and take their feet out of them and scrunch their soles and you can see all the action if your sitting behind them, fucking epic shit right there

she has that nagatoro thing about herself

Attached: AHHHHH.jpg (600x350, 23K)

You ever wonder how stealth works in real life?
Racial bonus.

we had addiction here (switzerland)
drugs and so on but also watching tv and gaming

i mean as it becomes more popular and mainstream and whatever

Ahh, another man of culture

you get IV rente für having diagnosed videogame addiction, right?

If anything, it will become a normal thing in the future. I remember people warning against internet addiction more than 10 years ago and now literally every single fucking person is addicted to the internet.

i dont think so

He just sounds nutso.

>This incredibely useful thing that makes life easier in just about every possible way is gonna be addicting

Damn man, can I buy a crystal ball off this professional psychic


What happened to the red guy at the front?

>implying American classrooms are that white anymore

wishful thinking

He was the first victim of yet another american school shooting.

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Time to use VIDEO GAMES addiction as a claim for a disability pension.

What happened to the grey shirt guy in between the black guy and the long reddish-brown haired girl? What happened to the redshirt in front of the ginger? Did Okuyasu randomly erase them?