Classic character that was thought to be long dead is brought back inexplicably in a desperate attempt to appease a...

>classic character that was thought to be long dead is brought back inexplicably in a desperate attempt to appease a dissatisfied fanbase

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Not only would it be something he has done before, but it would actually make the new games instantly better.

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i hope they dont ruin sheev bros
i dont want him to be orange man
hes supposed to be george dubya goddamnit

They better not be bringing the sheevster back into those terrible fucking movies.

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Literally Wesker

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Kikes have taken over Star Wars so they're not gonna let it be a criticque of neoconservatism like Based George did in RotS

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The fact that they are bringing him back is already bad enough. They backpedaled from their vision of letting the legends rest and try something new. Since nobody liked the new now they are trying to win everybody back by goimg "Look Lando! Look Sheev! Look Skywalker! Aren't we hip?" but that does nothing but irk the fans more. Seriously, everybody can even guess the plot already, Sheev is the actual big bad while Rey is actually the child of Leia and Solo. It's so obvious since they didn't have the balls to keep going with their separation strategy. It's like they threw everything they built up into a trashcan but forgot they live in a trashcan.

>classic character that was thought to be long dead is brought back inexplicably in a desperate attempt to appease a dissatisfied fanbase

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Play SWTOR. The idea of the "emperor" is a malevolent spirit that goes from body to body and can't ever be really killed because it represents evil.

The same emperor that inhabited Emperor Valkorion in SWTOR is the same emperor that inhabitates Sheev.

Nigga, what you just said was a weak-ass noncanon excuse for a shit MMO to have a Sheev fight despite it breaking every facet of established lore. It doesn't excuse the disney shit in any way

>sheev is back
>rey will undoubtedly kill him
This is just sad desu. All fucking theories will suck too except for kylo ren being the actual mc and last living "skywalker"

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hey how about you don't play SWTOR ever instead, friend

that's a much better alternative

>Since nobody liked the new
I remember everyone liking the new characters in 7 and hoping they would get fleshed out in 8. Unfortunately, 8 introduced more new characters that were totally unlikeable and ended any potential subplots that could get us interested in the main three of Rey, Finn, and Po.

>Kylo Ren is the real "mc" and the last Skywalker
Even that's horrible. There are no good ends for this shit, everything will just end up being a disappoitment.

The sad thing about it is that it seems to be working. But it's not unexpected since only childish brainlets like SW.

In all fairness TBC was fucking retarded and completely ruined almost every single piece of lore from wc3

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Youre not wrong. The new movies are beyond fucking salvageable that even RLM hates the sheev insert so bad

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Most people liked Kylo and the mexican but that was it. Finn was a way too fast turncoat who somehow after one attack decided to start murdering all his friends while Rey was just too much of a mary sue.

I distinctly remember these retards jacking off to the force awakens on release days, when it was just as bad.

They loved TFA saying it was a "good" sequel lmao and they hated TLJ for some reason even though TLJ was better in every way.

This, everything would've been fine if Jew Jew had just made the 3 movies. Even if they were generic and bland normies would've eaten it up, but Rian Johnson fucked it all up.
Also Sheev will just be a force ghost and he'll show up and cackle at Rei.

Shit meant for.

Since this is the Star Wars thread:
I rewatched the first 6 movies and one thing bothered me.
Why does the empire(former republic) uses TIE fighter and not X-wings like the rebels(old republic remnant)
The timeskip is not that big to justify such a revamp of their space navy.

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Because George Lucas is a hack, and the Star Wars movies being as good as they were was an accident, you can see the cracks showing up already in Return of the Jedi.

>caring about dinesywars
your first mistake, as much as I love sheev, star wars is ded to me, I don't even care if they ruin him.

TIE fighters are supposedly better as short range fighters.

Star Wars "fans" aren't human, just look at that one reaction video Yea Forums memed into oblivion. And even on this thread there is some degenerate telling people to play Tor.

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>Since this is the Star Wars thread
It's a video game thread. Talk about video games.

Fuckin' /vpol/

>haha guys Luke didn't actually achieve anything and was a bit of a faggot all along
Ruining your own movie is one thing but why are they going out of their way to shit on the OG trilogy?

Well, you can look at it two ways, one is the /pol/ way, Disney jews are out to destroy the white male heroes of the olden days. Or, Rian Johnson is a fucking hack.

JJ ((((Abrahams))) had already started ruining old character tho.

I don't remember any old characters being ruined in TFA. Luke wasn't in it, Leia was just doing the same shit she did in the old movies, and Han was cool.

Tie fighters/bombers look a bit like the republic x wings

>decrepit old guy who looks like he's about to fall asleep literally handing over his legacy to maRey Sue so he can stop his son who stabbed him in the gut after she educated him on piloting and ship maintenance



>Han was cool

Han was a pathetic loser and his character growth through the original trilogy was completely ignored.

TFA made luke a pussy and han an apathetic loser

>hes supposed to be george dubya goddamnit
He's not supposed to be anyone. Lucas himself said Palpatine doesn't represent anyone, just the vague concept of a dictator rising to power.

Rian apologists will say it fits in with the theme of disappointing its audience amd subverting expectations

Theyre right you know.

What are you talking about? He didn't hand dick to her, he offered her a job and gave her a gun so she could defend herself. She didn't fly the falcon at all after Han got it back, and if anything she "educated" Chewbacca since he was the mechanic, not Han Solo, and that was the one thing Rei did in the movie that wasn't "mary sueish" since she had spent here entire life living and working on a junkyard.
And i don't see how Han being old was a problem, unless you wanted the movie to be set straight after Return of the Jedi and would've been happy with another actor playing the role, but that's an entirely different issue altogether.
Your definition of cool might vary, but unlike Luke and Leia in TLJ, he didn't do anything uncool or fuck up at all, unless you consider him going to try and get his son to stop being a Goth wannabe fucking up.
I'm not sure i agree on his growth being ignored, he did run away from his responsibilities but to me it seemed very in character that someone like Han Solo couldn't handle having his son turn into a psychopathic murderer working for the space nazis, the fact that he came back and tried to help Rei on the other hand is something that Han Solo from a new hope would not have done, so his character growth is still there.
In TFA we did not know why Luke was missing, for all we know it could've been for some grand reason, it was TLJ that made Luke into a retarded senile coward.
TFA was a cashgrab and just copied A New Hope, but i don't feel like it ruined anything from the previous trilogy. The only thing you could say that did that is that the "empire" is still around, but to me it never made sense that the Empire would just dissolve over night because the Emperor was thrown down a mine shaft.

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If theyre purpose is to shit on preestablisbed lore and characters then they succeeded in kicking away fans of the old works

god i love sheev he's so hammy

i swear the prequels were the most quotable movies ever

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This, I don't wanna sound like some redditard basedboy but it's clear that TLJ was supposed to subvert the format of the previous trilogies and all that shit

Zoomer Directors (Especially if they're from California or Canada) are self important fucks who look upon the past with disdain. Everything has to be deconstructed or revealed to be secretly cliche/sexist.

Han's arc in the original trilogy was literally that he learned to stop running away from his problems and instead make a stand for what he believes in and also to open up and embrace the people he loves.

>Han was cool.

You could see Ford in all of his glorious "I don't give a shit about what I'm doing" attitude for the whole movie.

This poster is one of those nu-males that thinks the disney star wars movies are good. It is permissible and in fact encouraged to berate them.

>In TFA we did not know why Luke was missing, for all we know it could've been for some grand reason, it was TLJ that made Luke into a retarded senile coward.
Because the "set up" that people are praising TFA for is retarded af. The only logical choice for Luke to be in that shithole while Han and Leia are getting killed' is to hide from everyone.

I just don't understand why Harrison Ford stars in movies like Blade Runner 2049 and nu-Star Wars at all when it's obviious he hates being on set.
Maybe he's strapped for money but he seems to be miserable all the time as soon as the cameras start rolling and the Directors let him get away with it.

And then that blew up in his face, off screen, which is one of the big problems with Disney Wars. But in the movie, Han was still Han and he wasn't made to be a total fuck up like Luke.
That's nonsense, just compare his acting in the last Indiana Jones movie, that is peak "i'm too old for this" Harrison, he did somewhat try in TFA.
Not at all, Rogue One and TLJ are terrible, and even TFA is just a jewish cashgrab and i didn't even bother to watch Solo.
Personally i assumed Luke was protecting something from Snoke, or that by being away he was protecting the Galaxy as a whole from some other threat. In other words, i assumed he was doing something far more important than cutting up Stormtroopers into confetti with his lightsaber.

The thing about Sheev is that Ian always has a riot playing him even if the movie is awful. So I can only believe Sheev will once again be the best part of the nutrilogy. At this point Star Wars is already dead so might as well have the emperor dance on its corpse.

*dies off-screen*

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I don't think Sheev will even have a big role in the movie, it's literally just bait, he'll show up as a force ghost in the death star and tell Rei that she is a lil' bitch.

If basic jedi/sith training is to prevent opponent from manipulating with your light saber, why is Snoke dumb enough to let Kylo Ren activate the light saber remotely and kill him?

It was either him or Hol Horse
And Hol Horse would have just been another Polnareff

Two options, Snoke wasn't a sith and had no proper training, or, Rian is a stupid idiot.

If I remember correctly, the planet that built the X-Wings defected to the rebellion before the Empire received their first shipments. Ties don't have shields, but they are more agile than almost all of the rebel fighters except for the A-Wing.

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