Oh hi, don't mind me. Just being the most boring fucking character and storyline in any JRPG ever made

Oh hi, don't mind me. Just being the most boring fucking character and storyline in any JRPG ever made.

Attached: latest[1].png (307x443, 308K)


>Leon was a way more interesting character and he was just an NPC

dont insult my waifu

She's open 24/7

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a story that's just you traveling the world having an adventure.
In fact, I really liked that. It was quite refreshing with everyone and their mother making ebin save the world stories with tragedy and sympathetic or dindu villains.
It's something I wish Pokemon would return to.

Attached: 1408295987031.jpg (960x540, 195K)

Tressa's story was the last one I finished and I was drunk when I did but it made me cry. It was so sweet. I only wish I could witness such purity in the real world. Though I know such a dream is a monkey's paw wish for if I could see something that sweet it would drown me in a sea of guilt knowing that my life story would be enough to crush such purity.

Gotta exploit em all!

Nothing wrong with Tressa. Her story mode was literally the same unoffensiveness as everyone else's.
The only real issue with that game is that there is no real story once you get all 8 people together and finish the paths.

lol fag

The pirates were such one dimensional "evil cause we're evil" villains, it really makes me wonder if game writers are intentionally trying to write the worst, most uninteresting antagonists they can muster.

>it really makes me wonder if game writers are intentionally trying to write the worst, most uninteresting antagonists they can muster.

Lowkey, I think they were. If Bravely Default was a game which used it's retro look to trick people into thinking it was a love letter to old games, Octopath and Tressa's story specifically IS actually a love letter to old games like FF1 where you would just beat up Pirates to continue the plot with minimal story involvement from said pirates outside of "Give me your boat"

On the contrary, Tressa getting DP'ed by pirates saved the game for me

ngl, I played about 10 hours of octopath before I realized you could switch weapons

Antagonists that are evil for the sake of being evil are actually truer to real life than antagonists with convoluted, almost-noble goals.

>Main powers is graverobbing and abusing capitalism

You a busta

You'd think so, but most real people you'd define as "evil" still follow their own twisted logic that paints them as victims of some wrongful offense in the past, and they were only getting revenge for what happened, and restoring justice with their actions.
Only very few consider themselves actually "evil".

>there is no real story once you get all 8 people together and finish the paths
nigga what? all the stories are tied together at the end when you go to kill Galdera

See, I get that BUT my issue more lies in the fact you don't get more screentime where all 8 people are relevant at the same time.
I get that you meet Kit, find the ruins of the kingdom, boss rush and then fight the final boss but that's a single event in which everyone in your team is relevant.

I liked the game, I just wish there was more bantz or if there was a way to see the ones you missed because you didn't have someone in your party at a specific time.
Cyrus best boy .

Am I correct in thinking Alfyn's inquire skill is just a straight upgrade from Cyrus' scrutinize?

Cyrus's is better early game, Alfyn's is better late game since I think his is based on level isn't it?

I've never failed using Alfyn's skill. Maybe because I chose him as my primary and he's by far the highest level

For (You)!

Attached: BP.jpg (390x557, 41K)

>Cyrus best boy

Attached: Cyrus.jpg (571x638, 156K)

Yep I had Alfin as my fourth character and once you got to chapters 2-4 there was a decent amount of NPC's he just couldn't talk to due to being too low level so I had to use Cyrus