Why did Heroes of the Storm fail?
Why did Heroes of the Storm fail?
people dont want fun anymore
MOBAs are a dead genre, thank god.
I wish I was a thick big butt dragon lady :(
The game launched when the fad had already began to die.
Going SJW and making a shitty fat character.
It was the most boring and dumbed down game in the genre, and when it enters late and the game's audience is already invested in one of the two other big games then of course it's gonna fail
It also had a massive conflict of interests with Blizzard pitching it as a short-match pick up and play casual take on the Dota formula (at least at the Blizzcon it was announced at) but then still forcing a phony esports scene, it had no idea what it wanted to be
>Late release in oversaturated market
>Hero breaking bugs going unaddressed for at least a month, sometimes two
>Outside of a handful of heroes, most others are very bland and uninspired
>Team fights feel fucking bad
>Rejoining a game you d/ced from takes forever
>No loss forgiveness
HOTS team is the least SJW of all Blizzard. Lots of female characters have quite risque costumes.
there is no reason to play it when dota and lol exists
lol is still the most popular game on twitch
dota2 is the most played game on steam
doesnt seem very dead
Fine but alexstrasza looks objectively shit.
I liked it a lot. I prefer not to be trapped in a 30+ minute match especially when you have tards on your team.
The game lacked something though. Didn't have incentive to play Ranked like LoL does.
>It was the most boring and dumbed down game in the genre
This. LoL has the sweet spot of challenge that most players work. HOTS was boring. If not for the blizzard logo attached to it we never would have heard of it.
This, its a casual game trying to appeal to long gone casual audience.
Shame to cause it has some fun ideas and is good moba to play when you just really don't want to give a shit.
Also I would kill to get abathur or someone with a similar style in something like dota.Hes wasted on HotS.
Yeah, that's true. Her WoW version, using femBE model looks much better. Still, many other female characters look great in HOTS and have very interesting costumes.
Saying MOBAs aren't dead because there's 2 games anyone plays is like saying RTS isn't dead because people still play Starcraft
unironically catering to the hardcore and esport crowd, diluting and removing everything that made the game fun and unique to the original intended audience. think weird specialist characters, cho'gall, ect and how long it'd been since any "fun" character like that got added.
There used to be a bunch of MOBAs and except for LoL of Legends and Doter 2 they all died when the battle royale genre started to take over
yeah but no one plays starcraft
>the battle royale genre started to take over
there are only 2 battle royale games anyone plays
reminder johanna is built for anal sex
PUBG, CoD, Keknite, Apex, and perhaps H1Z1?
Don't think Twitch numbers are everything
wrong, she's built for missionary with the sole purpose of making another sect of strong and healthy paladins.
that and stomping on your dick with her metal heels.
B-but she's not a paladin
paladin, crusader, holy defender of the lands, it's up to her alone to make the next generation of her sect to fight evil.
Grand fucking heresy
Difference is that there had always been a lot of competition in the RTS when it was a big thing. You got your zwarcradt, Starcraft, C and C, Mechwarriors, etc. For MOBA, you got pale imitators but the genre had from the start pretty much been Dota and LoL. They ARE the MOBA.
ChoGall was some of the most fun me and my bro ever had
>why did a garbage game with literally no skill, depth or progression, which are what makes assfaggots addictive in the first place, failed?
hmmm I wonder
It's like overwatch just that overwatch got shilled hard, but the drop is just all that more impactful.
did a moba game when moba market was saturated to hell
made a casual game and initialy didn't want it to be esports, then backpedales and did esports out of it anyway
ultra casual as fuck, no items, no individual levels, rubberbanding, etc
feels slow
have to grind for characters
only a few maps
sc2 engine, which is not bad per say, but the netcode is outdated
balance issues leading to stale meta
>hardcore crowd
Hots was doomed from the start what the fuck are you guys talking about
They literally had to relaunch it and make heroes easier to get because it was so jewish and boring not even blizzdrones back then would play it.
At any given moment you couldn't play a match without having massive disparities on levels, I'm talking like a level 700 dude with a level 15 dude, not even partied, so it always ends up with a couple or so non braindead dudes vs a bunch of mongoloids
Actually did you retards even played the game?
Because it was fucking boring.
Wait for the "event" to start, everyone goes to that "event" on the map, teams try to kill each other. That's it, the game tells you were to go and what to do.
I don't know if it's better nowadays, I'm talking about my experience during the first open beta back in the day.
Riot did the same thing with LoL too, and guess what, it became boring as fuck. If the enemy team completes the Baron "event" you can't do shit anymore, that's pretty much the win condition of the game. So teams dance around the pit for 20 fucking minutes, and if you try to do anything else on the map you lose. Good game design, good game design.
same, it's fun and unique experiences being removed among other things that drove scores of people away over time.
it sounds like you didn't play the game for very long friend, i played it since the alpha and know what issues purged the population. your point about matchmaking is valid, but balancing was a massive factor over time, even more so than matchmaking.
Lol is dead, it's a money laundering business atm, DotA is the only legit game out there that remains, alongside smite, but the playerbase of that is low because of fps mechanics, it probably has the highest skill ceiling of any moba.
t.+3000hours on both.
>Make MOBA
>Remove the few enjoyable elements MOBAs have like item builds and being able to carry a game
>Force the esports meme when it's clearly designed as a casual game with little depth
Only Blizzard could not see it coming.
I played it in the alpha and quickly uninstalled because it was mind numbingly boring.
Played it again semi constantly on the rerelease shit they did but it was still awful, the problem was the gameplay, not the prices.
The changing maps was a neat idea but the low depth and samey gameplay means it's literally the same shit over and over.
It takes the meh elements from a moba and takes away all the good ones like strategizing, skill gaps, efficiency, constant outplaying and most importantly, replay value.
Every game in a moba is different, not here.
It failed because there was no money in it's eSports.
If they made up their own play-pretend league like they did with OW and had standardized salaries for players they could have fostered the scene, instead they gave up because it wasn't immediately successful like OW was (and continues to be when they pay the VGAs to keep giving them Best eSport)
Dota fucking sucks
Maybe if you started late you wouldn't be able to see it but the game is a shadow of it's former glory.
It was brutally murdered by valve and the only updates it gets are ways to sell more hats
OW is in fucking flames right now tho.
Well it has been for a while, can only pay to hide your shit gameplay for so long.
same with hero shooters
>use up all your abilities to kill one guy
>you are now at a disadvantage with your abilities on cooldown
ASSFAGGOTS are only popular among gamer grills and tryhards.
7.00 was a massive improvement, get fucked
I've been playing DotA for 10 years and you're a gigantic faggot who probably started 3-4 years ago and wants to be a DotA oldfag desperately, the game is as good as it's been, specially last patch was pretty good.
>use up all your abilities
you know you dont have to right?
She literally revived the game for me. She's so fucking thicc I could fap all day to her.
Can you elaborate on this? I played the game for 150 hours or so, and while I liked the "philosophy" behind the game (characters with clear strengths and weaknesses, cool items, insane abilities that can fuck your own team as much as the enemies), I couldn't stand the gameplay itself.
What did Valve do to make the game worse in your opinion?
People need to understand games like LoL will never die in the traditional sense just due to the sheer number of players that play it. At least it won't die in the traditional sense at the very least for another decade.
It reached its peak back in 2014 and will never hit it again. What happens now is the player base will slowly but surely(excluding the odd spike here and there for a bit) decline till it hits a sizable plateau more or less due to the amount of players it has. And people that use growing twitch numbers as proof that is still going past its peak and bring up LoL Word numbers need to die.
It's literally the only way to totally kill each other in OW.
>shoot some guy
>we will either use his teleport or some heal/defense ability
You have to use them or else you can't kill anything. The game is based around NON-mechanical skill due to cooldown abilities existing.
Stop playing with tryhards.
Its not hard to see where he's coming from. From a top MMR perspective, all the changes and balance updates are fun to keep things interesting and new. For a Low to Mid tier player that wants to play a few rounds occasionally its sucks having to relearn items and heros that have been reworked 7 times over. Having to learn that certain strats that where a staple at one point are next to impossible to use, all on top of a player base that even on low casual tiers is pretty much unwilling to bother teaching players how to improve or adapt and instead justs mashes (!) on the map when they get upset.
t: irishman
She does. Her shoulders are way too wide.
Becky Lynch?
I switched from HoTS to DoTA 2 and LoL. I climbed from Herald to Guardian. Should be out of Guardian soon.
And HOLY SHIT. I gotta say that the HoTS playerbase has to be the DUMBEST and most INCOMPETENT of all the MoBA playerbases. How is it possible to be bad at such a basic game?
Because the game is literally made to give a more casual take on the genre.
nobody wants to play it, not even blizzdrones, and they still are gobbling up bfa, lmao.
>released kinda late
>built in sc2 engine, aka reconnect system
>core game focuses more on brawls, got streamlined. while this is a plus to some people, others wanted the other mobas mechanics
>some maps piss too much players and they gotta rock them
>quick play, cant count how many times it got messed with
>ingame rank mode lol
>close to Xmas gift, which was telling the dev team became shorter and esports got gutted
Overwatch's actual content might be garbage but there are dozens of actual viewers for OWL matches
The real reason everyone fucked off is because it was design so you cant do shit alone. Having just one idiot in a team is enough to lose you the game and the worst part is you cant do much about it. Heroes are also designed in the most bland way so they dont stand out either in terms of damage or mechanics. Remember Garrosh? Yeah fuck him, cant expect our idiot playerbase to play around him, even though he had a below 50% winrate, so lets just remake him into another tank hero #8
I quit sometime last year when they made forts no longer give exp. No no, can't be higher level by playing better than the enemy team. Everyone needs to be equal level at all times, negating the level mechanic at all except as a time gate for abilities.
I've played 1000s hours of League and I find HotS much more fun and less stressful.
probe will always be the best character of any moba
It was then when 800 got fired
and the Dev team got moved around for unannounced projects.
also it's been since January 8th that Imperius was released
>gobbling up bfa
is that joke, besides most popular servers its a ghost town
>Mobas died
>replaced by battle royale
That former president of Algeria warned you bro. Don't trust the monkey's paw.
It’s not league
>have the brilliant idea to take MOBA's and strip out what little substance there is already and reduce it to CPM because CPM is all blizzard knows thanks to korea faggots
>this stripped down and casualized version of ASSFAGGOTS is as dull as you'd imagine
>it's still blizzard so they have (had) infinite money, keep pouring on gasoline and trying to hardcore push it as an esports meme because somewhere someone somehow decided esports was a thing you could force and was the secret to long term profits, in complete disregard of the logistical challenges it presents
>despite all this, the game slowly improves and finds it's own identity, good skins and more interesting champions/maps help
>the blizzard bubble bursts, activision panicks and starts hacksawing everyones budget who hasn't been performing
>HOTS completely loses esports (arguably good) and has it's entire dev team shuttled off to other products while a skeleton crew maintains it
>they even dial back on pushing skins/dlc, indicating it's a completely dead product, and it's only being maintained out of a sense of necessary obligation
Blizzard, like Bioware, is a tale of what happens when you drink your own koolaid.
They aren't as big as they used to be at their peak
It's also only those two.
Dota2 is kept alive by russians, and lol by the chinese
>games are kept alive by people
Huh? What's wrong with that?
>play alex
>tell my friends in voice chat that they only get healed if they call me mommy
Yeah I am sure glad we got Battle Royale as the dominant genre now.
With those cool skins and le epic dances XDDD
I'd prefer if Mobas continued to be the dominant ones over that Zoomer trash.
Why do people say this? There is 2 Battle royal games that are popular, every other game has failed.
There is Fortnite that's by far the most popular one played mostly by kids, then there is PUBG that is played nearly exclusively by Chinks and Russians. That is all.
Even Apex is already dead despite all the hype the game got.
fuck i regret not playing it
>me liek booby, hots good because booby
It was one of the most casual and shallow games in existence. It was so casual that even the most hardcore Blizzfag zoomers got bored of it after a while.
Why? The game is still there. You can still play it.
It is probably a zoomer that can only play games that are super popular and that streamers play.