Would people still play Fire Emblem without the gay waifu shit?
Would people still play Fire Emblem without the gay waifu shit?
I would. I hate waifufags.
It's always had waifu shit but it was a backseat to actual plot and Kaga always made it that there was a canon waifu so shitposting was minimized.
Fire Emblem was popular enough to make into Smash pre-Awakening, if they go back to focusing more on strategy than anime there will still be that community.
t. has not played a fire emblem game
You're gay
I really like the games but no to be honest. No reason to settle when you could have both.
Of course not, fire emblem has always been a mediocre series that sold like shit before the waifu faggotry. Nintendo tried appealing to the lowest common denominator and it worked
>lowest common denominator
Spot the redditor.
No, evidenced by how FE: Echoes fucking bombed.
>without the gay waifu shit
I wouldn't.
it was more than just waifu awakening being a good, fun game with mass appeal also helped a lot.
deal with it, nerds.
>tfw next game is too fujo kusoge for me to get.
>No cute barefoot girls so far.
Don't think fates can be topped lads.
I really liked the music in Awakening.
Shame about Fates.
I don't hate the "waifu" aspects of the game, I think they are a nice addition, but that's not the reason I'm playing them so yes I would.
Not anymore. FE is a full ironic weeb magnet franchise now. FEH was the nail in the coffin that proved it.
Which Fire Emblems are a must-play? I only played Awakening and Fates: Conquest
Quit while you're ahead.
considering I explicitly don't play the gay waifu shit ones, I'd imagine yes, and it would improve the series dramatically
but it would make less money
exceptionality is an exception
None you've played the only good ones, don't listen to grandpa fags
Depends on how much of it you classify as "gay waifu shit". If we go back to FE11 levels of barebones then I'd still play it, but the series would not survive.
I like Echoes.
This, people have no right to complain about "waifu shit" because they also whined and bitched about Archanea.
Tellius series get a lot of points by many people and they're pretty good, but personally I think 7 and 12 are better.
People aren't one person.
7 is the quintessential Fire Emblem game.
4 is my favourite one, Thracia is objectively the best one, but don't touch either until you've played a few others.
I'll check them out. Probably gonna go with Echoes first since it's on 3DS
Fujos have more money than anyone else.
You misspelled Furries.
Maybe in America.
Wait! Are Fujos the Furries of Japan?
Hated niche group that destroys everything it touches.
That stuff's been present in one way or another at one point or another, it's just been cranked up to 11. Be it supports/romance/children, etc etc, Kaga did it first. I just wish they'd stop withe the self inserts so much and pretty much everyone wanting to suck their dick. That's far more detrimental to the series I feel.
I would and i am a waifufag.
Just remember that Echoes is the Zelda 2 of Fire Emblem if you find the game play overly simple and barebones. People praise it because it looks nice, gameplay wise it's the worst in the franchise.
Furries wish they had the influence fujos have.
>the zelda 2 is bad meme
Opinion discarded. That game is just different, somewhat difficult, but different. It ain't even that bad, only real complaint is that the sword reach is kinda ass.
12 was fine.
>this shit again.
The DS games don't even seem all that bad in relation to the series, art direction is kinda whack.
>Muh tier lists
>Shitting on 12
Bad taste spotted.
>Tear Ring Saga not included
Not even a real fan.
>Actually liking 8
It was ahead of its time when it came to things like multiple promotion paths, but it was ultimately too easy a game with a rather weak story. Lyon should have been the final boss.
>Tear Ring Saga is Fire Emblem
I bet you think Sekiro is Souls as well
>Implying it isn't
The reason it doesn't really exist is because IS sued the creator for making a game too similar to fire emblem and won the case. A little odd perhaps, but the deciding factor was that Fire Emblem supposedly is "unique" in its inclusion of Pegasus Knights, which Tear Ring Saga also had, making TRS's creator lose the case.
I just love awakening and if you think i am a badman for that than that is okay. You are entitled to your own opinions.
Does a gayer ranking system exist also I can post bait in every thread too
I think Fates is just generally better than Awakening but who really actually cares about what people do and do not like. In the end you just can't change what people like and you shouldn't try to.
>you just can't change what people like and you shouldn't try to
That's where you're wrong. Cultural pressure and control is real.
Those who stop liking some entertainment because others tell them to aren't people.
It's subconcious, and most people do it.
I wouldn’t.
user is right. It is a very unfortunate thing that can both ways.
We did for over a decade. Waifuism is the worst thing to happen to the series.
I like it too, but only when played one hard or higher. It has a lot of fun characters and it plays well.
Gameplay is really smooth, there are few TBS games with anywhere near as smooth gameplay.
Waifus are the literal opposite of gay you double faggot.
I've only played Awakening, and it was awesome.
Fuck you gayboy-era fags.
Yeah i can see some problems with both the story and characters,but i still cant help my self from liking it. Plus it is one of the few games that actually got me to do some intense grinding.
No need to be so antagonistic user.
I honestly just play fire emblem for the waifus and the story, the gameplay is not that great.
Hahaha, no. Fujos are just OLs and housewives with a hobby.
I gave FE a try because of waifus, but stayed because of the turn-based tactics.
>7 is the quintessential
Best sister
Literally made for making babies.
I love her so much.
Same, gameplay is okay at best.
Too bad they put a granny to voice her. I'm currently playing the jp translated version and her voice is fucking sexy.
Well of course, she’s voiced by one of the best and most talented seiyuu there is, while he English voice is a literal who.
>tfw Azura's literal who VA got butthurt when Matt Superchad Mercer styled on her with his singing
Listened to both i agree. Her jp voice makes my spine tingle.
Also a jp translated version exists?
It does but it’s unfinished and the project died
Play 6-7-8 on GBA, back when it was the most fun and it wasn't centered around waifushit.
FE used to have an community of modders and hardcore players in the early 2000s, but ever since the 3DS bullshit the community is plagued with weebs and waifufags.
No they were not. Roy and Ike was pure marketing bullshit. Both got into Smash after the previous entry bombed (Thracia 776 & Path of Radiance). They're the most shameless shill picks. And for ike it didn't even work with his sequel bombing as well. Marth only gets in due to legacy, his games sold decently enough as Japan only but is miniscule compared to his contemporaries.
She really is awful though. Why did they cast for for that role?
More Camilla please
A reminder that Splatoon, a game about weird gremlins managed to catch up in sales. That's with a 25-year lead for Fire Emblem and only having 2 games.
I would. My first one was FE7 and I hated Lyn.
Do you really deserve it?
Seething smashfag, I hope they add 3H’s MU to make you seethe more.
If you like challenge, play FE6,11, and 12 on hard mode. FE8 is very similar to Awakening, it's like a bridge between new FE and Old FE.
Imagine the salt
Would be glorious
>3H’s MU
Good one. Just add the stupid mobile game guys, that game makes up most of the sales anyway.
I only play Fire Emblem for the cute anime girls, especially the lolis
Wh-Why isn’t she wearing any underwear?
Ease of access.
Here is one for the footfags.
>Playing a fucking video GAME for anything other than gameplay
Proof that weebfaggots are the cancer killing vidya.
To be fair I really like visual novels
I'm very fond of this pic.
It's fine but this really isn't the series to do so.
That much is obvious, Sawashiro probably makes more bank than all of Treehouse combined on a good year.
Its one of my favorites. What do you like about it?
Further proof yet. Mobile trash, gacha, VNs, and trash "games" like FE.
With standards that low I can't fathom how shit your life in general is.
No because the feet is what sells
I like how Camilla is the one being spoiled for once, it’s quite funny.
Does this chart include FEH?
We are of similar tastes than. Unfortunately i dont have much art of that scenario.
Fire Emblem
IS know
Cute feet. Who do they belong to?
That list is impressively shit
>FE2 and FE4 over FE3
>Sacred Stones best game in the series
>DS games being bad in the slightest
>Echoes best 3DS game
The only good thing on here is FE10>FE9.
Takumi Needs to be Sexually dominated by a permavirgin bitch like Severa.
Reminder that Awakening and Fates make up more than a third of the series sales.
More 3H details when? This wait to July is awful and I need something to tide me over.
Lmao no
Maybe E3 or a Direct if i had to hazard a guess.
Its what he deserves.
smashfags are subhuman
How cute
They can't stop seething
He needs to be bullied. Leo has to deal with the same shit but he channels it into being a better person.
>Leo has to deal with the same shit
Leo has no pineapple to pull and tug.
He does have books to throw though.
>Path of Radiance gets a sequel
>Awakening doesn't get a sequel
Big think. Then again I find PS2 era direct RPG sequels like FFX-2 and Tales of Symphonia 2 to always be underwhelming in some regards by disregarding the entire first cast. Hardly a point in calling it a sequel, Radiant Dawn annoyingly took away the Greil Mercenaries for most of the game.
Fair point.
Mercer advocated for punching people you politically disagree with in public so that's gonna be an eternal yikes from me dawg
>even his personal skill is having an inferiority complex
They fucking knew.
Who is Inigo/Laslow's wife?
Kjelle. I feel like they have good chemistry.
What the fuck do you classify as waifushit? People on Yea Forums have radical different opinions, like anything with anime females could be waifushit to some people on Yea Forums.
Its why he deserves a strong and fiery wife.
It was on its deathbed without the waifus. You grandpas really don’t have any rights to criticizing the actual state of the game, since you nearly let it die.
>tfw my mommy sister wife is so popular she keeps getting new art everyday
Feels good.
Now if only FE had more nonfaggy writefags.
Bad games deserve to fail
This is the worst and less accurate FE tier ever. Like all the shittiest games are on God Tier, amusing.
read the file name
It's actually a objective tier list, ah but FEfags hate good games don't they?
>good, fun game
I cannot comprehend you hating on Fire Emblem 12, but liking mother fucking Echoes unless you really are driven mostly by graphics.
FE is a shit series don't play any of them
>Gameplay is really smooth,
Yeah expect for the fact it's not
How hard is it to comprehend FEfags don't like games with good gameplay?
The stories are the lowest of the low. And jrpgs are notorious for bad writing.
Why is there always ONE guy who just comes in to Fire Emblem threads to say series sucks non-stop? Usually one sentence replies. And it's easy as hell to tell when its THAT guy again.
Metal Gear Solid threads and Smash Bros threads don't have THAT guy, so why's it gotta be us who have to deal with THAT guy blatantly trolling in every one of our threads?
you sound like an upset kike
Why are you so upset FE is pure trash you are obsessed with making and bumping threads about it?
I agree that the stories are pretty bad overall, but they have some nice moments
They don't unless you enjoy eating shit 24/7 and never played a game with good writing before
Only if they make better maps.
Awakening was terrible.
I would. You wouldn't even have to get rid of it fully to bring me back. Just have it not be so in my face. Although I delete Aqua from existence if I could so that Fates would actually have a chance at a good story and I'd get rid of Felicia for sure since she's so annoying. I'd rather get Joker over her any and every day.
FE4 should be higher and FE5 deserves a spot somewhere on the top 2 tiers
But other than that I heavily agree with nearly all of it
>it's bad because it's bad and can't have any redeemable qualities because i said so and because it's bad
fuck off
Hey, the ending of Fire Emblem Awakening with the power of friendship was fun. It was cheesy as hell, but it was fun. It shined through and illuminated my bleak existence for a minute.
None of these games are worth playing. How delusional are you?
Let me guess, you think Echoes is good?
Not a day goes by that I don't wish for the removal of
>Avatar unit
>Marriage mechanics
>Child units
>Pic related
No FE4 is fucking garbage game. FEtards shouldnt be try changing objective tier lists. 4 is only up there because it's the only FE story that doesn't make you want to kill yourself, and FE5 is just a fucking awful game
Not an argument
Literally a normalfag. But that's all FEfags
But I only play the games for those features, except for Aqua I guess.
That depends on what the tier list is about
If you're tiering gameplay then yeah FE4 would be near the bottom, but as a whole it wouldn't be
>he says while literally praising actual garbage like Holy War and PoR
Don't you are how ironic you are?
Yeah, no shit. I might bring some if you do first
Yes stop eating literal shit. What's wrong with You?
Did. Ah but FEfags love replying for the sake of replying becasue they have mental disabilities
Are you honestly retarded?
It's not literal shit, it's a literal video game. I don't eat it, I play it.
Imagine being this mentally ill. It's about the only "good" games.
No I'm not a FEfag
It is literal shit. FEfags don't play anything outside their bubble.
You know that quote from Miyamoto about DK Country?
That describes a lot of FE players with bad taste
Being a FE player at all means you have bad taste since you like a shit series
It's not literal shit, it's a video game. And I do play plenty of other games
It is literal shit. And you don't
Nigger, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the fact that the was the dumbest time a person could say "not an argument."
It isn't. And I do
Enough shitflinging, post your favorite map from the game you like the most
It wasn't a argument. Greentext shitposts aren't arguments. Are you retarded? Oh wait I'm speaking to a FEcuck, of course.
It is. And you don't. Will you keep these desperation tactics for long?
FEfags dont care about gameplay nor do they understand good level design
Speak for yourself, FEfag
How many waifu will be in 3 houses?
Wow, it really is one guy on a back and forth NO U and Fire Emblem sucks tirade. Hope your mental illness works out for you.
Not a FEfag so I'm not mentally disabled like you.
Kill yourself ironic weeb
Spoken like a true mentally disabled FEfag
Imagine being this delusional.
>that one guy who obsessively loves FE so much he posts in every FE thread and tries to make others stop liking it so that he can have FE all for himself
Yes I know you are. Point?
Depends but, having played every single FE
Has a beat tutorial, and even if you feel you already know how to play it's a cool game
>FE9 and 10
A nice window to how FE was in it's beginning without diving headfirst on into the NES era. Story is a amazing too.
A very enjoyable game and probably my favorite game in the series. In my opinion, the only instance where the player Avatar is well done by virtue of letting you choose it's class.
An amazing game if you value story and while gameplay is very unblanaced it's also very enjoyable. A neat window into the 90's anime and probably the most aesthetically pleasing game as everything is very pretty, from the soundtrack to the detailed sprite animations.
The most unconventional game in the series and amazing at that. It's weird to say this but the game and it's mechanics are so unbalanced it's actually very very balancd. There never is a boring moment with this one and it's a great game to teach you how to play Fire Emblem beyond just relying on big dick stats. Probably objectively one of the best games in the series from a gameplay perspective.
lets work together to bring the camilla level of this thread up user!
No. Awakening was make it or break it for the series and people came in droves for the shipping and casual mode. Its why they all have the mechanic now.
Imagine being a cancerous shit eater you like a garbage character and need to obsessively post about her. How sad
Poor man's Trails series
This thread went to shit quickly huh
I belive I know what map is this
And I immediately hate it because I really fucking needed that Hero Crest.
I have seen worse.
Yes, but I'd find it slightly less interesting. I think it's a neat gimmick.
>Probably objectively one of the best games in the series from a gameplay perspective.
You can't be this retarded to think this. 5's isn't that its simply unbalanced it's also extremely poorly designed and the definition of artificial difficulty. Ch.24x is the worst level in the entire series
FE wishes it had worldbuilding and story as good Trails. And Cold Steel doesn't even have a decent story
Just like every other FE thread
24x is literally bragging rights, considering the only reason go through it is just to rescue your jeigan who was lost at the beginning of the game and now is virtually useless.
Here's the thing: you don't actually need to do it. It's not even the only time it happens, the whole plot line with chapter 19xx in FE7 is basically the same. You get absolutely nothing from it, it's just there for you to brag that you did it.
And besides, you have like a million ways to escape if you do get caught because by then you should have like a million Rewarp staves.
No reason not to do it doesn't excuse bad level design.
Probably because FE is a shit series. Nah couldn't be it
Queen Elincia
Kill yourself you pathetic footfag waste of space
This guy has some incredibly retarded shit taste.
I wonder why this guy removed this picture from his pixiv.
Yeah but consider: it's an optional stage intentionally designed to be aa bullshit as possible, so whatevs.
You know what's bad game design: 5 classes promote off Hero Crests. You get a gorillion of those classes, the game only gives you two Hero Crests normally, and the third is tied to suicidal NPCs surviving.
A mystery i guess. I snagged it from danbooru.
No reason to excuse shit level design.
Is this true?
it is for me
If there's one character I'd have liked unique mother dialogue for it was Camilla.
You seem to be under the impression that husbandofags don't make up a large portion of the fanbase. In fact they are often the ones pushing against waifus, and 3H is primarily being made for them.
Fire Emblem was on deaths door pre-Awakening and it saved the series and that's all there is to it.
Fates was fucking garbo though, for reasons not particularly related to waifus.
Same for me.
Indeed it would have been nice.
I would play any game with Ike in it my guy
It didn't save anything and Awakening is one of the worst games ever made
>It didn't save anything
It literally did.
the only one gay here was you, OP.
It didn't. Unless you mean turning it into a shell of its former self, introducing the worst kind of "people", shitting all over the original games and being a bad game it managed to save a shitty series. Nevermind any game in Awakening's place would have "saved" the series and nevermind the goal to "save" the series was already surpassed by the previous two games
Not an argument
>the goal to "save" the series was already surpassed by the previous two games
IS said if Awakening didn't sell it would be the last in the series, whether you like it or not doesn't change the facts.
Cute Camilla!
Thanks user.
Camillas horns are cute.
I know you like it
Notice how as soon as people started waifufagging the thread became more tolerable
Waifus really did save the series
They always make FE threads better
Kek. You must get accused of being a Redditor a lot.
Thanks for the compliments. The fact that you nu-FE anime waifu homo mouthbreathers hate my list, shows that I'm a real fan. Stay mad niggers.
Probably. If they toned down the faggotry in Fates and focused more on gameplay while still keeping the marriage option people would still like it. It's just when ISIS doubled down on the pandering faggot bullshit that more newfags came and turned FE into a visual novel.
And ISIS is lying yet again since the sales were surpassed
FE was always a shitty VN
Ironic weebs need to die
Yes, but not as many
Now this is a quality FE thread
Tharja is a goblin
Sometimes I wonder if it would've been better for Awakening to fail and for FE to just die quietly.
Yes, but then, you would cut probably 1/3 of the fanbase.
Time Travel and kill Kaga
No more Emblem
That is factually incorrect
I'd play it more if it had gay waifu shit desu
>People ITT actually this Echoes had """"GOOD"""" gameplay
How can you actually think this when their are Witches that will always 100% go to the person with the lowest res on the map and they have a global Teleport?
How can anybody think that when the maps are the actual worst in the series?
Why would they not fix the fucking maps???
Having a heterosexual relationship is apparently homosexual
>calls others Nu-FE
>his list is the most /r/fireemblem thing in existence
Last post.
welcome to nu-FE threads
This fanbase has become one of the worst Nintendo fanbases, worse than Zeldafags.
I don't see why people have a problem with the waifus. The series has had waifus for longer than it's been avaible in the west (Lyn best girl). The problem is shit writing not cute girls.
I like to shitpost against salty smashfag
You rub your dick over thier body while they squirm
Then shoot on the ballgags and go cook a burger
I like this kind of games since I first played Advance Wars as a kid, so I probably would.
You pee and poop on them obviously.
>Level design is almost perfect
>Someone at IS decides to give both Klein and Tate a small but not ignorable chance to randomly not move on the turn they spawn in
Fucking WHY?
I am still angry over fucking Sacred Stones and that dumb bitch Eirika. Dropped it almost at the end because of her. Holy fuck, what a stupid fucking idiot.
It's one guy. It's literally one guy. I don't know how one person can be this autistic, but he makes up almost half the posts in this thread. It's honestly kind of awe-inspiring.
It would have
Nope. Its objective
>FEfags will never stop having a victim complex against smash
I don't think I've ever heard people argue that Echoes had "good" gameplay. The argument I always see posted is that they could tolerate the gameplay. These arguments are not the same.
Also witches don't always go after the one with the lowest res. They have a set chance to teleport at all, and when they do they go after a randomly chosen unit. I know this because if they didn't, the game would be literally impossible.
A true cuck
>Oldfags: "Avatar units ruined FE"
>Same oldfags: "New Mystery is the best game in the series"
Which Fire Emblem game has the most gay waifu shit?
>"New Mystery is the best game in the series"
Nobody says that, just that it's better than Shadow Dragon.
Probably because New Mystery doesn't play like a piece of shit.
Of course no one does. In order to say that you need braincells to come up with simple statements. FEfags don't have that.
Why are you so obsessed with this shit series?
Me of course.
bumping on page 10 should be a grounds for a ban. fucking obsessed
ah the desperation bump tactics. OBSESSED. Just go to /vg/ already, this is less active than most /vg/ threads, nevermind this isn't vidya-related at all. Ironic weeb posting isn't video games
Thanks for the bump :^)
what bump? you are desperate and bump on page 10 regardless
They’re a bunch of tsunderes
>kek xD
Now THAT'S a true redditor
No, at least I assume. I doubt anyone would sit through the RNG hell that is FE if they didn't have a sexy waifu to stare at while resetting
The mentally disabled do aka people who actually think this garbage series is good
Risk management is fun, faggots.
Obsessed. If FEfags cared about that they would play better actual good games.
We'll find out when 3H comes out.
FEtards won't like that game since its going to have actual good gameplay and they are allergic to that fact
Conquest had good gameplay though.
And FEcucks don't like that game? Hell it's not even good. Playing casually is dogshit compared to a challenge run.
Mommy Cumilla
It’s literally the opposite, I love entering smash threads to laugh at people complaining about FE characters, while I don’t give a single fuck about their kid’s party game.
You have shit taste.
>fe thread
>always either bitching about any/all of the games or gets filled with fags that do
>said fags keep using the same arguments/images but everyone takes the bait
I do believe it's the best in the series, but I also quite enjoyed Awakening and Fates. Thracia 776 is another one of my favorites, and overall Jugdral is also some of my favorite games. So take that as you will.
Although a big difference between, say, Robin or Corrin and the Avatar in FE12 it is that you can begin as pretty much any class that you like, whereas in the others you have to obtain a rare seal and spend it on your character despite other units wanting it more.
There are no bad FE game even if some are better than others.
I dunno, the first two games are pretty boring.
lol you’re a fagget
Old FEfags are obnoxious, I made an Awakening/Fates thread yesterday and still had some of them complaining.
I know it's the opposite. Instead of "laughing", it's crying.
>Pierifag is a delusional retard
What a surprise
That's more you have the biggest shit taste of all for pretending to like a good game by FE standards to overshadow your bias for bad ones
Probably because Awakening is a bad game. Wait that couldn't be it huh?
Huh? Why would I cry? They can remove all FE characters from that kid’s game for all I care.
I just don't understand why they jump into threads for games they dislike when they could just as easily create the nth echoes hate circlejerk thread and get a bunch of (you)s there.
If you want more just ask lol
Because you have a victim complex about Smash. Why else? If you didn't you wouldn't bring it up.
If you wanted to kill yourself you should do so already pathetic fuck
Yep yep, what's next on your list of insults? Shit eating? Faggot? I bet it's the former, it's what you always say to me.
Funny enough, someone made an old FE thread at the exact same time I made my thread, but that one died almost instantly, these retards rather shit in Fates and Awakening than talk about what they like.
What in the fuck has happened to fire emblem threads? Awakening really brought in all the scum.
t. retard who only played awakening and fates
It brought in the worst kind of "people"
There are more ironic weebs in this world then you can imagine
I say that because I only spout Objective truth. You literally are a shit eating discordtranny. Nice avatarfagging by the way.
don't kid yourself.
all awakening did is show the true colors of the fanbase.
Every FE game ranges from utter unplayable dogshit to bad. The entire series is shit nor is there a single good aspect of its terrible cringy fanbase
Shit eating retards forms the basis of FEfags
I would, but not enough others people would and eventually they'd stop making the games.
Imagine being so fucking stupid you don't know what the word "obsessed" is and still being hell-bent on using it
Life isn't an RPG, using this word over and over again won't make your mind suddenly level up and learn it
Best Tiki
I do know what the word means. I'm not a FEtard. You are literally obsessed. If you weren't this thread would be archived already.
Gay waifushit? My brother is gay and he wouldn't even fuck Nowi.
Oh of course I forgot about tranny and avatarfag. Inb4 "pathetic".
Obsessed. Both those are true. If they weren't I would not say them since you are a insufferable fucking faggot you delusional shit eating retard
You are just a faggot Pedo with shit taste
When you think about it, ironic weebs are essentially the same ilk as the censorship fags from tumblr. Even if you cater to their retarded asses it turns out not only were they never interested in your crap outside of pushing an agenda, but most of them are hypocrites that are virtue signalling to hide their own degeneracy.
I'm probably the sole Azurafag here
Yes I know FEfags do
That's a good thing. It means people don't have nothing but shit taste
yikes user you're really not helping your case
No, because FE is a trash as a TRPG. It's a money printing franchise for ISIS and Nintendo, so don't expect any improvements over next 20 years.
>tfw western devs did much better job with pic related.
How embarrassing, jesus christ. Hell, even UFO Defence and Shining force better than this visual novel garbage.
Est really is a slut for everyone, isn't she