>In light of Monday's events, we will be donating €500,000 to help with the restoration and reconstruction of the Cathedral.
>In addition, we want to give everyone the chance to experience the majesty and beauty of Notre-Dame the best way we know how.
>For one week, we will be giving Assassin's Creed Unity away free on PC, for anyone who wants to enjoy it. You can download it now for Uplay PC here: assassinscreed.com
Assassin's Creed Unity now free
is it a good game?
what would need to happen for the other games to be free
Absolutely not.
unity is garbage
I might download it some day, freerunning in Paris is pretty cool
It's free so who cares.
i don't want to waste my time with shitty games even if it's free
free is free, if it sucks then all you wasted is some time you probably would have wasted on Yea Forums anyways.
>burn big ben
>burn some pyramids
>burn the acropolis
>we will be donating €500,000 to help with the restoration and reconstruction of the Cathedral.
they already said they're not going to restore it
they will redesign it to be more "modern" and "diverse"
Not really. The map is just a retarded mess with too many collectables and random bullshit everywhere, the story is forgettable and you can't use the hidden blade as a fighting weapon. It looks nice though and it still has the best parkour/combat animations of any Ass Creed game released thus far.
It is actually pretty fun. The game looks incredible and the combat is pretty decent. Story sux though
This is a good way to get people to your platform. looking at you epic
>"Modern" and "diverse"
Why are frogmen such fucking spineless cuckolds? Just say you want to turn it into a mosque and be done with it.
No they didn't, that was an edited tweet to fool retards like you
>waste my time
>posting on Yea Forums
yeah you look pretty busy
Just keep the copy user, maybe you'll change your mind. I know I did when they gave free copy for blood dragon
Played an hour or two of this just now and it the freerunning feels incredibly janky, moving about feels very heavy. Is this the game now or just me being bad? The last asscreed I played was Black Flag years ago.
Yea Forums isn't that time consuming
Don't forget to burn down the white house so we all can get a free copy of anno
free form assassination with different options based on side mission completion was the peak of the series as far as the actual assassinations ever went.
C'mon Ubi, giveaway Syndicate too to commemorate all muslim acid attack victims!
Some m*slim will bomb the Tower of London or something.
Which AC games are worth playing? I've already played Black Flag.
wait for a series of british prostitutes to get murdered and we might get the jack the ripper dlc free too
Black Flag again
I'm not sure why the boner for Black Flag, it's an alright game but probably the worst Assassin's Creed.
A fucking pirate jumping on poles like a ninja doesn't really fit the assassin fantasy for me, and neither is the setting which is perfectly generic, whereas AC games were always about roaming the rooftops of those immersive recreations of great cities of the past
Unity has the best map, good side quests like the murder solving quests, fun combat that took away broken shit like counters being OHK and doesn't have chain killing, but before the RPG nonsense made every fight take ages. Good weapon variety and character customization. Story, characters all bland and dogshit but by most games its on par with those.
Co-op missions in Unity were pretty damn fun too, wish they said fuck it and made the whole game co-op though
ass creed was already dead after 3 and black flag is one of the best pirate games every made
>You can download it now for Uplay
So they basically want me to install their malware
>but it's free!
this. no way I'm installing a launcher just for this game
I'd rather just pirate it tb h
the most underrated
what do I have to firebomb to get anno 1800 for free?
>Why are frogmen such fucking spineless cuckolds? Just say you want to turn it into a mosque and be done with it.
no one said that, contain your autism my dude
>ubishit uplay
no thanks, not even for free
Lol the ubisoft employee shill even bought a Yea Forums pass
This game was always free and I'll pirate it if I ever want to, I dont have to install your garbage.
>SEETHING /pol/incel
imagine getting so triggered by words like "modern"
So whats wrong with Uplay? I've never installed it