Some choice quotes
>Being on Steam means nothing now
>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
>There are games on Steam that have sold 0 copies
How will Steam drones live in denial about this?
Some choice quotes
>Being on Steam means nothing now
>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
>There are games on Steam that have sold 0 copies
How will Steam drones live in denial about this?
Have sex
>How will Steam drones live in denial about this?
No one was in denial but retard devs who thought they could skip marketing and dump their game into the pit of 100 daily releases and hope it will all work out. Valve said a long time ago Steam is a content delivery, not marketing platform. Think of it like Google Play or Apple's App Store.
>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
Wow. How about some advertising? Did GameStop make own advertisements for no name low effort indie shit?
Reminder the video itself immediately explains these numbers are bullshit. OP is just a semen slurping loner starved for attention.
Maybe now indie devs actually put effort into their games.
Imagine being this retarded.
Stop reposting this literal "source: my ass" garbage
50 fucking sales
Well my last game made over $1000. Still disappointing
>source: my own intuition
More like: my own ass, amirite?
>flood the market with your artsy pixel shit
>wtf there too many of them why isn't my game top of the chart!?
They have no one to blame but themselves.
>Being on Steam means nothing now
>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
There's a million other games released at the same time, and you really think yours is special enough to stand out?
>There are games on Steam that have sold 0 copies
Make better games then you retard
>pretty darn educated
aaaaaaand dropped
>I guessed all these numbers but trust me i'm educated
>countless games in the market, old and new
>release 1 (ONE) game
>nothing extraordinary, nor any marketing
>"Wahhh, why isn't it making me millions!!!"
This is what you called a self-deluded narcissist.
>Mean has gone up
>But 6 billion mobile ports/trash games have brought the average way down
What a fuckin shocker. Good games sell more than ever and bad games dont.
>independant games
as you sow shit so shall you reap turds
Make gorillions of mediocre and outright terrible games and expect people to throw money at them
sounds like steam is flooded with shitty games
I'll agree that Steam has issues in terms of sales, but most of the games that don't get any sales at all are shovelware, and that's true even for 2017. Without that shit to bloat up the median numbers, it's pretty easy to see that genuine indies are not as badly off as it would seem from this.
With that in mind, the Steam store *is* suffering from bloat, there's insane amounts of shovelware being pushed every single day and it's not helped by the boom in popularity of developing games on an indie scale. When you let pretty much everything get published and pushed on your store to the point that there's hundreds of new games every day, you're not exactly doing yourself any favors by overinflating the market with even more indie titles that barely wouldn't get any sales even without the shovelware drowning it out.
Tl;dr, Steam has issues it needs to fix in regards to quality standards, but when everybody tries to be a game dev and get their game on Steam it doesn't take a genius to see why so many indies don't sell any copies at all. They're a victim of their own success.
OP needs this.
>overinflating the market
There's no such thing. These people are idiots who never studied marketing. They seriously expect Steam to do all the work for them. Every indie dev needs to advertise their game like a competent person would.
You made this thread yesterday fuckface
>Trash game devs shit on steam and see epic as their ticket to fame and fortune
>Steam dies
>Epic rejects all their games cause they're terrible
>They crawl back to steam claiming they were always on its side
Calling it
>Steam dies
Steam is too big to die over a bunch of literal whos leaving the boat, it would only be beneficial to steam as there would be less shit clogging up the releases.
The only devs crying about this are "devs" that make shitty 45 minute walking simulators with no gameplay or replay Value. There are plenty of good games in today's Steam store that sell well because they are good games.
Good luck trying to get your game on Epic store though, see you on
I remember when people made a big deal over The Switch version's of the games selling better than they ever did on Steam. Thing is though, that's not because of Steam's shortcomings, but rather it's because of the Switch itself.
1) The Switch is portable. The appeal of taking your game on the go and still play on your couch is very appealing.
2) At the time,the Switch's E-shop needed games. There wasn't that much at launch. Now however, I think it's going to have the exact same issues that Steam is having.
a JAV has more beautiful pixel art than most of those indie shits
>literal who developer is a lazy nigger that does nothing to market their title
>blames the digital distributor
who wants to bet they have less social media presence than a crossdressing fag that's only uploaded single picture on twitter?
"Rome is too big to fail"
"china will grow larger"
Epic has shown they are willing to throw a lot of money around to get big name titles on their store, and with all the journos shitting on steam its only a matter of months before all the normies shift over.
>There are plenty of good games in today's Steam store that sell well because they are good games.
Name some that aren't AAA or high budget indies