City of Heroes

A city of heroes private server exists.
It is build on leaked retail source code from before the shut down and has been running in secret for years.
The owner of this server so far refuses to share with the public the means to play City of Heroes and bars entry to his private server where he has been collecting monetary donations for his own gain.
Various documents detailing the affair:
- (embed)
- Video of the whistle blower (lower your sound): [YouTube] Reupload CoH Private Server Leak (SEGS is innocent, I made a mistake, my bad.) (embed)

Alongside server data was provided character data which allows restoration of retail characters on this server furthermore the owner was directly linked to the CoH subreddit's moderation team where he would lead a campaign to discredit and discourage creation of private servers accompanied with threats of server ban for those mentioning said server's existence or refusal to deny its existence.
I'm counting on you to add any information you can find regarding this clusterfuck below in this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Just play DCUO you simp.

It’s 5am and I can’t sleep because shit is happening on the internet

>Just eat garbage your simp.

Daily reminder this thread is reddit.
Daily reminder in a month online will be 100 players.

This thread is not Reddit because Reddit has banned all discussion about this sort of thing for 6+ years.


and I'll be one of those 100

Daily reminder that you suck dicks

Wasn't City of Heroes a shitty ripoff of another similar but better MMO at the time?

>Leotardo tries to look like the good guy releasing parts of the software piece by piece
>NCSoft issues cease and desist
>Oh oops looks like no one gets it!

He’s already distributed part of it, it’s literally the same if he just kicks the bucket now

If they do that then NCsoft will be the next target.

>coh but even better
i'm kinda sad we don't live in such a timeline now actually

I'm playing CO and half the population is furries. Are you going to accept that your game is going to be populated with furries? This is monkey paw tier stuff you're hoping here.


They kicked out all the Leo mods and removed the autobot.


That’s already happening either way, might as well distribute shit before it does

Classic WoW thread's two blocks down.

>Good reasons
Uh oh...

>still giving a shit about furfags in current year

how the fuck are they still making people seethe just by existing lmao

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NCSoft is involved guys. Might be for a good reason though??

>implying faceless Korean businessmen can be intimidated by internet threats

City of Heroes might be coming back officially!

The only similar MMO's at the time of the game's release were Star Wars Galaxies and Dark Age of Camelot

No, Champions Online was the ripoff of CoH and it was terrible.

>NCSoft intervenes
>COH is revived for real

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megamind is legitimately one of the ugliest animated movies I've ever seen, but it's pixar so I'm not surprised


That's the point. He only released a piece, so NCSoft is guaranteed to bring down the hammer before he can do the rest.

The internet has unlimited users.

Sounds like the NCsoft the company still doesn't give a shit but i'm guessing that employees care.

Clarifications on NCSoft

*NOT NCSoft, but people related to NCSoft. NO ETA on when we will hear about this.

LOL I bet they’re going to ask for money again for negotiations or some shit

NCSoft always copies Blizzard
Blizzard is releasing a classic WoW
NCsoft will want to announce classic CoH for 15th ann

Do you really think Nigger Soft being involved could be good in anyway?

>ncsoft jumps on the "classic mmo" bandwagon
>releases an official private server

Dunno how I'd feel about that. I hate NCSoft.

>it's pixar
that better be a joke.

It’s bullshit

>NCSoft panicking because the source code is about to be made public

No mercy.

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NCSoft wanted to release a CoH Legacy server now that everyone's doing it like Everquest and WoW but they lost all the source code...until today!

Is this a retarded LARP?

The guy is legit according to 3 ACTUALLY legit people involved

Nigga, he's fucked either way. Documented proof that he used CoH to make money by selling ingame boosts is far beyond a c/d. THey can drag his sorry ass to court over it and pput him into debt for the rest of his life without even trying. Him saying he's afraid of legal consequences is just another smokescreen.

this is almost certainly just a ruse so gird your enthusiasm

Champions Online > City of Heroes


t. pingling ching

Fuck, I wish Leo would release the server for public use but it sounds like that NCSoft will halt the release of the source code or take action against Leo.

As much sense as this would make, these are the same koreans that willingly shut down a game making profit simply because they didn't like it. They're not in it for the money, they're just spiteful shits.

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Tester for CO back in the pre-alpha/alpha days here. The alpha was better than the released game. No cooldowns, build up a super bar with normal attacks. Specials took portions of the bar, some more than others. Could knock down or stun enemies with jumping attacks. Totally open power choices so you could pick whatever. Sure none of the zones were fleshed out at the time but it was actually fun to fight stuff.

They ruined that game by listening to the whiny players once it went public. The forums would bitch over and over about how it isn't like every other MMO. The devs so quickly caved it was really weird to watch.

We're not going home. . .

The "action hotbar" idea for that game was fucking awful. Holding down buttons to do cone AoEs was obnoxious.

The fuck is going on with the discord?

I've played CO since beta and still log in every now and then.
No. It's not true. Mate, I fucking wish.

leandro whining like a bitch in a completely unintelligible manner

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Which they'll shut down in a year

At least one good thing came out of this shit show.

>relaxing on a Hawaiian beach, with my bf force feeding me

the eternal anglo...

>Played it years ago
>Spend time autistically making my character
>Have to swap it all out for better stats
What's even the point? At least in Champions Online getting better armor and items didn't change your cosmetics. Does City of Heroes allow you to keep your cosmetics?


Fuck white people

>going home in wow
>now you guys get to home also
2019, the year that saved MMOs

>LOL, youre not speical! You're just some sidekick that got bitten by nanobots!
No, it cancer.


CoH didn't have gear. It had augments you slotted into your powers. So no your "equipment" never changed how you looked.

I wonder who else will go home, WoWbro? Will we all make it?

>Does City of Heroes allow you to keep your cosmetics?
Yes. It one of the thing that Cryptic kept.

You know you can literally change the appearance of your equipment and lock it in, right? It explains that to you, you're not genuinely that stupid, are you?

Activate it.

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Your character keeps his same appearance until you go to the tailor and change it yourself in CoH

Fucker. prepare the torch. Tomorrow the goddamn Big Ben is going down.

Look at the previous thread in the archive it's full of happening.

Why would this Leo guy release the code? It is all he has. He's doing it slowly and acting like a shit for attention. Releasing the one thing he has unique to him into the wild would destroy the man.

We ain't gettin' shit out of this.

Not home yet. There's still a good chance he won't do it. He's an entitled prick who's world is crumbling around him. I give it a 20/80 shot of actually happening. There's a better chance of him just deleting everything and washing his hands of it. Maybe a small chance of suicide.

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>the goddamn Big Ben is going down.
first notre dame now...

>mfw I 6 slotted hover in a fruitless attempt to make it faster than "Not at all"

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According to another guy you can reassemble an MMO with what is shared if you are skilled enough.

>Runescape went home ages ago
>Wow is going home
>Anarchy Online is going home
>LOTRO is going home
>Everquest is going home I think
>City of Heroes is on the brink of going home

Not sure what's left.

His scam required secrecy. Now that it's public knowledge he can either hand the code over and salvage his reputation OR keep it and get relentlessly savaged by the community until the end of time.

I used hover for the defense boost. Still not sure if it actually was worth the endurance.

Apparently there may be a second individual with the leaked code. If they leak it before Leandro the cocksucker, then not only will his server be drained of users but he will also be vilified/banned from all major future servers.

Guild Wars

Three/Two flight speed in Hover and Swift was enough.


Brit sounds like his company wants to acquire the CoX IP. Leandro is saying fuck you and he wants to release the code anyways.


>Guild Wars 1 Fresh servers or god forbid Aztec expansion with Chronomancer class


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Still sad that it ded

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Big if Big, True if True

Waiting for based metokuor to make a video on this subject.


It only costs .2 end/sec, the third most efficient toggle, just behind Oppressive Gloom for dark armor, and Combat Jumping

I literally just logged into Guild Wars like an hour ago, you clowns

That mostly depends on the parts you're shared, giving you critical information on what's being sent back and forth. The bane of projects like COH and PSU has been not having enough of that data to even trial and error with.
So an auth server alone doesn't give anyone jack shit that would be useful for the game itself. Just logging in to it(which was probably the easiest part. I can't imagine these things are all that different between different MMOs at their core.)

what the fuck is even happening

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I hope he doesn't soon. I don't want more retards making threats

>that feel when I'll never play Marvel Heroes pre-Omega again

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>Brit sounds like his company wants to acquire the CoX IP.
Sounds fake and gay. If any company made a legit effort to acquire it, it would have happened years ago.

I wonder what he thought would happen if/when the secret got out. He couldn't possibly have expected to be able to keep it secret indefinitely. And he must have known that making himself a prominent figure in the community would lead to massive backlash.


That was Leandro's point. He's saying he wont wait any longer.

Assuming he isn't a sociopath faking the fear part of this discord breakdown, the crazy fucks on other chan's Yea Forums are getting legit scary.

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>the heroes had to pretend to be villains to lure the villain out of his hole

Cripplechan is even more dysfunctional then us.

Are you retarded? He still have PTSD from the last vidya related stuff and his fanbase are mindless shitters that would make things worse for everyone. Shitour would point and his shit followers would follow shitpost everything.

And that is why there is no hope for GW
It's a zombie, neither dead nor alive, stuck forever in the limbos of rot and stagnation
Had it closed down definitely, we may have had some change, but with its current iteration still online nobody will ever bother doing anything about it

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I don't give a shit, I just want to laugh. Leonardo has it coming Anyway.



Why is everyone in this thread roleplaying as if this matters and as if they can actually do anything against this dude OR NCSoft?

I mean it's amusing in an autistic way but come the fuck on.

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If leo doesnt surrender the files it will only get worse for him.
Thats not a threat from me, its a horrible fact from ate chin

But it's Dreamworks you mong

why don't NCS seriously revive this? with how powerful data centers are now you could probably run a server for it for nothing. it's not like you're gonna need the power to run for million of people anyways, maybe 10k people and even that's reaching pretty far.


Go to kiwi farms and look at the animal control section.

NCSoft killed COH over petty shit involving Korean higher ups. It won't get revived.

NCSoft is ran by koreans. CoH was developed by the west. There was fallout between the two.

It wasn't popular in Korea, so they don't give a shit. They let Wildstar live for years, and Wildstar at it's absolute peak never even came close to CoH's average numbers. They just don't give a shit about it.

Hahaha Yeeeeeeea boi

We did it Reddit!

Coh's server is being use by Guild Wars 2 and formerly, Wild Star.

yeah but now that wildstar is dead their servers are useless

oh damn didn't know that.
oh well.

I'm pretty sure its Disney fault. Sorry for your lost. If it makes you feel any better, I would have recommend a bunch of user to play that over DCUO

So it was the brits fault all along

So what’s this deal about someone telling this person not to release shit?

Let's say none of this is a lie, let's say Leo is going through a redemption arc. What then? Does he pull a Loghain where he sacrifices himself, or does he become one of the silent wardens?

>that whole lame as fuck korean push for COH with the going rogue main characters

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He did a video on the poketuber rapists, he'll be fine.


It's Perlmutter's fault, specifically, when he was still being petty about Fox and the Fab Four and X-Men. Fast forward to now and now they own Fox anyway.

Marvel Heroes quite literally died for nothing.

That is why I said formerly. CoX died for GW 2 and Wildstar. GW 2 got shitcan by sjw and Wildstar went full retarded.

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Some british guy with a development team is trying to acquire the CoX license maybe? He's telling everyone to wait, and telling Leo to wait on releasing the source code.

Leo is saying he has tried this before, and that he isn't waiting anymore.

No we fucking didnt. We have no playable server yet.
Its not over, not by a long shot. This is just the beginning of a new scheme.

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Is this like zoomers vanilla wow?

Uh huh. I have a bridge to sell you user.

Can someone explain what’s the conclusion of the discord shit?

You don't know what happened?
You're asking.
This dude tried to go silent he moved every domain related to his server, he moved the server, he tried to disapear and save his personal empire then came death threats and doxxes and now he's speaking publicly about releasing CoH.
He never wanted to release the game, ge tried to to keep it in a last ditch effort but now he changed his tune and that is why we are so fired up in here.
Because through the power of death threats we are winning back our vidya games. This is the vidya jihad.
Leandro has yet to release the full server code so we nees to keep menacing him until we can fucking play City of Heroes because right now we still can't play.

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Leo is still at fault for trusting someone for years for no reason!

CoH came out before WoW

The brit sounds like a retard, that original team that has been trying to buy the IP has made zero progress in the last 7 years, and they even admitted to giving up when NCSoft added Statesman and Ghost Widow to their shitty moba

Leo wants proof that the brit is legit.


Leo keeps coming up with new reasons for not releasing the code, he's just looking for excuses to buy time

>actually letting disinfo lead you away from what this piece of shit has been doing for years
okay lol

These are some transparent lies. I would expect better from someone who ran a successful disinformation campaign for 6 years


HE IS (((((((((((((((((ANGLO))))))))))))))))))

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Based brit will get the game before leo ever releases anything

Leo just posted the email britboy has been sending him over the past couple years.

Hey there,

I'm sure you're probably getting inundated with messages right about now, so apologies for adding to that - I'll be as brief as possible.

You probably don't remember me - we spoke a handful of times in various places, but nor for many years now.

A bit of background: played the game since the EU launch, up until close. As with everyone, very sad it's gone. Blah blah, you get the idea :)

For the past 6 years I've run a small studio in the UK, and now that we're kinda on our feet and I've got a bit of time on my hands, I was planning at some point this year to make an attempt at re-engaging NCSoft through some of my contacts.

The first part of that was to reach out to active community members such as yourself to figure out what happened with the last attempt and how it could possibly be taken from there, with the eventual intention of somehow getting the game back online.

However recent events have... complicated things!

So with that said, I've got two questions:
Do you have any insight into the previous round of negotiations with NCSoft? If not, do you know who I could talk to about it?
How is the current operation being handled? Legally is it just a one-man-band hosting it privately?
Thanks in advance for the info!


I remember the MMO rush of the mid 2000s after WoW and was there for the launches of many of them, CO included. I have never seen a day 1 patch butcher a game so thoroughly like CO did. Like holy shit it went from fun to complete trash.

Some random jackass with a "team" and a "company" doesn't mean a god damn thing. Anyone can make those claims. Why even give the dude the time of day.

So either this is another lie op or this brit is the real reason why we haven't gotten the server.

Its bullshit to make him look like a redeemed hero when he releases it. He's full of shit but if he releases it then whatever.

Considering how his little empire is breaking down on every front he's probably close to losing his shit adn can't think like before.

Leandro is actually the good guy all along! He’s been harassed by some brit for 6 years, we must help him.

>I was planning at some point this year to make an attempt at re-engaging NCSoft through some of my contacts.


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>types exactly the same as leo and his boys
Dont fucking fall for this, hes buying time for himself

So... Leo is not the Mastermind after all... He was being manipulated by that Tea-sucker...
Our man was Leo, dammit. I died a little today.

His only real choice is to throw it to the wolves and run for his life while they are distracted. Even more so that's He's been doxxed. Add in the fact that Argentina has no extradition treaty with the US or the UK means that someone can just hop on a plane, fuck him up, and fly back and never be brought to justice.

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Spirit Mirror a cute. A CUTE!

Will I be able to play XI again, bros? Will I go back home too?

That's how it appears on the surface. It could be another lie but we don't know at this time.

This brit person honestly sounds like a false flag

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>a brit was behind it all

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He had to have known this could happen eventually and he's had six years to prepare. He only made it worse for himself by making himself such a prominent member of the community.

>we have a team full of nobodies and have never even interacted with NCSoft
>tell us how it went when Paragon Studios, the developers of the fucking game, couldn't even buy their game back
>tell us how it went for Downes, who was ignored for 4 years and then basically received a resounding "no" when NCSoft did that shit with master x master right to the community's face
Wow this guy sure seems trustworthy


Classic Argentine deflection strategy, blame the Eternal Anglo for this

just delay it for six years guys I’m getting the IP next week xD

Still undergoing, but TL;DR is:

>Leo admits he fucked up, took way too long trying to change code
>New leaks caused a lot of his devs to jump ship
>Wants to give out the source code/server stuff, but wants to scrub it of the devs and contributors (this is normal)
>Another guy joined and has code or parts of it to help?
>Leo gives server authentication data to discord mods
>Will give source code after scrubbing
>Randomly a British guy shows up and tell everyone to pause on private servers/emulators
>Leo says he's said this shit before and that he isn't going to wait
>Brit leaves and sticks by his claims that he can acquire the license
>Leo still not buying, and sounds like he is giving away the code after scrubbing

It is. Leo probably spent all day thinking this up and setting everything up. He did this for 7 fucking years to thousands of people.
Everyone in the discord needs to call out his bullshit.

I-it wasn't me guys honest!

Yeah it doesn't seem believable that one guy successfully pressured and kept him from releasing it for six years


How long will scrubbing take? 6 years?


He had almost absolute control of every major CoH forum and was involved in the biggest "reconstruction" project. He could disperse and surpress information as he saw fit. I can see him becoming overconfidfent adn thinking that nothing could have happen to him. Especailly after he's been running it like that for years.

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Is that it?

>Would much rather make this a std::vector, but this struct is used in functions that can't allow object unwinding. Grrr.

>people sucking that Argentinian fuckheads dick now

Its fucking nothing we cant do anything besides make a fancy login screen.
Keep pushing.

Its the authenticator for CoH.
Some people in discord think they can work with it

>some british dude showed up at 5am to tell everyone to stop talking
This is obviously some bullshit

its almost 10am in the UK

Holy shit he's still moving the data away, he's still trying to retain control of his server. He's buying time to move his shit where we'll never get it.
You don't run a 6 years long succesful desinfo campagne and manage to foil an entire comunity by being a total retard i don't buy it. He's not a total retard he's still kicking.

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Theres a programmer in the discord claiming he can reverse engineer a shitton of stuff from the authentication shit

I just want to come home man..

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This is why we can't let up.

waaah Yea Forums doxed me and my dog

This is starting to look fishy

could just be another one of leo's cronies, trying to distract

What the actual fuck... This is the power of Yea Forums? Can this chan revive a fucking game? Seems like that.
Keep fighting anons
Never change guys.

>believing ANYTHING in that discord except all the files being uploaded
I could join and say I'm fucking kim jong un posting from the secret korean moon base

You should do it. Can you do an impression of a stereotypical korean voice without cracking up?

It'll just make the joker smile wider when the inevitable betrayal hits.

Nothing is happening, leandro released some useless scraps and is going to leave again

Not convinced.

*starts winding up my arm*

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You can't fool me kim

No but someone here probably could.

He's a fag who works for a literal indie mobile company that's made one or two games that literally nobody's heard of.

Make no promises, hailed like a hero, god people are dumb.

I don't want the guys dog to get hurt. Dog didn't do anything.

I found the brit. but im not going to start another whichhunt campaign

Don't forget Leandro has an army at his service because if they don't help him he will ban them and their friends from the only real way to play the game. That's how he runs things.

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So you wouldn't mind if I came to your house?

Sure user do you want some coffee ?

The brit literally doesn't matter because only leo has the codes. Extorting the brit wont get us anything.
We have a rabid group of autists who might be willing to steal or even kill if it gets that bad.

Can someone just tell NCheil in korean he's about to sell the files and end this charade already ?

Ill have a coke actually.

I don't buy soda. Get the fuck out of my house.

I'm not buying any of this.

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too late nigger

I've accepted that I'll never play the game again, I just want this fuck to pay for the thieving, gaslighting, blackmailing, bribery, and other bullshit he did

You're smarter than a good majority of this thread then.
Nice job.

if you can't spell witch, you probably can't operate google, much less dox some boogeyman leandro made up
there's legitimately no reason to believe leandro on any of his shit. guy makes a private server and takes money for in-game boosts. he's probably just trying to smokescreen until he finds a solution, and dollars to donuts says that solution doesn't involve making it public.

This is fucking intense my work week is flying by unseen.

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Who wants to bet he's about to run a donation drive to "speed up" work ? kek

cool baananas

We lost, Yea Forums. We're the bad guy and Leo has a new legion of cocksuckers.


Good, you shouldn't. Even if it's legit Leo has to know that throwing out a tidbit and then stopping would only make people hunt him down for the rest.

Hell that tidbit alone PROVES HE HAS EVERYTHING ELSE. The only way out he has is to throw out the code and then go dark until this whole shitstorm has blown over.

He's fucked himself into a corner after six years of bullshit so there's no way any of these autistic madmen are going to let him leave without that data.

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>he thinks we'll back off if we get a tiny crumb from him

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Anyone who believes Leandro uploaded the authenticator files on a silver platter for CoX deserves a slap across the face for taking his word at face value.

I wouldn't be surprised if he and his goons in SCORE decided to modify the files in some way to sabotage efforts by the community to start up their own server, or if those aren't even the real deal.

That's what happens when you lie.
Even if you come around it nobody will beleive you and will keep screaming at you all throughout the process of righting your wrongs.
So far Cities of Heroes is still in Leoandro's grasp therefore we have no victory.

Normalfags are on his side now.

I mean he finally talked, good things were said, he at least released the auth server data, and pledged to release the rest after he gets rid of dev traces. What more do you want?

If he did, we have people that can run tests on the files as well, if not better than him and find out what he did to them.

Only the character creator and the player models

Lol these two clowns are trying to bribe with fucking steam keys


people just on a head hunt because they have nothing to aim their childish anger at.

>believing anything good happening is fucking stupid
>however believe my completely biased theory on how we all get fucked
stop being a pessimistic fuckhead for once in your life.

I want the full codebase!
I want to be playing CoH, i'm not playing CoH now am i?

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The chessboard is on his hand now. He is a fucking genius.

Not Holmes, not Hitler, but Leandro.

yes guys, we get it, he did a bad thing. at the very fucking least wait until he's finished doing a good thing before his head is torn off.

leave it to the people who actually know how the stuff works to authenticate that. the speculation is these threads only ever got us to people repeatedly asking the same stupid questions just to clarify some autistic anons rage fetish

we're getting some juicy info, especially from that other guy who clearly worked with leo has been posting.

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>Energy/Energy blaster
>was atrocious at the game
Fellow based retard energy blaster. I went into the PVP arena once right after it was first added and got absolutely fucking destroyed by this SMUG CUNT fire/electric blaster. I still don't know why he did so much damage, fuck that guy.

I suspect he'll suddenly beg for a lot of money promising its needed to finish quickly, then disappear off the face of the earth.

Released n another 6 years while the cult gets to keep playing.


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>he is going to win
Yeah, think I will go kill myself now

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>Initially, I thought a public server would be out in two years.
>Then my grandmother broke her hip, had to move moved across the country to be with us, and died.
>Then my dog had puppies, which should have been a cause of joy, but instead one I spent 17 months desperately trying to save one of them due to a heart defect with no cure, until he couldn't even stand, but he still wanted to play.
>Then I was diagnosed with severe thyroid issues that left me unable to concentrate on anything for months. Life gets in the way.
>Then suddenly, six years had passed.


I will fucking rain blood and shit fire on his soul for all eternity. Death will not be an escape for him.

What does NCSoft give a shit, they abandoned our game! Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them!

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No, they aren't Leo, giving them a crumble will just make them go even crazier until they have everything.

This and his harem of bitches have been lying for years and now we're supposes to beleive him? That he'll release the code?
He needs time to prepare the release, let's say he need 2 weeks therefore i will scream at him for 2 weeks until i see the result. He's a fucking liar.

i imagine that people find it hard to trust now that it's been revealed that they could've been playing one of their favorite games for six years now
i don't think going down this bloody vengeance route is good for the future of the game, but implicitly trusting him doesn't seem like the right way either.
of course it's not an actual dichotomy, but that's not gonna stop people on either side

Nice scraps leo

It'll give him a perfect reason to run without giving anything up ?

It really is impressive.

>still playing the opity card
It's all he has left and it isn't working. Not after all the bullshit he pulled that came out in the past 2 days.

>some guy holds shit for 6 years
>now you have a brit screaming bloody mary and the skimpy fag coming for excuses and releasing stuff that can very well be fucked with, while he tries to take heat off
>people believe this, while forgetting first event timeframe

The world calls for blood and it shall recieve.

Hand it over, that thing, your stolen code...

All I'm saying is that until we get another working CoX private server, I won't believe he intends to share CoX with the rest of the world.

He'll come up with an excuse, and another excuse, and another excuse. He might end up only releasing half before saying, "NCSoft is coming for my ass, I need money to help fight them in court!" Then run off with the money, hide and continue hosting his secret private server for that little faggot clique of his.

I ain't clicking that shit.

But he had time to make and monitor a fucking graph chart of relationships in his cult and make sure that like 6 separate CoH communities had mods gaslighting people?

When your life gets overwhelming you hand that shit off to one of the 2-4 groups you discouraged who wanted to build an emulator.

People are actually believing this shit?

What are you? Gay?

/ss13g/ here, good luck lads and secure the fukkin disk.

Attached: 549a64c9c82a16f6617d19eae0fb9f6e386c1673ef2a00bc5a523945c874c661.jpg (653x613, 268K)

We already know his lying ass has been hiding money from the government on his taxes. He definitely has enough to get a flight out of the country when everyone is distracted looking for whatever fake person he made up.

>that little faggot clique of his
You're assuming that they'd wanna risk associating themselves with someone who's receiving death threats on the daily

there is a image of that page. Seine post it, so this user could see that.
PS: is fake, some fucker made it, but still...

Fusion Fall

Attached: Jobless Pepe.jpg (400x321, 57K)

Kin/Elec Defender, 66% S/L defense with 41.6% fucking ranged defense, short circuit for an AoE to drain 70% of a mob's endurance, 8 second recharge, another single target endurance drain that steals 110% of a single target's endurance, and a third AoE that also steals another 70% endurance. I don't even have to mention Fulcrum Shift, SB, or Vengeance. I can singlehandedly set my team's defenses to softcap with Maneuvers and Vengeance alone.

I can't fucking wait to make these crazy ass builds again

its not fake, Leandro.
also stop hiding money from government or you will be sucking dicks in prison soon

ironically i think energy is the hardest hitting ranged powerset that the game had. the downside was it was less accurate

nobody has forgotten, but what do you want? he's literally giving everyone extremely valuable information right now. he seems to be verbally going through the process of how to get everything

>This whole image
>That Lena Chappelle bio in particular
Lmao I'm glad I never played this lame shit

Attached: Whoops.jpg (549x396, 151K)

Of course they will they we willing to go along with this charad since the day they joined his cult-server.
Look at us, look at how much we want to play CoH, these people want to play CoH just as much.

We want the Code. We don't want sob stories, we don't want bullshit explanations. We want the data, pure and simple.

Not sure I would even want to play again unless the RP community came back.

Still have CoX ERP logs from 13 years ago.

Surrender the code and your dog lives, you will be unharmed, and your house will not be drowned in the grease of a billion neckbeards.

the problem is that the people who call for revenge will get lumped in with the people who just want to play the game, giving games """journalists""" a martyr figure who's getting threatened and doxxed
bing bam boom, the guy has plenty of time to pull clownshoes maneuvers.
the moment someone doxxed him, a timer started counting down, either one to the release of the data, or him getting off scott-free

What do they care? They already did, and are playing the victim card. They're all part of a manipulative group that gaslit multiple communities for 6 whole fucking years. I'm willing to bet that if Leandro goes underground with the remaining source files and continues hosting his little clique, they'll just continue hiding. They'll pretend they no longer play, pretend the server is gone forever. They make it even more exclusive, invites are only given out on a very limited basis. Powertripping egotistical faggots like them are all the same.

The only way justice will prevail is if we have another working CoX server, this is the cold hard truth.

It's like when a witness breaks down on the stand in ace attorney kek

Just a daily reminder that we'll be getting the Issue 24 source code. Get ready to experience insta-snipes and the ability to hide Hasten's effects.

i'm pretty sure he's in the process right now of vetting the files and checking to see what he can and cant share immediately.

these last few hours have been extremely juicy.

Man, RPing in CoX was something else. Especially the ERP. There was so much you could do.

he's gone.

Because their 'existing' includes ass raping puppy dogs with baseball bats and worse?

Doxing him doesnt pardon him from making money off so.eone else's IP

Isn't there FusionFall private server called FusionFall Retro?

Fire/Time/Dark corruptor

45% M/R/A defense with Far sight+Clarion Radial, permanent hasten+soul drain.


We won't be getting jack shit. Hes going to distract us and fly off to another third world country with the servers.

As is hope.

We ain't getting it. Are we?

Attached: 1555096749917.png (600x525, 480K)

>Tabula Rasa
this guy

Attached: 1552932217729.jpg (500x389, 36K)

I doubt it, there's no reason for him not to release it at this point. If you were in the call, he sounded very genuine.

my personal theory is that they contacted him the moment the story broke.
probably a deal to cancel it in exchange for not being sued out the ass — they've declined to comment on any part of the story, which speaks volumes in and of itself

i did this on every character too lmao.
either speed or endurance drain, so i could always fight flying.

>lets just pretend all the kero the wolf shit never happened and other furries didn't rush to his defense

Im sorry. All we have left is hate.

It was an experience, best i could say.

No it doesn't, what this user said is that the doxxing him gave ammo to both sides and it seems like Leandro realized that as well and is trying use the threats on him to his own advantage to sway the public opinion. It's a race to make the release happen before one side is fighting legions of defenders while Leo gets away in the back. I keep telling this fucker is not dumb.

Everyone bought it hook, line, and sinker. But hey, at least we got some scraps from the secret club.

Bumping for these paranoid niggers in the lobby ;)

Attached: ron_purrlman.jpg (1014x1116, 127K)

leo here ask me anything

>all furries are the same as this one guy and his group of friends

shit I guess every white guy is a crazy nutjob that shoots up planned parenthoods

Release the server code!

I got my snuff fetish from that games erp community

Nice try Leo, but nobody is buying your shit.

Imagine being so spooked by people just wanting you to do the right thing


>there's zero correlation about wanting to rape dogs in fantasy and raping dogs IRL
ok retard.


Attached: Nemesis.jpg (689x1023, 249K)

Do you also think violent video games cause shootings?

what exactly are these people worried about? what did Yea Forums do? are they afraid of someone saying nigger

You stand out, you don't fit in. You should be sad that you don't get to play CoX but instead you seem resigned and that's because you are playing on Leandro's server. YOU FUCK.

Oh shit nibba I'm in the US right now but I live down in Brasil which obviously isnt very far. I'm pretty big, if someone can link to a good enough dox I can go and fuck him up and try to take the files, I'm constitutionally protected from extradition by Brasil anyways.

4channel is a board of peace

do people who play violent games get off on the feeling of killing someone, the same way a furry sexually gets off on the idea of raping a dog?

Some anons were the ones who doxxed leo in the first place.

If anything happened tonight it was just confirmation that attacking leo is the only thing working.
The only thing that has motivated him in 6 years has been this pressure. And it's working.

His livestreams had thousands of viewers and none reported it or even told him to stop.
Keep making excuses for that shit but furries will always be the bottom of the barrel.

AR/EM Blaster. 30% Ranged Def, 50% smashing/lethal resistance. Perma-Boost Range + Cardiac Core Alpha incarnate gives almost double range on all of my AR attacks. Personal Force Field to tank alpha strikes, Tactics slotted with a Chance for Build Up, and Vengeance will give instant snipe + softcapped defenses. High tech theme to bring everything together.

Wouldn't it have been shut down if it was actually made public due to the stolen code? I get that it looks bad but I don't see how they could have let everyone play without immediately getting hit with a cease & desist.

hope you fags enjoyed the people coming to your autistic game from sseths review

I've literally never played CoX.

it kind of ruined the game.
except then you remember ss13 is all about bullying retards and new people make really good targets.

>do people who play violent games get off on the feeling of killing someone
Yes, why else would people be drawn towards violent video games? Mortal Kombat is shit without its violence.

Ah: so it's leaked information, so the problem is...everyone wants in on the illegal game, but only friends of people maintaining the game, who get to choose who has access to their server, are allowed in.

...other than (again) picking up a huge sense of entitlement, and understanding what a great game CoH was, I don't see why this is controversial.

I suppose they could have opened the private server, charged people whatever they wanted, and given friends free passes, and it could have just shut down and they could have been sued, and it would have been a better idea?

The key part of the argument is

>other furries rushing to his defense

Instead of universally codemning him, much of the furry community chose to defend him. At least most white people are quick to condemn mass shooters.

Public opinion is irrelevant

>pedophiles that hide inside colorful cartoon animal suits at conventions
>parents let their guard down because they don't know it's fetish wear and let their children near them
>why does this upset people

Spines/Regen scrapper
It just makes so much sense, you use all that power of regen to shit out infinite spikes.
You do big DoTs, you do big HoTs, you got good AOE, you got some okay bursts
Probably going to go super speed, dunno what else

people are worried because leandro was doxxed on √64chan.
i personally think it's fair for leandro & co. to be worried about that, but i think that in this particular case, it's mostly going to be utilized for sympathy while the devs get off either with deleting everything in order to not get sued out the ass, or some other crazy bullshit no one sees coming

Yea Forums wont do anything. Its our retarded cousin that will, and they wont stop until they get it or its deleted.

Pretty sure it's other chan thats got him spooked. Not us.

If he had originally just leaked the code to the public, NCSoft wouldn't have been able to do anything to stop the influx of private servers popping up left and right. Even Blizzard at it's peak couldn't stop WoW private servers, what the fuck could NCSoft have done? He was at his most vulnerable when he was hoarding it to himself because one C&D means the code is gone forever.

the controversy has come from those privileged few then turning around and hamstringing all other attempts at rebuilding the game, ensuring they keep their kingdom

you're so naive and dumb. You really think kids who play MK are the same people that get off on watching liveleak videos of murders? that look up gore and guro to get off?
that's what this furry shit is. and before you argue it, no, dogs cannot consent.

so there's going to be another news hit piece.

they specifically said Yea Forums

yeah, i figure it's just to build that faggot rapport and try to have a common enemy.

that's the massively bitch who did a podcast earlier tonight

Release the fucking source and character data you ass muncher.
Your cult leader will abandon you.

They won't stop if he claims that he deleted it. He lied for too much and too long.

They say Yea Forums because eight is too controversial for them to even look at.

Just tell us that you haven't played DCUO at all and be done user.

Best way to do it is not hoard the data that way anyone can set up a private server. Additionally, an NCSoft employee gave him a database with everyone's characters which is part of why everyone is so angry. If everyone and anyone could set up a private server because the source code was in the wild, every time NCSoft shut one down everyone could pick up and move to another with no problems. Eventually they wouldnt even try.

Enjoy your scraps, cucks. ;)

the problem that people have was that it was kept secret for six years.
at a point it was certainly ready enough to be released to the public and have free/private servers cropping up everywhere, ensuring that it doesn't truly die

Exactly. Theyve been working nonstop for the last 3 days and are planning to send people soon.

Never played CoH so I can't really speak from experience with it. If they messed with personal information, they're obviously in the wrong on that part.

That said, I can't really fault them for maintaining obsessive secrecy over their emulator. Especially when you are talking about a company with the reputation of NCSoft with respect to C&Ds. Whoever is operating the service is putting themselves in very real legal jeopardy every day it is live. All it takes is one person to risk bringing the entire server tumbling down (Or worse. Whoever is hosting it is opening themselves up to litigation). As such you can't start accepting people left and right on a whim. Every invitation brings with it a very real risk of discovery and dissolution.

It genuinely sucks when you aren't part of it. I know because I've been in the same situation with other types of games. But for the long term health of these types of communities, being private, invite-only, and ensuring little to no public-facing discussion of them happens is the norm. The risk and price of exposure is simply to great. The unfortunate reality is that in order to achieve this not everyone will get to play. When the alternative is that the entire community gets shut down (however small/niche it is) that is, in my opinion, a price worth paying--and hey, if you meet the right people and demonstrate your trustworthiness you can still work your way into an invitation.

In this case, now that there are news articles and former players seeking blood, who knows how long it'll last?

>that's what this furry shit is.
But muck like hows there's a difference between MK and Liveleak vids, there's different types of porn mediums. It's the classic loli argument. Loli isn't CP much like how furry porn isn't bestiality. Besides there are those that enjoy both liveleak gore and MK.

>Yea Forums doxes the guys family and him
>People sending death threats and saying they live close by and are coming
>Dude y he scared lol is cuz we epic magapedes say nigger?
Leo deserves this but don't be a retard

He also actively was involved in every other effort and sabotaged them.




furries is very relevant to coh

>Fit in
Cringe NPC tier post

someone tell me the source of this and i'll release the server data in two minutes
t. leandro

>It's the classic loli argument.
loli isn't CP but it leads you down a VERY REAL slippery slope. Constantly chasing the next taboo.
>it's not like im HURTING kids. the video already exists.
you haven't seen what I've seen.

Attached: upload_2018-9-22_17-10-40.png (720x584, 438K)

its the really mentally ill people on the other chan that should have you spooked. Especially when he lives in corrupt ass Argentina, and they have literally the entirety of his personal details and his goddamn birth records.

No, that was totally the fault of some literal who brit dev too.

Kill yourself.

>it leads you down a VERY REAL slippery slope.
well I don't believe in the slippery slope but I guess that doesn't apply to everyone.

>tfw I've never even played the game but I managed to keep everyone going on this hate train all week because leos a piece of shit

Attached: images(7).jpg (225x225, 6K)

I didn't either.
until it happened to me.
just check yourself.

same here

Attached: 1538599861193.jpg (1024x767, 115K)

Leandro fuck off until you've released the files. Until you've made them public there's a very real chance no one will ever get to play after this shitshow because NCSoft is going to fuck you over legally. That's inevitable, and if they get the files, it's over for CoX. The least you can do is stick it to NCSoft for shutting our game down in the first place and ensure the community gets their game back. Hell, if you released everything people would forgive you in a few weeks, the outrage cycle is rapid, especially when you do something huge like rereleasing CoX.

>they have literally the entirety of his personal details and his goddamn birth records

Attached: what.gif (400x226, 3.68M)

Not really. I have had a lol collection since like 03. Never ever touched real stuff ever
Now mostly fap to vanilla impregnation

I always keep that in mind.

Don't really care about the game but I think the dude is a faggot for not leaking the source code to those who want to play. That way, he can keep his server private and those who want to play won't fuck with him.

They've also sent at least one person to scope out his house.

They banned me on 2 accounts but at least I pissed off the scamming south america nigger to personally cry about me in the voip channel to his bleating sycophants.

cringecore. find something better to do with your lives, these threads weren't started for your autism.

beyond based, cum in vagina is truly patrician.

never underestimate the power of losers on the internet.
some of us wracked up skills over the years of taking out angst on retards.


you're holden or whatever

they have a general on their vidya board, we can't post anything here because rules, but yeah, he should be genuinely worried for his well being.

They're banning a bunch of people who aren't even doing anything except commenting on what's going on. Not suspicious at all.


Yes lol.

Seems like you're misunderstanding the issue. Leandro was given the source code for the game 6 years ago, and has been sitting on it instead of releasing the files into the wild. This whole time, he has been using his real name, real identity, and everything to set up a small, secret private server for his little clique.

This means he's been literally painting a huge target on his back for anyone to take aim at.

The CoX community that has been mourning the loss of this game is aiming at him because of several reasons. He took money for and released something called Paragon Chat, which was essentially a stripped down version of the working private server he had, only with chat capabilities. He also gaslit the community by saying there was no private server and it would never be possible, then told everyone he invited into his clique that they need to be quiet about this server, lest they get banned. They were also told to gaslight the community by claiming anyone who leaked the existence of a private server was lying. They also had heavy-handed moderation on several different CoX communities, one of which was the cityofheroes subreddit.

NCSoft also now has their eye on Leandro because of this leak, since he's the only person in the world that has a wild copy of the source code.

This could've been entirely avoided if he had anonymously leaked the source files he didn't even obtain himself, the code was handed over on a silver platter by an anonymous source. If he had actually any intent on letting anyone besides his clique play the game again, he would've put the source code in the wild and disappear to let the community start up multiple private servers. NCSoft would've had to play whack-a-mole to take down private servers.

It's not simply
>"waah i wasn't invited to the sekrit klub"
as you believe

you guys are getting baited hard. This dude is copy pasting random reddit comments

They deleted your comments and disregarded you as a troll. Fucking dumb cunts.


I can't even see the invitation and I've never been on that server and this ip has never been used for discord.

Based, please send some death threats on Twatter and say you wont if he releases the code.
Ahahahaha I hope they make sure they have ALL the files before they do something crazy like kill him.

you have autism

They blocked new invites.

They must have nuked destroyers invite, i don't want to get banned.
This is from their website

He should be more worried about his relatives than himself. The best way to get to someone is through loved ones.
Leos pity story is likely to horribly backfire.

Anyone going to get an explanation for why a project supposedly unaffiliated with God King Leo is now banning people for questioning his narrative?

I'm a little confused. It initially sounds like this is bad because they are profiting off of stolen code. But reading some of the threads, people seem more unhappy just that it was a secret and that they wish it were available to everyone.


Leo just got new recruits

Its both.

>The best way to get to someone is through loved ones
I mean, that's kinda what he's been doing to keep the lid tight. Not only threathen whoever leaks shit, but everyone who's associated with him as well. He should know how effective that method is.

Everyone who had a clue is gone.
Wow private servers are based off open source efforts not source code.
It's over now.

same person copypastaing reddit comments, don't feed him more (you)s

I copied your post because i like it so don't be suprised if you see it pop up.

Leo is a master manipulator who would make Todd blush.

And that he and his clique controlled every major CoH hub and supressed any atempt from others to build up their own server while pretending to do it themselves and taking money for it. All the while having a perfectly working version in the backhand.

He probably never thought itd be used against him.

I'm a faggot, please rape my face.

realistically though, if someone did release the source code , i doubt a vpn would protect them for long

Remember. Keep the pressure up on leo, it's working.
Literally nothing else has worked, this is what it takes.

No way fag

Thats why you use a vpn that has tons of traffic while not connected to your own personal internet.

There are so many ways to go about it. Hit up a free wifi joint in another state, hook up a VPN, go through a proxy site, upload it to mega, dish out some links then bail back home. Thats just off the top of my head if I had a burner laptop.

Attached: YV ty.gif (400x400, 178K)


It would be really easy to distribute it anonymously





>tfw I know an argentinean and hes just as retarded and ready to make excuses for his lies as leo
is it genetic?

Feel free, but that summary isn't a complete one.

I forgot to mention the part where Leandro has been poaching developers from other CoX spiritual successors to work on his private server, thus their sabotaging efforts.

And he's also been taking "donations" to host the server, and trying to dodge taxes on his income. While the amount he's making on donations may be not much more than a couple hundred a month, he's still been profiting from this, which means NCSoft, should they come after him, is likely going to focus on him even more than if he was just running a little private server.

yeah they're all pieces of shit

>tax dodging

Attached: Leandro_taxes.png (1335x918, 391K)

did anyone get that war for the overworld game?

judging by the reviews it actually seems pretty cool, desu sandpipes

>the look on that dogs face
not even the dead can know peace from this evil.

fuck you simburger

lol, i almost thought he gave out a bunch of used codes because my first two attempts were already used up and they were pretty deep in the list.

fuck i think it's going to be over soon
>the source code is needed in order to run servers again
>it's leaked out and has a face and name connected to it
>some idiot doxxes him, setting up an excellent boogeyman for unaffiliated folks to label all fans as 'toxic'
>even if he does release it, he's effectively commiting financial suicide, because NCsoft now knows who's solely responsible for it
the 'best' case scenario is that someone steals the code, whether it's actually someone doing that or an associate of leo's larping as some (1-cos^2(Pi/4))*ln((e^4)^4)chan vigilante, but he doesn't seem the type to risk things like that, and it seems like he only paid lip service to the idea of making it public

What is this? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?

Attached: ah.png (517x518, 442K)

>i'm pretty sure he's in the process right now of vetting the files
Is it really that easy to make you trust him? He's been lying for 6 years and still is. He never released the code in all those years but NOW he definitely working on releasing it. Dont be a dumb motherfucker, keep piling on the pressure until you're actually playing the goddamn game.

Attached: 1555458375616.jpg (629x618, 52K)

He's not saying he's dodging taxes, he's saying he doesn't pay US taxes, which should be obvious as to why because you are in a thread where everyone constantly brings up that he's in Argentina.

no but he released small sections
I have the auth server and mission excel from him.

Skilled sociopaths are terrifying people, the way they can manipulate others.

It's working.

you're so clever!

Attached: 1510458409698.jpg (645x588, 57K)

Argentinians are culturally the most narcissistic and arrogant people you will ever meet. It's why the "Argentinians think they're white" meme gets them so riled up, an Argentinian cannot handle the fact that someone else is superior to them, especially on an innate level they have no control over. Therefore, they decide they are white so as to be superior to the other, non-white Argentinians. The meme forces them to acknowledge no one is fooled by the lies typed out by their meztiso fingers. Literally the bottom tier of latino culture. They like to think they're more civilized than the rest of us but truthfully I'd rather spend time with a fucking Bolivian than I would an Argentinian.

Attached: coh mission file.png (1627x798, 86K)

seething chileno indio pata sucia

Scroll down a bit and look at his new post.

He will be called a liar until the last bit is transfered don't go around going "look he's doing it right now so stop insulting him".
The guy is a pathological liar, a narcissist and a grade A dickbag, the second he smells an exit he will be gone, after all he's the one with the server and not us.

Posting the comment for people too lazy to click

Every single server is a reminder, and every single time I hear about the passing of a COH player, I am reminded that I'm not doing enough and I'm not doing things fast enough.

Sorry Tony, I know I promised I'd never bring this back to this forum, and please stop throwing yourself in front of buses to defend me. I am the asshole who didn't release things fast enough. That is a valid complaint. But that was not a decision that was done to harm the community because "fuck you, got mine" like so many people are saying. Initially, I thought a public server would be out in two years. Then my grandmother broke her hip, had to move moved across the country to be with us, and died. Then my dog had puppies, which should have been a cause of joy, but instead one I spent 17 months desperately trying to save one of them due to a heart defect with no cure, until he couldn't even stand, but he still wanted to play. Then I was diagnosed with severe thyroid issues that left me unable to concentrate on anything for months. Life gets in the way.

Then suddenly, six years had passed.

I know the community is hurt and it's my fault. I am moving as fast as I can to try to make things better, but I can't make instantly get everything ready. I have not slept since my phone was published on Monday at 2am and notifications haven't stopped ringing since then.

Please. Have patience. I am only human. And I am trying really hard to keep almost 3539 people from being harrassed and threatened as I have been for the last 4 days.

Yes, almost 3539 people. Because many of them are not around anymore. And every single one of them is a reminder of my failure to make this work.

Red Dragon, Lady Judgement, Janlee, Staff Kain, Raine Heartfall, Gloryhound, Mrs. PosiChimp, Reikun. So many more. They are not servers yet because we have not had the resources to remember them that way. Every single server is a reminder, and every single time I hear about the passing of a COH player, I am reminded that I'm not doing enough and I'm not doing things fast enough.

Attached: 1492415721370.jpg (250x314, 12K)


You have proven my point you argie nigger. You're from the land of silver, and as a result always doomed to never come in first place in anything. Even if you were white, you'd be the most dysfunctional white country the world has ever seen, making Greece and Albania look competent and well run.

Attached: id5I0wr.jpg (960x960, 236K)

>kept the project down and hidden so as not to get C'n'D'ed
Tell me what is wrong with this?

Holy shit, Jiren was Argentinian all along?

Attached: 1549148137137.jpg (820x461, 42K)

Acreanos are what we call people from the state of Acre in Brazil. Please dont refer to any of us argentinians, it's highly disrespectful to be compared to an Argentinian.

Oh shit i'm sorry

Attached: 1549640603497.jpg (521x540, 37K)

Hopefully we'll get to go home one day user, I miss it too

Taking donations from people he invited into he secret club as well as gas lighted communities into thinking its never possible. To the point of becoming a mod, a corner stone of the community and erasing any discussions on how to bring it back, full knowing he had the solution available.

Please read the thread user. Please.

Attached: 1311823037513.png (307x224, 89K)

Translation: I'm only doing this because I'm being harassed and attacked

So he names servers after dead people?

Attached: 1461138666721.jpg (209x279, 7K)

Maybe 6 years later it's time to let the world know they can play CoH in pristin condition and with their retail character to boot? How much longer was he planning to keep it under wrap?
So many other MMOs have private servers and they're running fine.

It's okay fren just try to not mix us up and be sure to remind all argentinians that they're too mixed to be white.

Attached: 399.png (680x541, 659K)

>city of heroes dead
>marvel heroes dead
>DCUO alive
>champions online alive

why are the worst games still here??

How about pubblishing the source code and letting others host servers and take the risk of getting cnd?
Instead of playing a mmo with 100 people at peak time for 6 years...

Nothing wrong with him, reddit just doing reddit things.

His instagram is covered in pics of him running marathons, etc... He wasn't busy...

>t. Microdick gay bottom Leo

it ran like shit but god damn I miss that game so much

Obviously city of heroes is not dead aparently.

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No excuse for leading people to believe other wise and gas lighting the fans of all people... You were playing video games when all the other 100+ thousand fans have had people die within those 6 years who also had more love for the game than most people you invited. People die, shit happens, give the source code to others if its too much of a burden for you. I bet you had a blast playing during that time too. Get the fuck off your pity potty and get this shit out there already.

Threads like these are the reason why the CoH was kept private. Just look what you guys are doing.

Tell me about your main hero/villain bros.

>tfw I'm starting to forget what mine was like

Stop sucking his dick and learn to think for your self you numbskull. Jesus fuck.

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shut up leo

go find the thread on cripplechan

Stop, it hurts.

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But the whole reason people are mad is because it was kept private.

It's working.

he made millions keeping it to himself and sabotaging other projects you faggot.

Oh i ain't shutting up nigga.

>almost 3539 people

>- Video of the whistle blower (lower your sound): [YouTube] Reupload CoH Private Server Leak (SEGS is innocent, I made a mistake, my bad.) (embed)

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Leo, stop guzzling cum. We are pissed because we were lied to. 6 years of thinking its dead and gone, good memories we've all been wanting to revisit and recreate. Yeah, the resentment adds up when you consider his actions.

We have more passion than we do hate, his actions brought this out of us. If he had just released it 5 days ago before this leak happened, he would be praised as a savior of the game. Fucking use your head.

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>tfw your favorite hero was post-Omega

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Yeah what was that about that wasn't in the last OP.

3539 total accounts registered. Barely 30 people on average and 80 during peak hours. That's not even including the fact that he controlled every outlet for CoH news in those 6 years.

So, your point is:
-Let play only few people being threats
-99% old players can't play because of Elitism.

I hope you are joking user. Internet is made for the mases, not for 3-4 dick-suckers.
Deal with it.

>Over 7 years
>With a max pop of around a few dozen at any time
>In a community of hundreds of thousands, if not cracking a million

You completely missed my point. You guys would shit up the game.

Even fucking Tera is getting classic servers for some reason

Go fuck yourself Leo

Do you know how literally low playerbase private server is? Even this numbers are very high for something "private" and "secret". More over, it's really great how this kept secret for these number of players, only one snitch for all playerbase.

Getting it out in the open? What a horific idea indeed. It could harm Leos moneystream and he might purge you from the server.

You shit up Yea Forums with all your cock sucking, but I dont want you gone. You're such a fucking easy leoshill to spot, I can smell your unwashed bullshit from a mile away. The more examples you give of your faggotry the better it is for people to understand that you were part of his little butt boi club circle jerk. You couldnt be any more obvious dip ass.

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>Even this numbers are very high for something "private" and "secret".
No, it really isn't. But keep telling you that if it's what leo insists on.

>have different opinion
>it must be shill
Great work.

>only one snitch for all playerbase
>lets just forget all the other ones that kept saying shit about a private server for at least 4 years
>and gioot banned and silenced since leo and his croonies controlled every major coh forum

Can someone explain to a brainlet whether there is a chance of us being able to play this game again? I keep seeing the same bitchy drama but no updates.

If only Cryptic didn't get in bed with NCSoft all those years ago.

Ok then going off your opinion of the whole matter, you're a total cunt to agree with the methods he took. Lying to people, taking their money for a product that isn't rightfully is, continuously gas lighting communities into placating its existence and any methods to make it a reality again for many loyal fans.

I can accept you're not a shill, but fuck you got shit taste and horrendous opinions in general if this is your stance.

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Leandro is now cooperative with some people on the SEGS discord (not the SEGS team specifically) and has promised to attempt to scrub and then release the source code to the public over time. The SEGS team is still going to be doing their thing so if something does happen to the source code, they'll still be working on their own part, but Leandro doesn't seem to be alone in this any more.

Leo threw out a tidbit of data that allowed folks to "log in" again if they knew their old logins. No actual gameplay or even a lobby, but you could see your character presumably.

there is a glimmer of hope. The game exists, but in the hands of the wrong people. Its a slim chance, but i'll take slim over none.

stop vagueposting and actually put your 'point' into words, unless you're just fishing for (you)s

>over time
So never.

>nooooooo if it's not a shill it must be a very bad person
Why Americans are so retarded? Go to sleep.

>missing the large part of the post
Why are mudskins so retarded?

Except that wasn't the active server population. In a leaked post on the server forums, it was shown that Leandro kept a chart of players, each tree detailing who invited who and their relations to each other. He revealed in the post that some members who invited a whole supergroup to the server would end up only retaining a small handful of players, a lot of those accounts would end up either inactive or never touched.

>all these anons thinking that leo is actually gonna release this shit bit by bit and not just dissapear and play on his sserver when the heat is off him

It's better for those Brazilian anons to just steal his shit, I don't believe his lies for a second

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Not even an amerimutt and I don't think you're a bad person, I've never met you so i couldn't give a flying fuck. I just think you got shit taste and I can deduce you lack a brain.

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lol keep proving my point.

But it would be ours to do so. Our decision. A decision that was denied to us for years by a petty selfish man.

Keep standing out like dogs balls and go fondle leo's gooch. You're not fooling anyone.

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If they didn't, Jack may never have taken his ball and fucked off, and the game would still be a street sweep fest with mediocre content at best.
It's true getting involved with ncsoft is a mistake under any circumstance, but way back then they didn't seem quite so reprehensible yet. Unless you loved auto assault, I guess.

This guy gets it